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August 13
August 13
Hey brother I’ve been trying to get hold of you for a long time, and come to find out you passed on. I’m very sorry this happened. I’m sorry I missed your last twenty years of your life. The first twenty years of your life we met and we spent time together and had had a lot of fun time together even living together, going to races together. That was a blast. I noticed you liked kitties, me too. But just a few though not like my mom and having 23 cats. I wish you were here bro, love you always Tim!!
April 28
April 28
Still thinking of y’all and praying for peace and comfort.
Hoping that we will get together soon and still wanting to make stepping / garden stones with yall to have Carlos with y’all no matter where you may be.
March 16
March 16
Carlos was an amazing inspiration to all of us. We didn’t see him often, but those rare moments of presence combined with the ongoing story of his life was a call to all to never give up believing in the love of God that surrounds us, invades us, and empowers us when we humbly allow Jesus to do that work. Carlos did … and left a legacy of memories that will be shared for time to come. I am blessed to have known him. Thank you Sarah for bringing him into and keeping him in our lives!, and for your faith and diligence that has sustained that over this quarter century plus.
February 22
February 22
You and your family remain in our prayers. May you always be in His care.
Staff of Hospice In His Care
February 10
February 10
I am one of the lucky medical providers who has had the honor of taking care of Carlos during his journey. Carlos was quite possibly the most positive person I’ve ever met. When working in a healthcare environment, you tend to see people at their worst- often with pain and unpleasant situations. Carlos always was so positive and uplifting. Every time I saw him for a visit he asked about ME first- how I was doing, how my day was, etc. Those little caring gestures truly touched my heart. Regardless of his situation, he still made sure everyone around him was loved and cared for. I can honestly say he took care of us just as much as we took care of him. I will never forget Carlos, and as a tribute to him, will try to remain positive and uplifting in tough times just as Carlos was, as you never know just how many people you are touching with your gentle kindness. He will be in my heart forever.
February 6
February 6
To my Brother. Carlos was one of the greatest people I have met in my lifetime. Since the beginning when I was about 7 or 8 years old we were buddy's. He was always looking out for me as I for him. He would give you his shirt off his back if you were in need. He always would pick up your spirits if you were down or having a bad day. He just knew what to say or do to make it better. Such a positive soul. My brother was a great husband to his wife Sarah and a great Dad to their daughter Amber . A great brother to his sis Anita and bro Frank . He was just simply a great all around person for those who had the privilege to know him. I can't forget to mention he was one of the biggest Niners fan of all just like me growing up in Redwood City home of the 49ers Faithful . He will be greatly missed by many. He showed all of us In his last days how much strength one person may have when dealing with something so bad like this cancer that he struggled with for many years. His faith was so powerful which Sarah and himself embraced so much thru these tough times. The world will not be the same without him here with us. Until we meet up again bro. I love you so much.
February 6
February 6
I vividly remember a conversation I had with Carlos about Amber’s upcoming marriage. With great excitement, he told me he had ordered a special, deluxe video so that after he was gone Amber, Lane and Sarah could watch it and remember the joy they all shared that beautiful May weekend. He expressed how grateful he was that he would live to participate in his precious daughter’s marriage to the man she loved. Such a generous, affectionate soul our dear Carlos had! Although deeply missed, he will never be forgotten.
February 5
We met Carlos when he and Sarah moved to Baton Rouge. Our daughters were going to the same school and they became friends. Through that friendship, my husband, John, and I met Sarah and Carlos and our friendship blossomed. 
John had been ill for quite some time with various things. Carlos was diagnosed with colon cancer and both men fought through these trials encouraging each other. At some point, neither Carlos or John were able to drive.  We laughed at times, it was like "Driving Ms. Daisey".
In I believe 2017, Carlos was diagnosed with a brain tumor. A couple of months later, John was diagnosed with a brain tumor also and had surgery to remove the tumor. Carlos was taking Chemo at the time fighting his own battle against cancer.  John was in ICU and Carlos insisted on coming to see John almost every day. He knew this put him at risk but shared that Chemo would not stop him from seeing his friend.  The support and love that Carlos and Sarah gave our family was so encouraging. John passed away on Sarah and Carlos' anniversary, February 14th and they both made the decision to skip celebrating their anniversary to come to the hospital to be with me and my children.  Days later, Carlos and Sarah came to our home and spoke to our children.  His message was so very sweet to my children. He told them that John was not here but that he was there for them. Through the past six years, Carlos has been there to encourage, support and love our family. We banded together having walked through trials together knowing that it was our Lord and Savior that had brought our families together.  You see Carlos was more than just a friend, he was our brother.  There was never a day that he did not encourage others with his fight against cancer. 
About a month before his death, Carlos told Sarah he wanted to talk to me and it was ok for me to come over.  As Carlos, Sarah and I sat and shared about different things going on in our lives I listened to Carlos and his words of wisdom. He encouraged me that as a mother, wife, and friend I was making good decisions and to continue keeping the faith and praying.  Carlos when he went to be with our Lord and Savior did not lose the battle against cancer..... he won the war against Cancer.  He is with our Lord and more more a perfect body.  Well done, thy good and faithful servant.
Marie and Richard Wilson
February 5
February 5
Carlos is dearly loved by our family, and we have always appreciated what a good, kind husband and father he is to our daughter and granddaughter. And seeing his faith in God grow as he faced the heavy challenges laid upon him inspired and uplifted all of us. We are so thankful for Carlos, what he has meant in our lives, and how he reminds us what is truly important. Love always.
February 2
February 2
While I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you Carlos. Sarah has always mentioned, we are all kindred spirits and I've felt the presence of your family's kindness through working with Sarah. Your story has been an inspiration for me as I follow your journey through the stories that were shared - you and your family's radiance will alway shine through.

Sending lots of love, strength and prayers to the Chavez family. I'd like to dedicate this song, Still by Hillsong to you and yours.
February 2
February 2
I first met Carlos when my oldest son, Lane, started dating Amber back in 2017. As their relationship grew, I was blessed to spend more and more time with Carlos and Sarah. By the time Lane and Amber got married in 2023, Carlos and Sarah had seen to it that I had become an honorary member of the Chavez family. Not having a big family myself, becoming part of their family has filled a void in me that I didn't even know existed. Watching Carlos love his wife, his daughter & son in law, his God, all of his family, friends and fur babies has been such a huge blessing. In all of my years I've never seen someone love others so purely, so freely, so selflessly, or so sincerely. Carlos truly never met a stranger, and once you met him, he was someone you instantly knew you'd never forget.

One thing we enjoyed doing together as a family was to go to Asian Seafood House in Baton Rouge. We'd each order a couple of things to share and next thing we knew, the table would be covered in dishes of food! Carlos and I both loved egg drop soup so we would always order a bowl of it...and even after we finished our meals, we'd still have leftovers to bring home because even their small bowls of soup are HUGE. No one else cares for that kind of soup, but no worries friend, I'll continue to order that huge bowl of soup and will think of you every time!

You fought the good fight, you finished the race, and above all you kept the faith. You will be loved and missed every day. We will take care of each other, and will be there for each other just as you were for us. Thank you for your love and friendship. It's a gift I'll treasure forever. Rest well my dear friend.
February 2
February 2
I met Carlos when he was 5 years old and entering Kindergarten in Redwood City, California. Carlos, Frankie (Sorry Frank; you’re always Frankie to me) and my son were best friends living across the street from each other and playing together every day. The friendship never ended when we all moved to different states and I’m so blessed to have seen Carlos last May at Amber’s wedding. We love you always, Carlos, and you’ll be in our hearts forever.
February 2
February 2
I am truly so sorry for y’all’s loss. While I do believe you guys are now blessed with the most beautiful angel, it is an enormous loss. Mr. Carlos has such a kind and loving soul. He loves his family, friends, and pets as much as one is capable of times 100. You knew this almost immediately after talking with him.

He was always smiling and making sure everyone in the room was also smiling. When I brought Anderson over, even through all the pain, was trying to make him and myself smile and laugh. Amber told me that Mr. Carlos will always be a guardian angel for Anderson, and I truly believe that.

I think a memory that I have that shows his sweet and helpful nature, is after Amber & Lane’s couples shower. We were all talking and I heard the sink on. I look up to see Mr. Carlos doing all of the dishes so that we wouldn’t have to. We insisted he didn’t need to but he insisted stronger. He left our house cleaner than when he arrived.

Mr. Carlos is a great man, and that will never go away. I am thankful he helped to raise such a sweet soul that I am lucky enough to call my best friend. I am blessed to have known him.

I will continue to pray for the entire family. I love all of you so much.

February 1
February 1
I didn't know Carlos and Sarah personally. However, I felt I did know them through the Cancer Ministry and our Cancer Prayer Leader, Carmen Jackson, in HPC. When I would see Carlos and Sarah's name on the prayer list they were included in my prayers. I'm certain Carlos is enjoying his glorified and healed body.  
Sarah and family you remain in my prayers. May God Bless you and all your family,
February 1
February 1
On behalf of our group The secret stoma warriors. I and the members are from around the world, and many of us have not met in person, but we met Carlos on the group. Over the years we have all shared our experiences of living with a stoma, each of us were given the gift of a stoma due to illness, but we are a fun group we have shared funny stories and photos and laughed at ourselves and with each other,along the journey sadly we have lost members taken to early. All of us are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our lovley Carlos, we put a tribute on our page. We all send love to the family, RIP Carlos  love from the stoma warriors
February 1
February 1
Faith, Belief, Strength. That describe Carlos. My husband,Larney, and I met Carlos and Sara at HPC, serving together. The true and happy person showed up...happy and joyfully serving. He was such an humble servant. We celebrate his earthly life and we shout for joy he is Home, Happy, and Healed
February 1
February 1
I never got the opportunity to physically meet Carlos. But we met each other on Facebook as a brother and like a brother. We both had our battles through Cancer But. This isn’t about me. My dear friend, Carlos, you will always be remembered and missed. You inspired me in so many ways. You did not lose the battle. You won! You’re a hero in my book. I know you’re in a better place right now. Pain-free , open mind and open heart. We lost you way too early brother Carlos. But one day we will all be reunited one way or another. Fly with the angels my friend.
February 1
February 1
I met Carlos and Sarah when I started working in the library at EA. But it was at that one holiday party; Tom and I kept ending up in the same spots as them, over and over. Eventually we gave in and just started going from room to room together and by the end of the night we felt like besties. The family mini golf outings! So much fun!
And always, always: the family love. The palpable joy and comfort just hanging out together.
It didn’t matter that we ended up across the country because once you’re in that orbit, you never feel like you’re out.
I’d like to wrap you all up in hugs and love forever to make up for your loss.
Carlos lives on in you. In your hearts and in your life. His indelible imprint will impact the rest of my life because I was lucky enough to have known him. And I’m so thankful for feeling the Chavez family love firsthand.
February 1
February 1
I met Carlos in the early 90s after becoming friends with his younger brother Frank. Carlos instantly made me feel welcomed and part of the crew, the family. Through the years we became closer friends and brothers. We’ve shared so many memories. He was our #1 fan in the band I played in and always so encouraging. At the end of every show, he would always want 4 more songs for the encore. “4 more” he would yell out so enthusiastically.
His smile and positive vibrant attitude is what I remember the most. When my sister passed, he called and we had very long conversations, sharing words of encouragement and hope. He had a knack of knowing when I needed someone to talk to, and he would reach out.
I will miss you brother. Your memory will always hold a dear spot in my heart.
February 1
February 1
I am privileged to work closely with Sarah, yet regrettably, I never had the chance to meet Carlos in person. Despite this, his remarkable resilience and strength have been a source of inspiration for me over the years, motivating me to strive to be a better person.

Today, I am engulfed by a deep sense of loss, akin to losing a best friend for whom I never had the chance to meet. However, I am comforted by the thought that tomorrow, and in the years to come, Carlos's memory will serve to be a guiding light in my life. His love and strength will remain with me, undoubtedly influencing my path forward.

I am deeply thankful for the unwavering support and kindness that Sarah and, through extension, Carlos have extended to me throughout the years. In this moment of reflection, I am projecting my thoughts and love beyond the confines of our present world, towards the serene realm where Carlos, I believe, is now celebrating joyfully in an eternal state of peace.
January 31
January 31
Carlos was such a warm loving presence. I loved making him applesauce and seeing him around the holidays. He always made me feel happy and appreciated. I will miss him deeply .

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