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A Brief Encounter, A Lasting Impression

August 7
Three weeks ago, I met Benjamin in the most unexpected way at the Battle of the Lakes basketball event at Greenlake. He stopped me and asked if he could take a picture of me he loved my t-shirt. There was something about him that made me pause. When I looked into his eyes, I knew it was okay  I was with my daughter at the time, and while I posed for the picture, I made sure to let him know, without a smile, "I’m serious, young man. Don’t try anything out of line because I’m watching you." Yet he remained so kind and respectful, understanding my humor and seriousness.

As we all walked and talked, Benjamin offered to help us carry our items to the car. We shared stories of how good God is and talked about the mission he was on, capturing moments through his lens and spreading God’s love to others. He told us to make sure and follow him on Instagram and to pray for him. He mentioned his goal of reaching 100,000 followers on Instagram, a dream he was passionately pursuing.

I just saw those pictures today, and now, knowing that Benjamin is no longer with us, my heart aches. He was a beautiful soul, full of generosity and love, and though our time together was brief, his impact was profound.

To Benjamin’s family and friends, I want you to know that his light and love touched even those who knew him for just a moment. His spirit was truly one of a kind, and he left a lasting mark on my heart. I hope you can find comfort in the legacy of kindness and faith he leaves behind. May we all honor his memory by continuing to spread the love and light he brought into this world. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Snuggler Ben

August 7
Far too many stories to tell as I could go on forever. A few months ago we went to my brother Kai’s to watch the Wolves vs Nuggets playoff game. After the game started we settled in and I was on the end of the couch which was a chaise. Though there was plenty of room on the other side of a rather enormous sectional and maybe about 6 inches between Anders and I, Ben plopped down right between us and put is arm over me and just smiled big and said, “Hi B!” Face to face. Like it was the natural place he was always going to sit. So we just held each other like an old married couple watching my Timberwolves get demolished. That’s how Ben lived and loved. Always leaning in and showing us his love and appreciation for friends and family. Making everyone feel comfortable with his charm and sweetness. I will miss him every day of my existence.

A great baller and a friend

August 6
Ben left us too soon and will forever be remembered. He was a free spirit, always there to help and support Emilio during thetime they both played at Quest. Ben was more than a friend; he was like a big brother always looking out for Emilio. It was joy to watch them play together. Until we meet again. RIP

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