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Double trouble

May 8, 2017

  I always remember my mom saying for Aunt Bunnies Sue and me not living close through all the years we act so much alike. Things that Aunt Bunnies did my mom says I do to. Any time that we was together (Bunnies & I) we was getting into some type of trouble or doing stuff we wasn't supposed to do. I love my Aunt Bunie Sue so much and I think of her a lot. Her death was hard on me and I tried to spend her last couple days she was alive I was up there with her. I just remember reading on fb from Chasity about what was going on with my Aunt when she went to doctors and them saying she was Cancer free the the next check up the told my Cousin Candie that the Cancer was so bad and spread all throughout her body there was nothing they could do. It could be any time that she would be leaving us. They took her home and that night they called an ambulance for her she was doing things she wouldn't normally do the fire chief said that when the anomina is in the body this happens before they pass. So the ambulance took her to the hospital and they sedated her. I wa at work at Cheasepeake Arena and I found this out it we last year's Basketball play offs. I read what Chasity wrote and I left work and went straight there to Integra hospital on NW Expressway and say sat with her and talked to her until the ambulance came to take her to hospice. I was talking to her and she would mean like she heard what I was saying. I fo)Lowes the ambulance or so I thought but some how got behind wrong ambulance and got lost. My parents helped me get to the hospice place and stayed there with her till I had to go to work. After I got off work I went back there and stayed there with her all night. I went to go home to get my work clothes and I was gone but 10 minutes and I got the call she had passed. I felt like she waited for me to leave before she passed. I believe she knew if I was there when she passed it would be to much for me. I know me and my Aunt Bunnies had a special bond between each other good or bad she still my Aunt. I Love you Aunt Bunnies and miss ya everyday. I think of you and remember the memories we have of you. I will have you in my heart always. Your truly missed so much. Love Your Niece Kimmi

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