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Missing Bobby

September 6, 2018

here I am again missing you had you on my mind a lot today at one point I thought I heard you say my name I guess I was just wishing we sure miss you down here I know you hear that all the time but it's true there can never be another Bobby he was Kay soulmate she'll never get over you you always got her heart you always got all of our hearts he was one heck of a man you took such good care of your family seeing to it that they didn't have to do without even with you leaving you made sure K was going to be okay I love you for that Mandy really misses her dad Melissa's she does too well I guess I'm going to call it a night and go to bed just wanted to say hi to you and good night love you always

Bobby wright

August 6, 2018

Bobby this is your old mother-in-law just want you to know that I miss you everyday you always have a place in my heart he was more like a son that I didn't have you are one great man couldn't have asked for a better person than you you are such a good dad and husband you always took care of your family seen to it that they did not have to do with out K is missing you something awful her dad and I try but we can't take your place nobody will ever do that you was her life she talks about you all the time include you in everything I know that you would want her sad and hurting but that's hard to not do I miss you I miss coming by seeing you at the yard I miss seeing you with the straw hat on and me calling out Farmer John just wanted to send you a little note I love and miss you thank you for coming by and telling me bye before you went to heaven until next time love always

August 9, 2018

still missing you Bobby and another K is Amanda we would give anything to have you back here with us you was one wonderful son I say that because that's how I feel he was a good husband and father and I know k loves you with all her heart she has some hard times remembering you talkin to you I'm hoping things will get better for her well I'm going to go now you tell all my brother and my family hello for me we love you

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