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Bobby Lee Wright    Forever 61

Passed away at his home surrounded by his loved ones. He leaves behind a lot of people who will miss him. His loving mother. His wife of over 40 years. His 4 children, as well as some who claimed him as a father of their own. 5 siblings on earth. A set of in-law parents who loved him, and treated him as their son. 10 grandchildren who he loved to spoil. As well as countless other relatives. He was reunited in heaven with so many of his siblings. His father, 3 brothers, and 2 sisters. He took a lot of hearts with him when he left. A hardworking man who would help anyone in need. He spent most of his life as a Brick Mason who took pride in his work, and has work all over Roanoke, and surrounding areas. Not only did he build foundations, but he became the foundation to our family. We are lost without him. We, as a family are completely devastated. A one of a kind irreplaceable man. He got along with everyone, even if he didn't agree with their choices, he never judged, and offered support. Most of his life was spent committed to supporting his wife, and kids.. as well as kids who weren't his own but he treated them as if they were. There are not enough words that can explain of just how great of man he was, and still is from above.  Leave below any memory you have of him, or any words you'd like to say to him. God has a hero up there. He didn't do anything spectacular to earn the title but the determination and strength he had to continue to live. He showed no others his pain 

Forever we will LOVE him.

June 16
June 16
Happy Father's Day in Heaven Bobby/Dad #2. Thank you for loving me like one of your own. I miss you every day, but some days sting a little harder than others. Today is one of those. You should be here. I love you bunches, and I'm sending you big hugs to Heaven.
May 13
May 13
Well Dad, I'm probably going to be seeing you a lot sooner. God, help me. I pray you're there to help me through. I'm looking forward to that hug I've needed over the years. I love you Dad, so much.
March 23
March 23
BObby, Thinking about you as I do every second of each day your not here with me! Today we were supposed to be celebrating our anniversary together Another year with just having all the cherished memories of all the special years we celebrated,you always made sure you went out of your way to make me feel loved and special,you always spoiled me this is actually 7 yrs I've been without you on our special day! I miss you so much Bobby I know you will be with me today! I will celebrate our day with the memories I love you Bobby you will always be in my heart and forever in my thoughts! I WILL Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
February 14
February 14
Your page has no posts since last year. I know you've seen me struggling bad the past few weeks. I wish you were still here! I need Dad hugs. Happy Valentine's Day Dad. A holiday you'd say was all about stores making money yet you go crazy buying everything Valentine's Day every year lol. You always wanted the day to feel special, and you did. Up until the very last year - You made sure you got me something sweet, and always a daughters card. Dad you were and you still are the meaning of love. I know Mom really misses her sweet heart. I miss you, the every day call, the random stop by's, the hugs, the smile on your face, your voice! I hope you send down some love from heaven today, I sure need it. I'm sending up lots of love to you. I LOVE YOU TREMENDOUSLY.
September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023
Bobby, I just wanted to tell you I love and missing you so much a few more months it will be another year here without 6 yrs our lives have not been the same without you, you were the glue that kept are family together we talk about you everyday you will never leave our hearts or thoughts you left us with so many memories we cherish each one I know I will never find another who will love me and spoil me like you ,I didn't realize how much you did until you had to leave me ,my spoiling and feeling loved left when you had to leave me now I feel like I'm nobody important to anyone just living my life day by day mostly I go to work and back home to sit here alone 98% of the time I guess because this was the home we spent together making memories my alone time is with you, my comfort zone my safe heaven I feel you here with me We were supposed to grow old together, you weren't supposed to leave me all alone but I understand God seen how much pain you were in so he took you home so you could be healed since the Dr's couldn't help you you will Always be my soul mate I love you and miss you being here with us Today is your dad's birthday he would be 91 he has most of the family with him to celebrate his birthday one day I will be able to meet him so tell him I said happy birthday and look forward to meeting him, please keep watching over us and send us signs that your here with us I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
Bobby,this makes the sixth year that you are not here to celebrate our birthdays, for your 67th birthday forever61 Mandy fixed dinner and we had cake and ice-cream and released balloons we listened to some of the songs you liked and shared some great memories of you I came home and watched your video, today I turned 61now were both 61 but if I make it to next year I will be 62 I will be older than you never thought I would be older than you which I will be your old lady, I had to wake up this morning without you on my birthday all alone for the sixth year, just like every holiday since you had to leave us ,I miss you soo much Bobby, I miss US I miss the life we had together, I miss being with you taking care of you I miss being your wife I miss my husband you always made me feel loved, I have only the memories to hold on to which I will always cherish until I meet you at the golden gate to heaven when we're reunited, My life will never ever be the same, I spend atleast 98% of my time here at home alone thinking about you and wishing you were here with me I would do anything to have you back with us, I don't like this life I have to live without you! You are my soul mate I love you Bobby, you will always have my heart❤️ I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
March 23, 2023
March 23, 2023
Bobby ,today we're supposed to be celebrating our Anniversary, you should be here with me this is the 6 yr I don't get to celebrate with you here, I miss celebrating with you, you always made our day so special I will always remember and cherish the last Anniversary we had together you surprised me with a candle light dinner you had me flowers and balloons and for dessert you had us strawberries and whip topping ,you were such a loving thoughtful, caring husband I was so lucky to have you as my husband ,you weren't just my husband you were my soul mate ,my lover, my best friend and the father of our children you were my everything ,you were my whole world ,I miss you so much Bobby nobody knows just how much I do miss you I will always miss you ,I know you didn't want to leave me or the kids but God knew it Was time for you to go get healed from your pain and suffering I just wished he could of found a way where you could be with us I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright give mom a kiss on the cheek for me and tell the others hello for me
January 24, 2023
January 24, 2023
Bobby,I'm missing you I still don't understand why you had to leave me so soon ,we were supposed to grow old together, we were supposed to take care of each other, we were supposed to spend our golden years together enjoying our kids and grandchildren and great grandchildren but instead I'm left here without you missing you my life turned upside down the day you left me ,no matter how I try to be happy I can't be ,no one could make me happy as you made me ,no one is going to love me as much as you loved me ,you loved me unconditionally no matter what I did or said we were soul mates and you will always be my soul mate Bobby I will never be truly happy again until I'm back with you, nobody will know my soul like you did, my heart breaks knowing you will never be here by my side, I would do anything to have you back here with me where you belong healthy and enjoying our time together, I'm really trying to make you proud of me being strong and making the right decisions and keeping our house I work my ass off to make sure I keep the taxes paid and other things, Dad makes sure he takes care of our outside of our house still at 81 yrs old he does it for you and me ,he thought of you as his own son and mom feels that you were her own son to ,The girls are missing you they still are heart broken without you, you taught them and me alot about life but never taught us how to live without you in our lives, you will always be in our hearts and thoughts we will always love you Bobby nobody will ever ever take your place in our hearts, please keep showing us signs that you are still with us and watching over us,give mom a kiss on the cheek for me and tell the others hello and we miss them all I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright ❤️
December 3, 2022
December 3, 2022
Bobby today makes 5yrs since you left us I still have a huge hole in my heart, not a day, not a minute or a second goes by that I don't miss you or think about you ,you are always with me and in my thoughts I carry you in my heart and hold you in my thoughts, you were and always be my soul mate I will never find a another you, I will never find someone that will love me unconditionally like you loved me ,I am trying so hard to make you proud of me, my life has changed so much I've been through alot I have learned alot I have made some bad mistakes and some good decisions, you sent me a good man to help me find my way out of a bad situation Thank you he is a good man, he's good for me, he does make me happy, he takes care of me I do love him but he's not you he will never replace the love I have for you and he understands you will always be my soul mate, Today the girls are I will spend time together we will have one of your favorite things to eat talk about you and share some memories of you and release balloons this is your day that brings us together I know you will be with us, please show us some signs ,please give mom a kiss on the cheek for me and tell the other loved ones hello for me that I will see them on the other side I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright ❤️
November 23, 2022
November 23, 2022
Thanksgiving was on this day (the 23rd) in 2017. The very last holiday we got to spend with you. Who knew it would be just 10 days later until you left this earth. I remember that day clearly. Walking you up and down the hall to use the bathroom. You asking for more egg mix "sammeriches" You had 3 and said mmm mmm I fixed it good. I checked on you over and over as I was cooking. It was Thanksgiving, yet the entire time it was more so about you, and you being okay. I wish you was still here to do for. Not healthy or in the best shape of your life, I wish you were here either way. The letter you left in your drawer - you felt like a burden. You never was. Not ever. I'll miss you at the table with us. I already do, every time you should have been. How have I survived this long. I feel like I am only surviving basically. Depression yay a new illness. Anyways I miss you so freaking much. YOU SHOULD BE HERE. Standing with your arm around me, here. I love you so so SO much dad. Always stay near, never go far.
October 28, 2022
October 28, 2022
Bobby,just wanted to check in on you I haven't written you for a while it's going on 5yrs I miss you so much I still don't understand why you had to leave us ,you never leave my mind my heart is still broken and will be until I'm back with you I know you hear me when I tell you I want you back here with me that I need you here with me ,and ask God why he had to take you from me but than I realize he didn't take you away from me he healed you the only way he could and that was to take you to our heavenly home, Hershey is now with you I know she missed you and now she's back with her daddy I know you were waiting for her at the gate,she couldn't run fast enough to get to you her ears flopping in the air God also had to heal her from her pain and suffering she lived to be 17 I had her cremated so both of you will always be with me she will be right beside you like she always Wanted to be, tell our other loved ones hello and give mom a kiss on. the cheek for me I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
August 20, 2022
August 20, 2022
Happy Heavenly birthday Bobby,the girls and I celebrated your day I know you were with us you showed us some signs especially Mandy that really made her day,and seen the message in the clouds you left me Melissa gave me the message you wanted her to give me I love you to Bobby I miss you so much, you left us way to soon but God knew you needed healing from all that pain you suffered we all know your in a better place but that doesn't keep us from wanting you back here with us, keep showing us signs I have paid for a medium to hopefully talk to you on Sept 2nd I hope you're not busy! I hope you're proud of me of the changes I've made the last couple of months I know I am alot happier and have less stress on me I know you sent me in the right direction, Thank you Bobby I love you you will always be my soul mate and my heart ❤️ please give our loved ones a hug for me give your mom a kiss on the cheek for me I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright ❤️ ♥️
August 19, 2022
August 19, 2022
It's your first birthday in heaven with your Mom. I hope you're up there smiling. Forever 61+5.  I can't help that all I think about is, you were taken way too soon. It ain't the same here without you. Since you've been gone I've had to find different ways to grieve. I know you're in a better place, and one day I'll see you again.. but it's killing me we can't be face to face, I miss my best friend. So tonight I'm going to pull out pictures, ones with you in them. Laugh & cry a little while reminiscing. I miss you like crazy. I love you so so so much Dad
May 10, 2022
May 10, 2022
I talk to you daily, I wish you were still here. I miss you talking back. Your silly comments. Your advice. I didn't feel so alone when you were here. I'm not sure how it's been so many years because I don't know how I've managed. It's been dark since. When I was on the ladder the other day. I remembered the very last time I was with you holding it, and you making fun of my legs shaking. They still shake btw. You left me with so many memories but I needed you longer. You are forever missed Dad. I love you so, so so, SO much.
March 8, 2022
March 8, 2022
Bobby,I know you all are having a joyful reunion with your mom she's with you all in our heavenly home I know she was overjoyed seeing your dad she's been waiting to be with him for over 40 yrs and to be reunited with her mom and dad and her children and siblings that got there before her, your mom was one of the sweetest tough lady I've ever known she went through alot in her life I know she is happy being back with you all where she is no longer in pain or suffering just peace and happiness I know she got lots of hugs when she reached those golden gates everyone waiting on her we are going to miss her down here but we know she isn't in pain any longer she is with all of you, please take care her! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
February 22, 2022
February 22, 2022
Bobby,hey baby wanted to let you know I'm missing you and to ask you to tell God to heal your mom there's so many people praying for her right now she's the sweetest woman I know, she's been through alot she's a strong woman so please do what you can ask God to heal her In Jesus name I pray for mom I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright ❤
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022
Bobby today is Valentines day ❤ my 5th one without you, I miss you, I miss how special you made my day decorating my car before I woke up me riding down the road with balloons and I love you,s written on the windows and all inside the car,either taking me out to eat,or fixing me dinner with candles lit and flowers on the table ,strawberries and cream for dessert, this year I forgot to ask off and to work it was heartbreaking having to see everyone getting there loved one's cards .candy,flowers and special gifts knowing I will never spend another Valentines with you! I came home more depressed knowing I was going to be all alone here without you I didn't have any special to celebrate I shared chicken nuggets with Hershey for dinner thinking of all the Valentines days we had together ❤ I love and miss you soo much you will always be my Valentines Bobby hopefully I can find someone that will love me as you did ,hopefully I will find someone who can make me happy as you made me I know you want that for me you don't want me to be alone and sad because you told me to find someone to take care of me you knew I don't like being alone and it's hard trying to take care of things by myself but so far I have been able to but having someone to help me would be good because some things I just can't do myself around the house I have so much to take care of in the house and garage needs to be taken care of alot of stuff to get rid of I can't leave it for our kids to take care of when I'm gone from here, I just needed to touch base with you I'm going to get ready to go to bed but before I do I'm going to watch your video I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright good night my Valentines 
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
I miss you more than life. I don't know how I have managed 4 years without seeing you. I don't know how it's been that long already. The only comfort is feeling that you're still around. I always see the signs. A lot of things happen that cannot be explained, and I always know it's you. Not a day passes that you're not in it in some way. I know you see it from above. You said no one would care, and I told you I would. I do. What I wouldn't give to have more talks with you. I miss you to tears. I love you dad, sooooo much.
August 20, 2021
August 20, 2021
Bobby we celebrated your birthday another year without you , you would of been 65 but you will be forever 61 I'm going to be turning 59 on the 24th just in a few days then in a couple more years I will be older than you if I make it that long! That's not how it was supposed to be we was supposed to grow old together ,we were supposed to take care of each other and our kids take of us when we got to old to take care of each other Bobby I miss you I miss us Bobby! My life has changed so much I don't feel like the same person I was people don't understand I'm not the same Kay or mom they knew I'm lost without you I'm not as happy as I was with you I'm trying to be happy I know I will never completely be happy here without you You were my life now I'm trying to live my life but I keep hitting bumps in the road  I hope some day people will understand I'm not trying to forget about you I'm just trying to live my life be like normal people have someone to be with and not worry what I'm doing or judge my decisions I'm my own person I make my choices I don't have a boss I will always have you in my heart and soul think about you every second of the day ,it' just hurts so bad not having you here with me nobody knows how it feels loosing a soulmate until it happens to them I know I didn't until I lost you I just wanted to wish you a happy heavenly birthday I hope you celebrated with your dad and your brothers and Linda and your other loved ones up there in heaven one sweet day we will celebrate our special days together again ! I will Always Love You Bobby Wright
August 19, 2021
August 19, 2021
Happy Birthday in Heaven Bobby/my Dad #2. Hard to believe this is your 4th Birthday in Heaven. Life will never be the same without you. I miss you so much. Up thinking about you & I decorated the house for your Birthday, then the tears starting flowing down my cheeks because you won't be here to see.. like you should be. But, I know you are with us from above. We will ALWAYS honor you and your life ❤️ I love you bunches, and I'm sending big hugs to Heaven!
#Forever61 #BestFatherInLaw #MissingYou #HeavenlyBirthday #YouShouldBeHere
July 5, 2021
July 5, 2021
Hello Bobby another holiday here without you ,I know you always enjoyed getting together with the kids and family, the last 4th you were here you wanted to be special it made your day This year I didn't do anything with the family, holidays aren't the same here without you here I just don't like celebrating any of them any more Judy did message me invited me over for a cookout which I thought was really sweet of her to think about me I didn't get the message until after,8 pm she had messaged me earlier in the evening I really do need to go see mom soon I miss her sweet face I did tell Judy to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek for me and tell her I loved her ! I'm so glad to be back to work and especially closer the house ,I love you Bobby and miss you soo much it is still hard being here without you but like I've told you it's your love that has made me as strong as I can be I've managed to keep up everything as far as bills and house taxes still have alot of repairs that need done but I just don't have the money right now,dad does keep the yard looking good and keeps up the garden I guess I better get to bed work flow ,,9-6 tomorrow my 7th day straight I'm tired I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
June 15, 2021
June 15, 2021
Bobby, just wanted to let you know I woke up thinking about you it's 4:05 am I'm missing you wishing you were here with me ! This house is so lonely just Hershey and Ressee. I go to bed all alone awake up alone Im still not accepting your not coming back to me I'm still in misbelief going on 4 yrs I want you back here with me,I don't understand why God wanted you to leave me ,we were supposed to grow old together that's what soulmates do! I love you and miss you so much, nobody knows how it feels to have to go on life with out the love of their life you took my heart with you I'm not the same person I used to be my life has been turned upside down I'm not a happy woman,I'm not a happy person and most people that knows me knows this ,I just exist if it wasn't for our kids or mom and dad I would do my best to come be with you I know they would be heartbroken but I'm looking so forward to being with you in our heavenly home that's my happy !
I finally got back to work after almost 6 months that keeps my mind busy until I have to come home to this lonely house where you should be waiting on me ! I love you Bobby and miss you so damn much I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright

June 1, 2021
June 1, 2021
Yesterday was Memorial Day... You always looked forward to any holiday/special occasion with the ones you love. I loved that about you. You were a one of a kind man who put his family first ALWAYS, especially your kids. Not many people like that anymore. We miss you so much, as we sat down to eat yesterday we missed having you at the table with us. You showed us several signs you were around, and it warms our hearts to know you forever will be. I love you Dad #2, & I miss you BUNCHES.
May 31, 2021
May 31, 2021
You knew my mind was troubled... then I got your sign <3 You're still always around dad. Thank you for teaching me so much before you had to go. I miss you terribly. I wish you were here! I know you see that other bs going on... we won't get into that. Things would be so different.. and so much better with you here! I love you so so so much Dad. Never go far, always stay near.
May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021
Hey Baby ,just wanted to drop in on you to let you know im missing so much ! im so lost without you baby going on 4 yrs some days are worse than others and this is one of my bad days of missing you ! i cant stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks these meds are not helping today ,today is Melissa s 42 birthday her and the boys will be here to celebrate her day were having hot dogs and hamburgers and of course cake and ice cream and cup cakes for the boys ,i know melissa and the boys will be missing you ,you were the best Daddy and Grandpa to them ,they worshiped the ground you walked on ! it is so hard celebrating any special event without you here with us ! but i do the best i can to get through it I love you so much Bobby there will never be another man to love me like you did nor will i love another man the way i love you ! I know you will be with us today please show us some signs ,I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
April 5, 2021
April 5, 2021
Bobby just wanted to tell you i missed you today ,well i guess i should say yesterday .Mandy did a great job of fixing my dinner ,she takes good care of me shes so much like you !these holidays are not the same without you i dont enjoy them much ,i had to show you off on facebook with your Easer Bunny outfit you got to surpise your mom ! me and Hershey went and spent some time with mom and dad ,i love and miss you soo much Bobby i dont think i will ever get over loosing you ,when you left this earth you took my heart ,my happiness ,my everything with you ! i know i wont be able to be with you again on this earth there will never be another Bobby for me but i hope someday God and you will send me someone almost as good as you were i know i deserve to try to be happy again ,someone to make me smile again i havent smiled in a long time i need to feel alive again i just feel like im here but not here i feel lost without you ! you just dont know how many times i have just felt like leaving this earth so i dont have to be here without you and you love ,baby i miss your smile ,i miss your laughter,i miss your voice ,your hugs and kisses ,i miss you asking me hows my beautiful wife today! i miss all of that baby ,my world has changed so much i dont feel like myself anymore II Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
Bobby , today was our Anniversary we were supposed to be celebrating our love but instead I was missing you this was the 4th year of not having you here with me and let me tell you it doesn't get any easier , you always made our day special,I will never know how the love you gave me I will never have some one make my days feel special you are my soulmate Bobby no more Birthday s,no Valentine s no more Anniversarys, no more Holidays those special times are over for me ! I will never know the true feeling of being loved by some one as you made me feel My heart will forever be broken ! I did get a sign from you this morning I knew you was messing with the radio in the car Bobby I miss you soo much I Will Always Love you Bobby Lee Wright
March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
BOBBY,just thought i would write you a line or two ,baby im missing you so much i wished you were here with us ,i have been so depressed and heartbroken im not happy with my life right now im trying so hard baby to be happy with the life i have without you its just not possible some days are alot worse than others ,im on medication for my anxiety and depression but i really dont think its helping that much at all i guess i will never be happy again ,you were my life for 40 yrs,i really dont know how to go on with life ,some people may think im okay but they just dont know how im here at the house crying my eyes out and screaming for you to come back to me !I know alot of people think i have moved on ive been seeing Rex for over a year now but hes not you my heart belongs to you ,your my soulmate ,i do love him but he will never have my heart like you have Bobby I can tell you i feel guilty for trying to be happy with him thats why i will never be happy again but i know im a good woman and i have a good heart i want to love and want to be loved like everyone else,if i could of saved you with all my love for you you would still be here with me ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
I miss you like crazy old man. Here lately you've been sending me so many signs. It was cool waking up to our old messages opened. I got to read your I love you's. On earth you were apart of my every single day up until around 3 days before you passed.. We had a close bond that I am so thankful for yet I feel so empty because I no longer have it. I wish you was still here. A lot died with you Dad. Keep sending me the signs, and ya know it'd be cool if you visited me in my dreams again, I miss our talks. Never go far Dad, always stay near. I love you so so so much.
February 15, 2021
February 15, 2021
Bobby just wanted you to know its been 4 yrs since i have had a special valentines day! you would always know how to make me Happy, you never forgot me ,you always went out of your way to show me how much you loved me !for 4 yrs now ive missed out on the valentines dinners ,the beautiful romantic cards ,ive missed out on the i love you balloons,i missed walking out to see my car all decorated with love things that you snuck outside to do as i was sleeping!,Bobby i will never have that again and that breaks my heart ,I wil never have that kind of love again ! So you know Bobby my valentines day was spend thinking of you ! NOTHING special about this day,just the memories of our valentines we shared,it broke my heart seeing all those who posted about there valentines day! on facebook and all i have is memories of all the valentines we spent together! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright, Your My Forever VALENTINE
February 4, 2021
February 4, 2021
Hello I just wanted you to know I am thinking about you its been awhile since i have been on here ,I miss you so much I think about you every single second your always on my mind and you will forever be in my heart, my life has changed so much since you left me here to live without you! It's not gotten any easier for me I'm still trying to be strong for you I will never be as happy as I was with you I am looking forward to the day I can be back with you Bobby right now I think you would be very disappointed with the way my life is going I'm disappointed with myself I was proud of myself until a few days ago I messed up I lost my job because of the snow I couldn't get out I was stuck in the country now I have to find another job I'm still in disbelief after 13yrs I no longer have a job no income to pay bills or to eat barley any money in the bank I hope I can find a job real soon! I feel like a failure a disappointment ! I miss you so much I miss hearing you say I love you to me I miss your laughter I miss hearing you ask hows my beautiful wife today, I miss you saying okay Blondie I heard you! I miss taking care of you and you taking care of me! I will never find another man like you or one that loved me the way you loved me ! I wished God could of healed you back to good health and not taken you away from me ! I really don't know what I'm going to do I don't know how to go on without you I'm trying but some days are worse than others I hide my feelings and thoughts from everyone they just don't know how or what I'm going through being without you I don't know how much longer before I break I'm looking forward to that sweet day when God takes me to join you! If it wasn't for our kids mom and dad and a few others I would of given up on life here I try to live life like I'm supposed to but in reality I'm not happy and alot of times it shows no matter how I try to hide it from everyone ,I'm just not the same person I used to be ,because your not here with me. I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright I'm holding you in my heart since I can't hold you in my arms ❤❤❤
December 9, 2020
December 9, 2020
Bobby I'm missing you so much these Holidays are not the same without you here with us! I don't look forward to them i just wished i could just disappear until they were over with this year has been a very bad year for everyone! You now have Wayne with you and the rest of your loved ones that has passed away I know you were there waiting for him I can hear him say Bobby Lee ! We're all going to miss him here he was a great man like you! You both will be forever 61 together one sweet day we all will be reunited together again I love you Bobby I will always love you you will be in my heart forever you never leave my mind there's always something that reminds me of you, you were the best husband,father, you were my best friend my soulmate I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
December 4, 2020
December 4, 2020
If only I could really talk to you Dad. I know Wayne joined you today up there. You probably told him to go back for grandma's birthday. I am in complete shock. It's another sad sad loss. Yesterday was hard reliving this day 3 years ago and now today another tragedy. I know yall are up there looking down here at us. I feel so sad that he's gone but also I know he was reunited with all of you up there. Here I am crying tears for you, crying tears for him, and all of the family. Take care of him Dad. I love you, and I miss you tearfully.
December 3, 2020
December 3, 2020
THREE whole YEARS without you. Wow. Today is your third angelversary. We aren't even sure some days how we've made it through, other than we can still feel your love from above, & feel you with us when times are the hardest ❤️ Three years doesn't even seem possible, but yet it also feels even LONGER since I've gotten big tight hugs, kisses on the cheek, & "I love you's" from you. Our lives forever changed the day your heart stopped beating on Earth. So many times I've wanted to pick up the phone to call you, to come by and visit you, to video chat you and be silly together (something we loved doing)... and then I remember, Heaven doesn't have a phone I feel extremely blessed to have known you & had you as my Dad #2, and to have SOO many special memories to forever cherish... You were always so very good to me. I'm forever thankful. Not a single day goes by we don't think/talk about you! Until we meet again... We miss you tremendously. I love you BUNCHES!
December 2, 2020
December 2, 2020
Yesterday hunter was talking about school and how they asked if you could fly where would you go so he asked me where I would go I said I would fly to heaven to see pawpaw he said I dont think you can fly there I said I know but how nice it would be if you could
November 26, 2020
November 26, 2020
Thanksgiving is the last holiday we had with you. You was just here in our house eating a few "egg salad sandwiches" from my egg mix for deviled eggs. That day sticks out in my mind the most because a week in a half later you went to heaven. Thinking about it, I think that day was important to you. You hid your pain but one thing you loved was family meals. Us all eating together. Even though you got stressed lol. That year however, I was able to make everything for you and Mom. You got to relax and lay on our couch. You wasn't feeling well so I'd stop doing what I was doing to walk you down our hall to the bathroom. You linked your arms in mine, and we walked. NUMEROUS times might I add lol. I was actually able to help you that day, take care of you like you have always done for us. This day just hits harder because it was the last holiday.. You was the definition and foundation of our family, and now you are the missing link. I'm very sad without you, and I miss you terribly. Everything is so different without you. You always thought none of your others cared for you, you felt excluded and the odd one out...... here I am feeling that way. Just like you Dad. I'm in tears wishing you was still with us. I love you Dad, so so SOO much.
August 29, 2020
August 29, 2020
I am so happy that you have been showing me you are around I seen you in pictures I see u in the clouds I have my butterfly that Is always here and I love when I close my eyes to go to sleep I see your face I love and miss u so very much and I know I will see you again one sweet day and be able to give you a big hug love ya bunches
August 19, 2020
August 19, 2020
Your 3rd Birthday in Heaven Dad.
Yeah, I know you're in a better place
And one day I'll see you again
But it's killing me we can't be face to face
I miss my best friend
So, tonight I'm gonna pull out pictures, ones with you in 'em
Laugh and cry a little while reminiscing
By myself
I can't help
That all I think about is
How you were taken way too soon
It ain't the same here without you
I gotta say, missing you comes in waves
And tonight I'm drowning
I know it's a part of life
But I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

I miss you terribly & I love you so so much <3
August 3, 2020
August 3, 2020
Bobby ,its been 2 yrs and 9 months since you left us to go to our heavenly home ,i miss you so much my life has not been the same ,i am lost without you! i dont know how i am going on i still think its your love that makes me strong because other than that i dont know how im doing it sometimes i just want to give up and be with you then i think i cant do that to our family ,i feel as i am a disappointment to them sometimes because i am not there for them as much as you were for them i know they think its because of Rex but thats not it the truth is when i am not with him i just want time to be here at the house where you and the memories are by myself i dont think i will ever be the same kay i was before i will never be happy and content as i was before you had to leave me 40 yrs is along time to be with someone you love and suddenly they are gone forever i think thats something i will never accept being here without you my heart breaks everyday for you.i dont smile or laugh much i just seem to get through each day ,i do have alot of regrets of things i should have done and some things i did when you were here with me but i guess i have to live with them cant go back ,i do think you would be proud of me handling everything by myself as far as keeping a roof over my head and paying everything that has to be paid i havent had to ask for any hand outs but thats one of the things you taught me to do ,you will be helping me out in a few more yrs when i turn 60 i will be getting a widow pension maybe i wont have to work as hard with the 2nd imcome i might get to get alittle work done on the house mainly a new roof ,im not being greedy i just know you worked hard for us and your not here to get it for us so im making sure i get it for you like you would want me too! i love you Bobby i miss everything about you baby ! I wIll Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
July 30, 2020
July 30, 2020
I so wish you didn't have to leave us so soon. This is repeated words but life would be so much better with you here. Everything would be different, well not really different but back how it should be! You're up there carefree, and healthy...but why couldn't you be healthy here? I've always thought of myself as being just like you but Dad.. I'm not strong like you were. You feared nothing. I'm a ball of anxiety, and uncertainty now. You always fixed any issue or suggested how I could fix it. You were comfort Dad. You taught me things yet here I am still needing my Dad. I wish I had at least your voice to still talk to. I wish we still had you here to hug. I miss you tremendously. I love you so so so much Dad.  (p.s. Dad if you can.. knock some sense into mom! Help God lead her to a better path)
July 10, 2020
July 10, 2020
Bobby , thinking about you as always thought id write you to tell you i love you and missing you so much ,being in this house i get so lonely without you i go to bed and wake up to a empty house here without you here just Hershey ,and Reese most of the time ,i would give anything to have you back here with us ! I know were not suppose to question God but i do i ask him why did you have to leave us ??? things would be so much better for us if you were here my life has changed so much and you know how i hate change it takes me awhile to get over change but you not here with us i will never get over you! i know you watch over me i know you see me walking thru the house crying for you asking you why did you have to leave me baby! i know your no longer in pain and resting peacefully but that still does not mean i dont miss you ,i miss everything about you i miss us ! i miss you saying hows my wife ? i miss the i love yous and yes i even miss you calling me bloundie ,i miss everything i miss being your wife i will always be your wife and you will forever be my husband i will always be Mrs Bobby Wright !I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
Bobby, just wanted to wish you a Happy Fathers day i know im a day late but yesterday was a long day for me i worked and then went to see dad and then ,Melissa and me went to pay our respects to Micheal and Lisa loosing their mom too! i know that has to be heartbreaking not having you or their mom i just pray that God gives them strength to get through this together ,Fathers day was really hard on all our kids my heart broke for them they all have good memories of the past fathers days spent with you ,we miss you so much baby especially the holidays we always take turns talking about memories of you ,some times we laugh so hard and some bring the tears flowing down our cheeks but one thing for sure we will never forget you you will always be in our hearts and forever in our thoughts ,you were one of a kind there will never be another like you Bobby ! I love you I cant wait to be reunited with you one sweet day ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Happy Father's Day in Heaven to the best Father in-law.. my Dad #2. Thank you for loving me as one of your own. Thank you for always being there. Thank you for making me feel so special & important to you. I'll carry you in my heart forever until we meet again. I miss you every single day. A lot of times when I think of a memory of you, the tears start rolling down my cheeks.. But that's because I miss you, and wish you were still here. Other times, I'll smile and laugh because we had a lot of funny times together! I'm so grateful to have such wonderful memories with you that I can always hold onto. I love you BUNCHES
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Father's Day is getting closer.. another holiday meant to celebrate you, and you aren't here. You'd always say "You didn't have to get me anything", "I don't need anything" all you cared about was people spending time with you, and showing they cared. I got to give that gift to you every day. The priceless things, the cherished memories. Sharing meals together was important to you. You have instilled so many good times into my mind. Having a father like you, was an every day gift. Today isn't any easier, yesterday wasn't either. Sunday I'll try harder on celebrating you instead of making it about missing you. However, not missing you is impossible. You are an irreplaceable person. Always stay near, never go far. I love you Dad, so much.
June 12, 2020
June 12, 2020
Hey baby ,just wanted to let you know i havent forgotten you or the love i have for you i will never forget you or the love we shared ,you will always be in my thoughts every sec of day and nights ,im keeping you in my heart forever baby i miss you so much just wished i could have you here with us things would be alot better for everyone ,we all miss you so much but we know your in a better place and no longer in pain and suffering if our love could of healed you you would be here with us now back to your healthy crazy loving self .you always found away to make us laugh and showed us unconditional love there will never be another you in this life time no one will can love me like you Bobby ,I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
Missing you more and more every day.  Sending you so much love, big bear hugs and kisses on the cheek to Heaven Dad #2. I love you BUNCHES!!!
May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020
Today you would be excited that it's a holiday that is a cause for grilling. You loved grilling & get togethers. I miss being on that back porch and enjoying some good ol food with you! We're going to have almost all of the traditional things you'd make. I sure wish you could be here with us. I wish that every day Dad. Always stay near, never go far. I MISS YOU. You should be here. I love you so so sooo SO much dad.
March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020
They say now you're in a better place, I would be too if I could see your face. Life down here really sucks right now. I'm sure it's a whole lot better where you are. Losing you was tragic. I lost so many people when you left...... people don't realize I lost my father, my best friend, my counselor, my problem solver, my advice giver, the one I would vent to, A hero, my last call for the night, my run to, the main one who helped me, the one who supported my decisions. You were so many people put into one for me. It's hard. It's not any easier.... You should be here. Losing someone who was apart of your I know you're not coming back..... like someone just recently threw into my face. Harsh reality. A ton of bricks. I lost A HELLUVA lot that I just cant go on and replace. I MISS YOU DAD..... I miss you more than words could spill onto this page. Thank you for the few signs. Never go far, always stay near. I love you soo soo much Dad <3
March 1, 2020
March 1, 2020
Bobby, just wanted you to know im missing you its so hard being here without you ,my heart is still broken as much as the day you left me ,im trying to go on with life like you told me too! Im trying to move on with my life and be happy again but its not happening i have met a good man that does bring me happiness but hes not you ,You are my heart baby nobody can take your place in my heart ,you will always be my soulmate here and eternity i cant wait till we reunite i know your waiting on me baby ,life is so different now without you ! So many times i wished they could of found a cure for you I wanted to grow old with you like we talked about so many times i never thought you would be leaving me to be honest i dont know how to go on without you if it wasnt for support from others i dont know if i would still be here because all i ever think about is being with you wishing God would take me home to be with you ,you were my life for 40 yrs and its hard not having you here i expect to wake up from a dream and you would be here saying im here Blondie but in reality i know your not coming back to me and that breaks my heart ,i know your watching over me and the family i know you have shook your head about alot of things ,but i hope you are not disappointed in me about anything im doing my best to go on with life some may not approve but ive got to think about me do what i have to do to get through life without you ,Its so hard on me baby ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
February 8, 2020
February 8, 2020
Missing you more and more as the days go by! I am forever thankful for the close bond we had, and the wonderful memories of you that are left behind to forever cherish. Keep watching over us, and sending us signs so we can feel you close. I love and miss you very much Dad #2. Sending big bear hugs & kisses on the cheek to you in Heaven
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June 16
June 16
Happy Father's Day in Heaven Bobby/Dad #2. Thank you for loving me like one of your own. I miss you every day, but some days sting a little harder than others. Today is one of those. You should be here. I love you bunches, and I'm sending you big hugs to Heaven.
May 13
May 13
Well Dad, I'm probably going to be seeing you a lot sooner. God, help me. I pray you're there to help me through. I'm looking forward to that hug I've needed over the years. I love you Dad, so much.
March 23
March 23
BObby, Thinking about you as I do every second of each day your not here with me! Today we were supposed to be celebrating our anniversary together Another year with just having all the cherished memories of all the special years we celebrated,you always made sure you went out of your way to make me feel loved and special,you always spoiled me this is actually 7 yrs I've been without you on our special day! I miss you so much Bobby I know you will be with me today! I will celebrate our day with the memories I love you Bobby you will always be in my heart and forever in my thoughts! I WILL Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
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Missing Bobby

September 6, 2018

here I am again missing you had you on my mind a lot today at one point I thought I heard you say my name I guess I was just wishing we sure miss you down here I know you hear that all the time but it's true there can never be another Bobby he was Kay soulmate she'll never get over you you always got her heart you always got all of our hearts he was one heck of a man you took such good care of your family seeing to it that they didn't have to do without even with you leaving you made sure K was going to be okay I love you for that Mandy really misses her dad Melissa's she does too well I guess I'm going to call it a night and go to bed just wanted to say hi to you and good night love you always

Bobby wright

August 6, 2018

Bobby this is your old mother-in-law just want you to know that I miss you everyday you always have a place in my heart he was more like a son that I didn't have you are one great man couldn't have asked for a better person than you you are such a good dad and husband you always took care of your family seen to it that they did not have to do with out K is missing you something awful her dad and I try but we can't take your place nobody will ever do that you was her life she talks about you all the time include you in everything I know that you would want her sad and hurting but that's hard to not do I miss you I miss coming by seeing you at the yard I miss seeing you with the straw hat on and me calling out Farmer John just wanted to send you a little note I love and miss you thank you for coming by and telling me bye before you went to heaven until next time love always

August 9, 2018

still missing you Bobby and another K is Amanda we would give anything to have you back here with us you was one wonderful son I say that because that's how I feel he was a good husband and father and I know k loves you with all her heart she has some hard times remembering you talkin to you I'm hoping things will get better for her well I'm going to go now you tell all my brother and my family hello for me we love you

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