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A tribute to my Mother

May 23
Thank you, mother for your 61 years of teaching me how to be a lady, how to love EVERYONE when everyone wasn’t so lovable, how to treat people with kindness, respect and dignity.  Even in your latter days, you continue to spread your infinite wisdom, as I continued to soak it all up like a sponge. 

My Pastor Dr. Gary Williams, Sr, senior pastor of Hopewell Church in Jacksonville, Florida often says that “you write your own eulogy by the way you live your life.  How you lived your life is a complete testament of the love that was shown at your home going celebration.

Thank you mom for all of the life lessons.

Until we meet again, may your soul rest in God‘s hands.

You will TRULY be missed. ❤️

S. Denise Robinson and Family
Jacksonville, F

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