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December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023
Happy birthday, my dear son, Christopher! there’s still in the day that goes by that you’re not missed so much.
Still hard to believe you’re not here I’m just talking to you. Miss laughing with you. Miss everything about you. I truly hope you behaving yourself up there with grandma and Susan, and everyone else you can get in trouble with.
Keep up your Sense-of humor, keep your grandmother
, laughing all the time.
It is so hard for me to write on this, but I want you to know that as by everything that you’ve done and every thought about you was always still there even though it’s not written down on paper, merry Christmas, happy birthday and all my love is with you my love love, your mother!!
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
This flower is for you, Christopher. I love you so very much and I miss you even more love, mom.
September 19, 2023
September 19, 2023
My dear son, Christopher, I can hardly believe it’s 10 years since you’ve passed!!
The whole a parent has in their heart, when your child passes before you do always stays there the pain I don’t know how to describe it it’s just there.
I miss you so very much and I wish you were here every day!
I love you so very much now, and forever. take care of you, grandmother, and aunt Cathie until I get there.
I love you with all my heart mom
September 18, 2022
September 18, 2022
Dear Christopher, I miss you so very much. There isn’t an a day that goes by that you’re not thought of, and not missed! I wish I hug you,and talk to you. This the hardest thing For a parent to have to through.
Much love goes to you from your brother and sister and everyone else. I love you so very much Christopher I miss you every day. Love mom
December 28, 2021
December 28, 2021
Wishing you a happy birthday my dear son, and wish you were here with us. Ashley and Matthew wish you a happy birthday also and we all think of you so often. And I remember the day you were born this day in 1967 in Germany driving to the hospital in a snowstorm. There was always so much drama involved with you why would that be any different. Sending you a really big hug and kisses and all my love. Love mom
September 19, 2021
September 19, 2021
Dear Christopher, you are missed by everyone, and we never stop thinking about you. A day never goes by when your family, and I don’t think about you,and wish you were here.
Your humor was infectious, and brought joy and laughter to many faces. I hope you know you touched so many lives. I love you with all my heart!!
All my love mom
September 18, 2020
September 18, 2020
Dear Christopher, it is so hard for me to leave you messages on the site. It’s always a reminder that you are not here with us which is so very hard. I think about you every day, and I miss you terribly. I love you with all my heart, and will light candles for you today to remind you that I am thinking about you.
Until we meet again, I love, and miss you with all my heart. Love mom
September 25, 2019
September 25, 2019
Dear Christopher,
It's been six years since your passing, which is hard to believe, and it feels like it's been five minutes still. At this time I know that your aunt Susan is up there with you and you and her are having a great time together .
Her passing came as a shock and was extremely hard on all of us.
It was only about 6 1/2 weeks before your anniversary so,so many things were going on at the same time.
I'm so glad she's there with you to keep an eye on you because you're quite a handful.
You are truly missed by your sister and brother who find it really hard that you are gone.
I love you with all my heart and miss you terribly!!!
All the love in the world, love mom
December 28, 2017
December 28, 2017
Today is your birthday! (Well, I'm on the west coast now, so its been your birthday for a minute.) I can't believe you'd be 50 today! I wonder what you'd think of everything now. I miss you so much. I wish I could talk to you. Happy Birthday, big brother -- wherever you are, I hope it's fun today. I love you.
December 25, 2016
December 25, 2016
Today is Christmas Day, and of course my thoughts are with you again, wishing you were here with us all for the holidays.
Please know, that you might not be here with us in person, but you are here with us in our minds, and hearts!! We miss you so very much, and will love you always. Merry Christmas Christopher!!
Mom xoxoxo
December 20, 2015
December 20, 2015
Dear Christopher,
It is almost Christmas again, and I Still find it so hard to believe you will not be sharing it with us again! As these holidays approach,I find it so hard to come to this site each time. I suppose it is, because it lets me know you are really not here with us. This is your favorite time of year, an
d I truly miss your laughter, and stories about what's going on with you. I will be with Matt, and Ashley this year for the holidays. Now that I have found out how precious time is with your loved ones, I felt I should really see your brother, and sister more often.
You are in my heart everyday! I am so sorry you had to leave Missy, and Nicholas for I know their hearts still ache every day! You are in all of our thoughts and prayers every day my son.
Missing you so much, and sending all the love I have your way, today, and always!!
Love mom xoxox
September 8, 2015
September 8, 2015
The date of your passing is coming up soon. It is always such a hard time. Then again, every day is always hard without you in our lives. I miss you so much Christopher! I miss talking to you, hearing your voice, and you making me laugh with your crazy stories. The world is so different without you in it. I love and miss you dearly. Mom
December 28, 2014
December 28, 2014
Happy Birthday Christopher, today would be 47 years old! I think that of all your birthdays, the best one that we ever had, was when I took you to Disney World for your 8th BIRTHDAY.We went with Cathy, Susan, Arlene, and of course Grandma. What a good time we all had. Mickey Mouse, Pluto, and, all the other Disney characters hugging you for your Birthday! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss you. I don't think that I will ever understand why you left us so soon.I so miss hearing you on the phone telling me you love me, each and every time I spoke to you.The one good thing I have right now, is to hang on to the fact that we always told each other how much we loved each other each time we spoke. I am going to have to hang on to that, untill I see you again my dear son. Again, Happy Birthday my dear Christopher. I love you, and you so very much. Love Mom.
December 24, 2014
December 24, 2014
Its almost Christmas Day, and you wont be here with us again this year.
Around this time of year I have so many thoughts of you at Christmas time. How you loved this time of year. When you were little you would try everything to see what you got. Once, you actually found out where i hid presents, opened them all, and re-wrapped them all again.! After thattime I actually had to put them in large black bags and ride around with them in the trunk of the car until Christmas just so you could not find them!! The holidays are very hard without you Chris, but you are always in my heart, and I talk to you all the time. I know that you know you are loved! Merry Christmas my dear son.I love you . Mom
October 15, 2014
October 15, 2014
I am leaving you this candle, so it can guide you at night when you come to us in spirit while we sleep. Your sister's,brother, wife, son,dad, and me your mom. I never thought anything would be so hard to deal with, but I was wrong.Never hearing your voice, and your stories are so hard to live without now. I miss not hearing you say, I love you mom all the time. I am so glad though that you always told me, and Vice Versa. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you, and how much I love you. You were the most loving son, a mother could have, and I miss you so much Christopher! LOVE MOM
September 20, 2014
September 20, 2014
You are greatly loved and missed so much
September 18, 2014
September 18, 2014
Thanks for making this Mom -- it's very special.

I know we miss Chris every day and I hope you like the photos I uploaded -- I love you.
September 18, 2014
September 18, 2014
There isn't a childhood memory I have without you in it Topher. You left us far too soon and with so much more life left to live. You touched every person you ever met with your smile and had a personality that can never be compared. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your life.

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