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Just watched the memorial video

March 14
I could not watch that without some tears, sorry Carlos! But we know where he is: shining down and with Sarah and Amber and in our hearts forever.

Family. Something Leslie said really connected with me particularly. Sarah and Carlos and Amber made us feel like we were practically family. That is the love that comes from good families and their strong connections.

I will always feel love for everyone in your beautiful families, for how you opened your hearts to us in California and for the many fun and delightful times we got to spend together.

Carlos’ family, Sarah’s family and now Lane’s sweet family, too, all carry a piece of Carlos with them forever. His bravery, his joyful spirit, his open and obvious love for everyone he met, especially his fellow fighters of the Good Fight will inspire us for all our days going forward and I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that he will be on my mind every day until my own final moments, inspiring me to be kinder and less selfish, to fight harder and more cheerfully.

If you are reading this please give yourself a big giant hug from Tom and Warren and I, we love you so much.

Uncle Carlos

February 7
I always looked up to you uncle Carlos, when I was kid i wanted to be just like you, I wanted to make pizzas and smoke cigarettes. I wanted to have all the video games you had. I remember when i was about 3 you stayed up all night in my room trying to beat Aladdin on my Sega Genesis. Ill miss all the competitive Madden we used to play.  I use to ride with you in your black Camaro listening to Motley Crue and Sevendust, so my first car i bought was black Camaro with T-tops just like yours. On my 18th birthday you took me to my first "club", we told my mom we were just going to Jack in the Box. The 7 months we worked together @ EA was 7 of the best months ever. Like everyone always says, you welcomed every one, no one was a stranger. You told all my friends to call you Uncle Carlos, and 25+ years later, they still do!

When Ashlee and I told you we were expecting you were so excited, you said now you have another reason to fight, even though you were already the strongest person i knew! When baby Eddie was 5 weeks old you guys came out to visit, you were so happy, right then and there you guys created an unbreakable bond. The next time you visited he was alot bigger, even though you were in alot of pain, you still mustered up the strength to pick him up to hug and kiss him. I am glad baby Eddie got to go Louisiana for Ambers wedding, I hope he always remembers that trip. He loved hanging out with you guys, the cats, and Molly. You even got to see him crack his first geode all by himself.

I am going to miss your phone calls... You were going through the toughest battles, yet you would always call to check on us to make sure we were ok. I cant thank you enough for that. Eddie asks about you often, he misses his uncle Carlos, I will continue show him all the pictures of the great times over the years. I am grateful I was able to spend 2 weeks with you before you went to heaven. We love you Uncle Carlos, I hope the 49ers win this Superbowl for you!!!
February 3
So incredibly blessed to have you as my best friend for the last 31 years.  
I will miss making you laugh by simply being unapologetically me.  And picking up the phone to call you and then you text before I can click the button.  
The light you have brought to this world carries on thru all those who were blessed to have spent time with you.
Love you my friend.
February 3
Carlos, let me start by saying I'm greatfulll and honored to call you my brother-in-law. If it wasn't for meeting your sister we would of never meet I'm so lucky to have been with you for over 30years. We had so many good times I remember sitting on my couch in the bay and hearing a tow truck looking at your sister and saying that's probably Carlos. And having you deliver round table pizza to the house.our trips to pier 39 and the niners store when you came to visit. I also remember playing mini golf and our bet was a pack of cigarettes (which I won) just know not a day goes by that I'm not thinking about you. Although I feel your not gone just a little higher in the clouds than us.until I see you again polish up that putter cus I'm coming for you buddy miss you..

Little Brother

February 2
To my Beautiful, Strong ,Handsome, brother… you have finally got me!!! I’m posting something LOL
When mom brought you home I wasn’t sure I wanted a brother. But soon as I saw you, I instantly wanted to hold you.
At 5 yrs. old you were diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and you fought and were so tough and so strong through radiation. I remember sitting and just holding your hand and reading you a book. (whether you wanted to hear my voice or not)
Growing up we had good times and bad times, crazy times, but we all had eachother. You have been the one in my life that has picked on me, joked, and made fun of me …and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You always knocked me off my high horse and put me in my place …with all the love in your heart.
On my 30th birthday and Grandma Bakers 80th you gifted me with your beautiful daughter Amber, BEST PRESENT EVER!! I knew you and Sarah would be great parents to Amber. She’s grown up to be the most loving and compassionate woman. She’s such a gift to us all.
You have been an awesome uncle, brother, father, son and husband:
Throughout your cancer journey you have been so positive and so encouraging to others. One of our conversations you told me I have the greatest gift of all….”health”
And now you have yours back and you are with God and you are at Peace. No more suffering. 
I will miss you so much..but I know you are with us all and protecting us as you always have.
We will be together again one day and I will carry on your NINER LOVE!! I will miss more “BROWN SHIRT” pics for sure!! Kittle Kisses Brother from your sister that drives you crazy and makes you shake your head: Love you with all my heart and soul.
February 2
I so remember that sparkle in his eyes when he spoke of you and your mom and of course the kitty's. He just loved yall and family and friends and his faith was so strong, so courageous. A true warrior and forever a 49er fan. I am honored to have known him. Keeping yall in my prayers.
February 2
I met Carlos in 1988 we became friends right away.we started high school together and we were very close...after 2 year we went are separate ways.we didn't see each other.until Facebook he was very special to me..I will always remember the good times..always in my heart❤️❤️

My Brother

February 1
I met Carlos in the second grade. We were inseparable since then he became my brother.  We protected each other from lives obstacles and many bullies along the way. We clicked from the start same with our moms. They could see that we were meant to meet. Thru the years we would always find a way to reconnect and always made an effort to reach out and meet up somehow. I will miss that from my brother and his kind and loving way towards me. ❤️  he had the biggest heart . To him there was no boundaries   how much he appreciated life and  all that was around him , the family and friends that surrounded him and my sister Sarah and Amber. He was a beautiful person inside and out. To those who had the opportunity to know him they had the privilege to meet one amazing human being.  Carlos will forever live on in our hearts and great memories. Till we meet again my brother. I love you so much  miss you big time. ❤️
January 31
Though I had moved away from the Bay Area in high school, I still visited with my friend Sarah when I came.back to see family. Our friend group liked to hang out by the Starbucks in Belmont and that is where I remember meeting Carlos (I called him "Cholo") for the first time. He was an all around happy, positive guy and sure won Sarah's heart right away.

Sarah and I kept in touch and she mentioned more and more of Carlos. I remember the day she called me in college asking me to be in their wedding, I literally jumped on my bed I was so happy for them.

Carlos always made anyone he met feel special, feel like a long, held friend. When they had Amber, it was obvious she was his heart. We used to joke that if he could breastfeed, he would, he was so "motherly" and devoted.

I remember Carlos meeting my own daughters and just being so caring with them. We met up one summer at the CA state fair and he was determined to play the fair games and win prizes for both my girls. I don't even know how much money he spent, but he didn't give up until he had those two stuffed animals for my girls, and they still have them and cherish them. Even their own dad had never shown them such determination.

He never met a "stranger," everyone was his friend. The love he poured out to Sarah, Amber, and everyone he met is definitely a testimony of Jesus' love. The love and devotion between Sarah and Carlos that lasted more than half of their lives is one that will leave a legacy. Fly high Cholo, and keep watch over your girls while smiling down on us all with that bright smile everyone was blessed to know. 

My Friend

January 31
I met Carlos, Anita and Frank when I first moved to California in 1985. Since then they have become more than friends. Carlos in a way became my big brother. Memories of being a teenager in the early 90's are the best. I have so many memories of great times with Frank and Carlos. Never thought I would have been blessed to have life long friends, but to be blessed with Carlos and Frank was a true blessing. I'm going to Miss you Carlos, I love You ❤️

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