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July 7
Dad I thought about you on your birthday when I was on my Japan trip. Miss you everyday!
July 3
Brad, I miss you so much. I miss your music. I miss your laughter. I miss your smile. I miss your big hugs. I hope you’re hanging out with Wayne. I miss you.
July 3
July 3
Dear Brad
Like me, you are turning 70 this year! So many fond memories!...would of loved to take you sailing on my 43 foot catamaran...and venture to Catalina like many past times we did! Still running my manufacturing business and not retired....just tired!! Enjoying life to the fullest like we've always done!...I have two grand daughters 5 and much fun! Miss you and your family!
August 9, 2022
August 9, 2022
I went to our 50th high school reunion.  It was fun seeing classmates and talking about the good ol days! We had such a good time together in school and all our musical events. I still hear your laughter....miss you!
January 9, 2020
January 9, 2020
Dad I miss you everyday. Words cannot express how great of a father you were to me. I know you are with all of us everyday in spirit, and I miss you dearly <3.
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019
I miss you still. Cannot hear a banjo solo or a High Strung song with out thinking about you. Still truly one of the very best humans I have ever known. Your memory helps me be a better person.
August 15, 2018
August 15, 2018
I miss you Brad, miss playing banjo together,singi ng together, laughing together. High Strung was awesome! So were you! See ya some day!
August 9, 2018
August 9, 2018
Today I turn 64 and always think of you on my birthdays! I will always cherish our memories and fun times we had. Love you a lot Brad as well as all who knew you!--your great friend Dan
July 3, 2018
July 3, 2018
Hard to think of a world without your special light in it......miss you cuz.......
Lots of love to all the Wallace family, thinking of you guys today.....
Carol Burke Cuz
July 3, 2018
July 3, 2018
Every once in a while think of our inside jokes that only you would know.
What a great time we had! Thinking of you today! You've touched everyone's lives! miss you!
July 3, 2018
July 3, 2018
Happy Birthday, Brad; miss you. Well actually, I miss checking memories of the distant past to see if these things really did happen to us. Were we really hiking through the forbidden riverbed and shot at by someone? Were we just 7 and 5? Did we really see that UFO? Did we really build a giant underground fort in Wes Stringer's yard? And speaking of him, remember how loud his sneezes were? We had so many memories together and now, they are only mine. I really miss you...
July 3, 2018
July 3, 2018
Brad, I think of you often and miss you so much. This world is a different place without you in it...
August 11, 2017
August 11, 2017
Brad, my birthday many tears these many days for so many things...but so much love, too. I do think of you on our birthday!! And I send love....and light and blessings...say hello to my friends up there with you...I know you being with God is beautiful. Until we meet again, my dear....
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
Working on vocal music arrangements in the studio and playing past songs we did together. Miss you buddy! 
I especially miss sharing our inside jokes that only we would know. I would like to redo my favorite BW song "Kleenex Carnation" that we recorded many ears ago as a tribute to you. Not sure when I will find time, but will attempt when the mood strikes!
My birthday is coming up and I will be thinking of you each and every birthday on August 9th.
Seeing you in the future! (You will probably need to lower a rope for me and haul me up and explain that we like to record together ☺)
July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017
Brad, Happy Birthday my friend in heaven! Family and friends and music were our biggest things on earth we did together, and we did share faith together in an honest and real way in that we genuinely shared our lives and our outlook on God as we understood him. And you and I did get to golf.  I think of you when I'm enjoying golf. 
I'm still developing music material we started on together and worked on together to a certain stage - some unfinished collaborations with you -adding a piano phrase here or a sung verse there,working on a harmony. I have these partial recordings listed, orgnized and catalogued. It would be a delight to work with your famous "Brad notebook" .With our dear mutual friends we could possibly bring a new "Brad Song" or a more refined version of a Brad Song to fruition. Somehow, I think Brad would help us. All in due time, I guess. I do miss Brad, my dear, special, honest and true friend. I know we all share the joy Brad has added to our lives. He was energetic, talented and kind. A great friend.
August 9, 2016
August 9, 2016
Missing you today, little brother. You would have loved to see your little girl graduate the other day; she looked so happy and pretty!
July 5, 2016
July 5, 2016
Thank you to all the Wallaces for attending my Dad's memorial. It was good to see you all. Missing Brad as always during his birthday month... We'd like to get everyone together for a cousins reunion sometime this fall, it's been too long and I know my Mom would love it, as would we. So let's start thinking about a date and time that works for everyone and whether we want to go to a park or one of our houses. Love you guys,

Cousin Carol Burke
July 3, 2016
Brad, dear---my birthday twin! Thinking of you and sending love and light....remembering times in MYF and the Explorer Scouts---what a crackup we were, right? And Gene....your brother Scott...we were quite a fun bunch. Well...keep on playing and singing and we will catch up one of these days. Love and light and blessings!!!
July 3, 2016
July 3, 2016
I miss you. I cannot hear a banjo without thinking of you. Such a beautiful spirit and soul. Hopefully you are writing songs and playing piano or banjo. Spent some time with Ann, she still loves you and all others pale in comparison.
August 9, 2015
August 9, 2015
Brad, my dear....I am glad this site has reminded me that today is the anniversary of your passing---I thought of you on my BIrthday---you being my Birthday Twin! I hold you in prayer and love on this day and always! Keep on playing that music!
August 11, 2014
August 11, 2014
Brad---we were friends in high school---and now, reading the lovely comments, I am sorry we weren't connected all these years. I do remember your infectious joy, the the wonderful fun of much went on there that was important. The music---"touring" with our group singing "Jesus Christ Superstar." Overnights at the church(!) Endless volleyball games, backpacking with the Explorer Scouts---and how you pressed them to have the bylaws changed to admit girls!
I will hold you in prayer and know that God holds you always---thank you for the time of friendship we did have...until we meet again, Brad, I send love and blessings....and now that I am reminded that you are a July 3rd birthday, too, I will keep you with my birthday celebration!!
August 10, 2014
August 10, 2014
Brad, I have missed you this past year. I think of you every time I play the songs we used to play. You can never be replaced, but we will keep on keeping on!
August 9, 2014
August 9, 2014
Brad was a great friend,a good person and is a example for me to remember to follow every day.He was kind to people and always trying to help others, We'll pick again Brad!
August 2, 2014
August 2, 2014
Brad, today I donated 60 mystery novels to the Sun City Friends of the Library. I hope other people with enjoy them as much as you and I did! I love you and I miss you every day.
p.s. The library is on Bradley Street!
July 10, 2014
July 10, 2014
Happy Birthday Cuz! I miss you but know that you are picking away in heaven's blue grass band and having a blast doing it! I gave $60 dollars to our church missionary fund in honor of you, thanks for being the fantastic person that you are.... I'll be in the front row at your concert when I get up there, see you then,


Cousin Carol Burke
July 5, 2014
July 5, 2014
I wrote and recorded a song that maybe speaks for itself. It's posted as a new song here - Ode to the Five String Banjo. I left the count in at the start in case Brad or any of our friends might want to play along. Here's to the Five String Banjo! From George
July 5, 2014
July 5, 2014
Happy Birthday Brad!!! 60 dollars donated to The Unity Center San Diego where your Celebration of Life was held to help fund the replacement of audio visual equipment.
July 4, 2014
July 4, 2014
Well Brad, We missed you at Taylor's wedding. We picked some tunes at the pool and needed you on banjo and those lovely tenor vocals of yours. I'll play 60 banjo tunes for you, but none will be as beautiful as yours. I miss you pal, love Lawrence
July 4, 2014
July 4, 2014
Every time we hear High Strung I think of Brad. What a great guy and musician. You will always be missed from Florida.
July 4, 2014
July 4, 2014
In honor of Brad's 60th birthday, Karen and I will donate 60 minutes of volunteer work at Urban Angels in downtown San Diego. Peace and love to all of Brad's family and friends. Brad-- you are missed.
July 4, 2014
July 4, 2014
I listened to my brother's music for 60 minutes. It was refreshing. You just can't beat the "Lima Bean Blues" bro'!
July 3, 2014
July 3, 2014
I am giving a 60 minute presentation to my colleagues on ocular manifestations of diabetes. I do this every year and I mention my dear friend Brad in the talk. He certainly did enriched my life. I miss you, Brad.
July 3, 2014
July 3, 2014
I played 60 minutes of golf with friends and family in Ireland! I remembered Brad loved playing golf and even had a hole in one! Sadly, no hole in one this round for me, but hopefully I can achieve it one day and Brad will pop into mind immediately. We miss you Brad! Thanks for looking over us.
Tyler Harrison
July 3, 2014
July 3, 2014
I have donated 60 minutes of counseling in Brad's honor.
Love and miss you little brother.
July 3, 2014
July 3, 2014
To honor my Dad's 60th...$60 tip on a $15 meal to a kind, hard-working waitress at an airport restaurant. Brought a smile to my face to know that my dad is still spreading kindness and making our world a brighter place.
July 3, 2014
July 3, 2014
I want to tell you, Mr. Wallace, Happy 60th Birthday! I will never forget you, but I will remember you when I see my old photos and elementary school yearbooks that I will put all photos on my Facebook soon. Also Mr. Wallace always joked me when I was young. I miss him very much. I hope you and your family will be okay.
June 30, 2014
June 30, 2014
I uploaded for his 60th B'day, "60 minute Man". I miss you a lot... but comforting remembering your laugh…it brings a smile to me.
In Gods love until we meet and play again.
June 27, 2014
June 27, 2014
In memory of Brad I will donate 60.00
to the animal shelter.
June 27, 2014
June 27, 2014
I will contribute $60.00 to aid for women , a organization that helps women receive free mamograms
June 24, 2014
June 24, 2014
Today I donated $60 in your memory to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International. I miss you every day.
June 22, 2014
June 22, 2014
Brad, I shared 60 min of walking and talking with a neighbor who recently lost her husband. Thank you for teaching me that conversations even small ones can have a big impact. Miss you
June 12, 2014
June 12, 2014
Dear Brad - I am thinking of you. I am donating 60 minutes of my time Saturday morning with the Road Runners club of NYC to help the disabled work out in Central Park. Love you, Cousin Mona
June 11, 2014
June 11, 2014
60: $60 donated as a memorial to Brad to the American Diabetes Association.
June 5, 2014
June 5, 2014
Let's celebrate Brad!
In honor of Brad's 60th birthday, July 3, 2014. I invite you to "give 60."
Let's see if we can get 60 people to give 60 minutes of their time, talent, or treasure in any way that honors Brad. Then share your gift of 60 on this site.
September 15, 2013
September 15, 2013
Brad, I can't believe how much you look like your dad in the picture above. I love the memories of our families getting together after church in the 1960s. I have missed seeing your mom, dad and now will miss hearing about you. I look forward to talking with you in Heaven with our Lord Jesus in the future. God bless your families with peace and comfort until then. Much love, Laurie Smith
September 8, 2013
September 8, 2013
I've given a lot of thought to what made Brad such a special person. I listened to the wonderful testimonials at the memorial. I realize that Brad's great gift was to bring out the best in each of us, with every interaction. With Brad, I felt like I could play better, sing better, tell better stories, be more engaging. It's a gift we can all give to others, keeping Brad's memory alive.
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