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What my father told me about death

April 12, 2017

My dad, as many of you may know, had a special way of thinking. I remember on the eve of my cousin's wedding during a discussion about proper wedding etiquette, he decided to dispense some wisdom about funerals.

He told me that you may have someone who you think you know really well, but only after they die do you start to learn more about them. That's because everyone they meet sees a slightly different view of them and these views often don't get shared until after they passed away. He said this may even make them feel more distant because there's a side you didn't realize you didn't know, but to remember they were always that person that you loved and nothing will change that.

I am fortunate that he was always very open with me about everything in his life, but I'm looking forward to hearing the stories from all of his friends and loved ones that he didn't have a chance to tell me himself.

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