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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Chioma Grace Ekwesianya. We will remember her forever for her dedication to God, moral piety, compassion, love and sacrifices.
February 3
February 3
We Still Remember and Love You

The 3rd of February 2021 was the darkest day in my life, the day I lost the people that mean so much to me: my lovely dad, mum and immediate younger sister.

Since then, life has not and will not be same again. The pillars of a family that was knitted together were shaken, eternal bonds were bruised, tranquil minds became emotionally riled; life took a different and unexpected chart.

The daddy’s love we received, the mummy’s affection we got, the sister’s care we enjoyed: these will remain a part of our lives for days without end.

Many more events have happened, but God has faithfully stood with us in victory. We are still sojourning in faith, never losing sight of the goals, looking up to Him, from Whom we renew our strengths.

We will keep on remembering you - Dad, Mum, Chioma - and will do well to maintain the faith we had, the bonds we shared, and the legacies you bequeathed to us.

Keep on resting in the Lord: the harvest time is not far again, and we will meet to part no more.
April 19, 2023
April 19, 2023
Happy posthumous birthday, Chioma. You lived for us, fought a good fight and loved us till the end. No amount of time shall be able to fill the hollow your exit has created within us. We shall forever remain grateful for having you in our lives. Rest on, dear. In time, we will all meet on the Resurrection Morning.
February 3, 2023
February 3, 2023
[ ] In Loving Memories

It was on 3 February 2021 when Dad, Mum and Sister went to the Church to pray, and the cruel sucked the joy out of our souls. Like a neonate bereaved of her mum during childbirth, we were left in a new world of sorrow, loneliness and grief.

Even though two years has passed, we still feel your presence in our spirit; your love in our souls; your discipline and guides in our conducts.

Each time we want to make decisions, either individually or collectively, we always ask: what would dad say? Would mum and Chioma think otherwise? And with the answer, we keep our lives patterned after your discipline and moral piety.

Those you helped, saved and supported have turned their back; some already repaying evil for the love they received. Indeed we have realised that no one (and no one!) can ever love us like you did.
Despite these challenges, our resolve and conviction in the moral and spiritual values we shared will continue to blaze with unquenchable flames.

The Lord you served has been faithful to us. A month before this incident, Dad called us all home, prayed for and blessed us individually. This practice of transfer of parental blessings, common only among the Saints, has manifested in our lives in the most unimaginable ways. We are still baffled by the extent of prosperity that has come our way. The goodness of the Lord has kept us going.

We will continue to carry on with the unshakeable love, vision, hope and faith we together believed in and held so dear. We will continue to support the poor and the Ministry, through The Saints Foundation we established in your memories. We will continue to trust God and His infinite love to guide us through our remaining earthly journey. We will continue to look in hope to a time when we will meet again, leap in joy, and live ever together endlessly!

Shalom my father and guide; shalom my mother and anchor; shalom my sister and love!
June 28, 2021
June 28, 2021
Shalom beloved, I have to write here for the sake of them who be around because unto me you are alive for I cannot say that I miss someone who is alive in Christ and Christ in God. But I do understand that when it is said that you are forever missed, they mean missing your characters and magnificent deposits of HASHEM ADONAI in you, with you and through you. I call you blessed, and as it said and written "Light be" in Genesis, I CHUKWUNEKE say unto CHIOMA GRACE EKWESIANYA BE Meaning Live. The sovereign Lord did manifested His Goodness in You that He fashioned you which his name and furnished you with Grace. But like the surname, so shall it be for Ekew will till the eye "EKWESIANYA " come see what God has done. I love you beyond Death and let me tell you what death is to you. D for Divine, E for Everlasting, A for Ahavah, T for Thanks and H for Hallelujah.
Ahavah is Hebrew word for Love, God is Love and you Love God. Even so, Amen.

I will see you shortly as it is written "I come quickly " and we shall laugh like never before.
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
We still can not believe you are gone, but then we have this consolation that soon our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ will come for His own then the end of this present world and the consummation of the divine promise of eternal life for all who believe. Goodnight then until we meet again.
June 12, 2021
June 12, 2021
Chi my favourite beloved sister,your untimely death have subjected me to anguish,pain and sadness. your eventful life on earth was characterised by godliness and service to humanity. I have cried and tears will never dry from my eyes since you are forever evergreen in my subconscious. you are a general in the God's almighty army and you have laid down your sword. As humans,we will fight for your justice to apprehend your killer and make him face the consequences of his dastardly act.My only consolation is that we will meet again on that resurrection morning with joy and happiness adorning our faces.You were murdered in the lord's house like most of the apostles. you fought a good fight of faith and a crown of righteousness which the righteous judge will bestow on you on that glorious day. I miss you my beloved sister. it took me so much courage to write down this tribute for you and the tears couldn't allow me to write more.sleep well my beloved .
June 3, 2021
The act of being together at church with your parents, even at your death is a symbol of your obedience both to God and to your parents.
You were taken with them for you not to feel the grief too heavy to carry. I salute Your BroTher Kenneth and the rest of the family for being strong and remain in faith despite the trials and testings of life.

-JCOG7thday, Philippines
June 2, 2021
Chioma, my amiable niece, it is with nostalgia and sense of despair that I am dropping this tribute in your honour. How I wished the story of your demise was a dream. On that fateful 3rd February, 2021, when I got that sad story of the assassination of your daddy and mummy through a call from your kid brother, Dr Andrew Chiagozie, around 7.10pm, I zoomed off from my house at Ihiala, Anambra State, Nigeria and rushed to the scene of the incident; but midway at Obom square, at Azia, you flashed to my mind that I should make a call to you to get little brief of what actually happened. I called your line three times, it rang but you did not pick the calls, not knowing that you were involved. Out of anxiety I continued to drive to the accident scene, along with my wife, only to see you lying in a pool of your blood, by the side of your mother and father, stone dead. I had no option than to look for ambulance and transferred your remains along with those of your parents to Our Lady of Lourdes mortuary. I am still dumbfounded up till today. May you continue to rest in the Lord till we meet to part no more. Dr Ekwedianya Emmanuel Obiorah, your uncle.
June 1, 2021
June 1, 2021
Chomzy,I will see you again. At age 7/8 you lived with me at Asaba Delta State as a daughter and your stay was eventful. Death don't have the final say,God does have.
You left us such time that your beauty shines upon the horizon but God knows why.
Your cousins my Children: Ifunanya, Onyeka,Nonso and Uche will miss you. My Wife your Aunt misses you. I miss you but God wants you.
He's the Author,Finisher and Your Eternal Father. I will see you again at His Bosom when the Lord returns.
Your brothers and Sisters and everyone become strong as you departed this world from God's Alter. That Alter remains an indelible sign of eternal assurance.
Meet you on that day.
Shalom Ish Elohim.
May 30, 2021
May 30, 2021
It pains me to hear that you are no more.
All the same I cannot question God, He alone knows the best. You were such a caring and loving sister in-law whom will always look out for me even when I showed less concern. All the same, keep resting in peace. Till we meet again.

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Recent Tributes
February 3
February 3
We Still Remember and Love You

The 3rd of February 2021 was the darkest day in my life, the day I lost the people that mean so much to me: my lovely dad, mum and immediate younger sister.

Since then, life has not and will not be same again. The pillars of a family that was knitted together were shaken, eternal bonds were bruised, tranquil minds became emotionally riled; life took a different and unexpected chart.

The daddy’s love we received, the mummy’s affection we got, the sister’s care we enjoyed: these will remain a part of our lives for days without end.

Many more events have happened, but God has faithfully stood with us in victory. We are still sojourning in faith, never losing sight of the goals, looking up to Him, from Whom we renew our strengths.

We will keep on remembering you - Dad, Mum, Chioma - and will do well to maintain the faith we had, the bonds we shared, and the legacies you bequeathed to us.

Keep on resting in the Lord: the harvest time is not far again, and we will meet to part no more.
April 19, 2023
April 19, 2023
Happy posthumous birthday, Chioma. You lived for us, fought a good fight and loved us till the end. No amount of time shall be able to fill the hollow your exit has created within us. We shall forever remain grateful for having you in our lives. Rest on, dear. In time, we will all meet on the Resurrection Morning.
February 3, 2023
February 3, 2023
[ ] In Loving Memories

It was on 3 February 2021 when Dad, Mum and Sister went to the Church to pray, and the cruel sucked the joy out of our souls. Like a neonate bereaved of her mum during childbirth, we were left in a new world of sorrow, loneliness and grief.

Even though two years has passed, we still feel your presence in our spirit; your love in our souls; your discipline and guides in our conducts.

Each time we want to make decisions, either individually or collectively, we always ask: what would dad say? Would mum and Chioma think otherwise? And with the answer, we keep our lives patterned after your discipline and moral piety.

Those you helped, saved and supported have turned their back; some already repaying evil for the love they received. Indeed we have realised that no one (and no one!) can ever love us like you did.
Despite these challenges, our resolve and conviction in the moral and spiritual values we shared will continue to blaze with unquenchable flames.

The Lord you served has been faithful to us. A month before this incident, Dad called us all home, prayed for and blessed us individually. This practice of transfer of parental blessings, common only among the Saints, has manifested in our lives in the most unimaginable ways. We are still baffled by the extent of prosperity that has come our way. The goodness of the Lord has kept us going.

We will continue to carry on with the unshakeable love, vision, hope and faith we together believed in and held so dear. We will continue to support the poor and the Ministry, through The Saints Foundation we established in your memories. We will continue to trust God and His infinite love to guide us through our remaining earthly journey. We will continue to look in hope to a time when we will meet again, leap in joy, and live ever together endlessly!

Shalom my father and guide; shalom my mother and anchor; shalom my sister and love!
Her Life


May 29, 2021
Born on 19th April, 1988, as the fifth child (third daughter) of Elder Kenneth Ekwesianya and Mrs Grace Ekwesianya, Chioma was a charming, precocious girl. She attended Obom Community Primary School, Azia, where she obtained her First School Leaving Certificate in 2000. Thereafter, she had her post-primary education at St Anthony’s Secondary School, Azia. In 2006, she sat and passed her West African Senior School Certificate examination in flying colours. She then enrolled in the Pre-science programme of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Mbaukwu, through which she gained admission as an undergraduate student of the university. 
At this time, there was a financial difficulty in the family: all her four older siblings were already in the university and our parents could not afford the financial weight of her admission. While the family was still struggling to raise funds for her university education, Chioma elected to forfeit her admission and wait another admission year. In addition, she engaged herself fully in the family’s poultry farm where much of the money used to sustain her siblings’ education was being generated. She sacrificed the pursuit of her own education and ensured continuous supply of resources for the education and wellbeing of her siblings.
Despite the physical, emotional and social distress the economic situation of the family had put her into, Chioma forged ahead doggedly and never despaired. She still made out time to continue reading and planning for the future. She wrote another University Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) and got another admission at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. By this time, the economic situation of the family had tremendously improved. She enrolled in the university and fought her way through. On 7th August, 2012, she obtained her Bachelor of Science (Ed) in Science Education/Physics with a Second Class Honours (Upper Division). 
Chioma did her National Youth Service in Lagos, and had her passing out parade on 4th March, 2014. Post-NYSC, she engaged in several skills acquisition programmes where she acquired several life skills necessary to fulfil her vision of entrepreneurship and financial independence. Concurrently, she worked as a science teacher at St Anthony's Secondary School, Azia, for several years. Her burning zeal for education made her enroll for a Master of Science (MSc) degree programme at Anambra State University, Uli, which she was about concluding before her call to rest.


May 29, 2021
Born in a religious family and being a daughter of a pastor, Chioma’s piety and moral excellence were attested by all. She led an exemplary life, preferring modesty and contentment to superfluous exhibition of pomp and flagrance. She was fully engaged in all church activities, always reminding her siblings of the need to remain focused on God in everything we do.


May 29, 2021
There is no better way to describe Chioma’s stint on earth than to summarise it as a life full of sacrifices. She gave up her first university admission to allow her siblings complete theirs. In addition to this, she worked tirelessly in the family’s farm to generate the money required to sustain her siblings’ education.
After we had acquired our university education and everyone had left the family home in pursuit of their career, Chioma elected to stay back at home, taking care of our ageing parents and especially helping dad in her pastoral work. She was always communicating us on the state of the family and wellbeing of our parents. In some occasions when our parents had some sickness and would prefer to hide it from us so that we would not be troubled, Chioma was always the one intimating us on their condition which led to early medical intervention. She was always ready to visit any of us and render necessary assistance in times of need. Despite all these, she never demanded any reward and was never compensated. 
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July 7, 2021



Life may be beautiful like summer flowers, but in death it withers like autumn leaves.

On that fateful day of February 3, you all went to church to pray; and like Abel, your bloods were spilt on the altar of righteousness. 

Dad, our hearts still search for you, our minds still talk to you; our Spirit tells us you are at peace. Like you knew you were going to leave, you summoned us all home, a month before your death, and blessed us. 

You raised your family in love, led the Church in humility, supported the weak in grace, and exited the scene on the Altar of your Maker. You rose from the dusts of poverty and idolatry, to bequeath to us the gifts of success and morality. Indeed, you were not just a biological father: you were a patriarch, a leader, a teacher, a role model, a beacon of hope and support. You eased the burdens of those around you. 

We cannot adequately describe the magnitude of your service to God and humanity, as that will amount to a great disservice to the memories of your existence. 

In our journey through life, we will continue to uphold your values of hard work, good judgement, courage, justice and integrity; we will never fail to raise our voice, in favour  of the oppressed, in favour of the suppressed. 

Mum, the vacuum created by your departure has left us in a great state of bewilderment. As the world moved on, we stood alone in grief, broken in heart, shattered in expectations, frozen in uncertainties. For like an angel, you lived amongst us, showed us the way, and led us to where we are today. With your love, we were so blessed for so many years. 

You were an epitome of a virtuous woman, a Christian mother and a dream wife. Your companionship to dad is a reference point to us all. As Christ loved His Church, you loved dad even unto death.

Your children are crying; your grandchildren are asking; your loved ones are hoping. When shall we see you? We miss the sound of your voice, the stories of your life, the wisdom in your counsel, the touch of your kindness. We so much miss the prayers and blessings you always offered us each time we spoke, whether on phone or in-person; in times of success or in periods of challenges.

Your dogged attitude and indefatigable spirit in the face of challenges will ever remain a light on our paths of life. 

Sister Chioma, the highest tribute we can give you is not grief, but gratitude. For you led a life of sacrifice for the welfare of your siblings. At critical moments of hardship, you gave up your university education so that we could have enough resources to complete ours. And while we moved out in search of better lives, you elected to remain with dad and mum, taking good care of them. Your love for us was manifested even at death, that you had to die first, leaving mum and dad alive so that we would not be orphans. You never lived to know that the same barrel of the wicked that took you away would also snatch away these loving parents from us.

We appreciate your loving sacrifice, and will forever engrave these deeds in our hearts. We cannot have a better sister than you. 

The dead cannot cry out for justice: it is the duty of the living to do it for them. That is why we have apprehended your killers and, by God's grace, will get deserving justice on your behalves. To God Almighty we still remain grateful, for His streams of grace that have kept us afloat. 

The tears we shed are not a mark of despair: they are messengers of overwhelming grief, of unspeakable love, of loads of affection unrepaid. Good people must die, but death cannot kill their names. To us, your passing away is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the light because the dawn has come. 

As we stagger between the two events of birth and death, the loving memories of your existence we will forever cherish. This bond of sacred love will remain unbroken for all eternity. Neither gun nor death can erase your good deeds from our hearts. 

Have a great rest, Elder. Have a peaceful rest, Mummy. Have a saintly rest, Chy. We will surely meet on the Resurrection Morning, to continue to live as one, never to be killed again, never to die again. 

Dr Andrew Chiagozie Ekwesianya.


May 30, 2021
A few weeks before dad's demise, he had a dream where he was running a race with mum and another lady whose face he could not decipher. The road had marked lines. As they were running the race, they reached a point with a road sign written "20 KM FROM JERUSALEM". And he woke from sleep.
Dad told this dream several times in church and also during our family morning devotions when we came back home.
From the dream, we were all sure dad, mum and the other person (then unknown) were on the right path toward the New Jerusalem. But what about 20km? Would dad and mum die on the same day? Who was the other person? All the church members were still perplexed over the full interpretation of the dream.
My personal interpretation of the dream was that dad still had at least 20 years more to live before being called to rest. However, I could then not explain why mum and the other person were running at the same track level with dad.
But God had His own way. When He said "20km", He really meant "20km"; no addition, no subtraction. 
A few weeks thereafter, dad, mum and sister Chioma lost their lives as they were praying during church service. They had reached the end of their race.
"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." Isaiah 46:10.

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