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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Bernadette Estrada, 39, born on November 17, 1971 and passed away on August 24, 2011.

She Wrote: If I die today ...have I lived the life I wanted, and accomplished all my goals?  Was I happy?  Yes I am happy.  My goal isn't necessarily to accomplish EVERTHING, but rather to live a life where I am working toward life's goals. 

                                      A poem for my daughter 

My hands were busy through the day; I did not have much time to play
 the little games you asked me to.

I'd wash your clothes, I'd sew and cook, but when you asked me to share your fun I'd say: "A little later. soon."

I'd tuck you in all safe at night and hear your prayers, turn out the light,
Then tip-toe softly to the door.....I wish I'd stayed a minute more.

For life is short, the years rushed past.  No longer is she at my side
Her precious secrets to confide.  The picture books are put away, there are no longer games to play, No good-night kiss, no prayers to hear....
that all belongs to yester year.   

My hands, once busy, now are still.  The days are long and hard to fill.  I wish I could go back and do.......the little things you asked me to.
                    Author Unknown  (modified

November 17, 2011
November 17, 2011
Happy Birthday Bernadette!!! Dear cousin I know nothing can ever console you, but, she is the lucky one. Jesus needed her to watch over you, me, mom, and everyone else who needs her. Alice please keep in touch. Mom is waiting for you to get to SA so she can go visit you and hold you. She loves you like a mother. Take care. If there is anything you need please call. Love you! Tito
November 17, 2011
November 17, 2011
Happy Birthday, Bernadette! I bet you're rock'n it in Heaven! :) Today, like every day, you are in our hearts...and forever.
November 17, 2011
November 17, 2011
Happy Birthday Berns! I miss you very much! I had a dream about you, almost every night I dream with you in my dreams... Bella and I sit and watch a slideshow I made of photos and music and we love to always see you! Love and miss you so very much! Happy birthday!! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoco muah
November 17, 2011
November 17, 2011
Beloved Bernadette….The love you shared, the hope you inspired and the courage you displayed are forever etched in our hearts and minds. You are irreplaceable. We miss you dearly…
November 17, 2011
November 17, 2011
I went to Mass this morning to pray and remember you. Your Dad and the rest if the family has planned a Birthday Mass for you in Albuquerque to celebrate your life. Just as you were surrounded by loved ones here on earth I know you are having a party up in Heaven surrounded by loved ones there. Eddie called me today and we laughed sharing memories of you. Miss U Happy Birthday Berns!
November 17, 2011
November 17, 2011
Berns it's your Big 40! Wow, but I have to admit you always did look like perpetually 20 years old! I miss you so much! I know you are having an awesome fiesta birthday party in Heaven! I love you and think of you everyday. If you were here i'd sing Las Mananitas for you! xoxoxo _ Lor
November 17, 2011
November 17, 2011
Happy Birthday Berns. I went to send you a text and forward you a joke on your cell, and when I pulled up your phone number, I hate realizing that you won't get it and worse, you won't respond...So Happy Birthday to you in heaven, I know you are dancing, celebrating and baking a hell of a best birthday cake ever. I know heaven is a better place with you there. i miss u. i heart u.
November 16, 2011
November 16, 2011
Tomorrow is your Birth Day, but you have a new Birth Day, the day you returned to God. Who send you to me on loan, to love and care for, for a little while, until he could no longer be without you. You were born into his arms, and I will cry for you until, I too, can no longer be without you. You were so loved by me. I thank Him for choosing me to care for you.
November 16, 2011
November 16, 2011
My dearest amiga, thank you for appearing in my dream a few nights ago just as I remember you, beautiful, fiesty, and funny. More to come I hope as I miss you terribly. I will especially think of you tomorrow, the day of your birth and continue to be comforted knowing that where you are, God is. You're in my heart forever, much love.
November 2, 2011
November 2, 2011
It is Fall! Virginia looks amazing and I wish you were here so we could walk, talk and laugh. I miss you and the kids still talk about you. They sing to you and I hope it makes you smile.  I went to mass to pray and found myself sitting below a stained glass picture of Saint Bernadette. I feel you around me. You make me want to be a better person, Berns. Miss you so much.   Ally
October 20, 2011
October 20, 2011
I miss you more and more each day. When I sleep, We are together doing the normal things we did during the day. It is wonderful. Our dream world is happy and you are healthy. It makes me sad, when I wake up to emptiness without you.
October 19, 2011
October 19, 2011
I miss you so much Bernadette, my little Sister, I miss our late-night conversations on the phone, where anytime I may have been down, you'd lift me right back up. I will forever cherish your friendship, and the two wonderful days we got to spend together in January. Love you :)
October 19, 2011
October 19, 2011
Berns-I know you were watching over me because the other night, I had another one of my nightmares. You know which ones. After I woke up and fell back asleep, I had a dream of you and you calmed me down. When I woke up, I was laughing, and then I started to cry. i miss you.
October 11, 2011
October 11, 2011
Berns I still think of you everyday. I want to just call you so bad. I remember you well and healthy and just miss you so very much. Sometimes I'll say something during the day that I just know you would find funny and I miss that you aren't here to laugh along side me.
October 1, 2011
October 1, 2011
I felt my baby the other day, when I hugged her picture to me and I pressed my forehead on hers, the way I used to do.
I felt her, not the photo
I felt the warmth of her skin on mine.
October 1, 2011
October 1, 2011
dear cousin Bernadette's a remarkable young woman. I regret not knowing her.I downloaded tributes & pic's 4mom(Elida Arredondo)She really enjoyed them&brought comfort 2 her.She copied announcement you sent me&made copies 4 all including Tia Olga.My heart aches 4 u.luv u.takecare
September 28, 2011
September 28, 2011
I had the privaledge of meeting Berny during an internship in Washington, DC in 2000. Throughout the years I found her to be extremely passionate, kind, and always full of laughter. She will be dearly missed, but I am thankful that I was privaledged in being in her presence.
September 27, 2011
September 27, 2011
So thankful for that metro ride years ago - you flashed a genuine smile full of brilliance and a joyous friendship blossomed - it is still a gift that keeps giving - just like YOU sweet Berns. There is no one like you, I am so blessed to have known and loved you xo
September 26, 2011
September 26, 2011
She was the bravest woman I ever knew. So strong, so courageous. She always smiled. She taught me how to walk a woman properly on the street. A quote from Ancient Greek Literature, 2500 years ago, says this: 
" Whom the gods love dies young." She was special.
September 26, 2011
September 26, 2011
There is no one like you. You were a strong, brilliant woman, you were kind, and compassionate towards others. When you spoke, people only wanted to listen. I thank God for giving me such a great friend, you were like my sister. You're forever in my heart!
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
My Love
I see you everyday, laughing, walking, running on the beach, enjoying life. You will always be alive in my memory and in my heart. That carries me thru each hour of the day. It helps to keep the reality away. 
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
Bernadette: You came into my life in an elevator and now you’ve taken the express elevator to Heaven. Remember your old promise to “put in a good word” for me with God. You promised. You are truly missed down here. I still can’t believe you are gone – too soon, too soon.
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house“ (Mt 5:14)

Your memory Bernadette will live within us and bright our dark days
September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
You are a special person and we are all lucky we had the chance of knowing you, of loving you.

I’ll keep and protect every single memory as a special treasure,


September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011
My Berns,
I am thinking of you today as I have been each and every day since I saw you last. I visit this page to bring a smile to my face and see the smile on yours. 
I miss you especially today and wish we had 1 more day.
September 22, 2011
September 22, 2011
Dearest Bernadette, I will always remember you as being a beautiful, wonderful, and remarkable young lady who took life's challenges with utmost incredible tenacity and courageously exemplified your endeavors with much success. Your love for family and others was unconditional.
September 21, 2011
September 21, 2011
Berns,I think about you all the time. I remember the tone of your pretty pitched voice when you would hollar "Gabs" at tia magda's. or when we would be singing in your honda hatch back.I miss you and I love you
September 19, 2011
September 19, 2011
You lived with infinite vitality.You confronted daily challenges with the enthusiasm of a child.You shared with unbiased compassion and danced and sang with gregariousness absent of fears haunting your little body.Naturally,with courage you moved on to dance again. Luv,Your Uncle
September 19, 2011
September 19, 2011
My love, Your search is over. You have found true unconditional love next to God in heaven. You were already his angel before you left. You were looking up at me, remember? I said. "you are so beautiful." you smiled. "Your face is glowing, radiant." I told you.
September 19, 2011
September 19, 2011
My Berns!You look so beautiful in these pictures! Not a day goes by I don't think of you or dream of you.I can still hear your wonderful voice.You were a sister to me a best friend and influenced my life in the best way!I love you and miss you so much. See you in Heaven!
September 19, 2011
September 19, 2011
Hey Berns...
Do you remember trying to teach me to dive at the pool at your old apartments off Juan Tabo? Instead, I kept doing something between a belly flop and a head torpedo b/c I needed to plug my nose....that was fun...xo-d.
September 18, 2011
September 18, 2011
Bernie exuded happiness and enthusiasm. She was probably the most endearing person I have ever met. Upon meeting my mom, she called her "tia" like she had known her forever. I will always remember her with a smile on her face. Beautiful Bernie, rest in peace.
September 17, 2011
September 17, 2011
I always think of you Berns! I copied your photos into my computer and my daughter and I sit and look and reflect on your memory! I miss your laugh, your strength, but most of all I miss you! I love you Berns!
September 17, 2011
September 17, 2011
I think of you every day. I am comforted knowing you are with grandma now. You always had the right advice and the right things to say. I have your picture in my jewelry box, and I still say 'good morning' every morning. I miss you something awful. I heart you always. Kisses, -d.
September 17, 2011
September 17, 2011
Berns-I still tell people that story where you saved me and Georgia from being kidnapped by that creeper guy when we were walking home. I still remember the funky orange pinto hatchback. You knew what he was going to do, you called it...and you saved us. Thank you. I love you-d.
September 15, 2011
September 15, 2011
Tia, I am so sorry for your lost.Cousin I love you,and think about you all the time.May you rest in peace.And I know I have an ANGEL looking down at us.
September 14, 2011
September 14, 2011
My Berns,I'm sending a letter to Heaven tied to balloon I'll cherish ur memories.Wish I could hug you one more time.I'll keep u in my heart mind and soul and Love you till I Die and I'll be with you in Heaven.
September 13, 2011
September 13, 2011
My dearest Bernadette you are my favorite and beloved niece. You will always be in my thoughts and my heart for eternity. We will see each other soon in heaven. Miss you so much!
Your Aunt Maria
September 13, 2011
September 13, 2011
Bernie, my cousin I love you, think about you, and missing you. You will be forever etched in my heart and soul. Your home with God now and I know we will get to see your beautiful smile again.
September 10, 2011
September 10, 2011
I'm so sorry Auntie for what you are going through. I remember Bernie always smiling, never did I not see her not happy. The last true memory I have of her is when you lived in San Antonio. Cousin you are greatly missed and never forgotten! You will live in our hearts forever.
September 9, 2011
September 9, 2011
Bernie, my sweet friend, I think of you every single day. I remember our childhood and the friendship we swore would last forever. Our lives took different paths but we always kept in touch. You will always be my best friend, you are greatly missed my dear friend.
September 6, 2011
September 6, 2011
She made our life complete. She was the one who showed her love with words and actions. Her smile made the room come alive and people wanted to be near her. Her spirit in life, made others happy.
September 5, 2011
September 5, 2011
I want my daughter to live forever in my heart and in the hearts of those who knew her. I set up this site so that we can remember her and share memories of her together. There will never be anyone like her. Beautiful, Intelligent, articulate, considerate, friendly and loving.
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Recent Tributes
August 24
August 24
Remembering you and missing you. That worst day of my life will never be erased from my memory. 
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
Thinking of you, missing you, always on my mind. Your day may pass me by but not the memory of you.
Recent stories

Your visit

August 23, 2023
I was watching the HIlary damage on TV from my recliner.  I fell asleep and your visit started in my dream life.  We were having a discussion still watching TV.  You were to my left sitting on a chair.  I fell asleep in my dream, when I  woke up,  you were to my right leaning on the recliner arm.  You were looking at the TV.  I thought to myself, I am so glad you are still here.  I moved your hair away from your face, you looked down at me and smiled.  I pulled you down towards me and kissed your forehead.  I woke up, it takes a while to realize it was a dream, cause I could still feel you next to me.  

I have a dream abba

October 20, 2019
I have a dream, I hear you sing to help me cope with everything
You make me see the wonder of a fairy tale, I can take the future even if I fail.

I believe in angels, something good in everything I'll see.  I believe in angels.
When the time is right for me, I'll cross the stream, I have a dream.
I have a dream, you sing to me to help  me through reality.

And my destination makes it worth the while, pushing thru the darkness just to see you smile
I believe in angels.  something good in everything I'll see.  I believe you wait for me.

When the time is right for me, I'll cross the stream, you'll come for me
I'll cross the stream, I have my dreams

You come to me to help me cope with everything
You make me see the wonder of a fairy tale, I can take the future even if I fail

I believe in angels.  Something good in everything I'll see
I believe in angels.

When I know the time is right for me, I'll cross the stream - You'll come for me.
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

space shuttle crew endeavor

September 21, 2016

The crew stopped by where bernie worked during their stay at Edwards Airforce Base.  The  Mission Specialist Commander Bruce E Melnick autographed this photo of them for her.  She also got some other momentos of the flight from the crew members.  This was during the may 1992 return landing of the shuttle's first flight.

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