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February 7, 2023
February 7, 2023
Love you Dad ❤️ i miss your smile, i miss you popping up at Deli and saying “hey daughter”. I miss all of us being together, but you left your son with me and i promise you i will do my best to take care of him. He’s so much like you and I’m grateful i have memories of you with him.
February 4, 2023
February 4, 2023
Hey dad.. I miss you more than I could ever explain through words..
life has been lifing with its hills and valleys;
But not a day goes by where I don’t think about you, a lesson you gave me, a funny moment we’ve shared.. or something from when I was a child. I’m glad you’re not hurting anymore, dealing with this crazy world, and the health problems tough fought so valor fully through..
But in the same token, I really wish you were still here. To call you, pick your brain for wisdom,
Heck even to ask you questions about all the new marvel and dc stuff along with wrestling cuz they screwing it all up and making it corny lol
I love you dad.
February 8, 2022
February 8, 2022
Hey Dad I can’t believe it’s been a year already one of the most fond memories I have with you is how you called me your “baby girl” and our relationship ❤️. Boy and I go check on you frequently making sure nothing is out of place but we think about you all the time. And I am doing my best to take care of your boy and I’ll continue to do just that I can’t wait until your birthday it’ll be another celebration ! I love you and I miss you Dad, you’ll always be in my heart.
February 8, 2022
February 8, 2022
I love you dad. I miss you more than words can ever explain.
We’ve been keeping tabs on you and Mamadoll..
It was a snow storm so we gotta wait for the snow to melt but we’ll be back soon.
I’m finding more and more each day,
The lessons you gave me were amazing…
I think about you everyday. Wish I woulda done better, by you. But the last message of thank you,
Will always mean the world to me.
March 26, 2021
March 26, 2021
Happy Birthday Dad ! Today we are celebrating YOU ! I’m so thankful God allowed me to be with you for a few years, it was never a dull moment you always made me laugh ! I love you and I miss you ♥️.
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
Dear cousin Charlie you are blessing to the family you will truly be missed psalms chapter 119 verse 105
February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021
I'm going to miss you Uncle Charlie and I am never going to forget the memories I share with you.
February 11, 2021
February 11, 2021
To my dear loving Uncle Charlie. Gosh . . . So may things I can say about you. You have been there from the very beginning. Actually, the closest thing I had to a father!! So many fond memories of you. Where can I even begin. From the many Christmas’ where mom always bought those gifts that came with 50 million pieces that you had to put together. You did it, but it wasn’t without 5011 curse words. . From that one time my Aunt Flow came and you rushed to the store and brought back to my high school that see through Walmart bag with a pack full of feminine napkins. Can you say embarrassed!! But what other uncle would have done that. Oh, and let’s not forget when it was time for me to learn how to drive. All I can say is that I have a heavy foot and low tolerance because of you. But . . . I wouldn’t change it for the world!! One of my most cherished memory of you is the day Kylen was born. Oh my lord, the pure joy on your face when you met and held him for the first time. I couldn’t tell you anything about how to raise my son and I was okay with that. Uncle I love you from the very bottom of my heart. Although I am going to miss your “Hello Hello Hello Hello” and your “Ok . . . I’m done talking now,” I know you are in a better place with no more suffering and reunited with Mama Doll. That is what comforts my heart. You lived a long full life and it’s okay to rest now. Job well done!!!
February 11, 2021
February 11, 2021
I remember quite a few moments we had but I remember when he stopped by our old apartment, right before I was getting ready to clean he called me and asked if I was home I said yes and boom he pulled up almost instantly and gave me $20 on my birthday ! I gave him the biggest hug, he didn’t have to give or say anything, he didn’t even have to go out of his way to do that for me, but he did, and he treated me as if I was really his daughter. In our hearts I was and am. I love you Dad and will miss you.
February 11, 2021
February 11, 2021
Throughout any ups and downs... my dad was always strong.. and there for me. Words can't express how I feel about this..
But what I can say, is that he raised me to be who I am today, and my own man.
He was a hard working man.. who never showed weakness.. he'd rather say I got it.. then to ask for help. He taught me how to cook when I was 13, telling me "if you wanna eat, you gone go outside, put these ribs on the grill, and I'll walk you through it but its time you learn how to cook for yourself." My dad was a warrior.. to the end. And no one could ever take that from him..
February 9, 2021
February 9, 2021
What I learned and loved about my cousin always care and love your family despite their imperfections, work hard, and be kind to everyone. Take the the time to laugh and enjoy life. Top Chef Charlie see you later...(Rev 21:3-4)

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