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June 16
June 16
Happy Fathers Day in Heaven Dad, not a single Fathers Day is easy with out you here with us. Your smile , your support, your hard working hands and most of all your love for us is missed every day. I miss and love you Dad ❤️
March 20
March 20
Hello my Father, there isn’t a day that goes by you don’t pass through my heart and mind. Dad you are missed every second of the day. The memories you left me with are so amazing. Today you would have been 84 boy do I wish you were here to celebrate you! I know you’re at peace and have the ones with you that you love up there, but we miss you here. Wishing you a Happy Heavenly Birthday Dad ❤️ I will see you again some day and we will have a party up there❤️ I know you’re always with us down here. I hope you can always hear me talk to you. Love you my father one and only wonderful dad❤️❤️❤️ I will try to enjoy this day reminiscing all the great memories together❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
December 12, 2023
December 12, 2023
It’s been 12 long years since God took you home. Dad so much has happened in these years. I know mom, Kristian , Grandma Fonte and Aunt Fonda has joined you now. I miss you all . You have two Great grandchildren from Brad added to our family. We sold the store and are so Blessed of all those years we had it, but it was never the same since you and mom passed. It was time for us to move on. But Dad we couldn’t say Thank you enough for watching over us through everything. We miss you so much today and always. Please give each and every one up there a hug from me and a Merry Christmas in Heaven. Lisa and I are caring for Aunt June and hope she sticks around longer. She misses you so much Dad. You were her best brother and friend.

I love you dad until we meet again. My heart is missing you so much
March 21, 2023
March 21, 2023
Hey pop happy belated birthday!! Man how I miss you mom and our son. Words are not even there to describe how much... Life has sure been a non stop trial.. The funny thing that I miss the most is arguing with you and my son, and mom debating everything with her.. Miss conversations I miss the laughs.. When you see my son please remind him how much love him and give him a hug from his dad!! Give mom one as well. Love you!!!
March 20, 2023
March 20, 2023
Happy Birthday Dad- forever in our heart
March 20, 2023
March 20, 2023
It’s 2023 and I miss you and Mom more and more everyday. You both meant the world to us. Life is not the same without you both. You both have taught us so much. The love you both gave all of us in unimaginable. The best parents a child could ask for. We love our children the same. You both were great examples of love. I wish we could relive those memories. What I wouldn’t do to tell you both how much I love you both and give you both big hugs and kisses. Never enough time together. I know Kristian is now with you both. Two people he looked up to and live so very much. You both were such great grandparents. Always watching over your grandchildren and spending precious time with them. The laughs you gave them and the memories. Thank you Mom and Dad!! God granted us such a lucky life with you both. Someday we will all be together again.  Hugs and kisses to both of you and to my beautiful godson Kristian!! I love you all
December 14, 2021
December 14, 2021
Dad this year has been 10 years since God called you home. A lot has happened since then. I know your with us at all times but I tell you dad nothing like having you here for us to lean on the strong Dad you were. Dad I am doing my best to help our family out as much as I can. I hope you know that my brothers n sister are always in my heart. Even through tough times. We might not agree with everything but I promise to never give up on the love you n mom taught us. You have a beautiful great grandson named after you too. Braycen Kristian❤️ I know your proud of my kids knowing they are doing well. I’m sure dad you were so surprised when Kristian showed up what a heartbreaking day that was. I know he’s at peace and loving you n mom up, It’s going to be hard giving up the store you created for us girls. But you know it’s time now Dad. Between all our health problems. Lisa n I gave it our all. It’s time for lisa n I to have sister time together now, Dad I have so much to say to you but to sum it all up Dad you are missed more than I can say. I still lean on you in life. I hope I’ve made you proud and I pray you stay watching over all of us down here . I wish you a Merry Christmas in heaven. Please give mommy a big hug from me. I love you Dad ❤️
December 12, 2019
December 12, 2019
Dad today you have been gone 8 years already. It’s so hard to believe. We miss you every day of our lives living with out you here. I know mom is keeping you busy up there! You both are seeing us grow down here. Your family keeps getting bigger and bigger and oh how you would be loving the great grand kids!! They are all beautiful❤️ Aunt June is hanging in there! We try our best to take care of her. Dad Merry Christmas in heaven!! I miss you terribly and love you with all my heart Dad. ❤️❤️
December 12, 2018
December 12, 2018
To my Daddy oh how your missed so much and mommy too. I know your happy she’s with you now. There is no way to describe the loss of two wonderful parents that were the best in the World. I hope your doing construction up there and mommy planting her flowers so when we arrive one day we can enjoy it together once again. Your grandchildren are doing ok. As you know. Your great grandkids are keeping me very busy down here, but that’s what keeps me going. And remember Dad n mom it all started with the two of you! ❤️ Dad hoody’s is a day I will never forget. I love you Dad miss you dearly. ❤️
March 24, 2018
March 24, 2018
Another year passes, you are missed more than you could know. Everyone is living their lives, grandkids are getting big, and the family is good.
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017
Happy birthday in heaven. All is well here with the family, they miss you terribly, but are carrying on. You would be very proud of the grandkids these days, and those great-grandkids are precious. We will have one for you and say hello to Virginia too.
March 22, 2016
March 22, 2016
Grandpa Bruce, your birthday just passed, and it was such a beautifull day when I went to go visit you! Not a day goes by that I don't miss you, and wish I could give you a big hug, or sit down and talk when I'm having a rough day! You always had the most powerful words of wisdom, advice, and encouragement! My daughter is so precious, and I know you would have loved to mush her up! I'm doing well, and I've come a long way, I know your watching over us! We will meet again one day, and I know you'll have your arms wide open! I miss you tremendously, and I love you with all my heart Grandpa Bruce!
                             Love Always&Forever,
                                       Your Grandson Brad
March 21, 2016
March 21, 2016
Dear Dad as we just celebrated another year of your Birthday, it's never easy. We miss you everyday. Your family has grown even bigger Dad. It just continues to expand. Wish you got to meet the newest three in the family. I promise you I will always teach them who Thierry great grandpa was and tell them wonderful stories about you. I will share photos and laughter and tears with them. Happy Birthday Dad and you are forever missed. Your daughter Sarina love you Dad sending you kisses and hugs to heaven.
December 15, 2014
December 15, 2014
oh grandpa Bruce how much I miss you.. Christmas is almost here and its never going to be the same without you. The tree is up and the house is decorated and I know your around in spirit. I think about you always and I miss our talks and those coffee and buttered roll deliveries I would make to you. Your always in my heart and mind not just around the holidays but everyday of the year. You were the best grandfather a granddaughter could have had. I cant believe its been 3 years since you left us. I am so glad I got to spend the time I did with you in your last months here with us 3 years ago and those were days I will never forget! I love you Grandpa Bruce..Love always your Granddaughter Amanda
December 15, 2014
December 15, 2014
Dear Daddy I am a little late sending you a message. What else is new.. Dad its been three years since you went home. I want you to know that I love you dearly and miss you every day. Things have been tough here on earth. But I know you are with me and the family. You loved us dearly and we were your life so I know you are always with us. Dad you have a huge family. A new grandson and his middle name is Bruce. We will carry you with us forever to eternity. My son and son in law talk about how much they miss you. They are going through some tough times but I know you were with them or they would not be here today. I love you dad and please stay with us.. Love and miss you Dad...
December 14, 2014
December 14, 2014
Christmas will never be the same without you and your smile here. I have so many nice pictures of you and the wonderful Christmas' at your house when all the kids were little. We know you are looking down, so we will try to behave! Bless you always!
December 12, 2014
December 12, 2014
Hey pop miss you so much. Really wish you got the chance see your new grandson and wish hey had a chance to meet such a great man. We all miss you so much. Losing you changed a lot of things including me.. words can't express how much I miss you. Love you forever your son
March 20, 2014
March 20, 2014
Spring started today, my little daffodils and crocus bloomed. May the flowers in heaven show the beauty and peace. A few more from the family have joined you and we hope you're meeting with them.
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013
Well, it is that time of the year you enjoyed so much. Santa is coming, and things are happening as usual. I just hope you know that the family will have you there in their daily celebrations, and you can feel the love that lingers everywhere. I do miss you and the rest of my loved ones who have passed. Merry Christmas, Bruce!
November 29, 2013
November 29, 2013
My father I know you are with us in spirit every day but its not the same.. We all miss you very much. Your great grand babies are beautiful you would of loved them Dad. You would of been so proud that my children had such cute little babies. And it all started with you dad. You have passed down to us so many gifts from you and I want to say Thank You. We are starting our Christmas decorating and all of us have you in our mind and hearts as we decorate.. Its all you Dad.. and our family.. We have one hell of a beautiful family and we are strong like you taught us but there is moments when all we do is talk about the wonderful memories of our childhood and how good you and mom raised us kids. I will back on here for Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving Dad. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
March 20, 2013
March 20, 2013
cont: You taught me so much from how to live and how to be strong through life and how to appreciate what we have. You and mom are the best parents God could have given us four kids. I look at my Grandson and Granddaghter and Think how much you would have loved to hold them. But in my heart I know you watching them grow ever day. Dad I remeber you singing this song on here! You Dad had the
March 20, 2013
March 20, 2013
Grandpa, it's amazing how much things have changed since you've been gone. You were really the glue in our family that held us together and things just aren't the same without you here. Today, I picture you with your birthday hat on and that wonderful smile you always possessed, sneaking a doughnut or cake that you know better than to eat. I miss you so incredibly much. <3
March 20, 2013
March 20, 2013
Well, Bruce there really aren't any words to say how much you are missed. The two new babies sure would love to be held by you, played with you, see Santa each Christmas at your place, and get spoiled like the rest of the kids were. Whatever, I want to let you know you are there with us always.
March 20, 2013
March 20, 2013
the most beautiful blue eyes! I remeber telling you that all the time.. How handsome of a father we had and his eyes just glowed. I miss you soo much Dad and today is a hard day for me.. Cause you are not here for me to make you a Birthday Strawberry Cake.. or Bannana chocolate. I miss it so much.. I love you Daddy and I will get through this. I promise you! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
March 20, 2013
March 20, 2013
Happy Birthday Dad In Heaven! Dad I think about you everyday of my life. For some reason I know you are always here watching over us. I also know that you are the one who gives me strenghth to get through everday. All I have to do is think about all our talks and all that you taught me. It is what I live by.
December 12, 2012
December 12, 2012
Dad its been 1 year already. It feels like yesterday. Life isn't the same without you. Your missed everyday not a day goes bye that we don't think and wish you were here. I couldn't have asked for a better father. You have left us with so much love!!!!!!! You are amazing and a man with many, many blessings. There are no words that can express how much you mean to us. Hugs and Kisses
December 12, 2012
December 12, 2012
Bruce was a great example of what every man should be like. He left a family that learned from him and his ways, and it shows. He always had a smile, was kind, caring and loving. We miss him and all the fun he included us in at his home and gatherings. We are only inlaws in this family, but he always made us feel part of him and his family. Christmas is his special time of the year!
December 12, 2012
December 12, 2012
cont: the ways I do things. Its all you Dad all of what you have left behind in Me!! I now relize that when something goes wrong that you are here with us to make it better. Not only when you were here but Now in our hearts and you are our angel. Dad I know our Christmas is not the same with out you but I promise you to try my best to continue. I love and miss you every second of the day.
December 12, 2012
December 12, 2012
Dad today is your year in Heaven and I remember it like it was yesturday. This is your time of the year the memories are incredible and I hold them in my heart forever. I relized how much you have left behind and its not only your house and property its the way you raised us and the things I say and do. Its the way I think. Its the love I have for people and the strenghth that you have giv
December 12, 2012
December 12, 2012
I cant believe its been one year! Bruce.... we love & miss you so much! We all think of you often & remember & talk about the fond memories you left us with. I know your watching down on everyone... your now our Angel. God bless <3
September 26, 2012
September 26, 2012
Dad, I miss you so much today..its Ray and I 25th Anniversary and I know you would be smileing today. You were my shoulder to lean on when things went wrong you were the Wisdom that kept us going. You were the reason that I am so proud today to be married 25 yrs. I wish you were here to celebrate with us today. I remember the day of my wedding and Dad you made my day the best! I love you!
March 20, 2012
March 20, 2012
Dear Dad, Happy Birthday Today! Your 72nd. I miss you so much dad and it hurts everyday of my life being with out you. I miss your strength, your company, your laughter, your support, your gudience, I miss talking with you and sitting and having coffee. Eating dinners together. There is so much of you that I miss! Happy Birthday Dad wish I could make you a cake today! Your favorite one! xo
March 20, 2012
March 20, 2012
Happy Birthday in heaven grandpa! Hope your celebrating and happy as ever. Thank you for watching over Jaiden I know your always by his side. Were taking good care of your house so no worries. I know your proud of what we have done and were happy to be living here. I think about you every day but I know your doing okay. May you have a wonderful and peaceful birthday up there! We love you
March 20, 2012
March 20, 2012
Happy Birthday In Heaven Bruce! You are missed by so many and loved by so many as well may they all get peace knowing that you are always with them!
March 20, 2012
March 20, 2012
March 12, 2012
March 12, 2012
Thinking about you today and everyday! I miss you Dad. Spring is almost here and I look at all the plants we planted together and the flowers that we planted. They are all coming up and I think of you and how much we loved to plant together.. I will take care of them for you. Dad I know where you have been with Jaiden watching over him. He is our mircle baby. He will always remind me of u!
February 11, 2012
February 11, 2012
Cont: you always knew things that we didn't know. Thank you for giving us life so we could continue the next life and now I have a grandson. Please watch over him for me Dad for he is what kept me going when I was loosing you. I miss you so much Dad that you can't imagine, Our lives will always be differant with out you here. I love you Dad! xoxox
February 11, 2012
February 11, 2012
Its been a hard week this week. I didn't think it would have been this hard after almost two months have gone by. I can honestly say that it has all caught up with me. Your great grandson has been born, I am sure you know that and I am sure you are with him every day of the week. You told us he was coming soon. You were right.
December 25, 2011
December 25, 2011
The Angel ornament you gave to me, dangles upon my Christmas tree. I lit it this morning just for you as I said "Merry Christmas Bruce, I love you too." xoxoox's
December 18, 2011
December 18, 2011
Dear Dad, I miss you so much already! Its Christmas time and you are not here, but I feel you everyday and I feel that you are at peace. You suffered so much and I know you wanted Lisa and I to live our lives but I also know you didn't want to leave but knew you had to. I think about you everyday and can't believe a week has gone already. I love you dad.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
December 15, 2011
December 15, 2011
What a great tribute page to an amazing man! He loved his family so much and raised some amazing children. God Bless Bruce...You will be missed...RIP
December 14, 2011
December 14, 2011
Thanks grandpa for being such a great grandfather. I am going to miss you so much. Im happy we have made so many memories. Every minute i've ever spent with you was the best. May your soul rest peacefully. Im always thinking about you. Love always and forever your granddaughter amanda!
December 14, 2011
December 14, 2011
You may not physically be here, but you will FOREVER be in our hearts grandpa. When i look into the sky ill say there you are "the brightest star", when someone asks me of you ill say "that man of magnificant nature", ill always think so greatly of you grandpa, you were a GREAT man! we will all miss you VERY VERY much, but we also all have many special memories to cherish! I LOVE YOU<3
December 14, 2011
December 14, 2011
always had a good time being with your family,the christmas party,the halloween party and the
Christmas party for the store. Getting on the dance floor and cutting up the rug. You knew how to have a great time, you will be missed but not forgotten.
December 14, 2011
December 14, 2011
Bruce, you have ALWAYS been like a father to Jammie & I. You welcomed us into your house & into your family with open arms. We remember your Halloween Parties, and you dressing up like DRACULA- HAHAHAHA!!! You were always happy and had words of wisdom to share. You were also a real comedian at times & made us laugh.... We love you & will miss you!
December 14, 2011
December 14, 2011
My dear Bruce ,want to let you know it was my pleasure to have had the time that I spent with you.You always made me smile.I loved to comb that hair.I miss you very much xoxoxoxo You have rasied a wonderful family.Now you can Rest in peace ,Love you donna.
December 14, 2011
December 14, 2011
I love this tribute to a wonderful father, grandfather, great grandfather and loving caring friend to many people! Even though we weren't related by blood he always made my family very welcome and was always happy to see us and welcomed us with open arms so much my kids call him poppa Bruce. We will miss his smile and warm hugs but he will always hold a special place in our hearts! R.I.P.!

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