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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Brian William Dorris who was born on July 24, 1976 and passed away on March 16, 2011. Forever in my heart. 

July 26
July 26
48 years ago you were born from another woman's womb, but lived within my wishful heart. On that heaven sent day, as you were placed in my arms, you became my son until the end of eternity. I wish you a Happy Birthday today and remember you will forever be my son. I love you.  Mum xoxoxoxoxo
May 12
May 12
It's Mothers Day and you will never leave my heart. Missing you and your presence. You are never forgotten.  xoxoxoxo Mum
March 16
March 16
Do you know how much I miss you? My heart and soul aches for you every breath I take. You've been gone so long and the years are flying by but you are with me every waking moment. I'll never get over your leaving and cherish the time spent with you. Do I have regrets? Of course I do, but not enough to over- shadow the good memories we had. You were never easy but you will forever be my son, no matter what. I am reminded of you in things I see and hear and I know when you are with me, and I always acknowledge your presence. Know that I love you more than anybody realizes and always will. No one or no thing can take that away from us.  Forever, Love, Your MUM xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
December 22, 2023
December 22, 2023
My forever loving son, I will be with you in spirit this holiday season as always. It's never been the same on any special occasion without you around. Memories still either sadden me or brighten my world. Even after all these years gone by since you left I often feel your presence. I sometime see a flash image of you and tell you to behave. I thinking of you and missing you always.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all of our angels.  Mum xoxoxoxox
July 24, 2023
July 24, 2023
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON. Twelve years is too long to be without you, yet it seems only yesterday that I last saw you. Can't bear the memories, especially when I see pictures of your son Jesse, Haley and their baby girl. You would adore you granddaughter and be very proud of Jesse. You are still playing your tricks on me occasionally but I know it's you saying hi. Too bad you can't go out West with us I'd love to take you to all the Reservations out there. Take care of yourself and all our other Angels. Love you and know you are always with me.  Mum
December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
HO HO HO! Merry Christmas my Son. What is left to say after all this time? I still ache for you, my soul still misses you, I want to touch and feel and see you again. I get glimpses of you every so often and I catch your practical jokes you play on me. Just so you know, I know it's you. Ha ha. That's okay, I know your watching out for us. Uncle Bill is only a mile from us now and it's so nice to have family again and company during the holidays. Nothing beats you being here though. Hope you and all the family and fur baby angels are keeping each other company. Take care of my puppies and wish everyone a Happy New Year. Well my son until next time. I love, miss and cherish you.  Love, Mum xoxoxo
July 24, 2022
July 24, 2022
Hey, my son. Well your 46th birthday has arrived bringing your past presence to mind. My love for you still runs strong as ever. Thinking that you would almost be 50 soon, makes me feel so old. Well, I am old. your Granddaughter is growing so fast. She is so beautiful and full of life. I know Jesse adores her. Dad and I are slowing down from aging and feeling all the aches and pains. We are blessed to have lived this life, although we wonder how it would be if you were here. Have a wonderful birthday with all our loved ones and the fur babies.  Love you    Mum xoxoxoxo
March 16, 2022
March 16, 2022
My dearest son, I have been thinking and dreaming about you so much lately. I have had a lot of health issues for the past several months and I know you are watching over me. I have the same reoccurring dream about you coming to visit me and you never stay long but you tell me you will be back. You tell me that you can't say where you go or live and then you are gone. I miss you so much when your gone. Your grand daughter is getting big and so cute. You would love her. Well, today you have be gone for 11 yrs. and it still seems like yesterday. I wish you were here so I could hug you.  Keep watching over me and Dad and know that I love you so much. xoxo Mum  P.S. Tell all our loved ones hello and we miss all of you.
December 23, 2021
December 23, 2021
In a couple of days it will be Christmas again without you.  Your son Jesse and his girlfriend Haley had your first grand daughter a month ago. You would just adore her. Willow Rose Kolosa is so beautiful. I wish you were here to spoil her and treasure her. You would be such a proud Grandpa. Things have be hectic lately. Dad and I have had a lot of health issues and feeling our age. Uncle Bill and Aunt Christina had been a blessing to have close by. We all help each other out quite a bit. So nice to have Family again. Merry Christmas my special son. I miss you so much my heart still aches. Hoping you are happy and watching over all the fur babies and family.  Huggs and kisses Mum. xoxoxoxoxo
July 24, 2021
July 24, 2021
Happy 45th birthday Bri, Bri. As always these kind of days are hard and filled with precious memories. The Darth Vader, Superman themed birthday parties. Visions of you playing dinky cars with me in the sand box at the park in Hamilton. Oh, to live those days again with you here. Uncle Bill and Aunt Christina moved back here, and only a mile away. Tell Mohawk, Mo II, Kolby, Brandy, and Tai theres a new puppy visiting us, Uncle Bill and Aunt Christina's Cute little Yorkie, Zoey. Reminds me of all our heavenly fur babies. Now there is family for us again. Please watch over them as things have been difficult for them recently.
Ask God to protect them on their new journey in life. Mum misses all of you so much and thinks about you all the time. Hard to believe your have been gone 10 years, Congratulations, your going to be a Grandpa. Jesse and Haley are having a baby girl in November. Wish you were here to love and hold her. Be happy my son. I love you so much,  MUM  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Today on Mother's Day I'm missing your smile, your humor and your presence.
You are my only Sunshine of my Life. Remembering you always and forever in my heart.  Love, Mum xoxoxoxo
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021
My precious Son. I miss you so much. Ten years gone. It seems like yesterday. Got a pic of Jessie and Shawnee today. It was so nice.  I could sure use you by my side lately. I gone thru four surgeries in two and a half years. Feel so old and lonely. Dad is retired now for a year and our lives have changed so much. Covid 19 is now a year in the making. I had cancer last Sept. and now recovering for a second knee surgery. I fell old and sometimes useless, but thank God for Tom keeping me going. Only wish you were here to talk and share love, life and memories. You are etched in my heart forever. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas my son. I'm missing you at Christmas as I have throughout the years. The greatest gift I ever had were the days that you were here. Hope you have the Merriest Christmas and a Wonderful New Year with all our loved ones and all of our furry babies. I love you beyond the universe. Your Mum xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
November 25, 2020
November 25, 2020
Hello my special Son. Wish you would be with us tomorrow on Thanksgiving Day. It's been a difficult year with the Covid Pandemic, all the unrest in the world and all the death. I appreciate you looking out for us especially during all our health issues lately and my Cancer situation. Please continue to pray for us and keep us safe. I miss you terribly but am glad you don't have to suffer anymore and deal with these difficult times. Mum loves you more than you will ever know and the pain still lingers. I love you forever and ever.  Mum xoxoxo
July 24, 2020
July 24, 2020
Happy 44th Birthday my Dragon Warrior. Hope you are celebrating with all your Family, friends, loved one and our fur babies up there in the clouds. Kiss them all for us and remember us always as we keep you in our thoughts, and heart eternally. Forever and ever your Mum  xoxoxoxoxoxo
March 15, 2020
March 15, 2020
Hello Brian my sweetheart . 9 years tomorrow you let go of you pain and God caught you in his arms. He gave me you for such a short time but I am so grateful for that time. I held you in my arms at five weeks old and in my heart for all eternity. I will never let you go. Thank you for all the moments good and bad, they are so precious to me. These last two year and all my surgeries and now thru all my discomfort, you have watched over me and it's been a comfort and getting me through. The heartache still goes on but as the years go on, and knowing that you are at peace and have no more pain and understanding that God had better plans for you, helps. Always in my heart and soul. I love you so much Mum xoxoxoxoxoxo
December 26, 2019
December 26, 2019
Merry Christmas my son. Hope you and all our loved one are have a wonderful day and taking care of one another. Miss you like crazy still. Love Mum xoxoxoxo
July 24, 2019
July 24, 2019
Happy 43rd Birthday my son. Today is a reminder of who you are and who you were. Memories of good and bad, happy and sad but always loving ones for me. I know you are in a better place and much happier which gives me peace. I still see reminders of you everyday and cherish each one of them. I sometimes tell you "Cut it out Brian" when things happen around me. I hope you feel me as much as I feel your presence. Have a great Birthday in paradise with all your loved ones and all our fur babies too. Please send my love to all of them.  I love you beyond the Heavens and back. Always, your Mum.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019
Happy Fathers Day Son. I know people say that you couldn't have been much of a father because of some of the things they saw, but I know that you loved all your children with such a passion. You are a great Dad and should be recongnized for it. I saw it and I know it. Have a wonderful day with all the human and fur angels with you.  Love you still sooooooo much. Mum xoxo
March 16, 2019
March 16, 2019
Well Brian, here we go again. Another year has passed and Janet and Mo 2 have joined you. Missing you as always and remembering your life. Days come and days go, but missing you is a constant in my daily routine. I see fleeting flashes sometimes, and I know it's you and acknowledge you,Telling you hello or to stop teasing me. This day is always embeded upon my heart as is your precious soul. I will celebrate your life today with special memories of your handsome face and our special momemts. Love you son. Your loving Mum xoxoxoxoxoxo
February 16, 2019
February 16, 2019
Janet has joined you and is at peace also. Take care of one another.
January 1, 2019
January 1, 2019
Well my Son another year ends and a New one begins. Happy New Year sweetheart. Mo2 came to be with you on Dec 27. Hope you will play with him in the meadows over the rainbow bridge. He hasn't walked in over a year so I can imagine him running free like a puppy again. Missing all of you like crazy and never forgetting you. My heart aches still and now with all the fur babies and family gone it really hurts a lot. Take care of one another and know how much I love and miss you.   Mum  xoxoxoxoxoxo
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Hi my Son. Merry Christmas and hope you have a Happy New Year. Christmas is always a sad time without you and our other loved ones. My heart hurts the most for you. You are and shall always be my heart. Your other puppy Mo 2 will be joining you and Mohawk in a couple of days. We have to put him down at the vets as he is old and uncomfortable and can't walk or anything else any more. Please look forward to playing with him in the meadows of Heaven along with Mohawk. Take good care of one another and know you are loved beyond all limits. Love you son.  Mum xoxoxoxo
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Thinking of you today on Thanksgiving with a heavy heart. Wish you were here to share the day. Happy Thanksgiving my precious son, my heart is still aching. I miss you so much. Love you , Mum  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
July 22, 2018
July 22, 2018
Hello my special son.  Just wanted to wish you a very Happy 42nd Birthday on Tues. July 24, 2018. Memories still invade my heart during this time of year as well as other occassions. When you left us in 20ll, you were so young with so much to live for, your children and a longer life for you to find yourself and recover from your demons, but the Great Creator had a different plan. God knew you were in need of his love and care and therefore you are now pain free, trouble free and in a happier place.  That's all a Mother could ask for, is that her child is in God's arms and happy. Tho I miss you tremendiously, I am happy knowing your are smiling and with loved ones to take care of each other. I picture you with Grandpa Hing and all of our fur babies as well as some of your friends and extended family, maybe having a picnic in the clouds.  I know you feel my love every moment as much as I feel yours for me.  xoxoxo Mum
May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
Today on Mother's Day my heart aches for you.  xoxo
March 16, 2018
March 16, 2018
Missing you today on the 7th anniversary of your passing. You are my eternal heart angel. Wish I could just give you a hug and kiss you again. Thinking beautiful thoughts and memories of you today and know I am always with you forever. Kiss all of our other angels for me. I love you with every fiber of my being.  Mum.  xoxoxoxo
December 23, 2017
December 23, 2017
Well as Christmas approaches and another year closes, I can't believe your not here to share holidays with me. It wasn't that long ago it seems you sat upon Santa knee and asked for Star War figures, G.I. Joes and more. Why oh why were you taken so young? I had a rough year and wished I could have shared with you some things that went on here, because I know you would have comforted me. My heart hasn't stopped aching and the emptiness remains. I don't know if that hole in my heart will ever lessen. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my forever loving Son.  Take care of yourself and all of our other angels and fur babies.  Please watch over me during my surgery coming up in February. Yours forever, Mum  xoxoxoxoxoxo
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
Dad and I took a trip to Six Nations Reservation to visit your gravesite last week. Didn't expect the emotions to over come me as I stood over you. Memories flooded my heart. I wish we could bring you home with us. Six years seems like a long time since I saw you last, but it was only yesterday as far as emotions go. Cleaned up the gravesite and shared a silent talk with you, laid some flowers and kissed you good-bye again. Even brought your 14 year old former dog Mohawk 2 to see you.  It never gets easier and I will never stop thinking of you and my heart remains forever encased around you. Always loved and missed. I love you eternally. Mum  xoxoxoxoxo. Happy 41st Birthday tomorrow my special Son.
June 18, 2017
June 18, 2017
Happy Father's Day Brian. You are an amazing Father and Son. Hope you know you are always more than just a thought, but my heart.  Love you forever and always.  Love Mum xoxoxo
March 16, 2017
March 16, 2017
Still deep within my heart and always in my every thought. On the 6th anniversary of your passing I am still cut to the very core of my being without you. You are missed, kissed and hugged each and every second of my daily life.  Love you so much my forever son.  Love Mum xoxo
December 23, 2016
December 23, 2016
Well my Son, it's another lonely and sad Christmas without you. Hope you and Mohawk are frolicking in the meadows and having a wonderful time. Know that you are forever wrapped in my arms with loved and missed every second of my life. Wish you were here to brighten my days and making my life hectic like it use to be. I don't regret one moment that you were with me. Merry Christmas sweetheart.  Love, Mum xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
July 24, 2016
July 24, 2016
Wow! 40 today. Happy Birthday my son. Seems like yesterday you were a 7lb 6oz. bundle of energy being put in my arms. I remember all your happy moments along the way, as well as all the struggles. I felt your joy and your pain. I only wish you were here to share more of those days with me. Miss you still and know you are still loved beyond anything imageable. Mum xoxoxo
June 19, 2016
June 19, 2016
Happy Fathers Day my son. One thing I can say, is that you were a good father. I still ache to be with you and see you, miss you so much. Hope you, Grandpa and Great Granddad are enjoying one another. Kiss Mohawk for me and take good care of everyone. Love you Mum xoxoxoxoxoxo
March 13, 2016
March 13, 2016
My beautiful son, this Wednesday it will be five years since your passing. It seems like yesterday the last time I saw you. You are forever on my mind and engraved upon my heart. Still missed, loved and remembered as you were and never to be forgotten. Today and forever I will love you and protect you and your memory. A mother's love is never ending and all encompassing, she stands by her child through thick and thin, right and wrong, she encourages and directs from the day you are born and after you are gone. A Mother never gives up, even during the toughest times and through death. 
I hope you and Mohawk are having fun with each other and your other dog Mo-2 is in kidney failure and will be joining you both soon to run in the meadow and kiss your face again. Give Mohawk a belly rub for me and tell all of our family Angels hello. I Love You Brian, Mum xoxoxoxo
December 23, 2015
December 23, 2015
My beautiful son, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Another year closes but my heart hasn't shut you out. I will forever keep you with me and in my heart. I would say there is a big hole in my heart since you left,t but I can't because your soul fills it to the brim with love and memories. I know you and Mohawk are having a blast playing together in the heavenly meadows. Take care of one another and scratch his ears for me. He is cancer free and you are at last at peace. Tears still cloud my eyes and pain still strikes my heart but my peace comes from knowing your are with the Great Creator and released from all pain and worry.  I love you so much my son and always will.  Mum  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
November 26, 2015
November 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving Son. Hope you and Mohawk are having fun together. Take care of each other and everyone there. I wish you were here at the table with us. Today is Grandpa Hing's anniversary of his passing 12 yrs ago. Hug him tight.  Love Mum. xoxoxoxo
October 18, 2015
October 18, 2015
Got Mohawks ashes back and put up a memorial for him near yours in our Memorial Garden. Hope you love having him back with you as much as I loved having him for the short time we did. Take care of each other and play together and have fun and be at peace both of you. My only comfort over losing you and Mohawk is that you're not in any pain and with God. love you both so much Love Mum xoxoxoxo
October 3, 2015
October 3, 2015
Hey Bri. Just wanted to let you know that Mohawk came to be with you about an hour ago. He had cancer since March. We went to your cousin Lisa's wedding last night and when we came home Mo was on his side and couldn't get up and was having trouble breathing. So now you have your doggie with you. Please take good care of him. I loved him so much, almost as much as I love you. Have fun together and he loves to go for walks. I love you both and still ache for you. My heart is broken yet again. Love Mum  xoxoxoxo
July 24, 2015
July 24, 2015
Happy 39th birthday my son. Thinking of you often and missing you forever. You are eternally etched in my heart and will never be far from my soul. You are still my anchor when times are grey. Jesse has graduated from High School and you would be so proud. I heard he is going to the pow wow this week end so I know he will be visiting your grave. My love for you is never ending and you will always be the stronghold of my heart. Happy Birthday Sweetheart.  Love you, Mum xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
June 21, 2015
June 21, 2015
Today is Father's Day and I was thinking of your kids. I do miss seeing them and I think of them often. I bet they are missing their Daddy today. You are a wonderful Dad and I know you love them very much. Missing you as much as always. I finished the memorial garden for you, grandpa, grandma Loretta and grandma Lucy. Have a Dragon Flag flying by your memorial. You would like it.  Have a great Father's day with Grandpa Hing xoxoxo  Mum.
May 10, 2015
May 10, 2015
Hello my son.  Wish you were here for Mother's Day. I still remember the card you made for me in kindergarten. Look at it often.  Thinking of you always and forever.  l love you .  Mum xoxooxoxo
March 16, 2015
March 16, 2015
Remembering you with all my love, heart and soul. Tears are hard to stop falling today and with each one it is sent to you above with pride and heart felt hugs to squeeze you tight and hold you in my arms forever.  Mum xoxoxo
March 14, 2015
March 14, 2015
Four year this Monday God came for you and never a day goes by that I don't think of you. You are my only son, my only child and I ache for you everyday of my life.  Your dog Mohawk was diagnosed with blood cancer this week and I know you are waiting with open arms to greet him. Please take good care of him when he arrives. Mo is the baby that keeps me company, shows me unconditional love and reminds me so much of you. You both have the same personality and you both gave me a run for my money. My heart is broken over both of you. I feel like I'm losing you all over again. Nothing can ever replace the emptiness in my soul as you two can. Brian I love you and miss you so much and now your pal with be with you.  I can just picture the beautiful walks you two will have in heaven. Be at peace and take good care of each other. I love you Mum xoxoxoxoxo
December 25, 2014
December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas my precious son. May you and all your loved ones in heaven above share this special day of peace and joy.  Missed sadly and forever loved.  Mum  xoxoxoxoxoxo
November 23, 2014
November 23, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving Bri. Hope you, Grandma, Grandpa, Grandma Lucy, Dylan and Linda all are celebrating together. Miss all of you.
You are especially in my heart always. You should see Jesse. You would be really proud of him and his accomplishments. Our Souls are forever together. Love you, Mom xoxoxox
October 23, 2014
October 23, 2014
Hi Son. Dreamt about you last night. IT was wonderful. Aching with all the memories of you, but happy because you are happy and with loved ones. Take care of one another.  Love. Mum xoxoxo
July 24, 2014
July 24, 2014
Happy birthday Brian  Always remembered never forgotten!! Xo
July 24, 2014
July 24, 2014
Happy 38th birthday my son. Will be visiting your grave soon. Remembering you today with many memories flooding my head. Will be with Jessie and Rosanna tomorrow and sharing our thoughts of you. Missing your laugh, smile and presence. My heart still aches, my eyes still cry and my soul begs for your touch. Love you so much my son. 
I'll forever treasure our time together.  Mom  xoxoxoxo
June 29, 2014
June 29, 2014
Hi Brian. Thinking about you a lot lately. Missing you still. Linda came to be with you a week ago. Take care of each other as well as all the rest of your friends and family. Never does a day go by that you are not remembered and loved. Take care my son and save a place for me.  Mom xoxoxoxo
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Recent Tributes
July 26
July 26
48 years ago you were born from another woman's womb, but lived within my wishful heart. On that heaven sent day, as you were placed in my arms, you became my son until the end of eternity. I wish you a Happy Birthday today and remember you will forever be my son. I love you.  Mum xoxoxoxoxo
May 12
May 12
It's Mothers Day and you will never leave my heart. Missing you and your presence. You are never forgotten.  xoxoxoxo Mum
March 16
March 16
Do you know how much I miss you? My heart and soul aches for you every breath I take. You've been gone so long and the years are flying by but you are with me every waking moment. I'll never get over your leaving and cherish the time spent with you. Do I have regrets? Of course I do, but not enough to over- shadow the good memories we had. You were never easy but you will forever be my son, no matter what. I am reminded of you in things I see and hear and I know when you are with me, and I always acknowledge your presence. Know that I love you more than anybody realizes and always will. No one or no thing can take that away from us.  Forever, Love, Your MUM xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Recent stories

Birthday's past

July 24, 2013

Today on your 37th birthday I am remembering your past birthday's.  Parties, people and you.  

I was trying to think about all the different birthday cakes you had.  E.T., Darth Vadar, R2D2, a guitar, Superman etc. 

The many phases of, Star Wars,  He-man, Spiderman, Superman. ( Remember the Superman quilt I made you?), WWF wrestlers, matchbox cars etc.  (You and Jamie playing for hours in the basement playroom.)

Chucky Cheese party in Hamilton.  Laura, Denise, Jamie, Michael, Christa.

Those were the great, happy times.  Wish we could of had more, but I won't forget the ones we did have.   Love you beyond the outer limits.   Mum  xoxoxoxo


Proud and loving Father

October 12, 2012

As time went on Brign became a father.  First came Jesse.  Oh how proud Brian was of his first born.  One thing I have to say is that Brian was a good father.  He truly loved all of his children.  He couldn't provide finanically for them but he loved them so much.  Second came Brynn, third Aurora, fourth Emmaoreta and then Jonny Shy.  He very much loved Janet's two boys as well, Chris and Phoenix, he thought of them as his children too.  He told me several times that he deeply cared for each and every one of them.  Brian had many disappointments during his short life, but he never reqretted the kids.  Through his depressions and unhapppy times his children were what kept him going.  He always wanted the best for all of them.  I know he wanted them to succed in life and have a better one than he had.  He wanted only happiness and love and the best of everything for them.  I want them all to know, no matter what anyone says, he gave you the only thing that he could and that was his love.

Free Spirit

April 26, 2012

Just wanted to convey this message I got from Ryan Herfert on my email. 

April 16 Ryan Herfert 

Hi Tina. I don't facebook much so I just got your message, thank you for the birthday blessing. 36 time flies, sometimes I look  back and it seems like just yesterday we were hell raising kids in the trailer park, playing in the creek. I don't know if you know this but Brian taught all of us how to clime a small tree high enough until it bent completely over far enough to cross the widest parts of the creek. The first time I saw him do it I thought her was the creepiest dude

April 16 Ryan Herfert 

Sorry damh auto correct. any way what I was trying to say was Brain was one crazy guy but I always admired his free spirt. It's times like that that I will never forget.

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