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Charlie Takes Staff out to Lunch

June 13
Admittedly this is not my story but one that has stood the test of time among the staff at UMD Entomology. When Charlie was Chair in the 2000s he took out the entire business and administrative staff in the Department out for lunch, celebrating all their efforts supporting faculty, staff, and students. He not only rented a limo for the occasion but was said to have stood up through the limo's sunroof as it traveled down Baltimore ave. The attached photo is a bit blurry but added as proof that this indeed happened. Proof that Charlie was a kind, considerate and entertaining Chair that is still admired to this day. 

He was just the Best

March 13
Hello! I ‘inherited’ Charlie from Caroline.

I keep writing things, deleting them, over and over. Nothing feels right or enough. Charlie was the kindest, most humble person I’ve ever known. When I spoke with him (and we weren’t revelling in Very dark humour), it felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket. I think quite a few of Caroline’s friends found a kind of ‘home’ with him.

I’ve truly never met anyone funnier, more accepting, more humble, more kind…or more of a dork! Such a Good Service Human! I’m going to miss him so So much, and am sending many boatloads of love, compassion, sympathy….to Kim, Margaret, and his whole family and community of friends. He was just the Best, and I can’t believe I’m writing this in past tense

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