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July 3, 2017

He was Grandpa Rose's favorite grandson, you know why because they both loved the Steelers. Oh when he come to visit grandpa that is the first thing they talk about the Steelers of course back than it was Superbowl Championship. I remember when him and Charlotte got married, I ask my Aunt Marian what should I get them, well she say Towels are nice, I said alright what about colors oh Aunt Marian had that downpat. Then I came to visit in Maryland, Bobby and Charlotte were coming for dinner. Now Bobby pulled me aside nobody knew this, he said Yvonne Please be nice at dinner. I remember when Ashley was born, I was like Ashley why a name like that.. He would say because when we come to Wilkes-Barre that would be the first thing we see Ashley, by the way is a old coal mining town. Did you guys know that he played the Saxaphone, yep he was good at it too.. As I didn't live near by but as cousins you know pretty much of everything when you are kids then you become adults and time passes you by... I still can't believe it, I am looking at all the tribute pictures and I cry, I see my Aunt Marian and Uncle Bill. There is a picture I guess of his wedding table and it has our grandparents and Aunt Kathleen, and Anthony and My daddy, that are all gone. The only left in the picture is our Aunt MaryAnn and Uncle Bobby who are still alive.. I feel so bad for Ashley and Lance to lose a dad at that young of age..

Happy Birthday Bobby

June 7, 2017

I seen you in a vision several days ago just standing there with a smile on your face. I know you are happy in heaven as that confirmed it for me much more.  Its hard to believe you left so soon. You are missed and loved for eternity

You better start your own business!

May 26, 2017

"You better start your own business!" were the words Bobby spoke to me 10 years ago when I told him I was quitting my job. Since then he looked out for me like a big brother.

Bobby and I met 13 years ago when I was working at a location next to Bob's office in Manassas. I was new in the USA and working for a vendor he selected for uniforms, but Bob always made me feel like a part of his team from day one. He shared details of how and why my work is important. He inspired me to work harder and feel proud of the work I do.

We shared every aspect of life during our regular email communications and text messages about family, business and Steelers. He guided me along the path of life.

Your last email "Good Luck and Have Fun" to my fiance, Pindi and I will stay in our hearts forever. It was your last blessing to us. Thank you for being such a good friend, brother and loyal business associate. I will miss you dearly, Bobby Sampson.

Mr. Bob Sampson

May 25, 2017

The first time that Bob and I met  was for a interview for a position for Purnell Furninture Services, Inc. We seemed to hit it off immediately and after a grueling 4 hour interview I was pretty certain that I would be called back in to meet with both Bob and Richard Purnell (owner of Purnell Furniture). I remember distinctly that Richard asked Bob "let me get this straight; you want to hire a cookie guy to run the two locations in Florida??" This is where my two nicknames came into
play and then I was known as the  Cookie Monster or Keebler!!

To build on the compassion that Bob always had for others; our youngest son Jake was in severe car accident and Bob was the first to reach out to us asking if we needed anything. We are originally from the Seattle area  so Bob and I always had an agreement that we cheered for both of our teams (Bob's team was Pittsburgh Steelers) to win unless they were playing each other. Every week Bob would ask how Jake was doing and then one day a package showed up addressed to Jake that had an official Seattle Seahawks jersey! Every trip that Bob would come to Tampa he would either come by the house to see Jake or we would meet him somewhere for dinner.

I always considered Bob as a long lost brother as we confided in each other both personally as well as professionally. One of the best laughs (also loudest) I've ever heard and anyone around couldn't help but laugh when he did.

Bob loved his family, friends and life unconditionally. I will miss him each and every day.................

Cookie Monster

Thank you

May 25, 2017

I met Bobby through business, I have to say I'm sorry that was the only way I knew him. During the time I dealt with him, he was always very kind but intense as hell. He made me realize that whatever level I was on, there was a better one that I needed to get to. Bobby was a man who seemed to always be willing to give of himself to help somebody out. I am glad that I got the chance to meet him, my wish was that it could have been more. Thanks for all that you did for me, I promise I will pay it forward.

Fog in the Harbourrrrrrrrr!

May 25, 2017

As loud as possible, Bob would holler across the call center floor EVERY time I blew my nose. He was funny like that ;)

So many things come to my mind when I think about him – the nicknames, for everyone(..Tinkerbeast?). His laugh, oh that laugh. Everyone knows what I’m talking about – that laugh you could hear no matter how many closed office doors separated you from him! How I always got stuck  with the middle seat if we flew together because he had to have the aisle seat – and he kept the most ridiculous hours when traveling too “Oh, you’re working OPERATIONS hours now Jenn” :)

If it wasn’t for Bob, I know I would not be where I am at today, professionally. He gave me a chance, totally accepted me into ‘Purnell Country’, mentored me, and some days he had more faith in me than I had in myself. He always pushed me to see the glass as half full, the silver lining, the bright side of everything. Bob always made it feel like a family at work, like he cared – not a lot of people do that. He loved to make work fun when he could and would try his hardest to get everyone excited over some crazy initiative – C.A.P.E. anyone?

My heart breaks for his family. (He always talked about you guys and how much he loved you. I remember, when he had Ravi do up the bath robes one year? He was sooooo excited about those things!) He was absolutely far too young to be taken so soon.

I remember....

May 25, 2017

When he told me an old lady could not make it up the stairs as he was driving by and he stopped to help her.

He helped a stranger out of his truck as the truck was on fire and flagged down for help and also directing traffic at the same time. He stayed with the man and also asked him who he could call for him and waited with the man until someone from his family arrived.

Another time he helped a woman out of her car before it was completely engulfed in flames just in time

He was always concerned about the people he worked with as well and he shared many stories with me as he hurt for others when they were hurting and going through rough times and wanted to do the utmost he could for others. 

He always made sure when I was sick that I was taking care of, that I had enough blankets, and some quiet time and he went out to buy dinner for me on many many ocassions. I remember another time when he left the place we had dinner to buy me a very nice expensive sweater because it was so cold in the place. To do this day, it is my favorite sweater. There is much more I could share as we were with each other for 28 years. 

Whenever he had extra money or a bonus check he would give a large percentage to the church. He always enjoyed helping others and he was thoughtful and kind in this way.

He loved his mother very dearly and he was always missing her. He use to call her Mother Goose and had a special way of hugging her which was pretty much shaking her side to side lol

He really enjoyed life and he enjoyed going to the movies quite often as I don't think there weren't any movies we didn't get to see as we would go to the theatre every week. He loved going to amusement parks. Busch Gardens in Williamsburg VA was one we went to on several ocassions. He was always up for an adventure

He loved his children very much and he was always there for them. He had special nick names for them and he just always wanted them to have the very best of everything. 

He loved to run and he could just keep going.  

I am going to change some people or change some people

May 25, 2017

Family & Friends,

I did not know Bobby outside of the business setting, but I can imagine that he lived life with the same passion that he demonstarted in business.
Yes, we are all very sad to have to deal with the loss of Bobby.  Way to early.  Find something that is "Bob" and make it part of what you do, to celebrate his life.

In work, Bobby was always celebrating the successes and holding people accountable to reach the next level.     

What a great way to live - celebrating successes - thank you Bobby!  

Recently Bobby sent me an email when things were not going well for our operation...simply, Bobby stated we are going to "change some people, or change some people".

In a sentence Bobby comitted to helping his people get to the next level.   I am going to help to make you a better person - who can argue with that.  

Thanks Bobby, for making us all better.   


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