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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Chandler Vaughan, 24 years old, born on July 12, 1992, and passed away on February 24, 2017. We will remember him forever.
August 15
August 15
My name is Aaron hoyland son of Tonya hoyland I barley knew him but for some reason I miss him every day he treated me like a son he was a great person something in my heart makes me have sympathy and love for you and I think it's for a good reason it's been hard these 7 years that you've been gone I'm only 14 now wish you were here honestly you would have been a great father to my sister layla she misses you but I'll take care of her just for you this will be the last time I'll be on here I'll check up again in 5 years I love you dearly you didn't deserve death may your soul rest in peace
January 22
January 22
This is your sister Ava I miss you so much and people sometimes bully me saying "At least my brother didn't die" but I'll always miss you and they don't know what it's like to lose a family member❤️❤️❤️
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Happy heavenly birthday we all miss u down here an will meet again in heaven ❤️
November 28, 2019
November 28, 2019
I love you bro you will never be forgotten I thank about you all the time wishing I could just pick up the phone and call you and tell you much you are missed and loved and to ask how skating is up there can't wait to see you again we will have to skate when I get up there with you. Bro dang you are so missed had good time miss you chad
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
Chandler, old buddie. I can start with the fact that we were hellians. I will never forgot how much fun I had in Kansas and how much I cherish those friendships. That time in my life was crucial for a friend that didn't care how fucked up I thought I was or how doomed I felt. I had so many down before I met you and your awesome family. It's so weird thinking about the fact that your gone now. Probably because we all became so distant. But you my friend will always have a place in my heart. Your heart was big and you weren't afraid of anything. I'm blessed to have known you and all the crazy shit we did back then will always be some of my most favorite memories. Love you man. May the strength and carefree attitude you taught me still linger in others.
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
We are so saddened Chandler of your passing! Especially because of your young age! You had so much more living to do! A new wife and a child on the way...
I knew your Mom and Dad mostly through working at the Winery! Your dad was a Chef! And of course your grandma , as we were good friends! And I knew they had very little to start out with in baby items, so I threw you a big Baby Shower!
I just remember how happy your parents ( and grandparents) were the day you were born! So much excitement and joy! Cigars were handed out at the Winery! I remember your parents were beaming , when they brought Chandler for his first visit to the Winery! You were a tiny little thing! I would babysit you , once I would do daycare in my home at the Calvada house! You were such a joy, and so inquisitive! You had so much energy and so much love to share!
I've followed your family wherever you moved! Between your parents, grandparents, and of course FB! You had your share of problems in life, but you were just getting things in order and God took you home! Your family are missing you terribly! Along with friends and acquaintances ! My heart
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
Chandler, just trying to think of what to say is so hard. I was a part of your young years. And watching you all grow up. And seeing all of what you guys we're up to through Facebook. My heart hurts for all that you left behind. You should see all the love that is pouring out, you would be amazed.
Cyndi, being a mother, I feel your pain . I share your heartbreak. I am hoping God heals all your pain, or lessen the hurt as everyday passes. And pray that his child will know of him.
Love and Aloha!
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
When I think about you I think about teenage boy that I saw who was always smiling and was inseparable from your siblings. My son Christian talks about that one day on the bus in Solon that you stuck up for him and that means so much to him and I. You were such a soft, kind heartened young man. You will always be remembered and thought of often in our home.
March 13, 2017
March 13, 2017
What to write....Where to start....I can't find the words to express the pain I see coming from your family so much love but also so much pain. I wish I knew how to help them being so far away. But let me tell you we may temporarily not be able to see you but you are there I know it! My heart breaks to know you had to leave us the way you did and not get to accomplish every thing you wanted to do. I think about you a lot I have flash backs of the good ol days and it puts a smile on my face! I have cried a few times looking at pictures of you knowing that I can't message you or talk to you. Then again I have memories the one thing that no one can take from me! I miss you! I really know I will see you again one day but until then I will continue to remember you! Chandler you truly were an amazing human love ya! Skate in Heaven❤
March 12, 2017
March 12, 2017
How can i even begin to make a tribute on someone who has shown me a LEGACY they have left behind. I am beyond proud to call you my son, my first born, my love, my heart...I couldn't hug you tight enough to show my love for you! I am still receiving messages from people who you made a impact on their life and they are grateful for knowing you. You were a kind, quiet young man...beyond happy knowing that you finally found someone you truly loved and came to realize that there are people out there that you would want to spend the rest of your life with and have a family. Theres not enough i can say about how sad i am your not haunts me everyday i wake up crying. Please watch over your million brothers and sisters ...we all loved you more than we let you know, more than you will ever know!! I love you forever and always

March 12, 2017
March 12, 2017
You were so young bro, I hate to see you go out this way. You will be missed, may you rest in peace.
March 12, 2017
March 12, 2017
You were still so young and lively the last time I saw you.. I loved that you were such good friends with my boys.. You all stayed close and looked out for each other.. No doubt you are doing the same now.. I pray for you and your loving family.. You will be forever loved and missed.
March 12, 2017
March 12, 2017
Chan the Man. You were a good friend forever going out of your way to help others. To know you was a pleasure, to be a friend of yours was a previlage. I thank God for the time I got to spend with you on earth. Till I see you again. Love bro.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017
Chandler, you are loved and will be missed. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I am so glad that you were able to come visit and go camping with us. You absolutely will never be forgotten.

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Recent Tributes
August 15
August 15
My name is Aaron hoyland son of Tonya hoyland I barley knew him but for some reason I miss him every day he treated me like a son he was a great person something in my heart makes me have sympathy and love for you and I think it's for a good reason it's been hard these 7 years that you've been gone I'm only 14 now wish you were here honestly you would have been a great father to my sister layla she misses you but I'll take care of her just for you this will be the last time I'll be on here I'll check up again in 5 years I love you dearly you didn't deserve death may your soul rest in peace
January 22
January 22
This is your sister Ava I miss you so much and people sometimes bully me saying "At least my brother didn't die" but I'll always miss you and they don't know what it's like to lose a family member❤️❤️❤️
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
Happy heavenly birthday we all miss u down here an will meet again in heaven ❤️
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Who ate the cake

March 26, 2017

I recall that one time Dylan and Emily wanted to kill us one morning. We had been up all night partying and your mom had made this bomb chocolate cake. Well that cake barely made it pass the night yet alone the morning lol. I know every time I got up from your coach was to sneak a piece. I felt bad until I looked over and say you were doing the same thing lol. Emily and Dylan woke up the next morning to find not a single piece left on the tray lol. Good times brother.

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