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January 24, 2019
January 24, 2019
Bobby ,wanted to write you ,i havent forgotten you baby just been feeling bad ,having a hard time my depression has been getting me down went to the doctor the other day to help me with the depression and get some relief for all this back pain im having this degenerative arthritis of cervical spine isnt good im at work less than an hour my back starts with a burning pain from my neck down to the middle of my back and im so tired all the time dont sleep good at night anyway the doctor put me on cymbalta havent taken it yet waiting for my day off tomorrow hope this works for me baby ! I am still so lost without you i dont know how to go on I just do what i gotta do to be able to keep a place to live go to work pay bills i dont enjoy anything i dont enjoy life I just want my life back with you i have no life without you baby ! I miss you soo much i think of all these memories of you ,were always talking about you and the funny memories i laugh so hard till it makes me cry they are bitter sweet memories for me ,we will never ever forget you baby you were one of a kind thats for sure ,Nobody could ever replace you!even thou i see alot of you in Amanda and Micheal and Melissa gets alot of things from you too they are very smart ,hard working souls like you ! well baby got to get off here for now but i will write you again soon! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
January 24, 2019
January 24, 2019
Yesterday Mandy and I were cracking jokes about ordering food in the drive thru with you.. I was laughing so hard. You were a character every single time! Always a fun trip going somewhere never knowing what you would say next love you.. Your memories will never fade.
January 24, 2019
January 24, 2019
You must have been in my dream because the ending of it I heard "You should be here" Now that song is playing in my head over and over. I sure miss you.. never any less than all the days before. Always stay near, never far. I love you so so so much Dad.
January 22, 2019
January 22, 2019
Just wanted to write to you & tell you I'm still missing you every day. Not a day goes by that you aren't missed, thought of, and talked about. I tell Mandy ALL the time that she is Bobby Jr. She looks so much like you, acts like you, smiles like you, thinks like you. She definitely was Daddy's girl. I know she feels so blessed to have had such a wonderful Father, role model, hero to look up to. And I will always feel blessed to have had you as a Dad #2. You treated me like a daughter, you didn't have to, but you did.. and it means the world to me. Now you are up there with my Daddy, and I bet you two are cracking jokes together while watching over us. You both were so silly and funny. :)
Love you Bobby/Dad #2. Miss you bunches. Sending hugs and kisses to you in Heaven!
January 11, 2019
January 11, 2019
Bobby ,just wanted you to know i havent forgotten you ive just havent been feeling to good and been busy at work ,ive been trying to soak my back ,its getting to bother me more and im just tired all the time i just push myself to do things especially getting up and going to work they have cut hours back i dont mind except for the money part ! Bobby i miss you soo much didnt relize how much you did spoil me ,i dont have that anymore i guess i will never be again ! i have became friends with Nancy i know you made that happen ,she just lost Steve last month they had a special kinda love like ours they also were soulmates too! i hope we can help each other get through we both can relate on loosing our love ,our soulmates,its gonna snow again starting saturday afternoon through maybe monday !i hope to work Saturday atleast ,sunday i probably wont get to im off Monday thank god ,well baby guess i better get off i have to get my work clothes together for tomorrow and get to bed 7-4 is my shift so i will tell you Good Night I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
January 6, 2019
January 6, 2019
Bobby its been awhile since I was on here but that don't mesn i wasn't thinking about you im STILL missing you don't seem right with our you you watching over all our family to day makes 7 yearrs that lou went a head of you i know she was waiting on you when you joined gods angels you sure are missed here we try to take care of kay but nobody can take your place she misses you so much well i will get you soon ifyou see lou give her a big hug for me love you Bobby 0
January 6, 2019
January 6, 2019
Its been a long year since we said goodbye to you ill never forget you coming by to let me know that you was on your way to heaven you know iwonted to be there with you and be there for kay i have missed you every day miss seeing that beautiful smile your crazy jokes your kindness and loveing sence of humor i miss everything about you. You will allways have a special place in my heart
January 6, 2019
January 6, 2019
Still guiding me from above. Thanks for the help last night Dad :) No coincidence. Always near, never far. I miss you, and I love you soo soo much Dad.
January 3, 2019
January 3, 2019
Bobby today makes 13 months since you left here holding my hand telling me you loved me before God called you home !No More Pain No More Suffering in my heart im happy your not ,but my heart is still broke missing you soo much I know i told you i would be alright ,but Bobby im never going to be alright here without you ,you were my life i still dont know what to do without you I am just going through life doing what i know i have to do in order to have a place to live taken care of things the way you want me to do ,I dont enjoy much of anything anymore ,I am not a happy person ,your always in my thoughts and my heart,I know its the love that you left me is the reason i have remained so strong but i have to admit i do break at times ,I will never get over loosing you I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright my soulmate
January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019
Thinking of you today as always. Starting a new year and hoping it's a good one. Mamas angelversary is coming up. 7 years she's gone. Give her a big ol hug for me please! I've been talking to Melissa! Makes me happy to have her back around and talk like we have never before. You know she needs you around at this time. Mandy too! She told me about her dream and I was happy to hear you visited her. We sure miss you! Hopefully I will see kay kay Sunday! I love you and hope you are watching down on us and are proud of how well everyone is doing despite you being gone. It sure ain't easy but everyone is doing their best.. Til we meet again.. Save me a seat.
January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019
2019 means we didn't have you in our lives for a full year of 2018. It saddens me. Keep showing your signs to remind us you are near. You showed up in my dream a few days ago. I wish it wasn't just in a dream. I miss you Dad. Thanks for upgrading from pennies to quarters :) They all go in the jar. You taught me how to budget, and save. 2018 was a year full of depression. You wouldn't want that for us. Hopefully, 2019 I can do better at handling life. I'm thinking of you always. Missing you tearfully, and I love you soo soo much Dad. Always stay near, never far.
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Hey baby ,today is Christmas my second one without you i miss waking up with you exchanging our gifts and getting dinner ready for the kids to enjoy family time together,you always enjoyed that helping me prep for the macaroni salad and potatoe salad you would chop the onions and peppers and celery so thin thin ,you made your macaroni salad better than mine ,i really miss the family dinners we used to cook it up ,now i dont do the cooking Mandy does it for me but we dont do as much food .i did get to spend some time with the grandkids yesterday gave them there gifts to open Melissa took me to your moms to give her gift it was so nice to see her i love your mom ,shes got to be the sweetest woman i wished i could visit her more its just so hard going there without you baby! i know your going to be with us today we will set a place for you at the table as we always do I Hope everyone enjoys there Christmas its just to hard for me to do because all i wanted was to have you back here with us healthy and happy again but i know your now resting in peace and pain free and watching over us and will always be with us ! but again i want you back here with us i want my life back with you ! I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
December 24, 2018
December 24, 2018
Well it is Christmas eve I sure do miss you it has been a very hard day for me I wish you were here to help me through. I miss you so much Amanda Lauren lil neal and stormy helped me today we wrapped the kids Christmas presents me and Amanda joked about how you would wrap so good you could not see the tape to pull it apart you were so good at that I love you daddy you will always be my hero the greatest man i will ever know
December 16, 2018
December 16, 2018
Hey Dad
What I wouldn't give just to see you, share a hug, or a quick kiss on the cheek. To have my phone light up with your name. I'm glad to have the assurance that you know that I love you. I talked to you daily (more than once) and seen you every day either in person or by video chat. I never missed a day. All my life, I have had you in my day.. until a year ago. I still have you in my day though... but through talks, visions, and memories. I've been told I have your silly personality, and I've been told I have your smile. I inherited a lot of traits from you, and I've learned a lot from you. I am my father's daughter. Proudly. Melissa, Lauren and I, have been holding Mom up for you. Melissa has helped her a lot, and we have been trying to keep her laughing like you did. I give her hell for things like you use to. I got to right? I haven't let a lot of how I'm feeling show. I've had to grieve in silence. I've been strong for Mom. Inside I've been dying. You see, you see it all. NO ONE knows how close you and I were. How you understood me the most. How you was my hero, and I was your confidant. A lot you held back but confided in me. We had an unbreakable bond. You are a true father. You made sure all of your kids knew they could count on you. And all of us have in some way. All of our lives. I don't know how we're living without you.. it's a sad sad reality. I love you Dad, soo soo much. I am forever missing you.
December 14, 2018
December 14, 2018
I love when I walk into a room and instantly smell your cologne. I know that's your way of letting me know you're around. It was also pretty to see that cardinal flying around the snow. You know I lost something very important to me recently, and while looking there shines a random quarter. Thank you Dad for always showing you are near. I miss you more than I can even write. I have been struggling lately, but I think.. what would Dad tell me. I know what I need to do, I'm going to try to make 2019 better. Hopefully, you will be proud of me above. I will go on every day for the rest of my life, missing you. Not a day goes by that you are not thought of. Never go far Dad, always stay near. Those are the last words I said to you before saying I love you. You said okay, and you have! I love you so so much Dad.
December 13, 2018
December 13, 2018
Hey baby just thinking about you as always so here i am venting to you again! i off work today been sitting here all day thinking about things it sure is lonely here without you i know your here but i just cant see or hear you ! i do feel you here with me i know that was you that touched the back of my neck when i just dosed off to sleep last night woke me up i said out loud i know thats you Bobby ! hoping to feel you again ! I hope you never leave this house i want you here with me forever baby ! we have that once in a lifetime kinda of love we were and always be soulmates ,some people dont understand the love we had for each other ,I Know i have made mistakes i did you wrong one time and i regret that but that was along time ago and you forgave me our love was that strong to get thru that mistake .what i dont understand is the fact that some people hold that against me we all do things we regret and another thing is they dont think about how bad Gale treated you she did alot worse things to you then that one mistake i made but they forgave her ! Bobby you know im a good woman and i treated you good ,you know i love you with all my heart ,you are my heart for 40 yrs most of my life i have been with you ,as i know you loved me and treated me good ,we both worked hard for what we got it wasnt just one of us ,we dont have alot but its what we worked for together like i said before you didnt leave me with alot of money but you made sure i was taken care of by redoing my kitchen and making sure the washer and dryer was upstairs so i wouldnt have to climb those steps and got me heat in the house .those things mean more to me than you leaving any money ,i dont have a house payment or car payment every month Thank You again for taking care of me! your love is what keeps me strong to get through life not depending on anyone else to help me ,I am thankful Melissa and dad were here to help me out with the snow ,as you know with my COPD and my bone diease theres no way i could of shoveled that snow by myself i probably would been right there with you by now if i would of tried Melissa knew this and thats why she done it for me and Dad i think you two had a talk about taking care of me ! well i guess i vented long enough for now ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
December 9, 2018
December 9, 2018
Hey baby ,were just getting our first snow sure missing you here with me ,called out of work ,Melissa offered to come take me to work this morning but i told her it will only get worse and i didnt want her to try to come back out in it and i sure didnt want to be stuck there at work the animals need me here with them ! i can always count her Melissa going out of her way for me ,she always says Daddy would want me to ! I made sure to tell dad not to try to come shovel me out hes 77 yrs old he cant be doing all that it would be hard on his heart ,id rather loose my job than loose my dad !i only have 2 more points left before that happens if they count missing today ! i have no choice in that matter i cant shovel the steps or clean my car and drive way myself with me having COPD so hopefully this snow will clear up by morning i doubt it thou im off Tuesday ! i maybe looking for another job ,i can reapply in 6 months if i cant find anything before then ,Im just glad i dont have a house or car payment to make every month Thank You Bobby for making sure of that!.you always took care of me ! people would say you spoiled me ! i think its because you loved me and wanted to take care of me ! I think i spoiled you also you were and will always be my heart baby ! I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
December 7, 2018
December 7, 2018
Thank you daddy hunter lost his ball I told him to ask pawpaw to help him find it when he went out the door to school there it was right outside on the sidewalk waiting for him love you daddy so much
December 5, 2018
December 5, 2018
Hey Dad.. it's me.. the family disappointment. I wasn't mentally strong on your passing day. It was an emotional roller coaster. I couldn't bring myself to making it to mom's to grieve. I've always dealt with things different, and others don't understand me. Apparently they never will. I know you are so proud and happy with Melissa. She does a lot for mom. She makes sure she's okay, and always makes sure she is never alone on these hard days. She helps her anytime she needs it, as well as just a simple task to help her get things done. She spent almost all day with Mom. They lit candles with music in your honor. I just couldn't face the event. Later on we did light candles with Mom in your honor. We ALL miss you. I think you were the only one who understood me but now you're gone. I'm a disappointment to everyone in the family but you never made me feel that way. I love you Dad and miss you so so much.
December 4, 2018
December 4, 2018
Bobby today makes 1 year since you went to your heavenly home ,your pain free and no longer suffering ,you fought your battle for 5 long years ,you didnt want to leave us till you knew you had taken care of all the things for me that needed done ! you thought of everything you wanted me to be alright !I Miss you soo much I know your always with me looking out for me i could not of gotten thru this year but the love you left me has made me strong just like you want me to be I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
December 3, 2018
December 3, 2018
I seen you in the clouds looking down on us today got a picture and video you are always with us I know you enjoyed seeing the boys riding the big wheels down the hill they would usually have you playing with them counting to three and saying go love you so much
December 3, 2018
December 3, 2018
I miss you so much watched your video mandy made for you and I sit and cry I miss you so you left us away too soon we needed more years but I know you are no longer in pain Lucas still remembers his paw paw he gets the biggest smile on his face when he sees your picture he starts saying that's my paw paw and I ask if he sees you if you visit him he says yes he says love paw paw and I say I love him too so much I wish I could see him and give him a big hug so I am sending you a big hug and kiss up to heaven love you so much
December 3, 2018
December 3, 2018
One whole YEAR without you. Today is your first angelversary. We aren't sure some days how we've made it through, other than the love & support of one another. A whole year doesn't seem possible, but yet it also feels even longer since we've gotten big tight hugs, kisses on the cheek, & I love you's from you. Our lives changed the day your heart stopped beating on Earth. So many times I've thought about picking up the phone to call you, to come by and visit you, to video chat you and be silly together (something we loved doing) and then I remember, Heaven doesn't have a phone. I feel blessed to have known you, had you as my Dad #2, and to have SOO many special memories to forever cherish...Until we meet again... We miss you tremendously Bobby. I love you!!
December 3, 2018
December 3, 2018
Can't believe it has been a year since you left I am going to spend all the time I can today with mom I know you would not want her to be alone today I brought her some breakfast me and Lucas and I am going to bring all the kids back later love you so much
December 1, 2018
December 1, 2018
Bobby just wanted to tell you i love and missing soo much baby ,cant believe its been a year monday!,well tomorrow Sunday is the day you went to your heavenly home and took my heart with you! l dont know how i have gotten through this year without you only think i can think of is the love you left here for me to carry on and knowing you are no longer in pain and suffering ,and i told you i would be alright ! Im doing it for you baby ! I really think you would be proud of me handling things on my own ! but of course i have help from the girls and mom and dad are always here for me! Its so lonely here at the house without you ! Nobody hardly comes to visit anymore ! mostly i just sit here in the kitchen on this computer and watch tv i got alittle one hooked up in here with my roku and i have a picture of you on the shelf in front of the kitchen table so your always in here with me too! Thank You for making sure i have a kitchen i can enjoy ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright my soul mate
November 24, 2018
November 24, 2018
We made it past the last holiday you celebrated with us Dad. A year ago you were here... you wasn't pain free but, it didn't feel at all like your time was coming to an end. I guess in a way that's a good thing bc we enjoyed the holiday worry free. The Thanksgiving before the last one (in 2016) You came over to our house, and we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. Something We've never done, and you said we ought to do it every year. You were not too much into watching things unless you really liked it. I think you just wanted to give me the memory of it. I have countless memories that flood my mind. We will soon surpass a year... a full year without you. But every single day since you had to leave you have not left our minds and hearts. You are talked about daily. We include you however we can into holidays. It's hard when you have someone daily in your life, and its all ripped away to ashes literally. I can't name just one memory of Thanksgiving. Every year you were stressed on cooking, trying new recipes, and your famous words "It sucks" when it didn't turn out lol. You'd always get your plate last, always putting us first. Mom would keep saying "Bobby getcha something". You always had left over turkey to put on sammerwiches (sandwiches) as you called them. I think you loved Thanksgiving the most bc it was about family time, not about gifts or spending money. You said most holidays were money makers for stores.. So no wonder you loved Thanksgiving the most. It's a time of everyone getting together, and just being about family. Plus, you loved to cook and eat with others. It was so lonely without you this Thanksgiving. That empty chair but certainly your picture was there. I know you're near. I know you're smiling, and sometimes shaking your head at others. I sure wish you were still here Dad. I am painfully, tearfully missing you. I love you soooo soo much My dad, My hero, My Angel above.
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Bobby ,this was the first Thanksgiving without you ! i was so lost without you i cried all morning knowing you wasnt here for your turkey day ,your favorite dressing mom made for you every year ,you enjoyed family time ,helping me prepare everything ! Mandy did real good seeing that i had a good meal ,she knew you wanted her to do that for me ! Melissa cooked for her kids i know she would of been here for me also but when you have 7 kids and worked the night before your tired ,she did call me and told me happy thanksgiving on her way to work maybe i will get to spend time with them Christmas .Melissa and Mandy has both been my rock dont think i could have survived without the love and support of all my loved ones I just wanted to tell you i miss and love you soo much I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
November 21, 2018
November 21, 2018
Bobby one year ago you had that surgery done the one that they inserted that tube to drain the fluid from your belly you were so excited to get that done you called it your big day ! We thought that was gonna help you get all that pressure off your belly will it did but only for maybe a a day or 2 then all that fluid built back up didnt make you any better ,we were heartbroken again ,we had to watch you suffer in pain ,the only thing they could do for you was to make you as comfortable as they could i then knew it was to tell you to do what you had to do you dont have to suffer and be in pain that i would be okay ! I knew i wasnt going to be alright i just needed you to be set free of all your pain and suffering ,when you left me you took my heart with you Bobby  I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright My Soul Mate
November 18, 2018
November 18, 2018
Walking into the room with your ashes, and as soon as I open the door I smell your cologne. I instantly, perked up and said Hey dad. It made me smile through tears. I told you to always stay near, never far. You are.. & you're living in our hearts, and our loving thoughts spoken of you. I am painfully missing you. I love you Dad, sooo soo SOO much.
November 18, 2018
November 18, 2018
Bobby today makes 11 months and 15 days since you left us to go to your heavenly home to be with your loved ones 15 more days it will be a year since i last held your hand as you told me you loved me and went home to be pain free and suffer no more baby i miss you soo much things hasnt been the same here without you ,you took my heart with you !Regina your hospice nurse stopped by to visit me at work we had a nice long conversation i think you sent her to me it was nice talking to her ! we have your memorials coming up !Thanksgiving is gonna be hard on us without you here with us ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
November 16, 2018
November 16, 2018
We put up our Christmas tree tonight, and we hung the ornament we had made with your picture on it & a few others nearby it that remind us of you... And as I was perfecting where it was hanging from, tears filled my eyes... Every time we've tried to take a picture of it on our tree, weird stuff happens... I think you're playing tricks on us to let us know you're with us which makes our hearts smile. Whenever we get a good picture of it hanging on the tree, we will share it on here... Miss you SOO much, & wish I could have one of your big ol tight bear hugs! <3
November 13, 2018
November 13, 2018
Not a single day goes by that we don't talk about you. Sitting here thinking about how last year was your last Thanksgiving, your last holiday with us. You loved Thanksgiving. Blessed to have spent some of that day with you. You really enjoyed the deviled eggs Mandy made, even made an egg salad sandwich out of the leftovers & enjoyed every bite. Kept saying "Mmm Mmm Mmm" Made Mandy smile and feel good she could fix you something you enjoyed. You were at our house for awhile that afternoon, then we came to yours and Mama Kay's house and had Thanksgiving dinner there with yall. When we walked in the door, you were sleeping on the couch because you hadn't been feeling good. You saw us and perked right on up and smiled. I said "Did you miss us?" Even though it hadn't been long since you had just seen us, but your reply was "Of course, I always miss yall." Melted my heart and I'll never forget that! This year, and every other year from here on out is going to be hard, different, & not the same without you. You always cracked jokes and had us all laughing. We miss you every day! Love you always Dad #2!! Sending big bear hugs to you in Heaven.
November 13, 2018
November 13, 2018
I guess you were letting me know you were with me tonight i seen several signs it gives me a good feeling and makes me happy so keep letting me know you are around love you so much sending a big hug and kiss
November 10, 2018
November 10, 2018
I just wanted to say I love you so much and miss you everyday always thinking of you
November 7, 2018
November 7, 2018
I seen you again this morning as I lay there and try to go to sleep and a memory pops up of how you and Hunter and Logan would play they would be on their big wheels or bike or just racing each other they want you to count 123 and say go but you being you had to play to you would go 1 2 3 corndog instead of go or something else they loved playing that game with you and I think you loved playing with them too you would have them laughing that when you finally did say 1 2 3 go they were not expecting it I miss you so much sending you a big hug and kiss love you so much
November 6, 2018
November 6, 2018
Hey baby just wanted to write you to let you know im missing you ! i received a invite for me and the family to join in a memorial servivce for you on dec 1st at 10 am i think thats really nice to be able to do that for you looking forward to the family time even though its gonna be a sad day for us we will be together ! hopefully most will be there i know some wont be able to attend but i know you will understand ! these few days worn me out being the 1st of the month and its gonna get worse the holidays approaching i wished i could just take a break from all that holiday stuff ,dad has been working hard around here put plastic on the windows and he fixed the back door to keep the cold air out hes been a blessing to me ! had a good conversation with Judy today !wished we could get together more ,im going to go back to see your mom soon ,its so hard going there and not have you with me it breaks my heart i feel so sad for her she lost you Linda ,Earl ,Jessie and your dad and other loved ones just wanted you to know i was thinking about you baby ,Love and miss you more than words can say I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
November 6, 2018
November 6, 2018
Daddy I got your sign at work stocking and go down the aisle and there is a ballon sitting in the middle says thinking of you the girl I was working with said that weird no one had been in this area where the ballon come from I told her my daddy put it there for me I love you so much Daddy
November 5, 2018
November 5, 2018
Bobby i know you come by to see me this morning the door open and shut when i went to see who it was there was a penny laying at the door way in side of the screen door  lcc is down at your house fixing the kitchen door for kay i love and miss you every day STILL looking for you on the steps or in the yard working  every time I go down that way tell my brothers and mom hi for me and i love and .miss them to loveallways
November 4, 2018
November 4, 2018
Went to visit with Mom tonight for awhile I know you were with us I found your penny sitting on the chair when I came out thanks for letting me know you were there  I love you so much
November 3, 2018
November 3, 2018
Dad, I think it's ironic that this year your black and red plaid is in style. Especially with all the Christmas stuff. I know we'd have a hard time picking something out for you because there's so much of it. You called it Lumberjack plaid but now they call it Buffalo Plaid. It's popular now. We got a red and black plaid ornament with your picture, and Lauren spotted a red and black plaid Christmas mug she had to get because it reminded her of you. I love how much she loves you. 11 months today. I can't imagine a year... I don't want this year to end because it will be a full year (all of 2018) that we had to live without you. I miss you every day, and it takes my breath thinking about it. Every time, it hits me hard in the chest. Probably because you took some of my heart with you. You left your love here with us. All of us have a little bit of Heaven in our home - You. We all have your ashes with us. You're never far from us in spirit, in daily talks, in memories, and most definitely in all of our hearts. You are alive here within all of us. I don't know how we're doing it daily, but a lot of times we get signs, and look up and know that was you. One thing I am surprised about though.. You haven't played any jokes on me. Although there was a weird text convo that has no explanation, other than it being you. Come on old man, play some more tricks ;) I sure would love a daddy kinda hug. I'm looking forward to it whenever it's my time. I miss you dad, and I love you so so so so much.
November 3, 2018
November 3, 2018
I can not believe it has been eleven months since you left us I miss you so much everyday I wish I could hug you one more time I love you so much I wish I could go back in time and change everything so you would still be here with us just wanted to send kisses to you from me and the babies they love you too and miss you
November 3, 2018
November 3, 2018
Bobby just wanted you to know im still missing you 11months today you went home to your heavenly home with Our heavenly father and joined the rest of our loved ones that has been there before you arrived ! Baby i dont know how i have managed being here without you only thing ive thought of is the love you left for me and knowing your no longer in pain or suffering ,You taught us alot about life just not how to be without you baby ! some days are worse than others Everywhere i go and everything i see reminds me of you ,you were my life ,when you left you took my heart with you ! i know when its my time to join you ,you will be waiting on me with open arms and a big smile ,Im looking forward to that day i get to be with you again ! I Will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
October 31, 2018
October 31, 2018
Today makes 17 years since I lost my Daddy. Having you in my life as a Father in-law/Dad #2 helped my hurt in my heart, and the loss of my Dad. You always treated me as one of your own. I am sure it made my Dad smile from above, seeing how you always showed me so much love.
Now you are in Heaven with my Dad, and so many other loved ones. Bobby, please give my Dad a hug from me, and tell him I miss and love him so much! Have him hug you back, as I am now missing you both every day! A huge part of my heart lives in Heaven with you both.
October 30, 2018
October 30, 2018
Hey baby i have a few busy days,havent gotten on here to tell you i love and missing you ! Saturday was Haleys birthday she is now 13 ,went out with mom and dad to golden corral Melissa and Haley were there also ,then yesterday Melissa and Jacob took me to country cooking to eat ,Jacob drove ,hes not that bad i didnt have to holler like i did with Melissa and Mandy lol,it was nice spending time with them both !I cant believe dads going to be 77 in 2 days nov 1st hes been a blessing to me since you had to leave me I can always count on him whenever i need something done ! {i bet you and him talked about that huh ?) And baby i know you were here with me this morning you was rubbibg my back lightly i thought i was dreaming but i know in my heart you were with me rubbing my back i know i told you to send me a sign that you were here! keep sending me signs i love them makes me smile !Im still trying to be strong for you baby !Knowing you are resting in peace and no longer in pain or suffering helps me get through my days! I will Always Love You Bobby Lee Wright
October 30, 2018
October 30, 2018
Missing you always will love you mom and dad persinger
October 29, 2018
October 29, 2018
Bobby for some reason you are on my mind this morning can't get you off you must be trying to tell me something it'll get through before the day's over I love and miss you Bobby he just don't seem right that you're not here no longer I miss you calling me up telling me about the specials miss you more everyday yeah we had the prettiest smile and the Kindest Heart
October 26, 2018
October 26, 2018
And While I'm thinking about it.. another memory. You taught me how to drive. Mom was too scared, and would make me nervous yelling, and grabbing at the "oh sh*t handles". Not you Dad, you were calm. You told me I was doing great. Of all vehicles, you taught me in that big ol' Green Chevy truck. You were patient, and never spazzed out. You'd calmly correct me, and educate me. BUT, I do remember going down a hill, and we slid. As I held the brake pedal down as hard as I could, I looked over and your eyes were huge lol. You said it's alright, you got to be careful on hills. Lol. Dad you was there for my first day of school, homework, softball practice, and games. Graduating each school, the dances, teaching me to drive, all the countless times you had to rescue me from situations. You were there for the cuts with bandages, all the advice, helped me practice ball, listened to my speeches, helped me with school projects. If, we had a fundraiser going on at school, you made sure you helped me get stuff sold. You'd take some of it with you to work to sell. In my adult years, you became a teacher, a helper, an advice giver, a handyman, everything a daughter would need in a father.. There's so much more. I'd be here all day. I'll never forget driving you crazy as a little girl with that song "Don't give me no lines, and keep ya hands to yaself" I'd get you to play it on the record player over and over.. singing it. You truly are the perfect Father. I miss you more than ever. I love you so so soo much daddy!
October 26, 2018
October 26, 2018
I was going through pictures on my phone to clear up some space, and all throughout every album is full of your face, and memories made. All photos to keep. I sure do miss you. It got me thinking about how happy I am that I got to make you proud a few times before you had to go. You wanted us all to quit smoking to better our health, and we did. In a few short months will be 3 years since I quit smoking. You was so happy and told me to stick with it, and you was proud of me for doing it. Another was how smart I am with money, just like you Dad. Lauren, and I bought our first home together. You shed tears of happiness for us, yeah I caught that :) You helped us move everything, and you and I spent days together putting together furniture. You stayed here with us the first day all morning, and night moving, unpacking, and assembling. As well as the next few days after. You told Lauren, and I that you were happy for us, and proud. It feels good to remember those moments where you spoke those words. "I'm proud of you" I really miss hearing those weird knocks on the door, as you randomly stopped by. The time spent together, and the daily phone calls, as well as the nightly video chats. I wish you were still here Dad. I'm thankful you taught me a lot throughout life. I have your determination, and don't give up on a project. A lot of times when something happens I think "What would Dad do" and I get whatever done. I think of you daily, and I cry daily for you. I was blessed to have you. Thank you Dad for everything. I love you SOOOOO much.
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