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June 28, 2016

This picture I took many years ago in a trailer home I believe was Duane's. They were always very close and I love this picture as it showed their bond. Chrissy called him Bubby. 

June 28, 2016

This picture was taken in my kitchen at my home the last time I saw my sweet Chrissy!!!  It hangs in my office and I cherish it every day!

missing my sister ....

March 15, 2014
I love you Chris you will always be my sister and we will charish you memory always R.I.P. tell my daddy I love him I know y'all are angels together watch out for me and don't let anyone hurt me ... I need your wings to cover me .....

growing up together

March 14, 2014
I remember being a lil girl and you use to baby sit me . You would put me in pretty dresses and do my hair lol I was your baby doll just like the real life ones :-) I'll never forget you I love you so much my sister ..

baby Chris

March 1, 2014

I remember the day your mom brought you home from the hospital , I was the first to hold you, you were such an amazing baby so beautiful and perfect in every way.I never wanted to put you down.

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