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Bobby Lee Wright    Forever 61

Passed away at his home surrounded by his loved ones. He leaves behind a lot of people who will miss him. His loving mother. His wife of over 40 years. His 4 children, as well as some who claimed him as a father of their own. 5 siblings on earth. A set of in-law parents who loved him, and treated him as their son. 10 grandchildren who he loved to spoil. As well as countless other relatives. He was reunited in heaven with so many of his siblings. His father, 3 brothers, and 2 sisters. He took a lot of hearts with him when he left. A hardworking man who would help anyone in need. He spent most of his life as a Brick Mason who took pride in his work, and has work all over Roanoke, and surrounding areas. Not only did he build foundations, but he became the foundation to our family. We are lost without him. We, as a family are completely devastated. A one of a kind irreplaceable man. He got along with everyone, even if he didn't agree with their choices, he never judged, and offered support. Most of his life was spent committed to supporting his wife, and kids.. as well as kids who weren't his own but he treated them as if they were. There are not enough words that can explain of just how great of man he was, and still is from above.  Leave below any memory you have of him, or any words you'd like to say to him. God has a hero up there. He didn't do anything spectacular to earn the title but the determination and strength he had to continue to live. He showed no others his pain 

Forever we will LOVE him.

February 5, 2020
February 5, 2020
Hey there my favorite old man I'm coming to you today to ask you to watch over my family tomorrow. I know you see what's going on and I know you can't change the outcome.. But please keep a watch over us! I love you more than words. Tell mama to watch over us too! I miss the both of you terribly!
January 6, 2020
January 6, 2020
I need a favor.. Please give mama one of your big bear hugs for me today.  It's her angelversary.. Let her know I love her! And make her give you a hug from me because I miss you to! 
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas! I know you are up there watching over all the kids and grandkids! Love you! 
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas up in heaven baby were missing you here with us doesn't seem the same without you this is our 3rd year without you and it hasn't gotten any easier on any of us! I love you I will forever miss you baby you will always be my heart my husband, my best friend,my soulmate I can't wait to be United with you up in our heavenly home I will Always Love you Bobby Lee Wright
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Unwrapping the memories we shared. Merry Christmas in heaven Dad. I was thinking of you, a cardinal flew by and sat on a branch staring at me and Toby. I always say Hi dad, whenever I see them. I miss you more than words, and I love you immensely. Sooo sooo much. Always stay near, never go far. Your chair is open for you. Come see us. I love you so much Dad! ALWAYS.
December 20, 2019
December 20, 2019
I miss you every day Dad. Tears still flow, but some days grab me harder than the others. I miss our night talks, our face time, and our visits. I miss seeing you! & hearing your voice talk back to me. You had a big influence on my life, and I find myself saying "What would Dad do" way often. I'm really thankful to have you as my father. You instilled a lot. You never failed me, and you were always there. I still feel you around, and I know you always are. I just miss you terribly. This will be the third Christmas without you. I guess you were our gift in life. Memories you left are now our presents. Keep sending signs Dad. Never go far, always stay near. I love you so so sooo much.
December 3, 2019
December 3, 2019
I'm thinking of you today, although I do every of today, you've been in Heaven for two years. I still can't believe you're gone. You took a huge part of our hearts with you when you left Earth. You will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart. I miss you sooo much, and will until we meet again. Thank you for loving me and treating me just like a daughter. I will forever cherish my memories with you. I love you BUNCHES!! Sending my love to you in Heaven
December 3, 2019
December 3, 2019
I can still remember 2 years ago as if it was just a week ago. Hospice told my family that he was starting to make his journey. I fought so many emotions. I didn't want to hear the words. I didn't want to come to the realization that the Father I have held so highly.. was going to be too far away to hug soon. He was leaving.. to a place I could not visit. The phone rang and my wife jumped up and tried to run down the hall as fast as she could.. honoring my request not to be told... she tried but I heard my mom.. she uttered "He's gone" my wife started to run a bit faster. I sat in silence feeling like I had been punched in the stomach, like my breathe had been taken from my chest... my wife returned with tear filled eyes... and whispered I'm sorry... I started screaming WHY.....WHY GOD....WHY MY DADDY....GOD. WHY... I started damning God.. I actually said the words F----- God! He took him! I sobbed so loud, you think I was the one fighting for my life.. oh but I was... My heart was ripped out of my chest. I think I even fell to my knees sobbing, and flooded my face with tears. 2 years ago.. a part of my heart left me. The night before I told him on the phone it's okay Daddy, I'll be okay. If you have to go, just don't go far..okay Dad? I got to hear him say "Okay" and I got my last I love you from him. I lied to him... I haven't been okay. It's not okay. I miss him today just as much as the first second that he entered Heaven. Every time I think about him being gone.. my breath is taken away. This is a hurt that will never heal.  I LOVE YOU DAD so so much. Never go far... always stay near. I EFFING MISS YOU..and I'M EXTREMELY sad that I have to forever.
December 3, 2019
December 3, 2019
Bobby,its been 2 yrs  today since i had you here with  me 2yrs since i heard you say you loved me the last words you spoke ,you took my heart with you ! its so hard being here without you i miss you every second ,you will always have my heart ,Im trying to go on with life ,trying to do what you told me to do Bobby your my soulmate no man can never take your place i look forward to being with you again one sweet day ,my heart hurts for Mandy and Melissa they lost their daddy,there hero ,there go to for help and advice but the will never loose the love for there daddy ,we all wished you were still here things has changed so much we just want to turn back time so we could have you with us its very hard on all of us the only that helps is knowing your no longer in pain and suffering we know your always with us looking after us I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright My Soul Mate
December 3, 2019
December 3, 2019
Thinking of you today.. It doesn't hurt any less. I remember getting the phone call that I knew you were gone and I couldn't answer.. You were the greatest dad anyone could ever ask for. I'm in my emotions today and I know it's harder on others than i but it still doesn't mean I don't miss u any less. Til we meet again. I love you!
December 2, 2019
December 2, 2019
Tomorrow makes 2 years since you left feels like yesterday I miss you so much everyday you were the greatest dad ever loved me and took care of me from day one no matter what thanks for being there for me always every time I look up I see your face in the clouds looking down how I know you are always there love you so much daddy
November 29, 2019
November 29, 2019
Seeing the Macy's Day Parade on tv reminded me of you being here at our house in 2016. We watched it together, and spent time together just you, and I. The very last holiday we spent together was Thanksgiving 2017.. I can remember that day so clearly. I've missed you these past two years. I've missed you every single day. I can't believe you're still gone. If Heaven wasn't so far away..... I love you soo soo SOO much Dad.
November 10, 2019
November 10, 2019
Bobby missing you ! Wished you could of stayed here with us we all lost a peice of our hearts when you went to our heavenly home we will see you one sweet day I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright ♥️♥️♥️
November 3, 2019
November 3, 2019
Hey baby today makes 23 months you left for your heavenly home I miss you baby not a second goes by, your always on my mind and my heart,my life will never be the same here with out you I'm doing the best I can do doing what you would want me to do I think you would be proud of me baby I'm taking care of things just as you told me to do but I wished my love could of healed you , you would still be here with us ,God knew were to sick and wanted you to go home where your would free of your pain and suffer no more I miss so much about you I miss us baby you always took care of me I was honored to be able to take care of you when you needed me you were and still my best friend,my husband and will always be my soulmate I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
November 3, 2019
November 3, 2019
23 months without you. I still can't believe you are gone. You were such a smart man in every aspect, and so many times I find myself thinking I'll have to ask Bobby how he did this, what to do about that, how to fix this, what he would suggest about that, etc.. and then I remember I can't. We always had you for any kind of advice, and we knew your advice could be trusted, no matter what. You always wanted the absolute best for us. You and I loved to joke around together, and we would laugh so hard we would end up in tears - I miss that. Now I am in tears without you here, because I miss you so much. Everything about you. I'll never stop missing you, & keeping you alive in memory until we are together again in Heaven. ♥️ I love you Dad #2
October 10, 2019
October 10, 2019
Last night I had a dream and u were there.. You were laying in your bed and I came to visit. You stood up and grabbed me by the arm and started dancing around the porch smiling. You said let's show Mandy I can dance! I had never smiled and laughed so much at you being so silly.. Afterwards u layed back down and it was your time to leave us. Im unsure what this was supposed to mean. But I do know I woke up happy knowing that you are resting above always watching over. I needed a pick me up and u came through at the right time! Love you always! Thank you for the sign!
October 6, 2019
October 6, 2019
I was painting the other day, and something happened that got me frustrated. Your voice popped into my head singing "the cookie jar" song. I haven't heard that song nor you singing it since I was a little kid. It was so random. In the midst of my frustration, it made me smile. I remember you singing it to me to make me laugh. I guess I really needed it. Every time I'm doing work around our house, I can feel you around me. Theres always a sign. I always had your help. You may not be visible, but I know you still haven't left us. Always stay near, never go far. Always in my thoughts, forever in my heart. I love you so so soo much Dad.
PS. I probably did steal all the cookies in the cookie jar :)
October 2, 2019
October 2, 2019
Bobby just wanted to write you to let you know you are heavy on my mind ,tomorrow will be 22 months since you left me and your loved ones i still feel the pain of letting you go ,you are my heart baby i love you and miss you being here with me my life has changed so much but my love for you never will baby! i know your looking out for me wanting someone to take care of me ,someone to make me happy and feel loved the way you loved and took care of me you dont want me to feel sad and lonely the rest of my life ,you told me not long before you left ,you will always be my soulmate i cant wait to reunite with you in our heavenly home i know you will be waiting on me at the golden gates what a joyful day that will be ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
September 13, 2019
September 13, 2019
The sky looks so different when you have someone you love up there. As I finished making french toast this morning, I smiled inside because it brought memories of you making it for me. I watched you make every thing, and thanks to you.. I'm a great cook. I can still have your cooking without you here. Although, no food is as good as yours! You left me with a lifetime of memories.. & I'm so thankful I was born as yours! You ARE the best father any child could ever wish for. Keep sending those signs. Always stay near, never go far. You're so alive in my heart dad. I miss you tearfully. I love you so so so much.
September 9, 2019
September 9, 2019
Bobby , thinking about you baby I wished a thousands of times that God could of healed you made you back to your old healthy self but I guess he knew that couldn't so he took you home so you could be pain free and no longer suffering we all miss you and still can't get over you not being here with us , you were the glue to hold our family together now it seems so different here our house is not a home anymore it's just a house full of memories it's very hard being there with out you baby I love you and miss you so much can't wait to be reunited with you I will always love you Bobby Lee Wright
August 21, 2019
August 21, 2019
Thinking of you today. I'm so sorry I didn't get to write to you on your birthday. Things have been hectic around here. But that doesn't mean I didn't think of you or say happy birthday to you out loud! I love you always! And I would never forget your special day!
August 19, 2019
August 19, 2019
This day used to be a Happy day for us. It was a day we celebrated a wonderful man's life who we all love so much! Mandy and I would get you presents, even though you always said "Don't get me anything" and we would have a special birthday dinner of your choice for you, with cake and ice cream. Today is your 2nd Birthday you've spent in Heaven. Now this day is so hard. We are lost without you. Memories flood my mind of you, and the tears start flowing. I miss you so much. Sending you hugs and kisses in Heaven, today and always. I love you BUNCHES Dad #2.
August 19, 2019
August 19, 2019
They say now you're in a better place.. well I would be too if I could see your face. I will hold you in my heart until I'm able to hold you in a hug above. I keep seeing the words "Happy" birthday... all I feel is sadness. I know that's terrible. You should be here, having a happy birthday here with us. I've cried about 4 times today .. so far. I can hear you in my head, telling me "ahh grow up!" it's what you would say to make me laugh again whenever I was sad. The tears are damn near drowning me today. You wouldn't want us sad. You had the ability to make me smile again. I get a lot of traits from you. I'm so glad you were born into this world, and became my father...but I am missing the face I cannot see. As you see above.. some things down here sucks! Maybe you are in a better place.. just wish I was there too! I hope it is a happy birthday where you are. Never go far, always stay near. Send me a sign.. I sure could use the smile dad. I love you so so so much.
August 18, 2019
August 18, 2019
Bobby ,I just wanted to tell you I'm missing you you are heavy on my mind as for tomorrow will be your 2nd birthday in our heavenly home we will be here thinking you should be here with us celebrating your 63rd birthday it will be a sad for us our hearts hurting wishing you were here but we will have cake and icecream and release balloons for you baby! I love you Bobby and I will always love you and looking forward to the day I can hold you again and tell you how much I love you Bobby ! You are my soulmate here and you will be my forever in our heavenly home I will always love you Bobby Lee Wright
August 16, 2019
August 16, 2019
Dad things just aren't right, right now. Here I am crying in silence, screaming inside in silence, and talking to you in silence. Oh how I miss you. The breathe gets sucked out of me, and my heart races every time I think about how you're gone. It hasn't gotten any easier. Your birthday is coming up, and I am not prepared to see that empty spot. I miss you tearfully, I love you so so so much Dad. 
July 30, 2019
July 30, 2019
Today is National Father In-Law Day. I wish Heaven had a phone, so I could call you & tell you that you're the best. I miss you sooo much every day, and wish it was possible to have you back on Earth. Things just aren't the same without you. I love you bunches Dad #2. Sending hugs and kisses on the cheek to you in Heaven!
July 29, 2019
July 29, 2019
Thinking of you.. I asked for your help with what was going on.. And I know u were watching over us these past few weeks! Everything is falling into place as it should and all my worries are aside! Things seen to get better each day. I still miss you but when I do I hear that chuckle of yours and can't help but to smile! Love you always! 
July 22, 2019
July 22, 2019
A memory popped up "on this day" on my fb. You walking beside me as I mowed on your zero turn. You was commenting back and fourth to a few of us on the picture. I sure wish I was able to be in a yard with you that close, and have you talking back! I wish I still had you here to do things with. You'd be pulling tomatoes from your garden (they're finally ready now) and having yourself a mater and mayo sandwich. There would be a gallon glass jar sitting out baking sun tea near by. Thank you for loving me as great as you did, and giving me a lifetime of memories. You should STILL be here. Always stay near, never go far. I love you so so SOOO much Dad.
July 4, 2019
July 4, 2019
Happy independence Day! You have been on my mind a lot lately! Just as mama was the glue to my family you were the glue to my other family.. Now I'm on my own it seems. I've strayed far from everyone and unsure what ive done. Seems as everyone has drifted from me and I have no clue why. Your birthday is coming up next month as well as mama and Kay's. Im not planning or attending anything this year. When you are the black sheep you have no need to be around others that don't accept you anymore. There is so much going on lately and I know u can see. I need your guidance and a helping hand to get through these next 2 weeks with all the battles im facing and hoping everything works out as it should. I'm unsure why I'm here to tell you all this.. I just feel as you're the only one to turn to anymore. I sure miss u down here! Love you!
June 26, 2019
June 26, 2019
Hey Dad
I know you've been around. More random messages sent, and I know the meaning behind it. Also, all the change I've found recently. I wish I was able to talk to you & have you talk back. I am missing the face I cannot see :/ You see the issues we've been dealing with lately, and I KNOW you would have already had it fixed. I could always count on you. Everything would be so much better with you here. You held us all together. Life can change in the blink of an eye. It's hard not to have the people you use to talk to every day but now it's silent. I'm like you in so many ways.. I'll pretend it doesn't bother me and go on. I wish I was as strong as you though.. you never gave up on your battles. We were so lucky to have you here. Blessed to be your daughter. I just wish we would have had another 30 years with you. Not sure how someone so great, and so strong had to go.. but I know you're up there building something! Meet me with a hug. I MISS YOU Dad. I love you so so so much <3
June 17, 2019
June 17, 2019
Was thinking of you yesterday as usual.. it was your day! I apologize that I didn't get to say happy fathers day. We were out of town and I had disconnected from the everyday life of the internet! Needed that get away! I had several reminders of you. As I was thinking of yours and kays last trip to the beach and the shirt u brought me back (which I still have tucked away) I looked down and spotted a penny in the sand. As I was packing to leave I found one in the dresser that wasn't there when we checked in.. You are always around. Things have been different and ive seemed to push everyone away. I'm honestly not sure what ive done but apparently I've hurt some feelings. I dunno I'm just at a loss. Life has been a roller coaster which I know you see from above. I've had a lot of trials lately. Dealt with a lot of stress and still going through those legal battles. Please keep a watch over my family! I surely need a guardian angel over us as we go into these next few months. Sure wish I could have some Bobby advice on my side! Or at least hear your silly laugh again. Happy late fathers day to the best! Love you!
June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019
STILL missing you Bobby wish you could of stayed with us longer when you left us you made a big hole in our hearts im always looking for you when i go by your house you will always be missed you are one. Of a kind cant be replaced we love you bobby Wright
June 3, 2019
June 3, 2019
Baby ,18 months you have been at your heavenly home i am missing you soo much wished you were here with us ! I do know you are at peace and no longer in pain and suffering and thats what keeps me going on here without you and knowing when the time comes for me i will be back with you again my forever soulmate oh what a joyful day that will be ! my heart will finally be healed ,I have loved you for over 40 yrs and i will love you forever nothing or no one will change that baby! I know you left here loving me your last words I cherrish those words every 2nd of the day ,thats what has kept me so strong ,thats how im able to get through each day i am here without you baby ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
May 28, 2019
May 28, 2019
I sure wish you were here Dad. Everything would be so much better, and feel more normal. No one knows all the pain I hold inside. How I didn't just lose a Dad. I lost someone who I could count on, someone who was in my daily every day. Someone who could always cheer me up. A huge chunk of my heart. I'm still losing people daily, only they aren't deceased... you always understood me, always gave me advice, and was my go to for talks, or vents. I know it's selfish to wish you were still here but I'd want you here as the healthier you! One more day, one more hug... but I'd still be wishing for one more day. I love you dad so sooo so much.
May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
Bobby ,just wanted to tell you i love you baby and missing you wished you were still here with us to show us the love you had for us ,making us smile ,and laugh at the silly things you did ,i miss those times with us mostly i miss you ,theres nothing in this house that hasnt gotten some kind of memory of you !Life just isnt right YOU SHOULD BE HERE! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
May 11, 2019
May 11, 2019
I know that was you this morning. You made sure we didn't miss your sign. You were remarkable on earth, and still mighty in Heaven. Thank you Dad. I miss you to tears. You're always near. One day passing, is another day closer to being reunited. I know you'll be there to talk me through it lol. I love you so so much Dad <3
May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019
I sure wish you were here Dad. I know you would be here in minutes to help us. Dad please ask God to answer our prayers. This kinda stuff makes me miss you even more. You cared so much for us, and helped us.. I never never took that for granted. So if you can Dad.. ask God to listen. I love you so so much.
May 7, 2019
May 7, 2019
Bobby,hey baby just wanted to let you know im missing you and love you ,you never leave my thoughts or heart its been 17 months since you last said i love you to me i miss hearing that from you baby ! Its still hard not having you here with us we talk about you everyday ! we still dont understand why you had to leave us so soon ,why you had to get sick you didnt deserve to be ,you were a great man with a kind loving heart ,i couldnt of gotten a better husband you had unconditional love for me those were the last words you spoke to me i love you ! and you peacefully went to our heavenly home no more pain and suffering ,you were a loving husband ,the best dad to our children,and also a caring granddad to the grandchildren who loved you .a good brother and a wonderful son mom and dad loved you as their own son .i know your mom misses you so much ! Bobby i think you would be proud of the way im taking care of things here ,you taught us alot about life even though you probably didnt know we were learning things from you! I know your always with us baby just wished you were here with us back to your self before you got sick things sure would be alot better for us ,i wouldnt be so unhappy and lonely for you i know your in a better place baby one sweet day i will be joining you what a joyful day that will be for me you will be at heavens gate waiting on me with your arms out and will be smiling at me , i will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright ,you will always be my soulmate baby !
April 18, 2019
April 18, 2019
I miss you every day Dad. Sometimes a memory can pop up and it takes me back to that day.. all the fun we had. It's like the breath was sucked right out of my throat, and I could barely breathe..bc I miss you so freaking much Dad. It's a painful feeling. Today that memory is our first trip with you, and mom to Macados. I have every day memories with you that I'll forever cherish. Enough to last me through this lifetime. I was not there the final day, and I have no regrets on that. People can talk shit about it but they don't understand me, you always did. My last memory is of talking to you on the phone the very day before, and your last words were I love you. I couldn't handle watching you slip away, I didn't want that as my last memory. I can't handle it mentally. You knew, and I didn't have to be there for the final moment because I showed you love every single day. If it was your choice you wouldn't have wanted anyone to see you that way. You were surrounded by love from others though. I got to see you every day, and talk to you...and now there's a void of not having you here with us. I was never prepared. I realize you knew your time was coming... You started doing different special things, and you always, always made sure I was okay. I'm really glad I got to make you proud before leaving this Earth. I know you're up there watching over us. I feel you every day in some way.. simple signs, little taps, and even your cologne. What I wouldn't give to have a hug! Meet me with one, when my time comes. I love you soo sooo so much Dad.
April 9, 2019
April 9, 2019
Another Birthday without you to celebrate my day Dad. You left so many signs to show us, you were here with us. It's not the same without you. I miss you terribly. I love you so so so much Dad. "Always stay near, never go far" "Always with you!"
April 4, 2019
April 4, 2019
Bobby this is Mama 2 I'm sure missing you who's looking at your picture today I always love seeing you and your bibs and farmer hat you are missed so much we all loved you there's an empty spot and our hearts it can't be filled we thought of you as a son that we never had you was always so good to us you just don't know how much we appreciated you you would be proud of K she's holding up pretty good I know she has hard times when she gets through and the girls they're doing good FC is trying his best to keep everything up the way you did please if you run into my Lulu and my two brothers buck and Buddy please tell him hi for m e also my mom well I'll be talkin to you again just remember you're in my heart and I love you and miss you and I'll be seeing you again one day
April 3, 2019
April 3, 2019
Bobby it now been 16 months got the candles lit next to your picture ! i miss you soo much baby ! im doing okay trying to make you proud of me ,doing what i got to do to survive life working paying these bills making sure i keep myself in this house and not out in the streets or living somewhere else ,of course you know dad is keeping his promise to you making sure im taking care of when something needs done around the house ,hes already cut the grass ,he had to fix the back porch screen so no one can get back in like a few weeks ago when they cut the screen to get on the porch ,i dont what i would do without him ! he went to Mandy and Lauren house and put there fence back up fot them im glad he is there for them too Manda does good taking care of things around there house ,you taught her alot !Melissa has been going through alot she is a strong willed woman ,shes taking care of the kiddos mostly by herself i know you will help guide her through all shes going through,i miss all the family time we had together ! i wished this all was a dream and we wake up and you would be here being your silly old self ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
March 24, 2019
March 24, 2019
Not a day goes by I don't think of you. You are remembered, memories of you are talked about daily, and you are always soo soo missed. However, Sunday's always feel like a day in your honor. You loved Sunday's, a day of rest, the Lord's day, and sadly it was also the day we lost you.. The day the Lord called you home to be at peace. Every Sunday I drink my coffee out of the red & black buffalo plaid mug I have that reminds me of you and your favorite jacket & vest you loved to wear. This time of year was your favorite, you'd be getting your garden ready, beginning yard work, anything outdoors. You loved being outdoors. We would be enjoying cookouts outside with you. I am looking forward to our plants & flowers to begin blooming again that you planted for us. Things really aren't the same without you. You took a big piece of our hearts with you to Heaven. We will forever miss you, until we are reunited one day. I love you bunches Dad #2.
March 23, 2019
March 23, 2019
Bobby today is our wedding anniversary the 2nd one without you ,i will always remember our special day wish we was celebrating it together but instead i will be with Mandy she making me dinner one of our favorites baked speggi ,salad and garlic bread we will have a place for you along with your picture on the table ,last year Melissa took me out to eat she knew you didnt want me to be all alone ,we have some very thoughtful caring children i guess we raised them up pretty good !It hasnt been the same without you here Im still missing you still have that hole in my heart like i said before im never going to be happy again until im finally back with you again my love ! I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright My Soulmate
March 22, 2019
March 22, 2019
March 18, 2019
March 18, 2019
It's almost 3 am and I am stuck awake with the song "You should be here" replaying in my head. Thinking of dad. You'd be excited about the warmer weather so you could get your garden going. You'd be telling me about the different plants you bought at Lowe's. You'd be calling to let me know your coming over for a visit, or telling me to stop by. We'd share deals we seen. You'd tell me a story about your trip to Aldi's, and why you don't like it.. but you always went back. I would have gotten off the phone from a video chat we had a few hours prior. Our nightly thing. And in a few hours from waking, I'd be getting a good morning call. You wasn't just apart of my life dad. You were in my every single day. Multiple times daily. I miss you so much dad. You should be here... I love you so much.
March 4, 2019
March 4, 2019
Hey baby just wanted to tell you i love you and still missing you like crazy its been 15 months since i heard you say i love you ! i tell you every morning when i kiss your urn before going to work and always kiss it good night and tell you i love you ! your always on my mind and forever in my heart I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright ( my soul mate for life )
February 14, 2019
February 14, 2019
Hey baby just wanted to tell im missing you on this valentines day just like last year ! i felt so lonely today without you you didnt have my car all decorated ,no card no balloons ,no special dinner with me ! i spent today all by myself here at the house mostly laying on the couch where you spent most of your last days ,i will never have the love you had for me again untill were reunited in our heavenly home ! i love and miss you soo much! im still trying to be strong doing what i got to do doing what you would want me to do ! its going on 2 years i really dont know how ive done it this long it has to be the love you left for me to get through my heartbreak ,i want to say Thank you for all the years you loved me and took care of me and your kids ,you were the best husband and father ,you were a great role model to me and your kids you showed us love and alot about life ,how you have to work hard to make in life !  I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
February 10, 2019
February 10, 2019
Hey baby ,just wanted to let you know i love you and missing you soo much ! i wished you were here with us life just isnt the same things are so different here its a lonely life for me i feel as if im never gonna be happy again until im back with you ,you were my happy ! i go on life acting like im okay but i know inside my heart im not okay ! people ask me how im doing i always say im okay !,but my heart is still missing you wanting you here with me ! i wIill Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
February 3, 2019
February 3, 2019
I was asked what a childhood memory of mine was .. and the first ones I could think of all had you in them. You left me with a lifetime full of memories Dad. I wish you were still here to make new ones. I won't ever understand why you had to go through what you did. A hardworking man who was great to all who knew him. I have a lot of work to do this summer, and all I can think of is how I wish you were here to help, and guide me. I am thankful for all you taught me though. You taught me a lot over the years, and it all makes sense bc you knew I'd need to know how to do these things. I know you'll be with me no matter what. Never go far, always stay near. That's our saying. Thank you for being the best to us! and Thank God for blessing me with a true father. I will forever be painfully missing you. I love you Dad, so so so much.
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June 16
June 16
Happy Father's Day in Heaven Bobby/Dad #2. Thank you for loving me like one of your own. I miss you every day, but some days sting a little harder than others. Today is one of those. You should be here. I love you bunches, and I'm sending you big hugs to Heaven.
May 13
May 13
Well Dad, I'm probably going to be seeing you a lot sooner. God, help me. I pray you're there to help me through. I'm looking forward to that hug I've needed over the years. I love you Dad, so much.
March 23
March 23
BObby, Thinking about you as I do every second of each day your not here with me! Today we were supposed to be celebrating our anniversary together Another year with just having all the cherished memories of all the special years we celebrated,you always made sure you went out of your way to make me feel loved and special,you always spoiled me this is actually 7 yrs I've been without you on our special day! I miss you so much Bobby I know you will be with me today! I will celebrate our day with the memories I love you Bobby you will always be in my heart and forever in my thoughts! I WILL Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
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Missing Bobby

September 6, 2018

here I am again missing you had you on my mind a lot today at one point I thought I heard you say my name I guess I was just wishing we sure miss you down here I know you hear that all the time but it's true there can never be another Bobby he was Kay soulmate she'll never get over you you always got her heart you always got all of our hearts he was one heck of a man you took such good care of your family seeing to it that they didn't have to do without even with you leaving you made sure K was going to be okay I love you for that Mandy really misses her dad Melissa's she does too well I guess I'm going to call it a night and go to bed just wanted to say hi to you and good night love you always

Bobby wright

August 6, 2018

Bobby this is your old mother-in-law just want you to know that I miss you everyday you always have a place in my heart he was more like a son that I didn't have you are one great man couldn't have asked for a better person than you you are such a good dad and husband you always took care of your family seen to it that they did not have to do with out K is missing you something awful her dad and I try but we can't take your place nobody will ever do that you was her life she talks about you all the time include you in everything I know that you would want her sad and hurting but that's hard to not do I miss you I miss coming by seeing you at the yard I miss seeing you with the straw hat on and me calling out Farmer John just wanted to send you a little note I love and miss you thank you for coming by and telling me bye before you went to heaven until next time love always

August 9, 2018

still missing you Bobby and another K is Amanda we would give anything to have you back here with us you was one wonderful son I say that because that's how I feel he was a good husband and father and I know k loves you with all her heart she has some hard times remembering you talkin to you I'm hoping things will get better for her well I'm going to go now you tell all my brother and my family hello for me we love you

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