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Tribute to Betty Ann ("Betts")

July 24
Although we both attended Excelsior, my connection with Betty Ann started through mutual friends of the Harbour View community. Ironically, in the late ‘80’s, when the Excelsior Past Students Association was rejuvenated, I had the pleasure of working with her on the Executive Committee as she served as President for three consecutive years. She was an exemplary leader and was very passionate about her Alma Mater.  In fact, Betty Ann was passionate about anything that she became involved with – Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Hear the Children Cry, The Fish Place…to name a few. 
Betty Ann (“Betts”) was a good friend. She was generous, caring and genuine. Her radiant smile lit up any room she entered; and her contagious laughter caused me to giggle sometimes, without even knowing what the joke was.
The title of Children’s Advocate was bestowed on her because of her love for children, but "Betts" also loved her family dearly. Family was everything to her.
Over the last few years, we were not in touch, except for that one day in the year - September 26th - when I would call to wish her Happy Birthday. She always said, “Val, I knew you would call”, followed by that laughter. She did not answer my call in 2022, or in 2023.  This time, I also sent her a WhatsApp message, but she never responded. This was not like her, and I became concerned.  I checked around but got no positive answers. So, I was completely shocked and saddened when I got the news of her passing in May. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
Sincere condolences to Tarika, Monifa and other family members.
Betty Ann, ‘though you are no longer with us, your spirit and love will always remain. Farewell, my friend. May your beautiful soul rest in peace.
(Joan) Val Chung

Auntie Betty (my sisters’ Mum)

July 24
When we say, “Auntie Betty”, with tremendous affection, we are really thinking “our sisters’ Mum”, our father’s first wife and childhood sweetheart.

Auntie Betty thank you for having integrity, love and grace in your heart. Safiya and I had the best first trip to Jamaica with you caring for us as we were your own. You never looked at us as Hans’ kids, but you treated us as your daughters’ sisters, even finishing Fiya’s potty training during the trip.

We have so many things to thank you for, but most importantly, we thank you for nurturing a connection between us and our sisters. You could have been stereotypical, but that’s just not your style. Thank you for being extraordinary, thank you for being you.  We wish you a smooth transition, and we have no doubt that you “got this”. Xoxo

Love, Ife and Safiya

Aunt Betty

My dear Aunt Betty has passed and the world , but especially Jamaica has lost a shining star, a beautiful soul, a dedicated family member,  a stalwart in her determination to see to the needs, justice and development of underprivileged children . It was her life. Every breath she took was towards the upliftment of children who needed help and support. Last but my no means least, a child of God , whose Christian principles and portrayal of those principles was witnessed by all who knew her. Aunt Betty practiced what she preached.  I pray and ask for your prayers, for her immediate family, her daughters Monifa and Tarika at this time, they have lost a mother. Bless you and thank you ❤️

Auntie Betty my Second Mother

July 4
The world has lost a spark since the passing of my great aunt Betty has died . She was not your average woman she embodies; strength, valour, courage, boldness, wisdom , a renaissance woman and her smile would light up every room . She never apologized for speaking the truth and she always showed up, showed off, showed strong . She made a declaration to walk me down the aisle next to her beloved sister Cherry and on that great day we boldly declared “ Girl Power”!! so as woman we rise up and continue her fight to keep all children near and far safe. She taught me so much from I was child right into my adulthood. It was an honour to share her biological blood , to walk alongside her and to sit at her feet to learn from her . I am happy she crossed over into glory to get her eternal rest with her daddy Jesus. I will forever love you Aunt B. ❤️

Memories of Betty Ann- From Rev. LaVerne Thompson

June 27
by Tarika Barrett on behalf of Rev. LaVerne Thompson
on behalf of Rev. LaVerne Thompson
There are no words to express how much I loved Betty Ann, my Friend who became a true Sister and Mentor.
Memories: I was on that plane with Betty when she returned from the United States to Jamaica. I remember telling Betty, "You are not leaving without me; I am coming with you," so I did. She showed me how beautiful Jamaica is; I enjoyed going to the beach and picking fish from the fishermen--they cooked it, and we enjoyed a feast; hey!
Since then, all my travels have led me to Jamaica- to Betty's house- we have always had grand, wonderful, joyous, happy times filled with laughter and love and many long nights of Kalooki (card game).
I remember that on one of my getaways to Jamaica, Betty picked me up at the airport on our way home; she told me, LaVs, that we had a funeral to attend. I asked her who had passed away; she told me, LaVs, it is all about the children. I said Okay, I felt sad. I asked her if the person was sick, and she said it was sudden--it happened quickly. As soon as we drove up in the driveway at the house, she said, let's go, LaVs, hurry; I got out of the car and went with Betty behind the house, only to see Tarika holding a small box and Monifa standing beside her. I looked at Betty, and she said, a RAT passed away; yes, a Rat. I told Betty straight up, Girl, I am not going to a Rat's funeral; I did not come from America to go to a Rat's funeral.
Tarika, with cute little eyes, said Aunt LaVerne, we have to bury the Rat. I stood next to Betty, folded my arms, and said to Betty, you know this is crazy; she says LaVs is for the children. Then Tareka said she wanted us to say something about the Rat; I said to Betty quietly, I have nothing to say. She said it's okay, LaVs, you can do it.
Betty Spoke, Monifa spoke, and then it was my turn; I asked how the Rat died, and they said the Cat killed the Rat. I said well, that is natural; Cats kill Rats. Tarika chuckled; say something, Aunt Lavene. I said I did not know the Rat like that, but beyond my better judgment, I said, there lies the Rat that the Cat Killed. The Rat will soon be a rotten Rat. I looked at Betty, and she began to laugh. And then she tells me, LaVs, it is all about the children. My friends, it was all about the children. She worked tirelessly as she "Hear the Children's Cry." By the way, she always had a beautiful smile on her face that always warmed my heart.
I remember attending a job interview in September 1985; Betty was with me that morning. I was nervous as a cat, but with her encouragement, thank God, they hired me; I am now the organization's Executive Director. I will cherish all those beautiful memories.
I am joyful because of her awesome testimonial about meeting Jesus on "her" Damascus Road. From that moment, Betty's life was wrapped up in Jesus. I thank God that she was in my life. I thank God for the many lives she touched, and I pray that everyone will come to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As I continue in my Ministry as a Pastor, I will never forget her words to me: LaVs, feed yourself every morning on a fresh diet of Jesus.
Love always
Rev. LaVerne Thompson

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