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March 5
March 5
Another anniversary, dearest sister, Awa. How time flies. Rest In Peace.
August 24, 2018
August 24, 2018
Dear Mrs. Christy A. Leke:
Remembering you on your birthday anniversary and praying that you continue to intercede for the family you left behind. Buea has changed so much since your departure. Only God will help end the crisis and bring peace to his people. My love and best wishes, sister Christy!
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
Mother, life has not been the same since March 5, 2017 when you left us. Not a day has passed without me thinking about you, my heart aches, still hoping to wake up from my dream...missing you mom. My hope is that you are now in a better place. I thank God and remain blessed to have had you as a mother....You will remain in my heart forever mom...Happy birthday you
March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017

“A mother ‘s love is something that no one can explain, it is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain, it is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may, for nothing can destroy it or take that love away…t is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, and never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking….” By Helen Steiner Rice
It feels almost impossible to put words to the love I feel for my mother but I will try. I have tremendous gratitude for the three weeks I was able to spend with my mother in December, 2016. Little did I know that was the last time I will spend with her. I feel horrible not being with her on the last days and nights of her life. The Christmas reunion party we had and the cry die in the village were a gift. I will miss her forever.
My mother didn’t have much opportunity growing up like we have today, but she made more from the little she had. She had a calling to live a life of service and to help make the world a better place. She was always reaching out especially to those in need, and pulling people together in unity. Her caring, affectionate, forgiving, empathetical, respectful attitude, and above all treating everyone equally and with love was exemplary. These are the qualities of a man my mom taught me, which I have not been able to match, but I will try.
My mother, Christiana, was a force for spreading good in the world, and her legacy- the compelling force of goodness is a reflection on most of us here today, whose lives she touched. So, rest in peace mum, I will think of you and I will miss you. When I say “I will miss you”, I mean always. I love you mum.
March 26, 2017
March 26, 2017
Heaven is a Peaceful place where people go and rejoice. On one bright Sunday afternoon, March 5, 2017, and angel heard the call of the Almighty Father. She didn't have time to tell us she has been called by God. However, my beautiful and honorable sister, mother and friend left a vacuum in my heart that will never be replaced by anyone. She sacrificed her own life to make sure her siblings were fed, clothed and received a sound education. She did not only help her siblings, she also extended her support to children that were not her own. She never liked confrontation, even when she was right. She would accept guilt for the purpose of peace. Hence, peace will always remain her legacy. The emptiness she has left in my heart will forever be remembered. I kept asking myself why did God take her away from us? My prayer to her will help me pick up the pieces she has left behind.
I will live to remember her tender loving care, patience, kindness, advice, and the bond that we had.
I love you but God loves you more.
May her soul rest in peace. Amen
March 26, 2017
March 26, 2017
A Hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. That is who you were Auntie Christie. A gracious woman who cared and loved everyone. You always had laughter and happiness surrounding you. I still cannot believe that you are not with us. I saw you last summer and we talked and laughed and I even told you that you should spend a longer time in Washington DC the next time you visited. When I would stay with you during summer break from school, you would always make sure that my two other siblings and I were doing okay. You would even make Stanley keep an eye on us to make sure that we were not running in the street or doing something that we were not supposed to do.
Aside from the love that you showed me, one can not even begin to list all of the things that you have done for the family as a whole. YOU were the glue that kept this family together. And now that you have left us, a huge part of all of us is missing. We shall always be united because of you but a little piece of your light will always be missed.
Heaven has definitely become a little brighter with you presence. I know that you will continue to watch over us. May you rest in peace. Until we meet again Auntie Christie. I love you.
March 26, 2017
March 26, 2017
Words will never be enough to express how i feel. I wake up each morning trying to think that you are still around but you are gone. Thank you for sharing your love ,your life with us . I know that i will see you again one day and i know this sadness of your departure is temporary. You will be forever missed mammi, i will miss your phone calls. Every months you made sure while you were in the United States to call me at least twice to see how my husband and i were doing. Thank you mammi you were the mother of us all . I love you and rest in peace.
March 24, 2017
March 24, 2017
Sleep on mama, sleep on and take your rest, till we meet again. GODloves you most. May your soul rest in perfect peace.
March 21, 2017
March 21, 2017
 Our friendship goes way back when I was still in Bamenda, where I met your family who welcomed me heartily. From Bamenda, I came to mile 16 in 1978 where we all settled; making the bond of our friendship stronger. Your husband was a good friend of mine and a classmate too in primary school. Knowing you was a blessing because your friendship extended to my

Family especially my you, I found a sister from deferent parents to the extent that your father always involved me in all his affairs. Even your husband, before his death included me in his will, that I should always be present in anything that concerns his family.

My friend, my sister, you always called to my attention each time you had worries. I know you died with a troubled heart, that I cannot even tell if you died of malaria or stress. Nonetheless, being the beautiful person you were with a beautiful heart, I know you will have peace in your new home. It is true and certain that I am still in shock, because I could not imagine that you leaving U.S for your husband’s death celebration was a way to also say your final goodbye to us. I promise to be there always for your family especially for NGU. I love you but god loves you more. I know he has called you to be with your family that way.

May your gentle soul rest in peace.
                Your friend and brother,
                NDI NKEMCHAP FORBIN
March 21, 2017
March 21, 2017
Dear mama, is barely three months you crown me, not to talk of all the sweet things you did for me and all the extra love that you gave me. There is no way I can pay you back all my plans is to show you that I understand. Mum you were the only one we had left, why have you left us this early/ Y? Y? Y mama? But if it is the will of God, so shall it be. Mama where ever you are, remember us and safe us a place in heaven. I love mum and you will be the only one I will always miss….RIP
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017

I know we all have hard times in life like when my mom first found out that her mom died she was having a hard time so I hugged her. I know my mom misses her mother. I miss my mom’s mother too. But it is a very hard time for me and my mother. I missed grandma giving me a shower every day before school…Now that I have to take a shower by myself, it’s longer than grandma giving me a shower. I miss my grandma, I missed us walking together to the end of the road. Rest in the bosom of the LORD grandma, and you will be in my mind forever.

Heart! heart! heart! I LOVE YOU GRANDMA!

             Ariel Tazisong
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017
Mammy Christy how I wish it was just a dream but each day I wake up to reality that u have really left us. You were our role model an example of how a mother gathers her children to her self.never discriminating amongs us. Your love that was expressed not only words but in all ur gestures and actions. I remember when we argue in the house u will always say wonna leavam so.those words where enough to calm everyone. Life keeps teaching us nothing even are most precious treasure which is family last for ever. Can't help but tear up each I think of You. You where our last resort they one we run to for everything and anything.u where always willing to hear us and find solutions to our problems. I will never forget u as long as I live. I remember the last word u spoke to me was" Marian learn book fine. Your book na ur first massa" I will never forget those words. I love u words are not enough to describe how great a person u where and how deep and painful the wounds u left us by leaving us.we love u but God loves u more. Until we meet again.
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
My mom, my idol, my rock: It is exactly two weeks today that you left us broken... Mom your death and eternal silence will remain a mystery to me. I still find it hard to believe you are gone. My heart is bleeding, the pain is real, and my house is empty without you. Your grand kids, Ariel, Evan, Anu, & Rina all miss you and they continue to ask me when you will return. I told them they will never see you again because you are gone to glory, and Evan asked “can we buy another grandma.” I told him no, grandma is not replaceable, he ran off. Each time a grandma is mentioned, the kids think about you, and think it is you on the phone.

I had gotten comfortable with your tender loving care, coming home to a warm meal and a clean house after work. When I worked longer hours into the night, you will stay up all night waiting for my return before you can go to bed. You always cared about my well-being, and you always showed your love in an extra ordinary fashion. I was certain you will raise my kids for me just as I was raised by my grandmother. My kids have been denied that privilege by your untimely dead. Rina Njinkeng Tazisong, your mother’s namesake, is only 2 years old and you are gone to return no more. I used to look forward to your presence at Ariel’s high school graduation just like you were at her kindergarten’s graduation. It’s all fantasy now. The inevitable hands of death has taken you away from us. How cruel?

Now I realize the door has closed letting you out permanently. Your exit is so painful, and the heartache will never go away. On your sick bed you told me we will talk when you get well. I was hoping you will wake up from your sick bed and tell us how “uwa Nji” sent you back, but here we are, in deep sorrow and broken hearts. I still miss her too, she was an awesome grandmother. I am sure my brothers, Julius and Valentine, who preceded you in death will welcome you too in paradise, and you all will prepare a place for us as we will reunite one day in glory as the Lord allows. Mom you have always been my light, the light never faded but suddenly blackout and now am living in the shadow of darkness… LORD come to my rescue….

Am thankful for your love mom, and your kindness to humanity was phenomenal. I hope I can be able to emulate. I weep because I have been denied the chance to return your immeasurable love, to put a smile on your face again, I didn’t even get to say goodbye, it hurts… bye mom…I will always love you…Your memory will remain in my heart forever. Missing you mom, rest in perfect PEACE…
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
Dearest Mrs. Leke:

Your departure for the Heavenly Abode is painful for the family and friends you left behind, especially because you left very swiftly, with a few items on your to-do-list. God’s time is the best, we are reminded, time and again. You left to be with the Lord, with family who went before you, and with your loving husband. You accomplished much since he left you with the kids. Thank God that you finally celebrated his life just a few months before your passing. God knows your mission on earth has been successful. You raised your kids well and helped with the grand kids. Your children with your sisters and brothers will miss you more but everyone who knew you will miss you greatly. It is only about two months ago that we were together in Buea and you were full of life and love. Enjoy your Heavenly home and intercede for the family you left behind to mourn your departure. Though, I am still in disbelieve, I know you are resting in peace!

Uncle John

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