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November 24, 2018

Tracy & Dad 

I’m just visiting this site and it is beautiful. I love the pictures and all the photo memories. Gramere was a special lady with asoft voice but always got her point across. She played no games and I knew that is where Dad got it from. She will be missed but never forgotten. Thank you Dad for sharing her with me. 

Rest Peacefully Beautiful

My Best Friend Ms. Bernice

November 8, 2017


My best friend has been in my life ever since I was in my early 20s. She has been with me way before I had my children.  Today I am in my 50s.  I really missed her. The one who always gave me the best advice.  She used to say, “I don’t know why I tell you what to do, because you go and do just the opposite of what I told you to do.” And we would just laugh and laugh at my circumstances. I would tell her my most inner secrets whether good or bad and she would not criticize me one way or the other, and she knew how to keep a secret. I don’t think anyone else in this world knew me like her. 

I remember when she stayed in New Orleans and she and I would go to the Saints football games. She loved seeing the Saints play whether the Saints would lose or win, she was a Who-Dat fan for life. She did not care where she sat at the game as long as we were in the building.  One time we sat so high up in the dome. She said, “We may be sitting with the pigeons but we are in the building.” We used to have our snacks in our purses. Some of the people sitting next to us would ask for some of the snacks. She was so giving. She would pass her snacks around and when it got back to her she would only have a little left. Then she would give me this look. She would ask me why I did not pass my snacks around. I used to tell her because we need to eat, too. Then we would both start laughing. If we could not get to the game we would plan a little get together at my house.  Our house snacks always consist of fried fish, shrimp and potato salad with a nice drink on the side. The game would be on and we would be shouting at the players, coaches and referees! If the Saints won, we would be dancing all around the room and shouting Who-Dat! Who-Dat! Who-Dat! Talking about beating them Saints. Those were some good times. 

I have many stories to share and I will.  Nothing or no one can take the place of the way I feel about her.  A good friend knows all about your stories but a BEST friend has lived them with you.

As of today, I am still having a hard time accepting that she now lives surrounded by the company of angels.

Rest in Heaven my sweet Besties,

Cindy Venable  

Grandmother, by Jasmin Smith

April 29, 2017


I know you sit there on that couch

watching television in my house

as I wonder why I just can’t say it

Say that I just love

your dark brown hair

your light brown eyes

your white shiny teeth

I know you think it’s personal

but it’s not because

everybody has it

I have to tell you

how much I love you

I know that it might seem that I don’t

but I really do

I love that you sit there

on that couch

here, there, anywhere

I will always love you.


Jasmin Smith 

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