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I love my mom

May 14, 2021
She had a hard life she raised 5kids she would give us things we needed always there for us .she lost 3 kids .I love her so much she was more then  a mom to me she was my best friend .she was a good grandmother  some of her grand kids don't know what all she did for. Them 

My Sweet Mawmaw

April 22, 2017

Ihave so many sweet memories of my mawmaw. I can remember being a little girl going to spend the weekends with her and my pawpaw and uncle Mike. We would go to yard sales and in the evenings we would go for evening rides to feed my mawmaws dog she adopted she always had a big heart for anyone and everyone. She would give you the shirt off her back and always make sure we as grandchildren had what we needed. Love you mawmaw. 

April 22, 2017

hard to tell my stories of my mom without crying ,i'll tell some when i can get past my grief

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