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July 16
July 16
I light a candle in tribute of the most amazing woman I've ever known - and I was blessed to call her my mother. Celebrating you today, mom, and holding our memories close in my heart. Heaven can't come soon enough!

1 Thessalonians 4:16–17
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
February 22
February 22
I can hardly believe it's been 4 years since you died, dear mom. While I know you cannot hear me, I write this in honor and remembrance of your life and death. I know you are resting in the ground until Jesus comes to resurrect you at the second coming. Oh what a day that will be! My heart sheds tears in your honor today and there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss your love, presence, and beauty inside and out. I know you rest in peace until Jesus soon comes to reunite us and dad too! Oh how I miss you both (as I know you missed dad tremendously too). Until then, I honor your life today with all the love in my heart. Your daughter and friend, Laurén
July 18, 2023
July 18, 2023
A reminder on my calendar reminds me this would be Carolyn's 80th birthday. It's an unnerving reminder that this monument to time is rapidly approaching for me, as well. Each year of reminder also reminds me of the special events and occasions we shared. But the overarching gift is that she is at rest until Jesus comes. I've lost several loved ones, and this is the blessing that comes with their memory. The Gift of Jesus that provided the promise of salvation is like an untarnished rainbow of God's promises. Thank God! See you soon, dear Caroline.
July 16, 2023
July 16, 2023
Mom would have been 80 today! Happy Birthday! She would not have been pleased turning 80 for sure. Who knew she'd never celebrate that milestone. Can't wait till heaven because it's been too long since I've seen her beautiful face! Longing for home.
February 22, 2022
February 22, 2022
Dearest's already been 2 years since I last saw you on 2/22/20. I miss you like crazy and there isn't a day that goes by I don't think of you. Your loss has left a gaping hole in my heart that will not be filled until I see you again in heaven. Oh what a day that will be. The world has this deafening silence without your voice and quite certainly the stars aren't quite as bright without your warm smile that lit up the presence of everyone it shown upon. Miss you like crazy. I'm so blessed to have had you for a mother. You changed my life forever. Love you to the moon and back.
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021
Remembering your Birthday today, my sweet cousin Carolyn! Your voice and laughter keeps ringing in my mind and memories! One day soon we will be together when Jesus comes, singing and laughing again, together! I will always love you, miss you! Marie
May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021
My condolences to you and family, praying for your strength
February 22, 2021
February 22, 2021
How I miss you Carolyn, however I am really thankful that you aren't having to live through the Covid-19 experiences that hit our country in 2020. Last Sabbath as I was playing for your cousin Kelly Shannon, practicing to sing special music next Sabbath, we were remembering you, your singing, your singing family when you and Larry and your children toured churches singing, sharing your musical talents, we remembered that Larry's brother joined you too at times it seems. We are all so looking forward to Jesus's soon return when all this dark world's pain and suffering will be over and we will see you again along with Larry...can't wait to listen to you and your family sing again! Can't wait to join you in song...I am remembering our phone conversations about how our voices were getting croaky with age...but we promised each other that WE WILL SING TOGETHER AGAIN IN HEAVEN WITH BRAND NEW VOICES that our sweet Jesus promises to give us! My prayers every day is that we all, families and friends will meet that appointment with you in Heaven with Jesus! I love you forever Carolyn!
February 22, 2021
February 22, 2021
It's been one year since mom's death on 2/22/20. I am so thankful God blessed me with the mom He gave me. She was a super star and truly one less star in the sky now that she is at rest. 

We had so much fun together doing hair and experimenting on one another with different cuts and colors (sometimes a hot mess). She was so talented she even cut and colored her own hair most of the time and it was stunning!

I miss the piano duets we used to play and how we would bust up laughing when we messed up. I can still see us trying to squeeze our butts onto the small piano bench together and now I'd give anything to squeeze up close to her again and smell the scent of her Beautiful perfume. She always smelled amazing! 

We also loved to shop together! We'd make a day of it. She had a knack for finding the most beautiful things! Oh how I miss those days of shopping, laughing, and loving the presence of one another. Lots of laughing! 

Mostly I miss the ability to pick up the phone and call her when I am having a bad day...or share in the good times. She was my loudest cheerleader and always strove to lift me up. There are just some things only a mother understands. 

Heaven can't come soon enough! I long to hug her and hold her hand again.  There's nothing like the love a mother and I'll never be the same until we are reunited. 
July 18, 2020
July 18, 2020
Thursday was your 77th Birthday dear cousin, now you are the same age as I am! HeHe! As I think back about all our memories most of the time they have to do with our music, singing, playing, enjoying harmonizing together from the time we were little girls, of our Senior Trio at Auburn Academy getting back together and singing at the last alumni weekend we were all together! What wonderful blessed memories! We used to say on the phone this past year that we must all meet together in heaven and continue singing together!. I remember a few phone calls when we tried to sing together some old favorite hymns and laughing about the sounds our "old" vocal cords were making...we would laugh and Praise the Lord that we can look forward to "new voices" when Jesus comes. Today at church Kelly Shannon and I were remembering the last time you sang for us at the Centralia SDA Church here in Washington. You were already sick, had already lost your precious husband Larry, you were weak but you sat on a stool on the platform and sang the most memorable rendition of Amazing Grace I have ever heard you sing. As you proceeded through the song and changed keys going higher and higher, you mustered all your strength and stood up, hanging on to the pulpit, and continued to sing your heart out to your God Who was giving you the strength to sing at all let alone sing that fantastic Sandy Patty arrangement! I kept praying for you as I listened and Kelly remembered that he also had tears as he listened. I love and miss you, your phone calls and texts, however I am so thankful that you are no longer in pain, you are resting, waiting for Jesus return, ready for that Grand Reunion! Can't wait to hear you singing again!
July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
Happy Birthday Grammy!

Thinking of you today and missing you. If you were here now we’d be eating Indian or Thai food and talking about life. I’m so happy and grateful to have the privilege of getting to know you as well as I did during your lifetime and especially through the last few years. Rest In Peace and see you soon! 
July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
Auntie Care was an amazing lady. Loved her style,laugh,her talent in music was Extraordinary. Can’t forget the smile she will be greatly missed.
July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
My Sweet Sister, Carolyn...
She was her own person - Special! She was gifted in so many ways!She could sing like no one else I've ever heard! She played the piano and organ beautifully! I was always proud to say she was my sister!

It seemed the time went by too quickly! We grew up and had families of our own and wished for more time to enjoy being together! Im praising God He worked it out so I could spend fun, meaningful time with her the last few years! Even though she was ill, we could always find something funny to laugh about. We spent some meaningful prayer time together and on the phone. I was privileged to spend the last two weeks before she died. We have big plans for Heaven where we can thank Jesus in person for all He has done for us. Looking forward to seeing all our wonderful family and friends there too!
July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
This tribute is written in memory of my Auntie Care who passed to her rest on February 22 of this year. I am saddened that due to Covid-19 we have been unable to gather as her family and friends to honor and remember this remarkable woman. We also, as those who loved her, have lost the privilege of coming together and processing our grief at her loss. Her memory will bring a smile to my face until the day that we meet again in heaven. Oh, Lord may that day be soon! Today was her birthday and so I’m honoring and remembering her with joy...

My Auntie Care was a special lady, a one of a kind, unique woman that could make you laugh unexpectedly at the drop of a hat. She was tall and beautiful, always made up and dressed to the nines! Her musical talent with piano and voice were truly amazing! I looked up to her as a child and wanted to be like her some day. I had been told growing up that I was given the name Cherilyn, being named after two very special aunties, Charlotte and Carolyn. Indeed, both of those aunties were the best ever! 

I came to respect my Auntie Care even more over the last few years as I watched her go through some really tough stuff...losing her husband to a tragic accident, then finding out not long after, that her body was riddled with cancer. Sometimes this life is anything but fair! However, she didn’t just lay down defeated but came out a fighter! I truly believe that her choice to pass up the chemo and opt for more healthy, holistic treatments bought her several extra years to experience time with her family that she wouldn’t have had otherwise. Her kids and grandkids meant the world to her and I know it was her wish to be reunited with them all again in heaven. May we all be there together!
March 11, 2020
March 11, 2020
My beautiful friend, Carolyn, is gone and there is a big hole in my heart. Not only was she beautiful, but she had a gorgeous voice and kind heart that made her a very very special friend. Our music collaborations were priceless and those memories will always be precious. We shared so many things besides music - road trips to Oregon, visits in Kansas, Sacramento and Washington, DC, texting back and forth in the last few months. I hear her voice in my head as I write this tribute "Say something fabulous Snooks!" I miss you dear girl!! You were always THE BEST!!! Hugs!
March 2, 2020
March 2, 2020
I met this beautiful woman just a few short months ago...I quickly learned she went by "Care", and had both sweet son and kind daughter-in law. I was always impressed that amidst the pain she told me she was in, this lady was always gorgeous! Make up and hair looking perfect, and well dressed. I feel my life is better having crossed her path. My heart is with all her loved ones, and may we always carry a little bit of Care in our hearts, to continue her legacy.
March 1, 2020
March 1, 2020
Grammy, my dearest grandmother and friend. I will love you forever. I will never forget all the time we shared laughing and joking. Spending the summers together, going to the salon, and having a fun time eating countless gummy bear vitamins. I thank you for always encouraging, helping, and being there for me when I needed it. You've helped me become the woman I am today. I'll miss coming to your place and watching movies together. And all those times when we felt and shared God's presence in the simplest of days. Those are the moments that I will miss the most. And those memories will forever be in my heart. I've always admired your strength and confidence. And your ability to tell it like it is and to be uniquely fabulous is a part of you that I will always keep and hold close to my heart. You are a beautiful, amazing soul and my heart aches that you are gone from this earth. But you have fought the good fight, you have finished the race, and you have kept the faith. I love you so much. And I can't wait to see you in heaven.​
February 28, 2020
February 28, 2020
Carolyn - a dear childhood friend, my cousin, an early trio member where as kids we'd get in trouble for getting the giggles while performing at church, an inspiration for her musical abilities, and someone I could reconnect with wherever she was while I was traveling. Our friendship was one of those unusual ones where we could pick up our conversation where we left off years earlier. Recently we shared the unfortunate glamour of being the widows among our age group. We'd refer to ourselves as the 'odd couple' when in a family setting. We even shared cancer. What a cruel disease. She is gone, and I'm still here. Some things feel so unfair. This is one! I have no doubt I'll see her again in a better place. Thank God we have the hope of Salvation. Thank God he gave us His Son in our place. Thank God Carolyn is no longer suffering. Love you sweet lady!
February 26, 2020
February 26, 2020
Dear family of Care...........You don't know me, but I love you through your Mom. Both my husband, Jerald & I were her academy graduating classmates. But although I knew and admired her, I think likely I was always threatened by her, through only my insecurities. She was so stylish, talented artsy & classy. Only in recent years have we reconnected, and had primarily an online relationship, but not so many months ago she came to spend a weekend with us to go to PINE KNOLL BIBLE STUDY in which she reveled. Shortly before your Dad's death they came for an autumn weekend. We did Pine Knoll as well as Walt Disney Concert Hall before they drove all the way home. He sat at our breakfast table and said "You'd not believe the difference in our family life has made, knowing WHAT KIND OF A GOOD GOD HE IS!" That was the joy that bouyed your Mom through her widowhood and illness, and I can't imagine her gone, but rejoice she'll NEVER EVER EVER hurt again. And her prayers remain at God's throne for those she so loved. GOD KEEP YOU TIL YOU RENDEZVOUS in a better place!
February 24, 2020
February 24, 2020
Today I leave a flower for you Mom. I will never see a flower without remembering your beautiful face. You even wore the perfume, Beautiful, how apropos. Sunflowers and gardenias were your favorite flowers and they always made you smile. I miss you like crazy but I’m so glad you are finally free from pain. Thank you for the incredibly special times we have shared so deeply in the past few years. You are my Sunshine, my only sunshine, you made me happy when skies were gray…I hope you know dear, how much I love you. You took a big chunk of my heart with you. Keep it…until we meet again dear, sweet, beautiful Mama.

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