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Jackson Street office

April 13
I held a part-time clerical position at her office on Jackson Street while in High School.  The other part timer was named Mary. We moved to the office of Vernon Johnson where we meet the paralegal named Rita. She was a nice lady and I enjoyed working with her and everyone in the office...this was my very 1st job. I remember the birth of their daughter.  

Always be Missed

May 17, 2021
I worked for Bonnie right before she closed her law firm and she was still fighting for her clients, I knew cared for her clients and I greatly miss her even though I didnt work with her that long she showed me who she was.I miss her daily, may she rest in peace. 

Great Lady

December 16, 2020
Thank you Bonnie for everything that you did for me. I learned so much from you and Vernon and made some good friends too. I enjoyed my time working with you, and I am so sad that you had to leave us all so soon!

Honoring a great lady

December 10, 2020
I am stunned over the news of Bonnie’s passing. I’ll always remember and honor her for her concern for her clients and her team, and I extend my humble and sincerest prayers for her family.

A Class Act

December 9, 2020
There are so many stories I have of Bonnie. She gave me my first job in the legal field. She was a wonderful teacher, mentor, but most of all, friend.

I remember looking for a new car but wasn't going to be able to purchase one because of the high payments. The next day, I was called into Vernon's office and handed the keys to my new car.  Bonnie and Vernon had gone to the dealership and purchased my car for me.  They were both so loving and giving.

She helped so many people in so many ways and never said a word about it to anyone. If an employee was short of money, a hundred dollar bill would be left in an envelope on their desk.  If they needed someone to listen to their problems, her door was always open. 

The world is a colder place now; knowing she is no longer a part of it. I know Vernon was the first one to meet her as he opened up the door to a convertible and drove off into the sunset.

RIP Bonnie Lindsey Johnson.  You will forever be remembered.

Bonnie - my boss and mentor

December 6, 2020
What a beautiful and generous lady. I admired a ring that Vernon had just given to her. The next day, Bonnie left the ring on my desk as a gift to me. I remember Bonnie buying groceries for a client who was living in her vehicle. Bonnie was a very generous person who adored Vernon, Chelsea and Teddy. Such a caring and beautiful lady. Bonnie changed my life and so many for the better. Bonnie - RIP.

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