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To the Soty fam

July 19
He would be an awesome family member I feel very bad that he died but he would be a great family member I love your channel so much I wish I could be a part of your family You're amazing
July 17
I'm going to tell you the story of my grandpa who died. He had a brain problem and he couldnt do anythig so all he did was lay in bed. one day he found out that soon he would die. he invited my family over and he was happy to see him but i sat next to him with my doll and cried. the next day we wanted to see him but he only wanted my dad to come because he didnt want me my sister my brother to see him looking like that. I missed him so much. my dad went to see him every day. and one day my grandpa died. my dad came home crying. i tried to help my dad feel better. but i couldnt speek because i was crying to much. in the month of may was the worst month of my life because may was the month my grandpa had died. i miss him so much and i wish i had gotten to say goodbye. but i think he is a star. the good people become stars and the bad people become people again so they can relive and have a better life. but i just remember that he is a star so i look at the stars every nght and feel so much better. and bryce is a star too.

To the SOTY fam.

June 16
I am so sorry that Bryce died so young and didn't get to live a full life but I want you guys to know that he will always be in your hearts forever.

To soty fam

April 26
I really am sorry for your lost I lost my sister at age 10 and I'm almost 11and I was just wanted to say I'm sorry too Parker Jordan Blake Peyton Steven Jamie Steve Taylor and I love you guys I want you every single day I just really want to meet you I'm really sorry that Bryson passed away :-( but I always be there with you no matter what happy life birthday 2024
November 26, 2023
Mother knows Best

                    Queen of the Dead

Chapter 1: Tucked snugly away deep within the forest lived a family of witches. Their gray cobblestone mansion was perched on the tallest hill,which looked down on a vast landscape of lifeless trees with brittle and twisted branches that resembled long grasping hands.Around this forest was an impenetrable preserved thicket of rosebushes with tiny beautifully preserved rosebuds still clinging to them even though they had been dead longer than anyone still living could properly recollect. This was the boundary between the land of the living and the forest of the dead,and the witches who lived in the woods rarely crossed the boundary to do harm to those living on the other side.They asked for only one thing in return: their dead. The witches’ forest wasn't merely filled with lifeless trees.It was where the dead rested—or so the neighboring villagers liked to tell themselves. They chose to think  of the woods as a cemetery they weren’t permitted to visit, and the witches as its caretakers,though deep within their hearts they knew their deceased loved ones were given very little peace in what should have been their eternal resting place. But we won’t concern ourselves with that of the tale at the moment. Right now, our story centers on three sister witches– Hazel,Gothel, and Primrose– and their mother, Manea, the dreaded queen of the dead, one of the greatest and most feared witches of any age. Manea always let it be known that  her daughters were a disappointment to her, pointing out that even though the three of them were born on the same day, they were not identical.It was widely accepted in the magical realms that having identical witch daughters was a great honor. They were highly favored among the gods,because they possessed greater power and magical ability than the average witch. Though Gothel and her sisters were, by definition, triplets,they couldn’t possibly have been more different from each other. Let’s start with Gothel, the youngest by a mere handful of hours. She possessed raven hair and dark features,with large expressive gray eyes. Her hair was thick, wild, and unruly, often filled  with little bits of twigs or dried leaves from her following her sisters around in the dead woods and romping through the landscape of the cemeteries within its boundaries.When Gothel chose to look up from one of her precious books long enough to notice her surroundings,she had a very large personality, demanding the attention of everyone in the room.She was a thoughtful, pragmatic young woman, rarely ruled by her emotions and singularly focused on eventually taking her mother’s place in the forest of the dead.There was only thing more important to her.Her sisters. Hazel,the eldest sister, was lanky and shy, with large light blue eyes. Her hair was a brilliant shade of silver, and cascaded over her shoulders like a shroud.She moved silently like a wraithlike god-dess, which was fitting,really, considering where she and her sisters lived. Hazel was a soft-spoken and exceedingly empathetic young lady, always willing to listen to her sisters’ problems and lend her support.That leaves us with Primrose.Now, she was a striking redhead, with sparkling green eyes,a peaches-and-cream complexion,and a light smatter-ing of freckles across her nose.She was lighthearted and fun,always ready for adventure,and doomed to be entirely driven by her emotions, which some- times  vexed her sisters, causing the three to quarrel.The sisters spent much of their time in the dead woods, exploring the mausoleums and reading the names off the headstones in what felt to the sisters a small city of the dead. They spent hours walking the various pathways of beautiful and ornate tombstones, states, and crypts, sometimes saying the dead’s names aloud as they passed them, reciting the names off the tombstones, singing them almost like a song.With little else to fill their time, the sisters found happy occupations to keep themselves busy while traversing the dead forest.Hazel loved to bring thin pieces of delicate parchment and coal with her on their walks in the woods so she could make impressions of some of the more ornate and decorative headstones.She called them rud-bings. Sometimes she found a name on one of the headstones particularly interesting or funny and she would make a rubbing simply for reference. Later she would look up the person in her mother’s large leather-bound  ledger that contained the names and origins of every person buried within their woods,which made her feel less alone. Not that her sisters’ friendship wasn’t enough, mind you, but she liked to imagine some of the dead as her friends.She and her sisters were quite alone in the dead woods aside from their mother, who was busy and sequestered away at every opportunity, occupied with her magic,leaving little time to spend with her daughters. So Hazel found comfort and company in reading about the dead in her mother’s ledger, feeling like she was getting to know the people who spent their afterlife in her forest. Primrose often brought along with her scarlet draw-string pouch,which contained a spool of ribbon,a small silver knife, and various wishes she had written on bright red parchment that she would hang from the dead branches on ribbons.It was just like Primrose to bring color into their stark world.Almost as if she had been created for the purpose of bringing beauty into their lives,because it did seem to follow her wherever she wandered. Primrose fan-cied the dead and haunted their forest at night, reading her wishes while she and her sisters were asleep.She hoped the dead would love their afterlife. She wanted it to be a beautiful resting place rather than the dull gray landscape it really was. Gothel was more rooted in the physical world than her sisters, with her eye always on the future. She often brought along one of mother’s books when she went into the woods with her sisters—a book she had slipped into the pocket of her skirts when her mother wasn’t paying attention. She always took the opportunity to read when her sisters stopped to do a grave rubbing or tie wishes in the trees. Sometimes she read aloud to her sisters, but usually she just let herself drift into other worlds— worlds she desperately wanted to inhabit.The world of magic. And this day was no different.”Gothel! Move! You’re blocking the headstone I want to do next!” Gothel looked up at Hazel, who gazed down at her disapprovingly.The sun was directly  behind her, creating a shimmering sillhou-ette that emphasized her ghostlike face.”But I’m comfortable here,Hazel.Can’t you rud one of the other headstones?” Gothel asked, squint-ing to see her sister clearly.Hazel sighed.”I guess.” Gothel watched Hazel walk into the brilliant sunlight,which was low in the sky and cast a lovely orange-and-pink glow on their otherwise dreary landscape .It was Gothel’s favorite time, the magic hour. She had read there was a land where it was eternally twilight, and she wondered what it must be like to live in such a place. “Don’t go too far, Hazel!” called Gothel.”It will be dark soon, and Mother will want us home.”  Hazel didn’t answer her sister, but Gothel knew Hazel had heard her. Gothel had read about sister witches who could read each other’s minds, and she knew that wasn’t the case with her and her sisters—not quite—but they did have an understanding.At least that was what their mother had called it:”an understanding.” Ever since they were very small,each other known how the others were feeling. They couldn’t communicate with each other without speaking, so they didn’t hear the exact words, but they did get a sense of what the others might be thinking from each other’s emotions. Gothel had searched her mother’s books for the term “under- standing” and decided it must be something her mother had made up, because she couldn’t find a reference to it in any of them. And she wondered if maybe someday, when they learned more of their mother’s magic, she and her sisters would have the power to read each other’s mind. “What are you thinking about, Gothel?” Gothel laughed, looking up at Primrose, who was surrounded by beautiful bright red hearts hang-ing in the black and twisted tree branches. Primrose had clearly been busy while Gothel had been read-ing her book.”You seem sad to me, Gothel. What’s the matter?” asked Primrose, her brow furrowed.”Nothing, Prim.” Gothel directed her attention back to her book. Primrose shoved her ribbon and little into her pouch, walked over to her sister, and sat down beside her. “Really, what’s the matter?” she asked, putting hand on her sister’s. Gothel sighed. “It’s Mother. I don’t understand why she won’t teach us her magic. Every generation of witches in this family has shared their magic with the new generation. How are we to uphold our family’s traditions if we have no idea how to do the magic?” Primrose squeezed her sister’s hand and smiled. “Because Mother never intends to die. She will always be here to honor our ancestors, so don’t worry.” Gothel stood up in a huff, brushing the leaves off  her rust-colored dress. “ 

tell me if you like it.
June 16, 2023
i am so sorry soty family ik it must have been hard to lose a son im so sorry to jamie ,steven taylor,payton,jordan,parker,blake,and steve ik how it feels i lost my uncle at 6 and i still am hurt it hurts to lose a loved one ive been watching u guys since steven was a baby and its so crazy to see everyone grew up even blake and i feel really bad cuz losing someone is like u feel like your lost and cant be found but u guys got this you guys are a stong family and keep doing what u guys do everyday its crazy that steven got a gf and its so werid cuz i used to really like him lol but all i want is for u guys to keep growing and make the most of it .from hannah to the soty family

How he died

June 2, 2023
Chiedza Tityiwe fyi Bryce died the day he was born
May 29, 2023
 hi     I can believe that he die he was born on 2007  and he die on 2020   I am so sad him  bye

To The Yeager Family

April 15, 2023
I’m so sorry for your loss. Bryce didn’t even get to live his life! I know how it feels. You know how everyone has 4 grandparents? I lost 3 of them! Most of them where from Covid. And i am tearing up while writing this

To the SOTY family and Brice

August 1, 2022
I’m so sorry for your of my favorite family members where taken to heaven.
my favorite dog. Bow
I hope the lord has excepted Bricein the heaven’s above 

for the whole SOTY family

July 30, 2022
i know how it feels to loose something so big because my basement flooded and i almost lost everything from my childhood and that was in february a week away from my birthday when i turned 12

For you Steve and Jamie

July 9, 2022
I celebrated Bryce‘s birthday on June14th

To the Soty fam

July 9, 2022
I am so sorry for your loss,my Aunty died from a very bad sickness. My dog got ran over by a car as well.I hope Bryce will float up into a beautiful place to call home called heaven. I wish you joy and happiness throughout your life. From Finley PS

To Bryce

July 7, 2022
I am very sorry for your loss, my friend drowned! I hope you will enjoy your life in heaven. Finley PS be strong don’t listen to rude

To the SOTY family

July 6, 2022
I have watched your channel for a long time I am so sorry for your loss , I lost my great grandma due to lung cancer. Be strong 

Bryce : from Isabella Chilson

June 29, 2022
Hi. One of my friends has passed. Her name was maya. She died of cancer and passed away in 2020.

P.S. Be strong, and have courage.


Bryce : from Katherine soty fan

June 15, 2022
Hi.  It is so much pain to see my favoirte youtube Channel go sad I wish I could send you something nice but I can't.  I just wanna know how did he die?  If you wish you don't have to say anything  cause I lost 2, and I don't really like talking about it so if you dont either it's ok.
                                                      Jesus love you 

p.s Thank you, Stay strong :>


May 10, 2022
Dog died to it is sad to lose someone you love I’m sorry for your loss

Sorry for your loss

May 8, 2022
All though I have not watched you for a while I have just found out that you have lost Bryce I know how you fell and I am so sorry you have to suffer when you have done nothing rough. Sending good thoughts to heaven and if I had met him he would be an amassing childyou will see him later in life.


May 7, 2022

I know how it feels to lose someone you love I have lost my best friend Justice he was y dog I was at my grandmas house I did not even get to say good bye but he will be in my family hearts I know it was and it is hard to get over but he is in a beautiful place called heaven he is having an amazing time no one deserves to die but that is how God made it Bryce would have had an amazing family he is watching you from heaven and he would have had an amazing family I know he was not even 1 I hope y'all have a amazing life and I am crying while writing this. -Love, Annalyse

Im so sorry i hope this makes you happy nomatter what

May 3, 2022
Im really really sorry for you i give you all the best blessings for you and your family i just want you to know how much you and your family means to me you guys make me happy everyday i hope this makes you happy may jesus krist protect you always


April 18, 2022


March 2, 2022
Hi SOTY family, I'm sorry that Bryce passed away, when my cousin passed away I felt so much pain but Bryce will always be in you hearts for Blake, Parker, Taylor, Stephen, Jordan, Payton, Steve, and Jamie so is my cousin he will always be in my heart.

We all miss you Bryce

February 26, 2022
We all love you miss you Bryce and we feel for the yeargers that to have to go through that pain.

now bryce i mite not know you but i know your family i dont know a lot about you. i love you bryce

June 27, 2021
i gone though this to  now lets work hard and go tough this hard time together 
Madelyn dadura

Shot of the Yeager

June 11, 2021
Know  was born on June.14.2007

we missed you byce

Dears steve Yeagers

June 11, 2021
i will stay that.  Just checking out that Bryce. Die in 2007 in Yeagers family we  miss you byce and  toy and balloons and the.  I I’m not happy excited and Stephen and Taylor. And  Jordan  and Payton and Steve and mom jamie farber and Parker and Blake 

love shot of the Yeagers 

Dear Stephen Yeagers. Jamie Lynn Yeager

June 10, 2021
but so  2  baby sister 
and so I’m watching the  missed byce 
so byce passed away 
on Utah cledfled United state 
but   Tell you guys  What is Jamie  email address 

to miguel
 from Jamie Lynn yeage

Dear soty family

June 10, 2021
We missed the Bryce Yeagers I hope you be back with shot of the Yeagers family and so we got my  how much your merch shot of the Yeagers merch
i cry all time  watch video everyday 
how old Stephen Yeagers 

Dear SOTY,

May 30, 2021
Me and my sister are currently watching Bryce’s Youtube video that you dedicated to him (‘We all love you! Bryce’s 13th birthday’), she is crying and hopes you all know you are loved and will never be alone. Your fandom will always be here to help you through good and bad times. I hope you know, even though i dont often watch your videos (My sister does daily), but i still care and know youre hurting. Recently, it was one of my dead loved ones birthdays as well. I read out your Google article dedicated to Bryce. We all love and care and hope to see more amazing videos from you.
April 21, 2021
This must have been so hard on you! Truly I am just happy today, your family has made a bit of a recovery. I am not sure if he just didn't make it when you gave birth, but I send all my blessings. I'm really sad for your family it heartbreaking and late birthday. We all really miss you. Where you are is a better place. I'm sure you would've grown up in a loving home. We want you to know that your family still loves and they know your watching them from heaven. I'm  sorry i didn't  say this sooner, but yes again sorry for your loss it is hard for you all. 

PS I’m not a member of the family though. We may not be like your family but every family loves each other even if they don’t show it.❤️  They all love you and will see you again one day! <3


April 4, 2021
bryce even thow your not in the videos  you will never  ever  will never be for goten  ever thow  your not hear you will be with us in the heart bryce  remember me even thow you mit  have was to travle far  remember me 

Bryce Richard Yeager :)

January 13, 2021
Bryce Probally Was a good person  I dont know so much bout him so ima end here Love you All

Bryce a boy who touched many hearts

January 4, 2021
Dear Bryce and soty family hi I just whant to say sorry Bryce that you did not make it and I just whant to say you all are just a great family and just bye listening to your videos I know Bryce you are a great spirit to many and me god bless you all
January 1, 2021
Sorry that Bryce did not make it. But you guys will see him in heaven someday. 

                                                                                                Xoxo, Megalodon. ❤❤❤


December 24, 2020
Hi soty fam my name is avery Jane gordon richardson and i just wanted to say that I LOVE YOU STEVEN + AVERY = LOVE YOU ARE IN MY HEART 

He will be missed

December 24, 2020
Hi Bryce your family family is great and are lovely it’s sad that you died on the very first time you were born hope you are fine up there in haven your sister Taylor loves baking and she had made brownies to celebrate your 14th birthday I think I don’t have a good memory but your family has made it far in life and they your family know you are in there hearts❤️ #haveagoodtimeinheaven and watch over 

PS I’m not a member of the family tho I’m okay with the family I have we may not be like your family but every family loves each other even if they don’t show it❤️

Who actually made this!

October 26, 2020
Hello everyone! My name is Auburn and I am the one who created this memorial. Please stop asking for shout outs and such, I sadly can not do that for you. I am super sorry, but I just made this so people could come here and say something nice to him/ about him. Thank you for understanding. <3 Auburn
October 26, 2020
Bryce my friend I miss you, Wait until I see you in heaven someday It breaks my heart to see your family in pain just wait until i move to clearfield and syracuse 

to thos who lost him

October 26, 2020
you a nice family and im sorry i didint say this soner i sorry for your lose in it is hard for you all even steven and jamie and steav i am so  sorry giveme a shoutout pleasei love you r videos god buy
October 17, 2020
Dear the yearger family i was very sad that bryce died on my birth im sorry i didnt write this letter to you guys i only saw you guys on youtube from friends in 2018 and ive watched you since and i am really sorry that bryce passed away on june 14 2007 when i was born i just want you to know he is still in your hearts blake, parker, Jordan, Payton, Taylor, stephen, Jamie and Steve 

Ps T If you guys still read these tell stephen in a video that one of our subscribers thinks of him as a brother all the time and if he askeds who Say Jai Childs 

And please tell Payton this in a vid to that i have a crush on her 
See you sony family please give ne a shoutout if you do them 

He will be missed

September 21, 2020
I never met you bryce but if you were still alive I would love to meet you and your family

Dear sweet Bryce

August 5, 2020
Hi bryce I really sad for you and happy birthday I really miss you and see your face when you in uk and we live in uk tell to your family to go to live in uk but your in heaven I wish your here.I miss you see you in heaven!!!!

How Is there life

June 29, 2020
They have 5 sisters and a brother they have a channel that has grown And I was a kid when I saw your channel but they are happy and check on you on your brithday :) We'll Miss you :((((

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