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March 6
March 6
It seems impossible that 11 years have passed by so quickly, there are days it seems like yesterday we were watching Steel Magnolias at your house arguing on who was playing Ouisa's part. This coming Summer will make 35 years ago you and our circle of friends swept into my life like a huge Mardi Gras/Pride parade combined into one. That amount of time passing too, is hard to believe. You and your family welcomed me in as one of you, when some of my family made me feel very unwelcome; and for that I'm forever indebted. You and all of our friends taught me love myself, when I didn't, Ya'll loved me for me, and showed me to accept myself as I am, not what others thought I should be. I always knew that when I needed all you, ya'll had my back. I can still see your smile, hear your voice and your laughter in my head and my heart; but there are days I wish I could sit beside you and hear them in person. You made a huge difference in my life, let no one ever say you didn't make a difference to someone, when you did do so in so many peoples lives. You will always be one of the brothers I never had. I miss you dearly, when things get rough, and I get down; I miss having you here to have you fuss at me, to remind me who I am, when I forget, and give a swift kick in the behind; and tell me to get over myself. The days go by so quickly now, and I hope it isn't long until we're all together again. I'm so very lonesome. Save me a place on the couch, and make sure Miranda has a Jack and Coke ready for when I walk in.
March 5
March 5
Hard to believe it has been 11 years since God took you home, I miss you so much and want to call and talk to you or go see you. Your girl is now 18 and graduating this year, you would not believe how much she has grown. I know you are having a great time in heaven and I think of your smile often. Love and miss you, I will see you again one day .
March 4
Well bubba its 11 yrs today that you received your wings and I still miss you so much. I love you bubba. I will see you one day bubba, hug everyone there for me. Brenda got her wings Monday 
RIP son 
March 4
March 4
It sure doesn't feel like its been 11 years since you left us.I miss you Boo,and I will always love you ❤ Aunt Wendy
January 15
January 15
January 14
January 14
It's me again Boo,aunt Wendy;
 I miss you so much some days it physically hurts.But you are no longer in pain and you have seen our Saviors face,You Are Blessed.
I love and miss you Big Big
Happy Heavenly Birthday
January 14
January 14
Happy 54th Birthday across the divide !!! It's been all too long since I spoke to you last..11 years have flown by in what seems like mere seconds. I miss you dearly, you were always there when I needed a shoulder, or to chew me out when I needed it. Thank you for being part of the family I got to choose, and teaching me so many things. Give my hugs and kisses to Mark, Patrick and Charles and all of our friends who are gathered there with you. We miss you all.
March 4, 2023
March 4, 2023
Aunt Wendy misses you so much my Boo.Hard to believe its been 10 years since you were called home to see our saviors face.
Save me a place my Boo!
January 16, 2023
January 16, 2023
How time flies by, and it is still hard to believe that you are gone. I still miss you so much and want to call you and talk to you and tell you all the things that are going on. Your girl just turned 17 years old, she is almost grown and I am not dealing with it well but I know we all get older as our kids grow up even though we don't want them too. Happy Birthday my brother, I love and miss you so much.
January 14, 2023
January 14, 2023
My precious Boo,aunt Wendy misses you so much but am comforted knowing you are with your maw maw Priscilla n paw paw Johnny,and our Savior!
Happy Heavenly Birthday old man.
Will always be my greatest love❤❤❤❤❤❤
January 14, 2023
January 14, 2023
Happy Birthday David. ❤️ I miss talking with you and catching up and sharing what we’ve been doing. Happy heavenly birthday Boo. I miss you.
March 4, 2022
March 4, 2022
Boo,it sure doesn't seem like its been 9 years since you left us. I guess time flies when you are having fun,No,we are not having fun without you.
We miss you so much. But you are getting lots of company these days,so save those of us that love you the most a place in Heaven please.
Aunt Wendy and uncle Mike miss you Big Big.
Love you my Boo!
January 14, 2022
January 14, 2022
Aunt Wendy and Uncle Mike hope you are having a Wonderful Heavenly Happy Birthday and we miss you so very much. I know someday I will get to hug you again,I Love You my Boo!
January 14, 2022
January 14, 2022
March 5, 2021
March 5, 2021
I missed you as soon as I woke up on the 4th,but was busy and am just now getting to post,but you know I miss you daily.
I love n miss you my boo,Big Big
January 15, 2021
January 15, 2021
Happy Birthday baby boy, mom loves and misses you so very much. Well it is almost 8 yrs that you have been gone but feels like yesterday. So much has changed since you have been gone both bad and good. Mom is going to bed now and we will talk again soon
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Happy Birthday, precious Friend. We all still miss you and we talk about all our funny, great times. We know when you’re with us.

Rest well, my Friend.
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Hey my Boo,aunt Wendy can hardly believe you would be 51 today. I miss you so much,and my cat senses when you come check in on me n uncle Mike.
The one thing I have that was at you house,a chest,she scratches on it,just one drawer,when she senses you around.I know my Twinkie loves you.
Uncle Mike n I Love n Miss you Big Big!
Happy Heavenly Birthday
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Happy Birthday in Heaven my brother, I miss you everyday and wish you were here. I think of you all the time and I love you and miss you dearly.
March 4, 2020
March 4, 2020
I can't believe it's been 7 years since you earned you wings!
I miss you today,tomorrow,and until I can wrap my arms around you again for the biggest HUG ever,aunt Wendy.
January 15, 2020
January 15, 2020
Happy Birthday baby boy, you made the big 50 this year. I miss you so very much, I hope you had a good day with your grandmaws and pawpaw Johnny and aunt Marilyn. I love you dude till we meet again ...
January 14, 2020
January 14, 2020
Happy Heavenly Birthday my Boo!
Aunt Wendy misses you Big Big and wish I could wrap my arms around you and HUG you tight.
But I know I will see you again someday and then you better be ready.
I Love You Boo
    Aunt Wendy n Uncle Mike
January 14, 2020
January 14, 2020
Happy Birthday my brother, I love and miss you all the time, Kami just turned 14 years old and stands 5' 4" just about to pass me up lol. you would be amazed at how much she has grown.
January 14, 2020
January 14, 2020
Happy, happy Heavenly birthday Boonessa! It still seems like yesterday that you left us.

Your memory lives on in all of us that has the chance to love you and to be your friends.

May 19, 2019
May 19, 2019
Hi bubba, well your fan that I took from your house broke yesterday and I am heart broken. I know its such a silly thing but it brought back all the hurt and pain that I felt when you got your wings, I have been crying for 2 days, today I know I have to get a grip on myself. You had asked me to promise you I wouldn't cry when you left and if you remember I told you that was no promise I could keep, although I do try son because I know that you wouldn't want me to. I love and miss you so much, till we meet again RIP
March 8, 2019
March 8, 2019
My daughter's name is Marcantel and her family born and raised is Louisiana. I don't know if they are family but I like to think this wonderful guy is looking after her in heaven. I know the pain and loss you feel, there is no relief and the pain never goes away. I don't know how I found this page but I come here often. He must of been a awesome man and it gives me a bit of comfort reading his Tributes.
March 5, 2019
March 5, 2019
My families world would change for ever 6 years yesterday. David Marcantel was called to heaven to be free of pain and suffering. I know your in a much better place but it still hurts not having you around. So much has changed in our lives, wish you could have been here to see, praying u can son, mom loves and misses you so much more that words can say.
March 4, 2019
March 4, 2019
I have been thinking of you off n on all day. I miss you so very much,I wish you were still with us. I know you are in spirit,but that is no comfort,I can't hug your spirit.
You behave yourself and send us red birds n butterflies to let us know you are watching over us.
I love you my Boo!
March 4, 2019
March 4, 2019
It is hard to believe it has been 6 years since you have been gone and we still miss you as much today as we did when you first left. I know you are looking down on us and you can see what has been going on in our lives, just wish I could talk to you, love and miss you
January 18, 2019
January 18, 2019
i having NEVER met a TRUE Man . until i met David. GREAT Son GREAT friend. GREAT father. i miss him with all my heart. he is in heaven now, please everyone remember David . i will NEVER forget him i love you David
January 14, 2019
January 14, 2019
Hey brother, another year gone and still missing you so much, kami was telling me the other day how much she is missing you too. Well she is now a teenager God help me lol, I got married too last year. So much you are missing but I know you are watching us from Heaven, Love and miss you.
January 14, 2019
January 14, 2019
Happy Birthday in Heaven my precious nephew. I miss you so much,but you are in a much better place..
I will meet you again some day,hold me a good spot!
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas in Heaven my nephew,uncle Mike and I miss you very much !
December 24, 2018
December 24, 2018
I was thinking about you this morning for some reason and then I came across a post from your mom remembering you and here I am. I miss you. xo
December 24, 2018
December 24, 2018
Another Christmas without you son, we love and miss you so much. I went and got your daughter for the week, she will be spending time with your sister and your daddy and all the family while here. We have made sure she had a great Christmas, she misses you so much and talks about you often. I love you son, till we meet again
March 12, 2018
March 12, 2018
Missing you my brother, got alot going on in my life that I wish I could share with you. I so want to call you and talk to you and your girl is now 12 and in jr. high school and growing up so fast, love and miss you dearly.
June 14, 2014
June 14, 2014
I hope god them much strength to continue to endure this pain. <3
April 18, 2014
April 18, 2014
Happy Easter my precious son, mom loves and misses u so very much. I have your Easter Bunny cake and banana spilt pie made for your daughter for Easter, she requested both lol, so of course mawmaw got them ready for her, she is doing good but she misses you so much. Mom will be picking her up today for the weekend, will send you some pictures lol. Well baby till we meet again, love you
March 4, 2014
March 4, 2014
One year ago today I lost one of my dearest friends. David Marcantel. I feel so blessed to have him in my life. He was one of a kind, could not be replaced. We spent many hours discussing our lives. David did everything for everyone. He was so intelligent for his age. He knew a little about everything. David didn't realize just how sick he was getting. I never saw someone who fought so hard to live. David passes away on my Dads birthday. Daddy was waiting at the gates of heaven to meet him. I feel that in my heart. He so much loved his Mom and Summer. I don't know many men that adopt and raise a baby. David was a special guy. He fought so hard to live. He will always have a place in my heart. I know he is not suffering anymore, that gives me peace. A friend is a present you give yourself. David was my present. I will never forget him. Pat you did a great job raising such a great Son. He will never be forgotten. May God Bless you and your family on this day. I truly loved him, and he brought us together. All my love.
March 4, 2014
March 4, 2014
Hello David, I don't remember meeting you but I am sure at some point in time that we have. May you have peace and know that your mom and all the family misses you deeply. Say in touch with your family through their dreams and thoughts. Much love to all the family.
March 4, 2014
March 4, 2014
Dear David..

I don't know why God took you early but I am sure it was for a good reason..I am sorry you had such a short life here. I hope you are happy and now you can be a special Angel for your mom...She really misses you more than you can imagine..Touch her heart every day to let her know you are still with her. Visit her in her dreams....

I knew.your mom from high school and she was a very good friend of mine. When she married your dad, David, she wore my wedding dress (which I later gave to her).

You were born 2 days after my son Allen.

P.S. Tell my mom (Pearl) my brother (John) (Momo Romero) (Uncle Bill) that I love and miss them every day.

Thanks again for talking with me today.

A long time friend of your mom...Peggy A. Trahan
March 4, 2014
March 4, 2014
Dear Patricia Your Son was Born on My Youngest Son's Birthday Jan. 14 th and he passed on my Husband's Birthday March 4 ... I am so sorry for your Loss of your BEAUTIFUL SON David ~~~Patricia I know HEAVEN is so Beautiful...Your David is LOVED and Cared for By Our Heavenly Father God...David please say Hello to my Mother Delcie ...and my Loved ones...God Bless Your Mom & Family...They sure do miss you. !
February 21, 2014
February 21, 2014
miss u so much boo,,n trying so hard too help mom,,like u ask,,i am missing u ,,please say hello too cady n shan, n hug ,,see u in heaven all my love auntie
February 9, 2014
February 9, 2014
Hi my precious son, you are missed more than you could ever know, but you have brought me closer to your 2 best friends, Dee and Lydia, we have come so close since you have left us and I know this will make you happy, we have all helped each other so much. Lydia is moving to Alaska and she has invited me to go there and visit them, I am so excited, you know mom has wanted to go there well since forever lol, I love you baby boy, but I know you are in a better place than we are. Summer is doing well this week is her new meeting about how she has done for the year, I plan to be there again in your place, your sister has been doing really good taking care of things at Summers school, I am so proud of her. Well mom needs to go but will see you again my sweet boy......till we meet again

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