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January 4, 2020
In my mind Aunt Bettie will always be the quinticential adventurer. From entertaining heads of state to climbing through the jungles of Rwanda, she seemed at ease with all of it. Her passion for living was evident to all of us. When visiting her during her recent hospital stay she shared so many stories of her life... And they were all about various adventures she'd experienced.  Her favorite friend in life was Diane Fossey, fellow adventurer and conservationist whose life was cut far too short while studying the mountain gorillas of Rwanda where she and Bettie became closest friends.  I will always remember Aunt Bettie's passion for life... And the adventures it brings.
March 7, 2020
I’m remembering the times we took our new babies up to the cabins in Pine to escape the summer heat of Phoenix. Those were good times together. Now those babies are in their 60s. Sending much love Alice

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