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His Life

Minnesota Burial and Celebration of Life

February 2
The third celebration of life was held in Duluth, Minnesota, on May 25th. Over 40 people from nine states joined together to bury Carlos' urn and celebrate his life. We did so graveside to start, sharing memories and favorite bible stories. Those present signed the banner that had been signed by those in Louisiana and California. The banner was rolled up and put into the vault with Carlos' urn, with over 130 signatures and thoughts. The vault had been decorated by Amber and Sarah with favorite bible verses and personal messages inside the lid. The lid's outer edges said Son, Father, Brother, and Husband. The top center had a cross drawn in a diamond. One of Carlos' favorite crosses was placed on the urn inside the vault, and the vault was sealed. After the vault was sealed everyone present placed a rose or flower on top of the vault in the grave, then Amber and Sarah shoveled a shovel of dirt each on top. Other family members shoveled in the dirt as well. Carlos' temporary footstone was placed where the permanent footstone would eventually be and we closed with a prayer.

The celebration of life continued with a meal at a favorite restaurant, Barker's Island Inn & Resort. We had a central part of the restaurant and 43 of us shared a meal in Carlos' honor. Carlos had been to that restaurant more than once for other family events, and we knew he'd have loved the good meal, the people that were present, and the amazing cake our friend bought for all of us to enjoy.

Meeting Carlos - 1997 - Starbucks (yes, you read that right)

February 2
When I was living in San Carlos, California I would go to the Starbucks at Carlmont Village in Belmont with friends or alone. Often friends would see friends there, it was kind of a hang-out for the young adults working full time and figuring out our lives. Carlos was a friend of a friend and we eventually were introduced. For a couple weeks, we'd just see each other coincidentally, and sometimes we'd go to lunch or dinner as a group and find ourselves at the same table. At some point I realized we had just stopped inviting others and if we found ourselves alone at lunch, dinner or coffee we didn't try to find the others. 

Light-hearted passing conversations became more personal, and we eventually shared about our medical problems and health battles. It turned out that we both had lifelong medical issues and battles for our lives as children. We had never found someone before who understood what that was like, or how it impacted us even then as young adults. We got each other, we knew we weren't normal people who lived blissfully ignorant of the possibilities of health issues. We knew the past medical issues and the future potential medical issues we might face as individuals, and realized that in each other we'd have the support and understanding we'd want if we were to get sick again. Our medical problems connected us in a way that we hadn't had in previous relationships, and those conversations about our fears and experiences were the building blocks for our marriage.

We went back to that Starbucks in March 2023 and sat and remembered those early days, taking this picture there and sending it to friends, family and facebook that day.

California Celebration of Life

February 2
The second celebration of life was held in San Mateo, California on March 16th from 11 am - 1 pm.

Just as it went in Louisiana, we celebrated Carlos' life with many friends and family. Over 100 people were with us as we shared favorite memories, ate some of his favorite foods and supported eachother.

A slideshow was shown in the celebration of life on the screens, you can find it in the galery tab under videos.

The video recap of the celebration of life will be available soon.

Louisiana Celebration of Life

February 1
The first celebration of life was held in Gonzales, Louisiana on February 8th, 2024 from 6 pm - 8 pm. 

Louisiana's celebration of life was exactly how carlos wanted his celebrations of life to be like. We had his favorite foods, we had our favorite Christian praise music playing, and so many people shared about who Carlos was to them. I prayed for and hoped to be able to share and help make sure it was what he wanted, and while there were tears and plenty of Kleenex I did. While he was on hospice I promised him his story would not be forgotten, that his faith and courage in the face of the impossible will be something we share onward. In that room, we all laughed, cried and grew closer in knowing him from different angles and to eachother. A big thank you to the 30-40 people who made it tonight, we love you and so did Carlos.
Two slideshows were created to display on the screens, one a photo slideshow and the other the tributes shared on the site. Find those on
If you haven’t yet, please continue to add photos, stories, or tributes. Each celebration of life will have a unique slideshow - videos and photos - and will draw from this site.


February 1
Carlos Chavez, a humble servant of faith and a witness to all who knew him, was called home on January 28, 2024, at 51. 

He was born in San Francisco, California, on November 25, 1972; he grew up and attended Hawes Elementary, McKinley Middle, and Sequoia High Schools in Redwood City, California. He met and married his beloved wife, Sarah (Wilson), at 25. They moved to and have lived in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area since 2011. Carlos and Sarah's love for each other was clear to everyone who met them; their partnership was deep and consistent.

Carlos, a man who found solace and strength in his unwavering faith in Jesus Christ, was a cherished Healing Place Church community member. His life was a testament to kindness and empathy for others. He never saw a stranger, only fellow souls to embrace as friends. Carlos's love for his family—especially his much-loved wife of 26 years, Sarah, and his treasured daughter, Amber—was the cornerstone of his existence.

In his earthly journey, Carlos faced the trials of childhood cancer and multiple cancer journeys in adulthood with the courage of David and the determination of Job. In doing so, Carlos became a source of inspiration and a pillar of support for others grappling with life's storms. He ministered to the hearts of many, offering comfort and counsel.

Left to honor and continue his legacy of love are his wife, Sarah; his daughter, Amber (Chavez) Maddox, and son-in-law Lane Maddox;  his mother, Lora Rolandeli; his siblings, Anita Cortes, Anna Chavez, and Frank Chavez; and his adored nephews and nieces. Carlos was preceded in death by his father, Frank Chavez Senior.

The Chavez family invites all touched by Carlos' gentle spirit to join in Celebrations of Life in Louisiana and California, with interment to take place in Minnesota. Instead of flowers, contributions in Carlos' memory may be made to the Colorectal Cancer Alliance or MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Carlos Chavez, a humble servant, devoted family man, and friend to all, leaves a legacy of faith, hope, and love that will forever light the way for those he loved. Carlos, you have fought a good fight. You have finished your course. You have kept the faith. Enjoy heaven and be in our Lord's presence. We will focus on celebrating your life, carrying forward your story and memory, and focusing on our faith journey so we can join you in heaven.

To all those who supported us in so many ways over the years, not the least of which was through prayer and shared faith, thank you is insufficient. We heard you and saw the blessings and outcomes of your being alongside us in spirit and prayer.

Carlos' cancer journey

February 1
If you'd like to understand his cancer journey specifically, please access our blog This blog does not include his battle with Hodgkin's Lymphoma at age 5+ which required surgery, radiation and chemo. 

While in the end cancer and related complications resulted in his death, he never gave in and never gave up. He also used his cancer journey as an opportunity to help so many others in their own cancer journeys, both as caregivers, patients and friends. He used his experiences and faith as a testimony to the all, of the goodness of god and the focus he had on Jesus Christ.