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His Life

The Story of CJ

July 31, 2017

               Charles Jack (CJ) Speers went home on July 28th, 2017.  He was born October 21, 1945 to Jack Speers and Kathrine Barton Speers.  He graduated from Grand Prairie High School and went on to Le Teourneau University in Longview, Texas.  He left there in 1969 with his engineering degree and a new wife, Fern Moughon Speers.  CJ’s career moves took them to Sharon, PA for three years where son, Brady Jack was born as a Yankee (as CJ always said).  His work with Westinghouse Corporation meant a job transfer to lovely Jefferson City, MO on the banks of the Missouri River.  This is where the birth of their daughter, Rebecca Ann completed their family of four.  CJ finally made it back home to Texas when a job change three years later relocated them to the town of Friendswood, Texas. 

               CJ and Fern began to notice a pattern in their lives; it seemed that at every new location they were led to become involved in a new start up churches.  Not being a public speaker, CJ was always more comfortable to “do love” for his God. He just left all that “Sunday school teaching and committee stuff” to Fern.  She just led him into the social gatherings at church where he would generally crack folks up with his famous one-liners.  They eventually made it back to Central Texas where they have lived the last thirty years.  They gathered many sweet friends along the way and consider them wonderful gifts from their Father above. 

               Being an engineer, electrician, mechanic, and builder CJ was in earthly heaven if he could “do love” using his skills to help build or fix anything in his church home or for his family and friends.  He was willing to use those same hands to play pianos, organs, and work sound systems as needed.  He quietly loved his God and often got a little teary eyed over his concern for someone.  He would say, “Come over here, hon. We need to pray about this.”  His greatest joy has been to watch his legacy go on through his children and grandchild as they continue to “do love” for God each in their own way.  He would say, “what more could a man ask for.”