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Please share your stories so his children can read them.
Include advise that he gave you that he might want to pass along to his children.

Please address your Chad tribute to his kids.
February 17
February 17
I worked with Chad and Jerry in the kitchen at VTC, Chad was a really hard-working young man, always positive, willing to do whatever was needed to get the job done, he will be missed in the community, may he rest in peace.
February 10
February 10
Chad was part of our life, he was very close to our son Jeff. Donna took care of Celeb for many years .
We’ve watched him grow into a good man, good father, intelligent and a skilled tradesman. We hired him to do a couple plumbing jobs and he did great!!
I pray that he has found peace, I pray for his family and friends that they find comfort in memories of how he touched our lives.
So sad to loose such a good man at any age but Chad was too young.
May God bless and keep you Chad
Peace to us all
February 7
February 7
Your sweet smile and twinkling eyes filled the room with your presence. I will miss you. I am so grateful that I could reach out to you when we needed your help fixing some plumbing. So thankful!
I had a chance to get close to your parents and what fun when we would gather together at Dawn and Guyer's home.
You were friends with my son Michael and only God knows what you all were up to.
To his family I am sending condolences to each one. To his children, may they have fond memories of their dad!
February 5
February 5
Our thoughts are with friends and family. Kind regards, Jan & Chris Gray.
February 5
February 5
I haven't known Chad long, from his time at UVM as a Master Plumber. Chad did several jobs for me, and he was a consummate professional. He was great at explaining the complexities of one particular challenging project he did for me. He always had a smile, and I will miss seeing that around campus.
May his family find peace in the memories you have of Chad. My sincerest condolences.
February 4
February 4
Chad was such a sweet, funny and kind man! In high school I had a huge party at my home. I remember his eyes were bright red, swollen, and his face was also swollen. I was alarmed and when I asked him what was wrong he cheerfully said, “oh just allergies!” He was always smiling! We lost a great person! I hope his family finds peace!

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Recent Tributes
February 17
February 17
I worked with Chad and Jerry in the kitchen at VTC, Chad was a really hard-working young man, always positive, willing to do whatever was needed to get the job done, he will be missed in the community, may he rest in peace.
February 10
February 10
Chad was part of our life, he was very close to our son Jeff. Donna took care of Celeb for many years .
We’ve watched him grow into a good man, good father, intelligent and a skilled tradesman. We hired him to do a couple plumbing jobs and he did great!!
I pray that he has found peace, I pray for his family and friends that they find comfort in memories of how he touched our lives.
So sad to loose such a good man at any age but Chad was too young.
May God bless and keep you Chad
Peace to us all
Recent stories

12th Marines

February 10
I had the opportunity to serve with Chad when he first entered the fleet in the Marine Corps. He arrived on Okinawa and instantly fit in with all of us in the survey/met shop. I remember the day he went scuba diving and ended up with the infamous red eye pictures, he learned a valuable lesson that day. He was an awesome Marine and an even better person. Rest in Peace Brother  

One good man!

February 9
It is with a heavy heart we write our remembrance of Chad.  His picture in the Herald captures so well the countenance Chad met the world with.  Chad was instrumental in installing a solar hot water and pool heating system in our home years ago. Ed Butler was the solar expert but it was Chad who figured out how to make the brain of the operation work.  A new experience for all of us.  Through  this we had the pleasure of having Chad at our house regularly.  Not to mention further plumbing help over the years. Always with a smile , always willing to stop and talk.  Often sharing proud Dad stories and life with his growing family.
 Chad took the time to  meticulously  write  out understandable instructions as to how all these systems worked for us.  He met many questions and calls with patience and kindness.  
As life would have it I had just seen Chad at Chef’s Market recently were I was able to share how he was still missed!  He confirmed despite the long drive his switch to UVM for work had been the right choice.
 We hold all who loved Chad close to our hearts as he has left a big hole.  May you still feel his love surround you and may his children be inspired to become all they can be, always grounded in kindness and patience like their Dad.  Our world is a better place because of Chad and now he challenges us all to be better people in his memory.
Pam Overstrom and David Palmer. 

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