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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Betty Ann Blaine, 75 years old, born on September 26, 1948, and passed away on May 13, 2024. She was a phenomenal mother, grandmother, friend, and tireless advocate for the young and disenfranchised. 

Jamaica’s children lost one of their most heroic and dedicated advocates, and the country, a dedicated, multi-faceted developmental giant, Betty Ann Blaine. Mrs. Blaine passed on Monday May 13, 2024, at her daughter’s home in Georgia, following a long illness, during which she worked tirelessly over WhatsApp to continue her advocacy. She was surrounded by her loving family when she passed. 

Mrs. Blaine, who was 75, was Jamaica’s leading advocate and activist for the welfare of children and their families, and for the eradication of poverty. Her body of work also included over 30 years as an academic and a developmental specialist, a dynamic leader in the Jamaican NGO community and in the call for honesty, accountability and transparency in national affairs.  

She was the Founder of two national organizations which provide urgently needed support for inner-city children, adolescents and their families. These are Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU), founded in 1992 and Hear The Children’s Cry, founded in 2002. 

Betty Ann served as the pioneering Holistic Child Development Coordinator at the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology in Kingston, and hosted two former weekday morning radio talk shows, On The Agenda and Blaine & Crawford. She has also served as a university lecturer in Southern African and Black American History, and a leading spokesperson in the Jamaican Anti Apartheid Movement. 

She continued to work in both the print and electronic media to inform, educate and engage in national dialogue on issues and concerns to citizens, mainly regarding children and their families.

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Among her special outreaches across Jamaica, Mrs. Blaine is lovingly remembered by the team at the City & Guilds Representative’s Jamaican office for her dedication and support. She spent many years (2010 to 2018) doing student presentations for that team. During these, she told Jamaican high school students about the options for certification, encouraging them to pursue non-traditional vocational pathways. This was in keeping with her life long strategy and mantra, that all children deserved to succeed. 

Betty Ann Blaine was born in Kingston and raised in Harbour View. She attended Excelsior High School and gained her BA from Hunter College and her Masters from Columbia University. In addition to her child advocacy, she brought her entrepreneurial spirit to many ventures, including launching several businesses to support the local economy, perhaps the best known being The Fish Place Restaurant. Betty Ann was also a former President of the Excelsior High School Past Student Association.

Mrs. Blaine was a committed Christian and the proud mother of two grown daughters, Dr. Tarika Barrett and Monifa Barrett, grandmother of four and great grand to one. 

June 26
June 26

I sit in deep awareness of how grateful I am for you. I have so many fond memories of how you've touched my life. From providing for our every need growing up, even when it was challenging; helping to care for our young children over countless summers filled with adventures of your making; to offering a powerful example of servant leadership—you paved the way for me and countless others to grow and thrive. But above all, your joyful spirit is the legacy I cherish, rooted in a deep commitment to better the lives of those around you.

I know that the abundant outpouring of love for you will continue far beyond this time of remembrance and celebration. I will love and cherish you forever.
August 3
The world will be a little less brighter now that we wont see your smile but you will remain in the hearts of all those lives you touched.
July 27
July 27
Thank you Betty for your faithful service to the hurting children and their families in Jamaica. Thank you for your unwavering support of JCHS standing up and speaking out boldly and courageously for God’s principles, for marriage, one man one woman, and for family. Thank you for faithfully praying for me every day when you heard how ill I was from COVID19. I know that you are in a better place by far as Paul said, enjoying the presence of God. Even so your chats about your children and grandchildren and all your exploits will be sorely missed. I pray that your work as the Beggar, that you called yourself, will be continued and will only grow stronger on the broad shoulders that you have left as its foundation. You are and will always be loved. Angie
July 25
Beautiful Memories; a Legacy of Faith, Love, Care and Values
Maxine Cooper’s Tribute to Betty Ann Blaine
Psalms 116:15 "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints". Truly she was Your Servant, the daughter of your maidservant; and thank you Jesus for having loosed her from her pain. Thank you Jesus for the years you have loaned Betty Ann to us. 

I consider it a privilege and honour to have known my friend and ‘partner in crime’, Betty Ann, who I met over 40 years ago, shortly after she returned to Jamaica,   She was head of the Fundraising Department at VOUCH. We instantly connected...that love and friendship grew over the years and I liken it to that of David and Jonathan in the Bible. Betty Ann was my friend, mentor, boss, motivator, and advocate. 
Betty Ann was charismatic, God-fearing, genuine, loyal, gifted, caring, bold, fearless, extraordinary, remarkable and special human being. Her indomitable spirit and humour was contagious. She was selfless; always put the interest and well-being of others first.  
Throughout my journey Betty Ann was there for me, a tower of strength and support. No matter what the problem or issue was, she was always positive and her mantra: "It's going to work out Max, we're going to find a way; Pappa Jesus is going to come through". Being around Betty Ann made me and others feel special and valued...comfortable, relaxed and included. Her ability to encourage, along with her smile and laughter always brightened up my day. 
An A+ Mother
Betty Ann was an A+ mother, always finding time to pick up the girls and their friends, dropping them off at their various activities and returning for them. It was really funny when she said she was going to slap them...she would pick up her bed slipper and they would scurry off...needless to say the slipper never connected.
I remember when I went into labour with my first child, Athena (her God-daughter) it was Betty Ann I called first –  and of course she named her. When I got married she was there and when the other children Emmanuel and Eliora came along she was there.  Her home was our second home, she always said, “You are family!”. On our daily visits to her, the first words out of her mouth were, "Max, are you hungry? There is food, make sure the children eat".  Betty Ann was an entrepreneur and an excellent cook, she made the most delicious and mouthwatering meals and desserts. It was no surprise that her restaurant, the Fish Place was a 5****.
She loved Jamaican cuisine...curried goat chopped up fine, jerk chicken done until it’s dark, steamed and escovietch fish, chicken foot, oxtail and beans, yellow yam and cassava. Not to talk bout di bread pudding, fruit cake and june plum juice. "Bwoy, Max this tastes so good, sweet bad...belly full but wi nah left none, mek we just mop up wey left!".
A Passionate Nation-Builder
Betty Ann was passionate, a nation-builder, an advocate; hated injustice and was always fighting for the vulnerable, especially the children and elderly. Her dedication and commitment to the children of Jamaica was remarkable and second to none. The Founder of the mentoring organization Youth Opportunities Unlimited, and of Hear The Children's Cry, Jamaica's leading child advocacy organization, she worked tirelessly to improve the lives of children and youth. She advocated on their behalf, travelling across the island to schools to talk and motivate, and also creating programmes which aided and impacted their lives in a meaningful way. 

Betty Ann considered these trips mini vacations, and we had fun driving daily across the island to various schools, singing, giving jokes and stopping at the various food stops to eat roast yam and salt fish, roasted sweet potato, sweet potato pudding, red peas soup, beef patties, corn and coconut water . It is my hope that Betty Ann's passion, love and dedication to the children and youth of Jamaica will motivate and inspire others to step-up and continue her work and legacy. 
Betty Ann loved a good joke and she always said, "Max you can’t give a good joke unless it's in patwa".  I found it really funny when BettyAnn made a decisión to do something then did the opposite, she would burst in laughter and say " Max, mind mek fi change".

She loved track and field, and it brought her such joy and happiness to watch the athletes participating at the various games and championships, both locally and internationally. She declared, “Max, ‘Wi little but wi tallawah’ –  dem can't beat wi!". Playing Kaluki and scrabble were fun times for Betty and it was super special for her as for the most part – she would always win.  

Caring, Compassionate, Kind, Generous
Betty Ann was caring, compassionate, kind and generous. She would go out of her way to assist someone in need. Betty Ann always found a way; she got things done. These qualities are second to none as many of us can testify, having been recipients of her kindness ,care and generosity. 
We have lost an icon, a philanthropist, but I will take comfort that she is with Jesus Christ. I will hold on to and remember the beautiful memories, and carry on the legacy of faith, love, care, kindness and values she leaves behind.
Betty Ann, my sister, friend and ‘partner in crime’, you have left an indelible mark on my life and I am grateful to Jesus for loaning you to us.  And although you are not here in body, your memory and spirit will live on in my heart.
Betty Ann, my dear friend, I miss you dearly. Rest in peace.
July 25
July 25
Dear Tarika, Monica and all family and friends. I wanted to post this earlier but could not find the words to say. 

I too loved Betty and she became our closest friend shortly after we arrived in Jamaica in September of 2006. Betty took us into her home and we became like family. She really took care of us in every way! Betty taught us so much about Jamaica, its culture and of course, the children. We worked with Hear the Children’s Cry and she was a vital part of our ministry with the children in the inner city communities.

Betty really walked out her faith in every way! She was full of love and hope and really inspired us to continue on our work with the children! 

Our ministry in Jamaica would not have been successful without Betty! She was vital in connecting us with people in the communities where our ministry would extend to. She was always there whenever we needed her. She helped us to get donations for the children and was always there for advice and guidance.

Betty walked with us, cried with us and prayed with us. We would have the most wonderful times of devotion together. We shared a love of Praise and Worship to!

I just want you to know that I was so very devastated to hear that she had passed! I am sorry I could not come to Jamaica for the service, but I honor her life today with you!

Alice Watson
Nashville, Tennessee

July 25
July 25
Dear Ms.B,

Just wanted to share my gratitude and appreciation for the honor to have known you. From the moment I met you through Tarika and Monifa close to 3 decades ago, you have been a genuine inspiration. 

You have been a constant source of support, guidance and wisdom throughout my adult life and my entrepreneurial journey. Thank you for always being willing to advise me and introduce me to any contacts you had at your disposal that you deemed in the position to aid in any request I brought to you. You have also been very instrumental in motivating me to be more invested in my Jamaican heritage and truly inspired many future endeavors that I now plan to cultivate in benefit of our glorious country.

You were a beacon of strength, positivity and light whose memory will serve as an ancestral North Star guiding my path forward. I promise to always be there for Tarika, Monifa, Michael, Michael B,Nia, Kaleb, Jaylen and Jayvon to support them all in any way that I can. Although we are all heartbroken that you are no longer with us, I take great comfort in knowing that you are no longer in pain and that you are undoubtedly soaring with the angels.

Rest in Power and Perfect Peace. You were and are loved❤

Love, Kim
July 25
July 25
Betts and I worked together carrying out human trafficking sensitization across several parishes in Jamaica. We also worked on another project focusing on Men at Risk, targeting participants from Grant's Pen and it's environs. We both worked at PACT and it was an absolute joy driving to the different perishes- she loved to drive. She also had her special street food vendor in Runaway Bay and must make the stop to get her roasted sweet potato. Betts really an advocate, teacher, kind-hearted and loved people, irrespective of where they came from.
Rest in Eternal Peace Betts
July 25
Death is not the worst loss in life. The worst loss is what dies inside of us while we are still alive.

Betty Ann understood this and so she sought to maximize her potential early in life.

No one is indispensable but some are irreplaceable.

What an amazing difference you made in the lives of so many children for so many years. You were a trailblazer, an influencer and a world changer.

“God never sees His children die; He simply sees them coming home.”

It is said that when one of his church members was dying, John Watson, the Scottish preacher of Edinburgh, would kneel down and whisper in the person’s ear: “In my Father’s house are many rooms.”

Then, with a contented sigh, the person would “slip away”—entirely unafraid. There is something about this great portion of scripture which consoles us.

My wife Jillian and I offer our heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and associates.

May the Lord undergird you all during this storm. Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.

God be with you all.

July 25
Betty Ann, I am reminded of the stunningly beautiful wedding you so generously organized when Tarika and I were married. I remember explaining that night how I first fell in love with your daughter for her beauty, intelligence, joyful spirit and grace – how could I not?! – and then realizing that I’d fallen in love with Tarika’s wonderful family too -- how could I not?! -- and then, over time – thanks most of all to you and your manifest, persistent, proselytizing love of Jamaica, Jamaica’s people and all things Jamaican! – I fell in love with Jamaica too -- how could I not?!

I will forever count myself blessed that I not only have had the privilege of sharing my life with your amazing daughter, who reflects and carries forward so much of her mother’s spirit; I somehow was fortunate enough to wind up with the greatest mother-in-law and the most wonderful and loving grandmother for our kids, Nia and Michael, that one could ever hope for!

Betty Ann, you have been a model of faith, hope and love for so many of us. We will love you always.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13)
July 25
• I am truly saddened by the passing of Betty Ann Blaine. Betty was a true Christian disciple who lived out her faith as a believer in Jesus Christ and a follower of his mission, in a very visible, public, compassionate, and Christ-like way. As a well-known children’s advocate in Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean she was also a high profile Christian public intellectual who argued cogently and passionately in her persuasive writings as a regular columnist in the daily press as well as a radio and television talk show host. She produced many outstanding articles and programs on the status of children in Jamaica and was always quite strident in her call on government, the church, and civil society to do more to protect the safety and well-being of the nation’s children. Betty Ann was known for her crusade to get public attention to focus on the appalling status of children in Jamaica.
• That is why I was glad when she accepted my invitation in January 2012, to coordinate a new academic program developed at the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology [CGST], a Post-Graduate Diploma in Holistic Child Development (HCD). This was a dynamic new program of high quality with excellent integration of theory and practice that set itself the task of preparing and equipping a new generation of child care professionals with the requisite competences and character to develop solutions to the crisis facing children in our society, and throughout the Caribbean. The program had the support and sponsorship of Compassion International, a global Christian organization geared towards dealing with children-at-risk around the world. The program was developed as a direct response to the crisis facing children in Jamaica.
• As program coordinator, Betty Ann Blaine was extraordinary in the passionate utilization of her considerable coordination and educational skills. The first cohort of 11 specially selected students sang her praises as they graduated in the Graduation Class of 2013. Betty Ann travelled as far away as Seoul, Korea, and Quito, Ecuador to promote the program and raise the international profile of CGST.
• We mourn with her family and friends for the loss of someone we dearly loved. She has made her mark and lit a flame for the welfare of children in Jamaica. May it never die.
• As she rests from her labours, may the peace of Christ rests with her and her loved ones. Thank you, Betty Ann. Walk good.

Las G. Newman, PhD
Former President, Caribbean Graduate School of Theology [CGST]
Kingston, Jamaica
July 25
July 25
Betty Anne Blaine...

A woman who unreservedly championed the cause for our nation's children's right to safety and protection.
A woman who unreservedly championed the cause ensuring that our nation's children and their parents had a safe space to voice their issues.
A woman who unreservedly championed the cause in ensuring that the powers that be established an agency to tend to the needs of our nation's children and their families
A woman who unreservedly championed the cause in ensuring that an advocay was established to enforce and protect the rights and best interest of our nation's children.
A woman who had no fear when it came to speaking up and speaking out about matters affecting our nation's children.
A woman who showed love for oour nation's children, whenever and wherever she goes.
A phenominal woman who can NEVER be replaced!

Rest in eternal peace Betty! Gone but will NEVER be forgotten! You will surelybe missed!
July 22
July 22
My Mom died on Mother's Day and now my aunt also pass away on this very same day now mother's day will never be the same for me again I remember how she always call and check up on me and the kids to see how we are fearing she always encourage us to go to church and always wants to make sure that I have something doing to put food on the table she always encourage me to work hard I will no longer hear these words my dearest aunty was my inspiration she also fought for the missing kids and less privilege she was a very beautiful,intelligent,wonderful and kind hearted person I cant believe that your no longer here with us but I know that your in a better place It really sadden my heart I don't have my aunt betty here to call and talk n laugh with anymore may your beautiful soul rest in perfect peace.....
July 22
July 22
Today, we gather to remember and honour a remarkable woman, Betty. From the tender age of 18, when our paths crossed, Betty became an integral part of my life. She was not just my wife for many years but also my confidante, friend, and the person who knew me better than anyone else.
Betty was a beacon of kindness and strength. Her smile could light up a room, and her laughter was contagious. She possessed a gentle spirit and a generous heart, always ready to help others and make them feel valued. Her presence brought warmth and joy to everyone around her, and her unwavering support were welcomed by many. She was a wonderful mother, a loyal friend, and a compassionate sound who touched the lives of many.
Rest in peace Betty. You will be deeply missed, but never forgotten.
July 22
We gather today to pay our respects to Mrs. Betty-Ann Blaine, a woman whose impact was felt by people from all around the world, even by those who never met her in person. Her passing on May 13, 2024, was deeply felt by many, a testament to the extraordinary person she was.

Betty-Ann embodied compassion, duty, style, and beauty. She was a global symbol of selfless humanity and a champion for the rights of the less fortunate, transcending national boundaries. Her natural nobility and classless nature, paired with her genuine concern and care for others, made her a truly exceptional individual.

Today, we express our gratitude for the light she brought into our lives and acknowledge the difficulty of moving forward without her. Her message of giving and hope has given us strength in the face of our loss. Her impact on the lives of many, particularly in her work for the upliftment of children and the marginalized, leaves a lasting legacy.

We honor her and express our eternal gratitude. May she find eternal peace and may her spirit continue to guide and inspire us.
July 21
July 21
Betty Ann was a beautiful Bright Soul. I remember her as a righteous
defender of the disadvantaged and a strong advocate for the well being
of our children. She was kind and she was sincere. She made the world
a better place. I feel blessed to have known her. Condolences and
consolations to her family.
July 21
July 21
Betty, my school mate, friend, you came, you saw, you conqured. We cannot ask for more. You served your alma mater and country with all your might!
You leave behind an indelible legacy. God speed, my friend!
July 21
Sleep well and take your rest see you again when Christ returns may the Family find comfort in the Arms of God Almighty
July 17
July 17
Betty your smile would wake up any room. You were such a caring and pleasant person. Not to mention your passion for caring for under served children in Jamaica. Your light will continue to shine. You left a lasting legacy for your children and grandchildren they will always remember. Sleep in Eternal Peace my friend. We have lost an Angel.
July 15
July 15
Condolences & Grattitude for a mother figure of a nation reitating appreciation .From Jamaican Cornel.#8763767881.
July 14
July 14
Aunt Betty, your departure has left a void in our hearts that can never be filled. However, we are all better persons for having shared time with you. You were a beacon of love, warmth, and support. Your smile lit up the darkest days, and your positive energy inspired us all.

Your honesty and straightforward nature were refreshing. You knew how to lift spirits, encourage us to strive for our best, and provide support through the most challenging times.

Your dedication to advocating for children was remarkable. You ensured the voiceless had a voice and the vulnerable had a protector. Your tireless efforts made a lasting impact.

I miss your love, your smile, and your boundless energy. You were always there, a steady rock in life's turbulent waters, cheering me on and believing in me.

Your legacy lives on in the lives you touched and the hearts you warmed. You will forever be missed but never forgotten. Thank you for being an extraordinary aunt and a passionate advocate.

Rest in peace, Aunt Betty. You are forever in our hearts, forever loved.
Patsy Wright
July 14
July 14
Betty, you were one of my best friends and a confidant. We shared so many wonderful moments together in Jamaica and New York. I have lost a friend that I can never replace. Your kindness, love, and unwavering support will always be cherished. Rest in peace, dear friend. You will forever be in my heart.
July 6
I never knew how much I loved Betty. Our relationship spans over 55 years. Her beloved girls are my nieces. Her dear Aunt Min was my mother (whom I can hear exclaiming “Betty you came too soon!”).
In recent times it was my privilege to be with her loved ones throughout her journey of challenges. Thankfully I got the chance to fully appreciate the magnificent life of this beautiful, brilliant, kind angel of compassion. Betty was a champion, at the helm of every important undertaking. She was all about service to the needy, the helpless, the suffering. I still hear her strong, calm, mellow, passionate voice expressing the urgency to make things better for the suffering children of her beloved Jamaica. She fought the good fight, she finished the race.
My heart melts for Betty’s darling family now carrying on, as she has soared up to that better place. Prayers for God’s grace, strength, protection, guidance and prosperity: Tarika & Michael; Monifa; Jaylen, Hannity & Baby Jayvon; Kaleb; Michael B; and Nia. All Hail dear Betty Ann!
June 29
My Dear Aunt Betty, your light shines brightly. You have blessed my life ( our lives) with your beautiful spirit. I have looked up to you forever and a day. The role you have played in this world has left an indelible mark and your gifts of love, compassion, fortitude, strength of character, generosity... .to name a few , will never be forgotten with time , but will be remembered by not only those who knew you, but also by those who will continue to benefit from your benevolence. I will miss you my precious Aunt, but I know you are with the angels, we will see each other again in the light of God's Grace
June 28
June 28
I think I first met Betty ann 27 or 28 years ago, at the time I was dating Maxine who is now my wife, I was asked by Maxine to accompany her to the Medical Associates Hospital to pray for Betty ann's mother "mama".Initially I was known as Maxine's husband but year over year I became close to Betty ann. I volunteered with Hear The Children Cry and assisted with multiple projects.Betty ann house was a holding location for my family we would meet their and then head home to Stony Hill, I am sure that many persons in her complex must have thought I lived there.She would always ensure that my children were well taken care of while awaiting to be picked up.Betty ann never left my wife Maxine out of any activity she was a true friend.In more recent years I would make it my duty to check in with her via text on a daily basis. My family and I will be ever in her debt ,rest well my friend you have left your mark on the earth
June 28
June 28
Betty Ann is one of the greatest human beings I have ever met in all my seventy seven years A woman of purpose passion and love. A woman
Of virtue that bore no malice
A woman of genuine kindness that sought no reward of ocolades or any material gain.
Betty's care for humanity took her to the house of parliament when we sat together with others perusing the process of children's rights in Jamaica and in the inner cites of Kingston Jamaica. In Trench Town we boiled cornmeal porridge as part of the children's Sunday breakfast. It would require a book of many pages to even begin to write a very small tribute
Oh my darling sister how you loved and served the poor ofpeople and nurtured our children.
Our Betty took a murderer to Fish place from second street and made a chef out of him so that he was able to provide for his many children. In Mathews lane where we worshiped
God togethether from Fish place our precious Betty would send fifty boxes of food to feed children who came home hungry from school providing sometimes their only meal
Will some one please write the full account and biography of this great Lady a heroin of the black race a princess of the human race.A woman whose life and service whose virtues and kindness strike the glorious chords of immortality while lived

dwalking with Jesus Christ. Saving precious souls glorifying God Almighty.No motal words can truly express our love and admiration for Betty  oh thou precious imortal Soul.
June 27
June 27
My memory of Betty is that of a loving, caring mother. We met when Tarika and Tracy (my daughter) started ICHS in 1984. Tarika and Tracy quickly became friends.
Betty and I lived in the Old Stony Hill area. It was convenient for me to pick up both Tracy and Tarika and take Tarika to her home after school.
Tracy had a few after school extracurricular activities.
It was our custom as a family (husband Errol, son Brian and Tracy) to have our main meal together at home after school, before departing back to work and the various activities. As you can imagine this was a mad rush at times. Due to this I sometimes would take Tarika to the top of her road instead of at her home.
Betty quickly realized on such occasions Tarika would have to lug with her schoolbag by herself home. This immediately set off her mother's instinct.
Betty asked her housekeeper to wait at the top of the road to help Tarika with her bags and to accompany her home. This is just one example of Betty's care and love as a mother; there are many other occasions over the many years that I have observed her loving and caring attention to her children. No wonder she has carried this care and love for all children her entire life.
Rest in Peace dear Betty in the arms of our loving God and Saviour.
June 26
June 26
Tarika & Family✨ Monifa & Family✨

Your Mum ✨ she dances with God ❤️ surrounded by beautiful blossoms. Such a wonderful soul; will reunite in spirit, we hope, as our faith teaches us, with dearly departed souls one day. She impacted So many lives positively. Am Grateful for the Gift she was & will never forget her✨ Sending Love, Prayers & Blessings your way from my Family to Yours.

May God continue to be with all of you in an extra special way especially during difficult days. We are here for you; & you are all in our prayers as we also pray for Betty Ann's soul ❤️ May she Rest in Eternal Peace.

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Recent Tributes
August 3
The world will be a little less brighter now that we wont see your smile but you will remain in the hearts of all those lives you touched.
July 27
July 27
Thank you Betty for your faithful service to the hurting children and their families in Jamaica. Thank you for your unwavering support of JCHS standing up and speaking out boldly and courageously for God’s principles, for marriage, one man one woman, and for family. Thank you for faithfully praying for me every day when you heard how ill I was from COVID19. I know that you are in a better place by far as Paul said, enjoying the presence of God. Even so your chats about your children and grandchildren and all your exploits will be sorely missed. I pray that your work as the Beggar, that you called yourself, will be continued and will only grow stronger on the broad shoulders that you have left as its foundation. You are and will always be loved. Angie
July 25
Beautiful Memories; a Legacy of Faith, Love, Care and Values
Maxine Cooper’s Tribute to Betty Ann Blaine
Psalms 116:15 "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints". Truly she was Your Servant, the daughter of your maidservant; and thank you Jesus for having loosed her from her pain. Thank you Jesus for the years you have loaned Betty Ann to us. 

I consider it a privilege and honour to have known my friend and ‘partner in crime’, Betty Ann, who I met over 40 years ago, shortly after she returned to Jamaica,   She was head of the Fundraising Department at VOUCH. We instantly connected...that love and friendship grew over the years and I liken it to that of David and Jonathan in the Bible. Betty Ann was my friend, mentor, boss, motivator, and advocate. 
Betty Ann was charismatic, God-fearing, genuine, loyal, gifted, caring, bold, fearless, extraordinary, remarkable and special human being. Her indomitable spirit and humour was contagious. She was selfless; always put the interest and well-being of others first.  
Throughout my journey Betty Ann was there for me, a tower of strength and support. No matter what the problem or issue was, she was always positive and her mantra: "It's going to work out Max, we're going to find a way; Pappa Jesus is going to come through". Being around Betty Ann made me and others feel special and valued...comfortable, relaxed and included. Her ability to encourage, along with her smile and laughter always brightened up my day. 
An A+ Mother
Betty Ann was an A+ mother, always finding time to pick up the girls and their friends, dropping them off at their various activities and returning for them. It was really funny when she said she was going to slap them...she would pick up her bed slipper and they would scurry off...needless to say the slipper never connected.
I remember when I went into labour with my first child, Athena (her God-daughter) it was Betty Ann I called first –  and of course she named her. When I got married she was there and when the other children Emmanuel and Eliora came along she was there.  Her home was our second home, she always said, “You are family!”. On our daily visits to her, the first words out of her mouth were, "Max, are you hungry? There is food, make sure the children eat".  Betty Ann was an entrepreneur and an excellent cook, she made the most delicious and mouthwatering meals and desserts. It was no surprise that her restaurant, the Fish Place was a 5****.
She loved Jamaican cuisine...curried goat chopped up fine, jerk chicken done until it’s dark, steamed and escovietch fish, chicken foot, oxtail and beans, yellow yam and cassava. Not to talk bout di bread pudding, fruit cake and june plum juice. "Bwoy, Max this tastes so good, sweet bad...belly full but wi nah left none, mek we just mop up wey left!".
A Passionate Nation-Builder
Betty Ann was passionate, a nation-builder, an advocate; hated injustice and was always fighting for the vulnerable, especially the children and elderly. Her dedication and commitment to the children of Jamaica was remarkable and second to none. The Founder of the mentoring organization Youth Opportunities Unlimited, and of Hear The Children's Cry, Jamaica's leading child advocacy organization, she worked tirelessly to improve the lives of children and youth. She advocated on their behalf, travelling across the island to schools to talk and motivate, and also creating programmes which aided and impacted their lives in a meaningful way. 

Betty Ann considered these trips mini vacations, and we had fun driving daily across the island to various schools, singing, giving jokes and stopping at the various food stops to eat roast yam and salt fish, roasted sweet potato, sweet potato pudding, red peas soup, beef patties, corn and coconut water . It is my hope that Betty Ann's passion, love and dedication to the children and youth of Jamaica will motivate and inspire others to step-up and continue her work and legacy. 
Betty Ann loved a good joke and she always said, "Max you can’t give a good joke unless it's in patwa".  I found it really funny when BettyAnn made a decisión to do something then did the opposite, she would burst in laughter and say " Max, mind mek fi change".

She loved track and field, and it brought her such joy and happiness to watch the athletes participating at the various games and championships, both locally and internationally. She declared, “Max, ‘Wi little but wi tallawah’ –  dem can't beat wi!". Playing Kaluki and scrabble were fun times for Betty and it was super special for her as for the most part – she would always win.  

Caring, Compassionate, Kind, Generous
Betty Ann was caring, compassionate, kind and generous. She would go out of her way to assist someone in need. Betty Ann always found a way; she got things done. These qualities are second to none as many of us can testify, having been recipients of her kindness ,care and generosity. 
We have lost an icon, a philanthropist, but I will take comfort that she is with Jesus Christ. I will hold on to and remember the beautiful memories, and carry on the legacy of faith, love, care, kindness and values she leaves behind.
Betty Ann, my sister, friend and ‘partner in crime’, you have left an indelible mark on my life and I am grateful to Jesus for loaning you to us.  And although you are not here in body, your memory and spirit will live on in my heart.
Betty Ann, my dear friend, I miss you dearly. Rest in peace.
Her Life

Memorial Service Details- July 25, 2024; Boulevard Baptist Church; Kingston, Jamaica; 10am

June 26
In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to Hear the Children's Cry in Betty Ann's memory by scanning the QR code, or by visiting their website.

In honor of Betty Ann's vibrant spirit and wishes, we kindly ask that attendees wear colorful clothing to the memorial service.

Much love,
The Family of Betty Ann Blaine
Recent stories

Tribute to Betty Ann ("Betts")

July 24
Although we both attended Excelsior, my connection with Betty Ann started through mutual friends of the Harbour View community. Ironically, in the late ‘80’s, when the Excelsior Past Students Association was rejuvenated, I had the pleasure of working with her on the Executive Committee as she served as President for three consecutive years. She was an exemplary leader and was very passionate about her Alma Mater.  In fact, Betty Ann was passionate about anything that she became involved with – Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Hear the Children Cry, The Fish Place…to name a few. 
Betty Ann (“Betts”) was a good friend. She was generous, caring and genuine. Her radiant smile lit up any room she entered; and her contagious laughter caused me to giggle sometimes, without even knowing what the joke was.
The title of Children’s Advocate was bestowed on her because of her love for children, but "Betts" also loved her family dearly. Family was everything to her.
Over the last few years, we were not in touch, except for that one day in the year - September 26th - when I would call to wish her Happy Birthday. She always said, “Val, I knew you would call”, followed by that laughter. She did not answer my call in 2022, or in 2023.  This time, I also sent her a WhatsApp message, but she never responded. This was not like her, and I became concerned.  I checked around but got no positive answers. So, I was completely shocked and saddened when I got the news of her passing in May. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
Sincere condolences to Tarika, Monifa and other family members.
Betty Ann, ‘though you are no longer with us, your spirit and love will always remain. Farewell, my friend. May your beautiful soul rest in peace.
(Joan) Val Chung

Auntie Betty (my sisters’ Mum)

July 24
When we say, “Auntie Betty”, with tremendous affection, we are really thinking “our sisters’ Mum”, our father’s first wife and childhood sweetheart.

Auntie Betty thank you for having integrity, love and grace in your heart. Safiya and I had the best first trip to Jamaica with you caring for us as we were your own. You never looked at us as Hans’ kids, but you treated us as your daughters’ sisters, even finishing Fiya’s potty training during the trip.

We have so many things to thank you for, but most importantly, we thank you for nurturing a connection between us and our sisters. You could have been stereotypical, but that’s just not your style. Thank you for being extraordinary, thank you for being you.  We wish you a smooth transition, and we have no doubt that you “got this”. Xoxo

Love, Ife and Safiya

Aunt Betty

My dear Aunt Betty has passed and the world , but especially Jamaica has lost a shining star, a beautiful soul, a dedicated family member,  a stalwart in her determination to see to the needs, justice and development of underprivileged children . It was her life. Every breath she took was towards the upliftment of children who needed help and support. Last but my no means least, a child of God , whose Christian principles and portrayal of those principles was witnessed by all who knew her. Aunt Betty practiced what she preached.  I pray and ask for your prayers, for her immediate family, her daughters Monifa and Tarika at this time, they have lost a mother. Bless you and thank you ❤️

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