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For our Beloved Mama who Lived, Loved, and Laughed

August 6, 2017

From the day our dear Lord called you home and during the times that you were with us, the women who led the fervent prayers, the time of ascension of your soul, to the foods, drinks, chit-chats, flowers, etc. - everything to honor the life God has blessed you. Indeed even in death, your life will always be celebrated. Your memories of love, humor, and generosity will continue to be cherished and will inspire us and our family's generations ahead. We will miss you until we meet again. 


Eulogy for a Mother

June 21, 2017

To everything there is a season, a time for every
matter under heaven; a time to be born,
and a time to die; a time to plant,
and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away.

-Ecclesiastes 3:1

We are gathered here today in the memory of our mother, Catalina "Lily" Labra Jayme Garcia, so that together we may acknowledge and share both our joy in the gift that her life was to us, and the pain that her passing brings. In sharing the joy and the pain together today, may we lessen the sadness and remember more clearly the joy.
Mama Lily passed away on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, at the age of 86  in Cagayan de Oro City.  Her strong will to live, unwavering faith in God, and the love and prayers of family, relatives, friends, and many supporters carried her through her fight with lung cancer.  She was born in Talamban, Cebu City on February 13, 1931, to Felix and Ines Jayme.
She was known for her ease of developing friendships with everyone. She had a caring and mothering nature toward everyone in her life. It’s hard to say goodbye. While we know that she is at peace and that her struggles are at an end, there is pain and sadness. But even though she is gone, she has left the legacy of her love. Her signature of joy, shown through her constant smiling, laughter, and joking around, will never be forgotten. We can only hope to continue her legacy and share the abundance of love she gave.
She is survived by eleven of us, children and our spouses, 29 grandchildren, one surviving sister, a daughter in law and many beloved nieces and nephews. She is now reunited with our father and two brothers who have gone to heaven before us.
Life is full of unexpected turns, many of which seem unfair and even devastating like the passing of our father in 1983. She learned to trust that there is inherent wisdom and purpose in all that happens, even when it’s the last thing she expected or wanted. Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way we cope with it is what makes the difference. She went with what the current season demanded of her and grew with it. It equipped her in ways she never expected. 
Her role as a mother and grandmother was the most important thing to her which is where she drew her strength and left her legacy. Being with her family was what she enjoyed most of all. Her love and caring for her family, especially her grandchildren, remained her focus, and in so many, many ways, she was able to show that unconditional love to us. She was kind, compassionate, generous, and understanding. She always took care of the people around her. She also had an amazing capacity for selfless giving, and she never thought to keep score. She didn’t give with expectations; she gave because she enjoyed it. It didn’t have to be money. She gave her time, her attention and herself which is the greatest display of love. When the people she cared about surrounded her, she felt rich and blessed. She knew happiness wasn’t about wanting more. It’s about truly enjoying what she had in life. 
She joined the Catholic Women’s League and Social Group for Senior Citizen and remained active and productive until she was diagnosed with cancer in 2016. She was a real fighter. She had a resilient soul with unwavering strength and spirit.
We were blessed to learn many valuable lessons from Mama during her 86 years. She taught us never to throw anything away, never leave home without a dash of color on your lips, and eyebrow makeup. We learned always to keep a snack in our purse because, well, you just never know. She believed Vicks vapor rub could truly heal all ailments and to be sure to place a note, with the date, on everything including, the hospital bed we bought her. 
Today, I’d like to leave you with the greatest lesson that she taught us. Look around and see what’s precious. Clear our heads of all the little things that won’t matter down the line. When we are looking back at all the times we’ve cherished the most in life, find a reason to make this moment one of them. A life well-lived comes out of a curious blend of optimism, practical wisdom and an openness to accepting and facing whatever shows up, good or bad. Sometimes we need to fight what comes against us; sometimes we just need to go with the flow. Learning what to do in different situations and seasons is an art we’ll spend our whole life learning. She believed that all the things we face are blessings in various forms, though we often can’t see the good until much later. Live our life as it comes, don’t get stuck looking back and don’t look so far forward that we might miss what’s in front of us now. Enjoy the journey, the way we live can either inspire or discourage others. Aim to inspire and most of all, show our love to those close to us and let ourselves truly enjoy the experience of doing it.  
A life well-lived is a legacy of joy, pride and pleasure, a living, lasting memory our grateful hearts will treasure.

In honor of my dearest mother, it is my tribute to her memory, which will be carried on in the legacy of love which is now each of us - the lives she formed and touched by her passion.

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