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Cassie Catherine Carli entered this world on May 11th, 1984 in Lafayette, Louisiana. Cassie loved her cajun roots. She was a New Orleans Saints fan to her core and visited Louisiana every time she had the opportunity. At an early age, Cassie moved to Florida's panhandle. Cassie referred to the beach as her "forever home". This is where Cassie built her life and her tribe of friends who became family to her. Cassie graduated from Navarre High School and earned a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management. Her personal and professional goals can be summarized in one simple sentence, "make an impact on the world and help others".

Cassie was the embodiment of beauty. Her exterior beauty was only a small reflection of an inward beauty and radiance that can never be matched. Cassie was quite literally born to shine; even being crowned Baby Miss Queen of Morgan City, LA. Cassie's outgoing spirit was infectious. Her smile shone brighter than the sun and illuminated every room she entered. Anyone who was blessed to meet Cassie can attest to her infectious laugh and loving personality. 

Cassie's biggest dream in life was to become a mother. Saylor Rae fulfilled that dream in 2018. She was the best mother any child could hope for. Whether it was beach days with her baby girl or just cutting Saylor's meals into fun shapes, Cassie always went above and beyond for her daughter. They were the perfect duo, often singing together to the words of "Just the Two of Us". 

Cassie would not want us to be sad over her absence; rather, she would want us to smile and cherish all of the fond memories we each share with her. She would wrap her arms around our shoulders, laugh out loud and say... "It's going to be okay, babe. I've got you". Cassie's goal to impact the world and help others will be fulfilled through her legacy. The Cassie Carli Foundation is being established for that sole purpose. To learn more about the foundation, visit 

We plan to Celebrate her Life on Saturday, May 21, 2022, on Navarre Beach. Everyone who knew and loved Cassie is welcome to join us as we honor and celebrate her life and legacy. We will be gathering on Navarre beach under the Blue Heron Pavilion from 12pm-6pm. Family services will be held on May 20th, 2022 at Marriott Springhill Suites on Navarre Beach from 6-8 pm (Invitation Only). There will also be a small celebration in NC on May1st on Atlantic Beach Circle @ 6pm for anyone in that area who may not be able to attend Florida event. Please direct message Raeann Carli on Facebook for any questions 

In lieu of flowers, we ask that you donate to Saylors future & education fund. The GoFund-Me is linked below. If there is something else you may want to help/gift Saylor with personally, please email

We look forward to seeing everyone come together to honor Cassie's beautiful life.

May 11, 2023
May 11, 2023
Missing you today and always. LUA , Smom
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
Cassie was absolutely amazing. I’m her momma never would I thought in my wildest dreams I would loose a child.Or should I say the 1 that me a mom.Yes who know know we butted heads sometimes,But she was amazing, Tony and Rae were her Little Rock’s. As a single mother of 3 they grew up quick… I didn’t trust many people around my children, I was that momma dinner was always made she knew only microwaved if needed heated up. As I went to work 60 hours a week they always went to the best schools and yes I’ll brag they always lived in nice places. This is so drastic.All 3 we’re my favorites. Through some drastic times I wasn’t there not because I didn’t want to be there. Jock was going to be everything to her I’ll never forget that call July 3rd Jock was no longer with her.My heart bled for her,but through all her stuff she was going through she handled it. Work work work like momma did. She was the best daughter best mother best sister I believe I raised all 3 so well.Yes like I mentioned before we butted heads.Because she was exactly like me…But we we’re in our best place ever I fought the court’s for Cassie before i 10 I reunited back to Arizona, our plans she would soon follow because of custody issues she decided to make other plans… She said till further notice Along with mine and many others.Just an opinion but I believe the system let her down. We were a team in destin Cass was like me never scared but she became that way! ( Hey Mom can I come get you Yes my suitcase packed.)She was a very strong willed person but actually scared of Narcus! I miss Cassie so much I know she fought! I’m telling you she was so smart so strong Tony might get mad.. But I seen her clock him a few times, I know her foundation will be passed soon we lived many years in Florida, so I know they have that covered thank beautiful friends and family… Well Hello Tony Rae and my beautiful family will bring this as we can … in oderance pkmy All My Love Cassie Tony Raeann’s I ei
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
Prayers for this sweet family.i been following this from the start.i live in alabama.this is so sad .praying for saylor.she will always have her mom in her heart.marcus will get his dues.hes got to stand before God one day.
April 16, 2022
April 16, 2022
Cassie looks so very familiar to me. I could have met her anywhere from Destin, Ft Walton Bch, or Navarre. Maybe she was a patient of mine? Maybe I met her at the boathouse or AJ’s one night. Or maybe her story was way too familiar and in a weird way, we’ve been the same people doing the same thing. And everything Marcus did mirrored the ex. They were the same men. My daughter went back to him 3 times. Hardest, scariest place I’ve ever been in. She finally got the courage to leave again. She left with her 2 babies ages 2-4 with nothing but the clothes on their backs. We were waiting for her around the corner. She collapsed in my arms crying and just kept saying “I’m so sorry mama - you were right. I never wanted to be right. We feel sure if she didn’t leave when she did, she would not leave alive. I know he had taken Saylor before for 2 weeks and that made my stomach drop. The ex took our Revan (same age as Saylor) and kept her for 82 days! So, I know exactly how Cassie was feeling and everything she went through. The ex physically and mentally abused my daughter. She recorded him so many different times. He told her exactly where he was going to bury her. Drove by and showed her. But, it would be easier if she would just hang herself. It’s all on tape. Judge didn’t care. He gave 50:50 visitation. The very first time he got her, is when he ran with her. 82 days is a long long time. She went to serve him some papers and knocking on his door loudly, she heard him tell Revan to hide under the bed. She was crying she didn’t want to hide from her mama. She heard her mama call her and cried out to her so, he put her in a closet.
I did want to share some of my story because she and the stories are familiar. Thanking God my daughter is alive. Crying Cassie is gone. That narcissistic bastard took that baby away from her mommy. Just heartbreaking. The justice system failed us and failed Cassie and so many other moms going through this. I’m in such awe of the foundation in Cassie’s name. Beautiful, amazing, and wonderfully needed. If I can ever do anything - or if sharing my story would help just one person, then it makes the hell we went through and the hell we still have to go through with him, all worth it.
Rest In Love Cassie - Praying for your beautiful girl Saylor that must be so lost without you. Praying for you Rae - you lost your sister and best friend - Praying for your daddy that had to walk back into the house he shared with Cassie, knowing his babygirl was never coming home again. Praying for your mom and your brother - prayers for peace, comfort, strength and the understanding that only God can give you. Lean on each other. I’m just so very sorry for your loss. A terrible loss. God Bless all of you.
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
Cassie was my best friend of 25 years. Not many days would go by without us talking about our daily lives. Even living in different states, we always stayed in touch daily. She was an amazing woman who always had a caring heart and a strong will. Always stayed positive in the darkest times. She will forever be my soul sister and I am going to miss her terribly. Her laugh and smile always brighten up a room. She just visited in me for Mardi Gras and I am so glad we had that quality time together and I will cherish it for the rest of my LIFE. I love you Cassie. -your forever and ever and always best friend.
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
I met Cassie while working at Pinnacle Title many years ago, and was fortunate enough to stay Facebook friends and watch her grow into a beautiful Woman and Mom. She truly was a beautiful person inside and out. She always had a smile and nothing but kindness to share. She had the rare gift of always being kind and positive, a bright light for anyone that had the pleasure of knowing or meeting her. Her light will always shine bright.
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
Our lives would touch in February of this year.

While I was witnessing for Christ on the Gulf national seashore, I observed a mother and a daughter enjoying time on the beach together. They were a picture of a loving mother daughter relationship.  I witnessed the close bond that they had together.  There was such harmony and joy between them.  She had a large hat on and was sitting on the sand while her daughter was running around on her tippy toes enjoying the sun, sand, and surf. 

When they packed up for the day and approached their vehicle, I went over to greet them.  I asked the mother if she had Jesus as her Savior and she replied, “Yes, I am a Christian.”  I told her, “Then you have all you will ever need.”  I did not know at the time how great her need would be in such a very short time in the future. Her comment that she was a Christian brings me great comfort. 

I offered her little girl a gift and I believe it was a little purse with a doll and a ring and some M&Ms inside.  She said, “That was nice of you.” I asked where the father was and she told me that she had to leave the relationship because he was very abusive. I told her she did not have to put up with that and she said, “No, I don’t.” Well she does not.

I told her that her daughter was adorable and she said, “Thank you” with pride written all over her face. She told me her name and I said, “Like sailor of the sea.” She responded, “Yes, but it is spelled Saylor.”  In my years of witnessing I meet and greet many people but it would be that name that would help me to remember our encounter last month, just about 30 days before Cassie Carli’s disappearance.

Only God knows the full reason why we met that day. I feel devastated for her friends and her family and her little Saylor.  I will not stop praying for God‘s comfort to be ever present in their lives, for justice to be served, and for precious Saylor to have an awesome life. 

I am 67 years old. I look forward to witnessing this mother-daughter relationship one more time and that is when the Christian Saylor one day enters into her heavenly home and back into the arms of her mother Cassie.  No devil in hell will be able to separate them ever again.  He does come to steal, kill, and destroy but he doesn’t have authority in God’s kingdom. 

Grief is a very natural process. There is a book I want to recommend especially to the family and her close friends and it is called
Good Grief by Granger E. Westberg.  It will help you to understand the stages of grief you will go through. 

From everything that has been shared about Cassie she lived her life with great joy and optimism.  What I want to say to her circle is don’t allow the sense of your grief to turn into the theft of your joy.  Let Cassie’s seeds of joy continue to live through you. 

April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
Life has a crazy way of connecting people. I did not know you, but somehow I feel like I do. I came across your story accidentally through photos of the beach of your gorgeous town! When I saw your picture something about your bright smile screamed at me! Cassie, you have a beautiful tribe and I pray you are able to explore Heaven knowing your precious baby girl is left in good hands. Your family, your people...your tribe, is amazing. Your legacy will live on through your daughter. I will never stop saying your name or your story. What an absolute blessing you were to everyone. Keep showing signs to your family and friends that you are good and we’ve got it from here!
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
Cassie...I love you. My heart breaks that your life was cut so short and that Saylor has lost her beautiful mother.
Cassie wanted to be a mom more then any woman I have ever personally met, when she announced her miracle that would be Saylor I was almost as excited as she was.
Her smile and laughter are forever shining bright on us from up in Heaven.
I'll always be here for your little sis to love and support her.
Until we meet again my sweet sweet will ALWAYS remain in my heart.

April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
I didnt know her but from what everyone says about the amazing women she was ,but I have been following her story on facebook and the News. My.deepest sympathy to her little girl and family and friends. Prayers to all
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
To know Raeann and her beautiful smile and then to see a smile that matched in you (Cassie)….. could only mean one thing… your heart was as big and beautiful as hers! We will love, encourage and strengthen your sister while you rest! God Bless!
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
Cassie Carli. To know her was to love her. Cassie came into my life at Ruby Tuesday in Tiger Point around 2002-2003 time frame - when we were working one of our first serving jobs together. I would forever be changed for the better. She was so loving, encouraging, and just so much fun.

We were fast friends - and really more like sisters. She had the same love for life, people, and being with friends every day and night. We went everywhere together. She was a lover of all people…and had a multitude of friends. Her joy, laugh, silly jokes, and bigger than life personality were all contagious. We spent a few years of our lives just laughing I think. She was the kind of friend that could just look at you, and make you laugh.

When we weren’t working - we were having sleepovers, at the beach, celebrating birthdays, and taking weekend trips together. What a precious time when you’re young and carefree. I’m honored that I was able to call you my friend and sister in this exciting season of life. I hope you knew how loved and how special you were to so many. RIP my beautiful Cass Cass. Until I see you in Heaven…I’ll carry you in my heart.
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
This is so sad. RIP, Cassie. Fly high with the angels.
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
Cassie, you will be truly missed and forever remember.
We will break the silence. Fly high Cassie.
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
We will break the silence!!!! 
You have a nation of survivors sharing your story! In your absence you have given strength to so many women to leave. Rest easy.
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
Cassie was my big sister. She meant the world to me growing up I was glued to her hip . I learned a lot from her and Rae and growing up and I wouldn’t trade those memories for a anything. I remember when she put a tutu on me and her and Reanne tried to teach me to dance and while Tony (my step brother and their brother) rap, I wish we still had that video. Cassie would lay in bed with me and rub my legs until I fell asleep because I hated sleeping alone and cass didn’t mind laying with me. Of course if she told anyone I denied it. She was definitely meant to be a mom and I remember her telling me all the time when I was little. Saylor has The biggest brightest angel with her. I could write forever about Cassie. She meant a lot to me. Rest In Peace sista sledge
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
I do not live in the area nor have I ever met her. However, I did see her plea for help and advice a few months ago on a local post. Never would I have imagined that the ending to her earthly story would be this tragedy. Her posts pulled my heart strings and I prayed she got the help her case needed. My family are Navarre vacationers and I would've never came across her posts had it not been for being in the group to keep up with new things in the area. It's so weird to never have met her, but feel as if she were my own family. I followed and still do her story. I prayed this ended different. It may not have ended how we wanted, but it has started a wave that no water on Navarre's shores could compete with. Her story will always live on even if just 1 woman is spared from this happening again. She's brought more awareness and awakened a fire in so many. Blessings to this family as they grieve, and let Saylor know and always know her mother fought til the end and even after to make a better world for her. We will always remember Cassie and Navarre just got a little more special to us.
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful person! I am so sad we never got the opportunity to meet Cassie in this life. I am, however, thankful for the extended family she sent us. Everyone who’s entered our life since being involved in her search efforts are just pure gold, salt of the earth people with hearts as big as the sky. The tribe that surrounded her is evidence of her heart and character and I feel with each person we’ve come to know we’ve come to know her and the kind of life she led to be surrounded by so much love. We just wanted to be good humans and help how we’d hope we would be helped if in a similar predicament but ended up being blessed in ways we couldn’t have even imagined by those who loved her. I thank Cassie for that. She left such an impact on the world and the people around her that even in her absence she continued to spread hope, love, and joy. I can’t wait to reach heavens gates one day and get to actually know the woman that inspired such fierce spirited people to stop at nothing to find her. That speaks volumes to me. I’m just in awe of her tribe and thankful to know them all because of her. Thank you, Cassie! You’re loved forever, and your little girl will be forever showered with love by those you entrusted her to. She will be your legacy. The foundation will be your legacy as well, to save others from the same. A lot of people say “rest in peace”, I say forget that! Don’t rest! Fly high! Explore heavens endless beauty! Talk to Jesus! Leave no heavenly stone unturned! LIVE forever in love and peace like you were denied in this life. Until we meet—- ❤️Andrew
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
You will never be forgotten beautiful queen. I hope you know just how much you are adored, loved & will be missed!! Rest in Peace Cassie
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
I have know Cassie since she was 17 years old. She became my step daughter when she was 19. She was a big sister to my two children , and always a source of love and support in our family. She was an amazing person, even as a teenager, she was always positive and happy. She worked in my law office for years and was a big part of the Pinnacle Title "get it done girls". She was always so eager to learn, and just a joy to be around. She was a very nurturing person, even at a young age. I gave her a puppy when she was about 20 years old. If you've known knew Marley. He was the most loved and cared- for dog in the world, and thanks to Cassie, he lived to be 17 years old (old for a yorkie) . She was also very loving with the younger children in our family, and often would babysit several at a time. The kids all loved Cassie. Everyone loved Cass....well except one person I guess. She was meant to be a mother and dreamed of it always. The fact that it didn't happen for her during her marriage was very hard for her. Becoming a mother to Saylor was her life long dream fulfilled, and I have no doubt that she would do it all over again for Saylor. Cassie was someone that we should all strive to be more like. She was always positive and genuinely loving to everyone. The world is a sad place with out her in it. Loving You Always Cass ~SMom
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
In our 23 years of friendship Cassie always had a way of keeping things hilarious and entertaining. From the moment we met until our last lunch date we were always laughing together. Cassie's gave these big strong hugs, they were just the best hugs ever. Her laugh and voice could fill up a room and you just felt good when you were with her. We spent a large part of our late teens to mid 20s running around town living our best life as we finished up college. We made some great memories together over that time. Our last lunch date we shared hilarious parenting stories and I was just in awe that everything she ever wanted happened. Ms. Saylor Rae made Cassie complete. Cassie was the strongest person I know. She was able to overcome so much and nothing ever came easy. She worked and fought for everything she had. She never gave up faith. I feel so blessed to call you my friend Cassie, the memories we shared and the love we had for each other will always be with me. Im heartbroken but trying to keep the faith just like you did. LOVE ALWAYS XXOO Babe!
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
May memories of Cassie and the love of family surround you and give you strength in the days ahead. Thinking of you and wishing you peace and comfort as you remember Cassie. Wishing you courage to face the days ahead and loving memories of Cassie to forever hold in your heart.
April 11, 2022
April 11, 2022
I can’t believe I’m even having to write this right now. I still haven’t wrapped my head around this. I saw Cass just a few weeks before her death. I felt the urge to call and take her, Andy, and Saylor out to eat to get some quality family time with our kids. I will forever be grateful for following through with that urge. Cassie was one of the brightest souls I’ve ever known. Even in the face of tragedy she could find a way laugh. She’s been my sister since I was 8 years old, and our family will never be the same without her personality filling the room. This woman was strong, independent, resilient, and I know she put up one hell of a fight. She was robbed of her bright future with the only thing she’s ever wanted, her beautiful daughter. And Saylor was robbed of an amazing mother. But Uncle Trent and Aunt Haley will make sure she gets all the love in the world. Love you Cass, life won’t be the same without you.
April 10, 2022
April 10, 2022
Cas’s smile was contagious, her spirit was unbreakable, and her love was free to all around her. If we could all just have just a small portion of that love this world would be a better place! I my self will truly miss her greetings to me “HEY CUZ!” Was a a constant in our lives if it was days, months or years since our last meeting. It always warmed my heart because in her voice and excitement of those two word I felt her love! No one will ever be able to say it just the way she did!
“And do everything with love.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭16:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬
She did just that “everything with love”!!
Until we are together again I love you CUZ!

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May 11, 2023
May 11, 2023
Missing you today and always. LUA , Smom
August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022
Cassie was absolutely amazing. I’m her momma never would I thought in my wildest dreams I would loose a child.Or should I say the 1 that me a mom.Yes who know know we butted heads sometimes,But she was amazing, Tony and Rae were her Little Rock’s. As a single mother of 3 they grew up quick… I didn’t trust many people around my children, I was that momma dinner was always made she knew only microwaved if needed heated up. As I went to work 60 hours a week they always went to the best schools and yes I’ll brag they always lived in nice places. This is so drastic.All 3 we’re my favorites. Through some drastic times I wasn’t there not because I didn’t want to be there. Jock was going to be everything to her I’ll never forget that call July 3rd Jock was no longer with her.My heart bled for her,but through all her stuff she was going through she handled it. Work work work like momma did. She was the best daughter best mother best sister I believe I raised all 3 so well.Yes like I mentioned before we butted heads.Because she was exactly like me…But we we’re in our best place ever I fought the court’s for Cassie before i 10 I reunited back to Arizona, our plans she would soon follow because of custody issues she decided to make other plans… She said till further notice Along with mine and many others.Just an opinion but I believe the system let her down. We were a team in destin Cass was like me never scared but she became that way! ( Hey Mom can I come get you Yes my suitcase packed.)She was a very strong willed person but actually scared of Narcus! I miss Cassie so much I know she fought! I’m telling you she was so smart so strong Tony might get mad.. But I seen her clock him a few times, I know her foundation will be passed soon we lived many years in Florida, so I know they have that covered thank beautiful friends and family… Well Hello Tony Rae and my beautiful family will bring this as we can … in oderance pkmy All My Love Cassie Tony Raeann’s I ei
April 25, 2022
April 25, 2022
Prayers for this sweet family.i been following this from the start.i live in alabama.this is so sad .praying for saylor.she will always have her mom in her heart.marcus will get his dues.hes got to stand before God one day.
Recent stories
April 11, 2022
This is still so unreal. You were such a light in everyone's life. You were phenomenal mother to Saylor. A phenomenal friend. You will be missed. I thank God for our memories. 

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