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October 6, 2011



BABY JUST A LITTLE NOTE TO LET YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I AM THINKING ABOUT YOU AND THE LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU. BABY I AM GOING OUT THIS WEEK AND SEE YOU , I REALLY MISS THE TIME WE HAD WHEN IT COMES TO STEVE just you being there last year and the songs he playd,I know you would have sung them all night for me . I hear those songs and think about you. It really makes me happy to remember the songs you always sang to me. Patches was my favorite and remember the monday before you passed you sang it all the way through just for me. I know you had a hard time with the breathing but you wanted to do it for me and Can't help falling in love with you. Well i tried to have your songs playd but christian rock was playd and I know you didn't care for that kind of music but I have the songs that you wanted Beverley gave them to me. I hope they have a year memorial for you so Beverley and I can go. They keep me posted on this every week and I am sure glad they do. I am also honored to be a part of your rememberence every year and I will be until I join you. I will make it a point to let Beverley know also. Well Baby i need to do some work now chat with you later love you hugs kisses. Tell Alan and the rest hello for me.




Well it has been a good day and I did accomplish alot. Baby you know I will be out to see you this week maybe tomorrow and this weekend if it doesn't rain. Baby it was great listening to Steve and just remembering being there last year. I won some furniture movers and gave them to Beverley I have not moved stuff yet. I did get somethings done and need to get more done. I have Allen tonight so I will be right back to finish . Baby you know how much you playd with Shala with the Barbie dolls she misses playing with you when she comes over. Allen was just a tiny newborn when you held him and remember you testing his bottle well he holds it himself now . I remember these things because the expression on your face. Baby I love you and miss your sayings and the point is . and what is what. just an update for you .


Baby Just to let you know Beverley and I spent awhile out there this weekend. We put new things out for you and then changed them to flowers for you. We stopped at Donnie's and put some there for you . I know how is looks bare and not having flowers on or in front of the drawer as you called it. I told you I would bring flowers and visit you and I do .I visit everytime I go to wal-mart with shelley and myself . Beverley goes often when she is out that way . It makes me really at peace knowing you enjoyed that day we just spent out there. Baby you wanted to see your drawer as you called it , your so funny and remeber i just cracked up and said ok we have a drawer now. I miis being with you all the time and spending quality time with you even at the hospital when everyone left we still talked all night sometimes. I told you that it was time to sleep and you said no i want to tell you things I want done and what to look for but you never finished them.haha. The day Dr.Mayer came in and told us it was hospic or nursing home was the most scariest day for me just to hear those words. Baby I remember you telling her to give us a minute to talk it over and when she came back you looked at her and said my Rock will tell you because I can't . I told her I was taking you home to be with me and I had help if I needed it at the end and you just smiled and winked at me. These sometimes are the hardest choices I had to make because it had to be my answer or you would not say. I done everything you asked of me to do for you and I will never regret any of it because you wanted it . Baby I am so glad the time you spent with Beverley on the Helicopter ride and how much fun you had . I don't regret it at all I could not go with you and you wanted to cancel but I would not let you . You deserved the best of things and what you wanted I got for you. I know how happy you were just being with me and knowing that is was getting shorter but we had the most precious time together and that is all that counts . I love you and know you loved me beyond anyone or thing. The times we read the messages on the computer and laughed about them were special times we had . I never will forget the look on your face when I told you I was sleeping in your bed at the hospital like you had done when I was in the hospital and Dr. V came in and said oh a new patient Lana. I miss the tender side the most holding me and talking to me just the two of us and no one to bother us . The love we had was more than any fairy tale could be.. It was our dream and we lived it to the fullest. When you came back six years ago it was like God had answered both of our prayers , we wanted to be there in person for the rest of our time and you told me 28 years to go and I told you 30 years . Well we didn't make it but we are still are connected at the heart as you told Beverley and DR. Defreeze . They still tell me about the saying . Your right on target Baby and I will always be the other half of your heart, Never again will it be broken . I will also promise you that I will be there to take your side for you. Well baby it is getting late going to close for now . With All My Love Forever and Ever.


Baby well I am so glad the fourth of July is over and another day has gone by . I just sit here looking at your picture and seeing you smile makes me happy. I am so glad we had the long talk befor you passed and the holding hands and kisses we shared and the look in your eyes and the tears of joy when I told you I would always be in your reach and in your heart forever. Baby you made me the proudest woman to have your love and caring ways . I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated it and to Thank You'


Total Memories: 36

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Baby Well it has been a year now and tonight was sad without you here with me .watching the fireworks remembering you and I last year was so sad but I know you are still with me in spirit. May God keep you safe and pain free untill we meet again.Love you forever and always your Rock as you said. hugs and kisses and I will talk later.



Well Baby they are trying to down your Birth Dad and they keep saying that you are a Bragdon not a Hendrixson . Well they should have been told that you went to Glenn's funeral and carry his name for your middle name. that is how much they know nothing"""""""""""""""""""" I am so sorry that this would hurt you so much but i know what you told me and the rest of the family knows also . I have sent to Tenn for Glenns obituary for the date he died. I hope I can contact your Sisters mary jane, bonnie.susie. and Brother Gregory. I will have them tell these people that you were a Hendrixson so they need to get over it and let it be. You told me one day before you passed you wanted to go back and visit your Dad Glenn Hendrixsons grave one more time . I told you we would and then you got to sick to go. But i am working on your name Hendrixson for you . I will keep up looking out for your blood name Hendrixson. Beverley knows you were a Hendrixson because your Mother told them so. Your birth certificate only has Bragdon because you were born to Marge and she was married to Howard Bragdon that is the only reason you carry the name Bragdon period.Baby I know you went by Bragdon and just wanted to add your Fathers name Hendrixson.All of the children born to Marge and Howard are still Brothers and Sister no matter what they are half and so are the ones born to Glenn and his wife.


Baby i love you and miss you .The days get longer and longer without you. I know you are with me spiritually but i need you more and more each day. I am ok but not like i was when you were here. I am still visiting you as much as i can and that helps me deal with some of the things we talked about. I can't believe the change in my life now and it is not easy to go on but i promised Alan and you that i would and i am trying my best to do that. I talk to you everyday and you let me know what to do and how to do it. I had a flat tire last night but got it fixed and you would be laughing at me trying to figure that one out. well i am going to shelley's house for a cook out with them and you can come along in spirit with me haha. love you Baby and I will be out this week to see you and Alan. love,hugs.and kisses


Baby , I am sitting here just thinking of the childish things that are going on, Baby i have to say it was a dream come true when i met you. I know we had hills to climb and moutains to search and we made them. You said life was great as long as we were together and i agree. The problems were easy when we worked together and solved them. I miss the fun snow angels and late talks and the trail walking in the parks. We made Brown County and the place we use to stay and that was one accomplisment you made and asked me to marry you. I did marry you. These are the things I can remember how happy you were when we got married that was the greatest day just watching you say your vows and making your own comments to me. Baby the poem you wanted me to read was hard but i got through it. These times were really short but we had it all. I know you wanted to do more and I wished we could have. You telling me about going to see your Dad again and your Mom this is something i hope you got to do when you got to Heaven. I am sorry that you were afraid of losing me just because you had cancer. I would not leave you no matter what and It is sad for me to hear about this now. I was always there for you and tried my best to keep you happy and satisfied and I think I did you told me all the time how much you loved me. There were times I think that was hard for you when Alan died and knowing That I was facing losing the most important mate i ever had I would give you my lungs and you know that but the dr. said it was to late. I would have done anything to keep you here with me.


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Name: Baby

Baby here I am still thinking of all the stuff that people are trying to say and you were right not a one can get through me isn't it funny that we already knew this.


Hello Baby , I am missing you so much it is warming up and it makes me sad that we cannot go for walks and long night talks. I have been really busy with the grandkids and helping Craig . I miss you so much and want to spend a whole day with you and alan . I t seems so hard that you don't walk in the door again but i know you are with me and Beverley. Beverley needs your prayers with her lungs and congestion going on she is not feeling good. I know you said that you would take care of us in Heaven . I believe you . I am sorry it had been awhile since i talked to you and i will come out soon and stay awhile love you hugs and kisses.


Well it is Easter Sunday now and I am so lonely without you here. I thought about going to church last year with you and you tried so hard not to show the pain you were in. I will always love you and hope you are out of pain now. God please take care of him he is my life and I miss him so much.


Baby I miss you and hope things are going ok for you . I know God is taking care of you for me. You are missed so much and loved . I keep you in my thoughts all the time every minute. I am trying to get out and see you and alan more in warmer weather . I will come and talk with you for long talks and just to be close to you . This helps me stay with you always. I love you .

thing and do as I promised you . love hugs and kisses.


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Bob Brother

Christmas was so hard to get thru. But both of us made it. Today I had lunch with Lisa. And she said that there were still people calling in for service and asking for you. She also said that they had two new accounts and they were big ones. And how she wished you were here to handle them. We talked about you as you were before you got sick. And how you much you had changed. And it was really nice to have a non-family member comment on what a really geeat person you were.

I do hope you like all the beautiful flowers that you have.

I love you and miss you so much.




Baby I am sitting here wondering how you are doing and I know you are in a better place. I miss you so much and think about you everyday . love you and miss you.


Baby , I made it through Christmas and now New Years is comming tomorrow I know the plans we had and I will miss not being able to do them. Baby you will be with me anyway and that is all that counts. HUGS AND KISSES .


Well I made it through the Christmas Sesson with you in my mine always. This Christmas was sad and lonely without you ,Beverley and I went to Steve's house and I had a good time it was really neat out there. I know what you were saying about all the things in the backyard. I looked out the window and saw the cabin you told me about that you would like to have and yes that would have been big enouth for us. Baby I am looking forward to your Birthday and I will visit you soon love hugs and kisses





Baby It is getting closer to Christmas this week and I am trying to face it without you here ,it is so hard for me but Beverley and Shelley are helping with things to do. I am so proud of the man you became and we got to spend the last four years together at Christmas. I know how hard you tried to be here for me this year and all the things you wanted to do and get , I T doesn't matter you are here with me and we will have Christmas in our hearts and no one will take that away . MERRY CHRISTMAS BABY . Baby

Baby I am sitting here thinking of you and how I miss you. Your were my life . I sat by the tree and your picture is on there as promised it feels so good . I remember last year when we sat there singing Christmas songs and you gave me my ring . I remember the look when I gave you windows seven that you wanted, it was the best Christmas. Baby you are still here in my heart and life as always and I am so glad we got to spend the last years together. Baby here are hugs and kisses for you today and I will be there this weekend to see you .

I did a lot of bakinhg today. And I thought of you almost every minute. I used the bake pans that you and Lana got me for Christmas three years ago. Man how I love those super great pans. I remember you asking me what I wanted or needed, and I said some good Ecco bake pans. or a set of mixed size mixing bowls. And you and Lana came thru with the pans. So, today, while I am using those pans, I thought of all the really great things you and her got for me since I have been back over here. My beautiful coat, which I so badly needed, my giant bear, the flip phone, the baking pans, You and Lana have been so good to me since we reconnected in October of 05. I miss you so much and there was not enough time for me to thank you and show you how much you mean to me. I do not deserve the time and attention that you both gave me. And I love both of you for it. I promised you that I would stick with Lana, and will. But I sure wish you were here too. I will see you some time this week. It is just a busy week. Love you and miss you so much. Merry Christmas to you. Bob

Brother Bob


I am sitting here looking at the tree and it is so lonely without you here, i know you are with me in sprite but I am trying to deal the best I can.. I will get through it because you are with me and the happiness we shared no one could ever touch what we had. You were my breath and life as I was yours . People don't understand what we had and never will,only a few did. It was very special and that is what counted. I really miss and love you more than words could express . The time goes on yet you never leave my heart same as Alan . I sit and wonder what you are thinking about in heaven and someday I will be there to see you and be with you again no one will ever take your place i promise you that. I am tired of the false people that put on a show for you yet do nothing to show that they cared, all talk and no action this is not what you deserve. Beverley has done so much for you and still is there showing you just what you meant to her. I know you made mistakes just as we all have done they lost out not you.The man you were meant more to me than anything .


Well it is almost Christmas and that is special for me . I remember the ring you got last year and the set of rings you wanted to get this year. I rmember the angel you wanted to make one more time and I will do that for you . I remeber all the fun we had at Christmas when it snowed and got stuck in the alley .


Total Memories: 35

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