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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, The Rt. Revd. (Dr) Solomon Gbetogo (Bishop of Ijebu North Anglican Diocese), 67 years old, born on January 22, 1957, and passed away on February 14, 2024. We will remember him forever.
March 30
March 30
Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to honor and remember the life of the late Rt. Revd. Solomon Gbetogo Kuponu, PhD, Lord Bishop of Ijebu North. As a close friend and member of his community, it is my honour to pay tribute to his life and legacy. In any event, we are both Baba Ibeji.

Let me start by sharing a few things about the late Bishop’s background. We all lived together at Tapakoh, Boekoh Quarters, Badagry, Lagos State. His late father and my late father were friends and members of St. Thomas Church Cathedral, Badagry. He was the preacher at my late Dad’s funeral service at St. Peters Anglican Church, Imeke Badagry, Lagos State on 7th November, 2003.

This friendship and bond continued between our families and led to the late Bishop caring for Mrs. Omolasho Adefehinti née Ashade when they were together at B. A.H. M. Church, Surulere, Lagos. The late Bishop also supported me on my journey to become a priest in the Anglican Communion. He introduced me to Ven. Oladunjoye and Ven. Fape of Immanuel College, Ibadan but now Bishop, Retired and Archbishop. But I later changed my mind to study law. I am not a priest now but his support was instrumental in helping me to achieve my goal in life, ‘His lordship’. The late Bishop was known for his kindness and generosity, and he was always willing to help those in need.

I would also like to highlight some of the late Bishop's accomplishments and contributions to the church and community. He was the Lord Bishop of Ijebu North and served as the Bishop for many years. He was a beloved leader who was known for his wisdom and compassion. Under his leadership, the Diocese grew and prospered, and he was a strong advocate for social justice and peace. His dedication to his faith and his commitment to serving others will always be remembered.

Finally, I would like to offer some words of comfort and hope to those who are grieving the loss of the late Bishop. Although he is no longer with us, his legacy and impact will live on. May we all find peace in knowing that he is at peace with God.

May we also find comfort in knowing that his memory will continue to inspire us to live lives of faith, hope, and love. Let us remember the late Bishop with gratitude for all he has done and for the example he set for us.

In closing, I would like to offer a prayer in honor of the late Bishop: O Lord, we thank you for the life of your servant, the late Bishop. We give thanks for his dedication to your church and for his commitment to serving others. May we follow his example and be inspired by his faith.

Please give comfort and peace to those who are grieving his passing. We ask that you would continue to guide us and help us to live lives that are pleasing to you in Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

This tribute is only a brief snapshot of the late Bishop's life, but I hope it has given you a sense of his impact and legacy. May we all continue to honor his memory and work to carry on his legacy. Thank you.

From Hon. Justice Ezekiel Oluwole Ashade, For Ashade Family
March 15
I never thought I would be writing a tribute this soon to a quintessential priest, a noble bishop, a thorough bred Anglican, a lover of good church music, a dutiful and doting father, a wonderful and loving husband and above all, one whose love for Christ and His church is unequivocal and unwavering.

Writing his biography, when he turned 60 brought us close and created a bond between us. We had planned to expand the biography to mark his 70th and retirement but, our omniscient God who knows best decided to call him home. He was ever-smiling, understanding and always ready to support any worthy cause.

He was a mentor, teacher, friend and shepherd you can trust and rely on. Saying he'd be missed is an understatement.

The Rt. Rev'd Dr. Solomon Gbetogo Kuponu came from the cradle of Christianity in Nigeria, Badagry, rose to pioneer the Sea of Ijebu North to an enviable position in the comity of Dioceses in the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion. He has left his indelible footprints in the annals of history. He remains unforgettable.

Rest in peace great soldier of Christ. Rest in the bosom of Christ, your Savior. Rest till we meet at Christ's feet to part no more and reign eternal in God's presence. For now, I say, "Goodnight..."

March 8
March 8

The departure of The Rt. Revd Dr. S.G. Kuponu is definitely a relief to him, but a great loss to the church militant.

He was my teacher in the Seminary, one among the great virtues in him that none around him will forget is his infectuos laughter and very rich kind heart. He gets himself deeply committed to anyone who comes to him for help or counsel.

It is always painful when the people and church fathers that one will always love to have around make their withdrawal like this, however, our encouragement is anchored on Paul's admonition to the church in Thessalonian; "Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope" 1Tess.4:13.

We will not grieve or be sorrowful over your departure sir, but we shall praise God for the lives that you touched and impacted, and on that list, my name stand very conspicuous. Sir, till we meet on the ressurection morning, Enjoy your rest in the bosom of your God, whom you loved and served.
Ven. Dr. E. A. Femi Fatile
March 3
March 3
Such a great loss to the kuponu family. Your death left hollow in our hearts
You are a great man of honor
You lived a fulfilled life.
You were more than just my uncle; you were a guiding light, a source of wisdom, and a pillar of strength
Your kindness, generosity, and unwavering support meant the world to us, and your presence will be deeply missed.

You lived your life with integrity and passion, inspiring everyone around you to be better and strive for greatness. Your laughter was contagious, your smile infectious, and your love boundless.

Through the memories we shared and the lessons you taught, your legacy will live on forever in our hearts. Though you may no longer be with us physically, your spirit will continue to guide and inspire us every day.

Rest in peace, dear uncle. Your love and light will never fade.

With love and gratitude,
Kuponu oluwatamilore viyon.
March 1
The Rt. Rev. Dr. S. G. Kuponu. Lord Bishop, Diocese of Ijebu North.

Your death came when nobody never thought of such to a wonderful, caring God fearing Servant of God to the core.

What a great loss to Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, and most especially the Diocese of Badagry, Cathedral Church of St. Thomas precisely and the entire people of Badagry.
March 1
"In loving memory of my dear uncle,
A man of faith and virtue, so humble and true.
He was a respected bishop, admired by many,
His wisdom and kindness were never in short supply.
His passing is a loss, but his legacy remains,
As a shining example of what it means to be a man of faith.
His love and compassion will live on in our hearts,
He'll always be remembered for the person he was.
Sena kuponu
February 21
February 21
My Lord Bishop S.G KUPONU, you have fought the good fight, You have finished the race, You have kept the faith.
Your teachings and exemplary life style will remain forever in our heart.

Rest well God's General Baba Anglican Diocese of Ijebu-North.
February 21
February 21
Desedo kuponu

Of all special gifts in life
However having you as my uncle was the greatest gift of all.
May the winds of love blow softly
And whisper in your ear
“We love and miss you my lord bishop”
Remeber your life is kept to love and cherish, not forget. No more Tomorrow we can share but yesterday are always there.
It doesn’t matter how far I go in life ,it doesn’t matter how long the time passes you will always be my greatest uncle.
May the lord comfort your wife and children
We love you
Rest in the bosom of the lord
February 20
February 20
In loving memory of my dear uncle, whose radiant smile could brighten the darkest room. His infectious joy and boundless affection touched the lives of all who knew him. A beacon of happiness, he harbored no grudges and embraced life with a bubbling enthusiasm that was truly contagious.

As a father figure, he offered unwavering support and guidance, earning the love and respect of everyone he encountered. His presence on the dance floor was legendary, a testament to his vibrant spirit. Yet beneath his exuberance lay a core of unwavering discipline, a trait that shaped those around him for the better.

Even in his final moments, his devotion to God remained steadfast, a testament to the depth of his faith. His love for music, especially his tenor voice, echoed the melodies of his soul.

Oh, how I miss the sound of his voice calling me "Mauvivi." Farewell, dear uncle, your memory will forever dance in our hearts.
February 19
February 19
It is so hard to come to terms with the fact that you are no longer with us. Bubbly, affable, endearing, kindhearted are a few words that describes you.
You lived with your arms wide open and your hearty laughter will always ring in our minds.
Your dedication to the Service of God and ministry work is an inspiration to me and I'll forever miss you.
Live On..
February 19
My Lord, We have the confidence in our hearts that you are resting in heaven.
Though painful, but we give glory to God for life well spent, souls you've impacted and lives you've touched.

Keep resting Daddy.
February 18
May his soul rest in peace. Amen. May The Lord console and strengthen his family and church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion. Amen 
February 18
February 18
May his wonderful memories be for a blessing. Rest in peace
February 17
February 17
How I wish I had the power to make you whole as I washed you helplessly on the bed during ur last hours on earth.
You were a true MOG and a wonderful brother. You called me on the 31st of January but didn't know it will be my last time of communicating with you, so sad.
You were a man full of love and compassion and empathy. I remember you calling me to ensure we didn't lose Br Seyi Ogungbe who needed medical assistant not minding the fact that you were equally facing a medical challenge.
You also called me in the past when you told me of the need to raise funds for sister Tobora Ogedengbe to attend to her medical challenge.
At times I wonder where you got ur strength from as you are never detered with the distance from ijebu and Lagos to attend to several of spiritual functions to preach.
You brought our fathers name to the limelight by ur decision to serve God from a very tender age.
Hmmmmmm, bishop sir, no one to call me odunsco again, really sad losing you at this time.

May the almighty God grant ur soul eternal rest ( Amen) till we meet in paradise to part no more.

Adieu my Lord Bishop and brother.
February 17
February 17
May the Lord forgive his sins and accept his good deeds and service to humanity. Rest in your Lord Dear Brother.
E sun ire o Amin.
February 17
February 17
You were such an hunmble man who is committed to family issues. As an in- law, you left Ijebu diocese to preach at the funeral of Princess Remilekun Mobee the aunty to Mr. BAb Akinyanmi's wife and my mother at Badagry Diocese. I will never forget this action of yours. For a Bishop to preach at my mother's funeral gives me joy. The Mobee family appreciates you. May your soul rest in perfect peace AMEN in JESUS NAME. Rest on until we meet to part no more.
February 16
February 16
Gone too soon. Your passing is very painful and hurting.
I pray that your tender memories, infectious laughter soften our grieving minds and fond recollection bring us relief. Rest, Bishop S.G. Kuponu, rest in peace and rise in glory.
Go and rest brother.
February 16
February 16
So long, so short! We were together as members of the 4th company of the Boys Brigade, Badagry.
We went through Badagrams together. We were young teachers together at the Methodist primary school, Badagry.
We parted ways for our respective vocations but we continued to interact.
I'm going to miss you sorely.
May the Lord give your entire family and friends the fortitude to bear the great loss.
Adieu S. G. as i used to call you. A choirmaster of repute.
Rest in peace, the complete gentleman.
February 16
February 16
One of the Bishops I respect so much.. A good chorister, A Boy's Brigade member , A very intelligent human.. I can just keep going.. we will miss you so much Your RT. Rev.
February 15
February 15
Tribute by Mrs. Modupe Akinyemi - Christ Church ( Anglican) Agege
A Great Father In The Lord , Wonderful Family Friend is gone! Alas!
A very humble, peaceful, lovely gentle Soul!
He related amicably with young & Oold, poor & rich!He is indeed an exemplary Character that everyone reads and refer to as Christian!
Indeed,a Child Of God who fought a good battle and won the Crown of Glory! He will be greatly missed!May The Lord comfort Mama Ijebu East & entire Kuponu Family!
May his gentle soul rest in peace!
February 15
February 15
“It is with a very deep sense of loss, yet, with gratitude to God for a life well spent, and also an immense honour for me to be afforded the opportunity on behalf of my wife and children, to pen a tribute to a recently departed, most treasured Man, Bishop, brother, my choir master and and captain.
“I remember with fondness and gratitude serving under him in the choir and Boys Brigade of the then St. Thomas’s Anglican church. I counted it a great privilege, I have met very few people in my own life, who have matched his capacity to go out of his way to be of assistance wherever he could, even to complete strangers.
It is no surprise to those who knew him well, of his calling in life to ministry and expansion of the kingdom of God.
Ah! Ikú d’óró o m’éni re lo, ikú s’èkà o m’éni ayò.
Ódi gbére,sun re o.

February 15
A Rare Gem Is Gone, Suddenly..!
God Is Ever Faithful...!!
Precious In The Sight Of The LORD Is The Death Of HIS Saints... Psalm 116:15
February 15
I have lost a rare gem in my beloved brother Bishop; a loss for which words cannot express ! An overwhelming sadness has suddenly visited us by your demise. A wonderful human being and our Lord Jesus Christ’s General in His Vineyard has gone back to his maker. You lived a worthy life of dedication and service to God and humanity. We shall miss you, your love and your never ending joy through infectious laughter. May the Lord comfort your dear wife, children, the Church and the larger family. The memory of the righteous is blessed. “Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard but always near, still LOVED, still
missed and very dear”. We love you but God loves you more. May your soul find eternal rest in the Lord, Amen. Good bye and sleep well my very dear brother.

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March 30
March 30
Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to honor and remember the life of the late Rt. Revd. Solomon Gbetogo Kuponu, PhD, Lord Bishop of Ijebu North. As a close friend and member of his community, it is my honour to pay tribute to his life and legacy. In any event, we are both Baba Ibeji.

Let me start by sharing a few things about the late Bishop’s background. We all lived together at Tapakoh, Boekoh Quarters, Badagry, Lagos State. His late father and my late father were friends and members of St. Thomas Church Cathedral, Badagry. He was the preacher at my late Dad’s funeral service at St. Peters Anglican Church, Imeke Badagry, Lagos State on 7th November, 2003.

This friendship and bond continued between our families and led to the late Bishop caring for Mrs. Omolasho Adefehinti née Ashade when they were together at B. A.H. M. Church, Surulere, Lagos. The late Bishop also supported me on my journey to become a priest in the Anglican Communion. He introduced me to Ven. Oladunjoye and Ven. Fape of Immanuel College, Ibadan but now Bishop, Retired and Archbishop. But I later changed my mind to study law. I am not a priest now but his support was instrumental in helping me to achieve my goal in life, ‘His lordship’. The late Bishop was known for his kindness and generosity, and he was always willing to help those in need.

I would also like to highlight some of the late Bishop's accomplishments and contributions to the church and community. He was the Lord Bishop of Ijebu North and served as the Bishop for many years. He was a beloved leader who was known for his wisdom and compassion. Under his leadership, the Diocese grew and prospered, and he was a strong advocate for social justice and peace. His dedication to his faith and his commitment to serving others will always be remembered.

Finally, I would like to offer some words of comfort and hope to those who are grieving the loss of the late Bishop. Although he is no longer with us, his legacy and impact will live on. May we all find peace in knowing that he is at peace with God.

May we also find comfort in knowing that his memory will continue to inspire us to live lives of faith, hope, and love. Let us remember the late Bishop with gratitude for all he has done and for the example he set for us.

In closing, I would like to offer a prayer in honor of the late Bishop: O Lord, we thank you for the life of your servant, the late Bishop. We give thanks for his dedication to your church and for his commitment to serving others. May we follow his example and be inspired by his faith.

Please give comfort and peace to those who are grieving his passing. We ask that you would continue to guide us and help us to live lives that are pleasing to you in Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

This tribute is only a brief snapshot of the late Bishop's life, but I hope it has given you a sense of his impact and legacy. May we all continue to honor his memory and work to carry on his legacy. Thank you.

From Hon. Justice Ezekiel Oluwole Ashade, For Ashade Family
March 15
I never thought I would be writing a tribute this soon to a quintessential priest, a noble bishop, a thorough bred Anglican, a lover of good church music, a dutiful and doting father, a wonderful and loving husband and above all, one whose love for Christ and His church is unequivocal and unwavering.

Writing his biography, when he turned 60 brought us close and created a bond between us. We had planned to expand the biography to mark his 70th and retirement but, our omniscient God who knows best decided to call him home. He was ever-smiling, understanding and always ready to support any worthy cause.

He was a mentor, teacher, friend and shepherd you can trust and rely on. Saying he'd be missed is an understatement.

The Rt. Rev'd Dr. Solomon Gbetogo Kuponu came from the cradle of Christianity in Nigeria, Badagry, rose to pioneer the Sea of Ijebu North to an enviable position in the comity of Dioceses in the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion. He has left his indelible footprints in the annals of history. He remains unforgettable.

Rest in peace great soldier of Christ. Rest in the bosom of Christ, your Savior. Rest till we meet at Christ's feet to part no more and reign eternal in God's presence. For now, I say, "Goodnight..."

March 8
March 8

The departure of The Rt. Revd Dr. S.G. Kuponu is definitely a relief to him, but a great loss to the church militant.

He was my teacher in the Seminary, one among the great virtues in him that none around him will forget is his infectuos laughter and very rich kind heart. He gets himself deeply committed to anyone who comes to him for help or counsel.

It is always painful when the people and church fathers that one will always love to have around make their withdrawal like this, however, our encouragement is anchored on Paul's admonition to the church in Thessalonian; "Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope" 1Tess.4:13.

We will not grieve or be sorrowful over your departure sir, but we shall praise God for the lives that you touched and impacted, and on that list, my name stand very conspicuous. Sir, till we meet on the ressurection morning, Enjoy your rest in the bosom of your God, whom you loved and served.
Ven. Dr. E. A. Femi Fatile
His Life

More About The Rt Revd (Dr) Solomon Kuponu

February 16
"I felt the call of God upon my life. I grew up moving from home to school to church. That was my lifestyle then.  My parents also influenced my activeness in church because of their active participation. My parents gave us very sound education and spiritual uplift.

 I was born into the Anglican Communion. St Thomas’ Church, Badagry, that is now a Cathedral, was where we attended while growing up. I joined the choir and later became the Choir Master. At the same time, I was a member of the Boys’ Brigade. I was deputy captain of that organisation before I joined the Seminary in 1980.

 I was ordained in Lagos in September 1983 and since then, I have been serving the Lord as a Priest. I was consecrated Bishop of Ijebu North Anglican Diocese (Ijebu Igbo) on September 11, 2005."
Bishop SG Kuponu

Rt. Rev'd. Dr. Solomon Gbetogo Kuponu was born on the 22nd of January, 1957, into the family of Pa. Jacob Akse Kuponu (of blessed memory) and Mama Dorcas Olufunke Kuponu nee Akinyanmi. His parents were teachers. Education was germane to his parents, so they made sure all their children received sound education. 
He was baptized at St. Thomas Anglican Church (now Cathedral of St. Thomas), Badagry. He was confirmed in 1972 by Late Rt. Rev. Seth Irunsewe Kale, the then Bishop of Lagos. The Bishop gifted him a copy of the Holy Bible (he was the only one who received a gift from the Bishop among the candidates), it became very precious to him because it bored the signature of the Bishop of Lagos. 
He attended St. Thomas Primary School, Badagry at the age of six from 1963 till 1968. After his elementary education, he proceeded to Badagry Grammar School, Badagry, after a two-year break in 1970 till 1975, when his passion for music grew greatly. In 1975, he proceeded to Protestant Teachers Training College, Idi-Araba (now the premises of Idi-Araba High School).
After his training, he taught for three years at Methodist Primary School, Badagry, from 1977-1980.
He was a choir boy who grew to become a Choirmaster at the age of 18 at St. Thomas Anglican Church, Badagry for five years (1975-1980). He was also the Deputy Captain of the Boys' Brigade, 4th Badagry Company.  It was while serving that he gained admission into the seminary. He became a student of Immanuel College of Theology, Ibadan, in 1980. Graduated in 1983. 
He was deaconed September 25, 1983, and priested October 21, 1984 by Rt. Rev. Festus Oluwole Segun, then Bishop of Lagos. 
His first posting as a priest was to Christ Church, Iworo - Badagry.  In the course of his priestly service, he served at Holy Trinity Ikate - Surulere, Lecturer at Immanuel College of Theology, Ibadan for four years, Christ Church Agege as the Venerable Archdeacon, St. David's Church Lafiaji - Lagos and Bishop Adelakun Memorial Church (BAHM) Surulere, Lagos.   He was consecrated as the first Bishop of Ijebu North Anglican Diocese on September 11, 2005. 

During the years of his ministry, he attended the Lagos State University where he bagged his B.A. degree in Theology, University of Ibadan for his Masters degree and the Lagos State University again for his Ph.D degree.

He got married to his heartthrob, Victoria Ekundayo Kuponu nee Dansu, on 6th October 1984 as he was preparing for his priesthood ordination. God blessed their union with 5 beautiful and wonderful daughters, Pedetin Olufunmilayo Oni, Sehoyon Elizabeth Akinsanya, Semande Esther Olowookere, Taiwo Mauyon Kuponu and Kehinde Mausi Akinlabi.

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February 15
A very truthful, honest man of integrity has gone home to rest in the bossom of our Lord, thank you for making Badagry proud, thank you for being you, thank you for your impactful life, journey well till we all meet
at the Lord's feet to part no more!

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