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Her Life
April 11, 2022
Our sweet mom, Bonny Ann Campbell, was born in Kingston, NY. Her mother, Marie Mervine and father, Horace Mervine moved the family from New York down to Tampa FL. Bonny and her siblings, Barry and Clifton Mervine grew up in the sunshine of Tampa, FL.

It was in Tampa where Bonny met the love of her life, Bill Campbell. When Bill took her out on their first date, it was love at first sight. They fell in love, married and had two children, Eric and Christy. 

Bonny's husband, Bill, became an FBI agent. Bill's work took the family to many places;  Florida, Georgia,Louisiana and Virginia. After 10 years of of traveling around the U.S. the Campbell family settled in Marietta,Ga. where Eric and Christy grew up. 

Bonny loved her children and grandchildren greatly. She was so proud of them. She shared pictures of them to whoever and whenever she could. They meant more than anything to her!

Bonny's other love would be her schnauzers! Bonny had many schnauzers throughout her life. Her dogs made her smile and laugh.

Bonny had a flare for art.She loved sewing and making beautiful crafts. She made clothing, bedding, drapery and all things home. She also created beautiful artwork with her talent in crafting. She loved to share her creations with family and friends, brightening their lives. 

Bonny loved the beautiful things that God created. She was enamored by the beauty of this world! We know that she wants all of you to continue to enjoy the gift of everyday in this wondrous world that God has provided for us!

Bonny was a woman of faith. She was a devout follower of Christ, and her faith stayed strong through the difficult times. She enjoyed praying and sharing her Christian faith with family and friends.

Bonny loved her family and friends. She was so thankful for all of the experiences she had with each one of you! 

Thank you again for being in her life! She loved you all!