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First meet

March 18, 2023
I remember when Brian and I first came into the family. All of us kids were playing in the basement and Dad came half way down the stairs to check on us. He asked what we were doing and I told him Bub and I were smooching. Dad said well you guys don't need to be doing that. After Dad went back up I chased Bub all around that basement trying to kiss him. He keep saying no, your dad said not to. After that we became family and at times we were real close. We had a path in the woods from your house to mine and then Granny's. Sometimes we would get so dirty Lola won't let us in the house without spraying down with the water hose. I miss him, Justin and Lola. They left us too soon. I miss Granny and Granddad also. I love you guys. 

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