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December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
My song that is to you is Miley Cyrus "I MISS YOU"
December 10, 2013
December 10, 2013
Hey Calvin,

  Its Brianna your niece i know i haven't been on in a while but i thought about you this morning and thought i might need to come and say hi. So here it is i know i didn't really know you that well we only hung out a little bit before you passed away and we all miss you very much. You will forever be in my heart and i know we didn't share DNA but you are my family anyway. I guess what I'm trying to say is even though we didn't have much time together ,the time that we had was amazing. You were always smiling and happy and the fishing trip we took before i went home was awesome i remember when the guy down from us caught a sting ray and on the other side of us they caught a shark that was a fun day and the day we left we all said our goodbyes and headed back home i just wish we could see your smiling face one more time and have you in our lives again. I miss my fish in buddy i need you back. The day momma told me that you passed i might not have shown that i was sad but on the inside i was dying. But thats just how i am i wait till I'm behind closed doors and then cry. I miss you so much just wish that that would have never happened. I know papaw misses you very much and so do we. So ill come back tomorrow and talk some more. I hope i see you in heaven. Talk to you tomorrow Love you Calvin. Your the best uncle in the world
I LOVE YOU !!!! <3 <3

     (your niece)

Brianna Grace Poche
November 26, 2013
November 26, 2013
What a very handsome young man. Loved and missed by his family. I just came across this, it hurts my heart. Condolences to the family and friends who have lost Calvin. He is so very much loved.
September 25, 2013
September 25, 2013
well calvin another year has came and gone since you left us.
its hard to beleave it has already been 3 years, but then gain it
seems like an eternity. i miss your smiling face, that funny laugh and everything thing about you that made you so special, rest in peace my son i love you pop
September 24, 2013
September 24, 2013
Calvin, today is the 3 yr anniversary of your death, and you never leave our minds and hearts, and never will. I have moved to Florida now to be near Daddy, I wish you were still here. I miss our fishin buddy. Brianna, Kota & Kayla miss you very much. You would laugh so hard at Kota, he is a blast! Love you Brother, always & forever... I miss you.
April 23, 2013
April 23, 2013
April 21, 2013
April 21, 2013
I miss you Calvin, not a day goes by that you don't cross my mind. Happy Birthday my Brother. I love you.
December 31, 2012
December 31, 2012
I have never met you, the Salter family and friends. I just wanted to say your memorial is touching. I pray God will continue to strengthen you. I hope, you can also take comfort in Revelation 21:4: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more…the former things have passed away."
September 26, 2012
September 26, 2012
I love you son and miss you so much you will always be with me in my heart you may be gone but will never be forgotten from you're mother Evelyn.salter. I love you big brother an think about you everyday and you will always be in my heart
September 24, 2012
September 24, 2012
I love you calvin i really miss you i dont have a fishin buddie no more i have changed my life i have my actual daddy that loves me just wish you were still here with us i really miss u Calvin hope you know i stilll love you and so does everyone else and we havent forgot you at all we love you and always will :) i miss you calvin and always will <3 you
September 24, 2012
September 24, 2012
your not there, i will have that empty spot in my heart until i take my last breath and join you, i miss your smile and your laugh, and everything else, i will love you with my broken heart always, i think of you and talk about you daily, you will never be forgotten, no way, no how, rest in peace my son, i love you, YOUR POP
September 24, 2012
September 24, 2012
calvin, today is the 2nd aniversary of you leaving us, it still seems like it was only yesterday to me, i dont think the pain of losing you will ever ease. our house doesnt seem like a home anymore, you are gone, all the dogs are gone except dutchess, she looks all over the house for you all the time, as do i looking over to your computer to see what you are doing, and only to realize ,
September 24, 2012
September 24, 2012
Calvin we miss you so much. Your death is still so hard for us to cope with. I know, for a fact that you are with us, guiding and protecting us. I have seen you, and so has Daddy. He misses you so so much, but he can be comforted just knowing your presence is still here. I love you, Bubba and the girls miss you so much. And Dakota, even said your name out of the blue yesturday...
April 25, 2012
April 25, 2012
Hey calvin, only saw you once in my life, and the last time we talked i was almost polar opposite of what you saw. But im better now, alot better. I really wanted to get out there for a while and straighten out but things didnt go that way. Looks like the Lord Jesus had better plans. Maybe he wanted a good runnin back for his fb team. Take care, love ya, bye
April 22, 2012
April 22, 2012
calvin, happy 43rd birthday, april 20th, i know you had a great birthday being in a better place, just know that i miss you more than words can ever discribe, my life has not been, nor will ever be the same without you, just always know that i love you with all my heart and always will, happy birthday my son    love "pop"
September 27, 2011
September 27, 2011
From The Salters Family: Our Beloved Calvin, We love you,and miss you with each passing day. We know that the promises of God's word, will reunite us again someday. We will cherish your memory in our hearts forever. Your Mom, Evelyn, Harold, Carl,Charles, Clarance,and Tameka.
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
R.I.P calvin. I didnt know u all that long or well,but i knew enough that you were a great person. That would be more than willing to help those in need. A true man. You are always missed bye those whome lifes a touched. God bless.
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
Calvin, we all miss you so dearly. You were such a special person to so many, and were taken from us entirely too soon. Its hard to believe it has been a year. Seems like yesturday we were fishing with you on the dock, having such a good time. I love you and miss you Calvin.
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
Wow, I can't believe it's been a year. You are so missed. I love you. The kids miss you. There are no words to truly express how we feel. You are so loved and missed.
September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011
1 year ago today, you left us so unexpectedly, and this
past year has been so lonely, depressing, and sad, without your smiling face to keep me going,calvin, i miss you so very much rest in peace my son i love you, pop
April 21, 2011
April 21, 2011
Happy Birthday Calvin... we all love and miss you so so much. You were truly taken from us too soon... and we will always hold you so close to our hearts. Bubba and the girls miss you so much, and you would be so proud of your "lil stewie", Kota.. I
April 21, 2011
April 21, 2011
happy 42nd birthday calvin, i miss you so much, but i know are looking down on us, i wish you were here where i could give you a big hug for your birthday, i miss you and love you very much ,  pop
January 31, 2011
January 31, 2011
well its been only 4 months since you were taken away,
it just gets harder everyday without you. your love and suport, and always being there, just as we were always there for the last 20 years, i miss you more than words could ever express,i really dont think i will ever be able to get past this, i love you with all my heart and always will, you keep giving me signs that you are with me
January 11, 2011
January 11, 2011
"Calvin, never forget how much you ARE loved. Even though you not here in body, we know your here in spirit. meet you like two times and you was nice to me i will not forget it when kevin told me my hart stop someone nice funny and happy we can not forget that you will all ways be with us and you will be miss bro r.i.p
November 24, 2010
November 24, 2010
Calvin, I only saw you once that I remember. When I got to know you I knew I had found a best friend, an awsome and unforgetable uncle. When I see your pictures, I cry. When I hear your name I remember how you beleived in me, when I didn't even believe in myself. You gave me hope, it still remains in my heart today. Lost love is still love, just in a different form.I miss you Uncle Calvin.
November 16, 2010
November 16, 2010
Calvin it's been almost 2 months since we lost you. We sit in our living room, seeing your pictures everyday, and it is so hard to believe this real. I was there, I seen the devastation with my own eyes, but it still dosen't feel real! I miss you so much, and would give anything to just talk to you, see you, hear your voice, just one more time! God we miss you and love you Calvin...
October 18, 2010
October 18, 2010
I am writing from Dallas, Texas. I literally just learned of Calvin's passing tonight and am deeply saddened. I loved Calvin very much. Calvin and I connected for the first time in 2006. He helped me through a very difficult time in my personal life. When we first met he brought his pickup truck out to help me move to a safer apartment in Brandon. I will miss him very much!
October 16, 2010
October 16, 2010
Calvin your smile lit the room.Your energy was wonderful to watch. The encouragement you gave was so timely. I thank God I knew you. I know God now has a very good angel on his side. When I was caught up in the reduction in force I missed you the most. Now, you are so very much missed. I thank God for our last conversation.
October 13, 2010
October 13, 2010
i love you brother and will always rember the good times you are a loving and careing brother an uncle and will always be missed. Love youre little sister "TAMEKA SALTER' AKA MEME
October 10, 2010
October 10, 2010
Calvin, my friend I can't say anymore than whats been said. You were an awsome person and friend. I will remember all the fun we had when we were in school. I am blessed to have known you. I will miss you always!
October 2, 2010
October 2, 2010
Today I will say goodbye to you Calvin... but you will be forever in my heart, and pray that you will always have my back and walk with me and the kids everyday. God I am going to miss you so much Calvin. Like your memorial song... Gone Too Soon, I love you Calvin Damian Salter.
October 1, 2010
October 1, 2010
Calvin, I loved you the minute I met you. You were funny and I loved the fact that you and Pop came to Seth's graduation,and that you and Pop took care of me and Katie while we were there. But my most favorite memory is when you put Shaun's cowboy hat and boots on and took a picture for me because he told you I said you looked like Trivette off of Walker Texas Ranger. That was Priceless.
September 30, 2010
September 30, 2010
Calvin, never forget how much you ARE loved. Even though you not here in body, we know your here in spirit. Remember, we will meet up again one day, and I for one will be looking forward to one of your famous bear hug's. Love you so much. Kevin and Dan. :)
September 30, 2010
September 30, 2010
I love you my son, i miss you so much already, you were,
are and will always be my everything.i have a very empty space in my heart without you, but i know you will always be beside me and in my heart. we love you. Pop, sarge jr, dutchess,josh, sampson,buster, and sophie,our dogs, " the babies "
September 29, 2010
September 29, 2010
I love you brother, we may not share DNA but you ARE my brother. And I love you. You were a awsome person, a wonderful son, brother, and uncle. We will miss you sooooo dearly.

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