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November 3, 2014
November 3, 2014
I knew your mother when we were about 10-13 years old and I looked up to her so much. She was so very beautiful and had such a heavenly spirit about herself. You are in my prayers!
July 27, 2014
July 27, 2014
Dear Families of Chad and Courtney, 
  We continue to grieve with and pray for you all. It is so wonderful to know that God's grace is sufficient through all of our trials. May the Lord bless you and continue to strengthen you in Him through all of this.
April 13, 2014
April 13, 2014
Dear Chase and Phelps & Gaddy Families
Nicky and I wanted to let you know that we continue to pray for your families and for little Chase. Please know how very much you are loved and prayed for during this difficult journey. We are so thankful for the promises that we can claim through Christ. We look forward to a wonderful reunion in Heaven. Chad and Courtney were priceless treasures sent from the Lord and reclaimed for one reason bring Glory to His Name. We will all understand it "by and by"....for now we walk by Faith believing that our God is good every day in EVERY way. God's blessing and strength be yours as you face the Spring and Summer months which will be full of precious memories of your loved ones. Sincerely grateful for having known both Chad and Courtney and each of your families. Nicky and Sheri Chavers
October 7, 2013
October 7, 2013
Dear Chase, I got the opportunity to meet you and your mom in early July when you came over to buy our sit n stand stroller that my boys had outgrown. I had an opportunity to meet your sweet mom and her smile I will remember forever.You Chase were so happy to sit in that stroller.i will always remember you and will be praying for you as you grow up into a fine man.
August 22, 2013
August 22, 2013
Dear Phelps & Gaddy families- we are grieving with you and keeping you in prayer. You have taught us in your pain to invest in eternity and to delight ourselves in The Lord, Who is our life! Thank you for your testimony of faith. Chase, we remember how excited your daddy was to marry your beautiful mommy...and someday we have a funny about your daddy to share with you! ;) Praying for you!!
August 19, 2013
August 19, 2013
Dear baby Chase and family,
I have written already but wanted to say how much I personally have been blessed by reading some of the notes that were available on your Daddy and Mommys youth site about living Pure. How awesome. That is the message I want for myself and my children. You are a great blessing in the body of Christ. Praying for you daily.
August 11, 2013
August 11, 2013
Dear Chase,
Your mom and dad really made a big impact on my life during the mission trip and at CoBeAc. One of my best memories of your dad was when he jumped out if the bushes at camp and scared me good! It was a privilege for my dad to play with your dad on the softball team this year! One day, we will see your mom and dad in heaven.
August 10, 2013
August 10, 2013
The only time I did not meet Courtney with a huge smile on her face was the day she had been in a car crash. Yet, even then, she was faithfully on time to lead youth group choir practice in the evening. After such a strenuous day, she was still committed to serving the Lord.
August 9, 2013
August 9, 2013
Happy Birthday my dear Courtney!
You will be celebrating in heaven right now I'm sure!!
Kirsty (New Zealand)
August 9, 2013
August 9, 2013
Hi Chase,
Your mom and dad made a great impact on my son Peyton's life, one of Peyton's favorite memories of Chad was when he jumped out from behind the bushes at camp and scared him really good! I really am thankful to have been able to play softball with your dad this summer. Your mom talked about Peyton alot and really cared for him!
August 9, 2013
August 9, 2013
You do not know me but your families have been on my mind, heart, and prayers for the last 2 weeks. I've been so blessed by the testimonies of Chad and Courtney and the impact they've made for Christ! We are family through our Lord Jesus Christ and please know that I will continue to pray for God's comfort and strength for you all. Praying in Marion, Illinois!!
August 5, 2013
August 5, 2013
Dear Phelps family,Gaddy family,
May the Lord fill you with peace, comfort and strength! Our prayers are with you and Chad and Courtney will be greatly missed.
August 5, 2013
August 5, 2013
Your family and your story's light shines in Little Rock, Ar. Although I will never meet your parents here I look forward to an eternity of celebration! Keep your light shinning strong in all you say and do! May God bless you in wisdom, stature, and favor with HIM and man. Your are loved and care for!
August 4, 2013
August 4, 2013
In watching Chad and Courtney's funeral this morning, I was reminded over and over how God is in control of everything and He never said we had a right to understand His ways but we are by faith to trust His Will and ways that he knows the whole picture. I will miss Courtney's precious smile that never left her face and her
infectious laugh. I will miss seeing her love for Chad and Chase written
August 4, 2013
August 4, 2013
I did not know this couple or their family personally but we are all believers of Christ and are family through him. This story has touched my heart and my deepest prayers go out to the Church family and well as the victims family. My God keep you strong through this difficult time.
August 3, 2013
August 3, 2013
In college, Chad always tried to get the teachers to laugh and see the bright side of things. Class and especially the labs were never boring with him there.

I hope and trust that Chase will be told over and over how much his parents loved him.
August 3, 2013
August 3, 2013
Precious Chase, your daddy's family and my family are not related by blood, but we are 'related' by the love in our hearts for each other. Because of that, I prayed for your daddy and mommy every Sunday morning. I have loved and prayed for you too, and I will continue to pray for you every Sunday! I once wrote to tell your daddy I had prayed for them, and he said, 'Pray for Chase, too!'
August 2, 2013
August 2, 2013
Dear Phelps Family,
Pastor Chad was the most godly examples in my life, other than my parents. Pastor Chad took time out of his schedule to talk to me and answer my questions about everything. My last conversation with Pastor Chad was about the decisions I made at Camp CoBeAc. He told me to stay strong no matter what happened. Thank you for your testimony
August 2, 2013
August 2, 2013
My what a BEAUTIFUL story. As I read about their lives, and all they did for The Lord, it makes me want to do more for His Kingdom. The Lord truly had His hand on their life. What an honor. I am in my 20s and my husband and I are youth leaders at a Baptist church as well and have a one year old son. Beautiful story, and a beautiful life. Praying for God's comforting peace!!
August 2, 2013
August 2, 2013
Dear Chase,
I did not know your parents, though my husband did. I wish I could have known them as all that I have heard of them has been good! The loss of your parents must be very hard. I am praying that you will choose to trust God when you just don't understand, and that you will choose to love Him when things seem their very darkest.
August 2, 2013
August 2, 2013
Dear Chad and Courtney
I regret to say that I didn't met you, but your lovely elder sister Rachel. She and her family are very hospitable for us. We got used to Clemson due to them. And now I heard this sarrow news. I felt your grieve at the deepest corner of my heart. I am not able to explain my feeling. Because my English is too weak to explain.
August 1, 2013
August 1, 2013
Dear Chase,
Your mommy and daddy were able to impact many lives. I pray that you follow in their footsteps and do whatever God calls you to do. I pray God uses you in mighty ways! I am very thankful your mommy and I were friends. She was such a godly example to me. I pray your life will reflect God's goodness and you'll be "Faithful unto Death."
August 1, 2013
August 1, 2013
Dear Chase, I am continually praying for you and your church family. I am praying that you will grow up to be a man of God! I want you to know that all over the world people are remembering you and praying for you. God is sovereign. You will see your Mum and Dad and sister in heaven one day! Your sister in Christ, Kirsty Fergus (New Zealand)
August 1, 2013
August 1, 2013
I went to college with your mom while she attended MBBC. She was a very special friend to me. She always exuded the joy of the Lord and was constantly seeking to encourage others in their walk with God. Although she will be physically absent in your life, I pray that her testimony for Christ will direct you towards Him. We love you.
August 1, 2013
August 1, 2013
I also knew your father during college at MBBC. He demonstrated a heart after God and a undeniable love for your mom. He was fun to be around and showed spiritual maturity and leadership. I pray that you will grow to serve the Lord with the same passion. It is my prayer that you are reunited in heaven with them someday. We love you.
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Dear little Chase,
Your parents radiated the love of Jesus. They now stand gloriously in God's presence, redeemed by the blood of Jesus and complete in Him. They are worshipping the One they served with all their hearts. Our hearts are touched with the grief you and your family are bearing. Please know that we love you. Gary and Christiane Emory
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Dear Chase and Phelps family,
You don't know me. I am a Baptist Pastor from England near a town called Taunton and I heard about your loss through a friend. I just wanted you to know that the worldwide Church has felt your loss, too- and that people far and wide have prayed for you. God bless you all in your grief & may He work out His plans. See you all in glory
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Dear Chase & Phelps family,
Chase, you have been blessed to have a strong, loving, Christ-honoring family to be there for you as you grow. Your parents had many talents, and they used them for His glory. Even in death, God has used them to impact hundreds to draw them closer to their Savior. We love you.
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Dear Phelps family and Chase,
Chuck, Linda and family have been a huge encouragement to our family in our spiritual and emotional lives. What a joy to hear Chad preach to teens in the park in Burlington, Ontario. His example to his peers,his love to those whom he ministered marks him as a Christian leader. Chase you can be proud of your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Love u all.
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Dear Pastor Phelps, Linda, and family,

Thankful for your whole family. I was grateful to know Chad at TCS and from a distance watch him grow into a mature man of faith, love, and godliness. Praying that healing and gratitude will blossom and for the growth of Chase into the godly young man Chad and Courtney desired.
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Dear Phelps family,
Even though I never knew Chad and Courtney, I marvel how their Godly testimonies reverberate after they have left this earth. My prayer is that God will give you the peace and comfort that only He can give to your family as well as your church family. A friend from Harvest Baptist, Rock Hill, SC
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
I too lost my mom when I was a very young girl and I pray that you will take comfort and strength in your family surrounding you! Someday you will grieve as they have today but I pray it will be with the Lord's hand on your shoulder! God has a purpose for you and as hard as it might be to find or carry out, God will give you strength.
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Dear Chase, You may never understand why this was allowed to happen but I do know that God does not make mistakes. There is a reason for everything and we must trust the Lord. Your parents has surely left a huge void in the lives and hearts of many people all over the world. There are great things in store for you, Chase. Make your parents proud! You will see them again someday in Heaven.
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Dear Chase, We are saddened to hear the news that both your parents have gone to Heaven at young age. I had watched your father growing up at Church in Concord, NH and heard his amazing preaching as a teen. He also moved up to be a supervisor of Cashiers at the local supermarket in just a few months! Be strong and stay positive with the Lord! We love you!
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Courtney, I left your life a lot of years ago, you were just a little thing, but even then you brought joy to those around you. You and Christy are such sweet memories in my own daughter's life. Thank you for being you and now you have the privilege of being in the arms of our Lord. Til we meet again.
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
Dear Phelps Family,
I did not have the pleasure of meeting you in person, but the more I read about you and your lives together I have a since of what your family was like, Christians all over Indiana are morning your loss, In the event of your death you are bringing so many people together,
God Bless
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
Chase, when I think of your dad I think of a big smile, laughter, and joy. Your dad had a way of making others smile and laugh, and then his love for Christ would pour forth as he directed those people back to their Savior. In seeing pictures of your mom, the first thing one notices is her smile. "The joy of the Lord is your strength" describes your family. Love to you all!
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
Dear Chase,
May you come to know the Savior your Mom and Dad so passionately served. My most vivid memories of your dad are of him walking through the halls of TBC always smiling and of him playing soccer as a Swordsman. Your mom was beautiful. In prayer...
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
Chase, I held your Daddy when he was just a newborn baby and played with him as a little boy! In our youth group, we would pass him around. He never lacked for attention, that's for sure! I pray that you will know the Love he & your Mommy had for you and the hope they had in Jesus! Trust in Jesus, little Chase! He will never fail you!
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
My daughters (who lost their mother at a young age) LOVE Chad & Courtney. At a VBS a few years ago, Courtney paid the "penalty" for the girls team by having a HUGE whipped cream sundae made on top of her head! Both had such a wonderful sense of humor, and we could see they loved being youth pastors. Our family has been forever influenced by them and their ministry to our daughters.
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
I went to school with your mom and dad at BJU. Your dad and I were the same age. I remember hearing him preach in the sermon contest--he had such passion, skill, and energy in his preaching. Later on I was in a music composition class with your mom. She was such a bright spot, always so pretty, with such a sweet and cheerful spirit
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
So sorry for your loss. I did not know either of them, but have heard some great things. They really loved the Lord, were happy to be serving Him. We do not know why God allows things like this to happen. We just know that He has a plan.Prayers are with you.
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
I was in class with Courtney after she'd gotten married. No matter what the day was like or how much she had to do her attitude was always joyful and so Christlike. When I asked her if it was easier to be in school married or single she said it was definitely easier being married. I'll never forget Chad's and Courtney's shining examples of Jesus Christ. Their legacy is an eternal one.
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
Dear Phelps family,

My deepest sympathy in your loss. We know their are some things we don't understand. Being a fellow Christian, we will see those love ones again in Heaven. I will continue to pray for your church family. I am a member of Buckeye Baptist Church in Middletown Ohio. God Bless You
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
Dear Chase, although I may never meet you in this life, your parents testimony of their love for God has spread far and wide across the world. Through this tragedy, I pray that many will come to know Christ as their Saviour. In the darkest hour, God's love shines the brightest, and while we may never be able to answer why, remember that God loves you more than you can ever imagine!!!
July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013
I'm sorry for your incredible loss. I didn't know Chad or Courtney personally, but I'm very thankful for their crystal-clear testimony. We are praying for you all, especially for Chase. Our prayers are that God would give healing and that Chase would accept Christ as his Savior at an early age and have a full, vibrant testimony like his parents.
July 29, 2013
July 29, 2013
Hi, Chase! I had a class with your mom at Bob Jones and remember her announcing to the class that she was pregnant with you. Though I didn't know her very well, I remember that she was always smiling - which, I thought, made her all the more beautiful of a person - and she was great at making people feel loved and at ease. It is my sincerest hope that you get to meet her someday.
July 29, 2013
July 29, 2013
Chase--know that your momma's smile could light up a room and that she loved Jesus with all of her heart. May you grow up to know and serve Jesus like she did--love and prayers to your family during this time of grief and memories.
July 29, 2013
July 29, 2013
Hey Chase,

I know you may not understand why the Lord took your parents home so early in your life; no matter how hard life gets, know that the Lord will provide for you all the family you need in the body of Christ. You are precious. My heart goes out to you Buddy! Forever in my prayers!
July 29, 2013
July 29, 2013
Chase, We love you and your family. Your father and mother were a Godly example of how to live to serve Christ. They were also an example of how a husband should relate to his wife and how a wife should relate to her husband. They both love you very much and showed that to all of us. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also l
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