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June 17, 2017

The memory I will always remember of my uncle Dean was many years ago when I was junior high age. My dad ( Nolan) had left and it was going to be our first Christmas just the 3 of us. Dean came over to the house and gave Dawn and I $50 so we could go get our mom something for Christmas. Grandpa Cal came along later and took us shopping. They both could be very caring men. I pray that Dean is at peace now. Much love!

June 15, 2017

I have only great memories of my Uncle Dean.... from him always being home when I would go over to play with Tara and Deb in Maplecrest, to him taking such an interest in my high school sports days ( he would always call me after to congratulate or "critique") , to going to his nice big new house in Pine Valley, to him making me my first White Russians at his bar in that house, to always knowing/expecting a call from him on my birthday and Christmas, to always making sure I got together with him for lunch when I would come to Indiana to visit.... I know he cared about me, my family, and always had big brotherly care/concern about my dad.  I think once you got used to the "Allison brand" of dry humor mixed with slight sarcasm (which I believe all of us Allison's have some of, thank you Grandpa Cal), you realize that he was a loving, caring, fun to be around, "tell it like it is" guy... when I spoke to him last I got to tell him that he has always been my favorite, and that I loved him... and for that I am grateful for.... I love you Uncle Dean, Rest In Peace... (and tell Grandpa Cal, Grandma Doley, and my mom I said Hi) ❤️

June 14, 2017

He may not have been your typical grandpa with his no nonsense, straight to the point character but he was one of the best. From watching movies like chucky in your basement (that scared the crap out of me) to watching more age appropriate movies like chitty chitty bang bang and Shirley temple curled up on the couch with Mandy. Or you letting me  pull the arm rest down in the backseat and sit on top of that in 'the captains seat' behind moms back, because she would get mad. As I got older you always made sure I had the newest flip phone/camera phone and allowed me to drive your extra cars through high school (despite reoccurring fender benders). Later on you taught me to appreciate and drink whiskey with the best of them, specifically makers mark. I look back and appreciate all our dinner dates at places like the office tavern and trolley bar. Even in your last days you were able to crack a joke and make others smile. You will forever me in my heart and I couldn't have asked for a better grandpa, I am grateful for all the memories we have together.

Love and miss you already! 

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