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July 3
July 3
You are never forgotten, continue resting love till we meet again.Today would have been another chance to take that birthday pic with your charming smile.
January 2
January 2
You've been missed Cherie!! Continue to Sleep well babes! ️
February 23, 2023
February 23, 2023
It's so heartbreaking to hear such a news. It pains me to imagine what you're family can be going through consider the star you were. Go well Clarisse...even the Bible says "It is appointed for man to live and die once and after that judgement". May you be proven right I Pray. Rest In perfect peace ma'am!. I pray for strength to your Family, Friends and Loved ones. RIP
February 12, 2023
February 12, 2023
‘Mamie Clara’ as I fondly called you and you will always respond with a giggle. We are all living a nightmare, it’s hard to accept this, so many questions with no answers. We made plans with you but things turned otherwise.
So at this juncture I’m going to chose to remember you as the loving, caring and happy niece you were.
I love you and will miss you every day.
Aunty Ndakor
January 30, 2023
January 30, 2023
Life indeed is unpredictable. My heart is heavy, words short to express the pain and my mind still incapable of accepting you are no more . Only memories of you my friend we keep, tears ain’t able to portray the shock and grief we feel . We love you but your creator loves you most Rest In Peace by the Lord’s side Clar….
January 18, 2023
January 18, 2023
“Clarisse”, my beautiful intelligent princess, alway smiling. You have left the world so soon, to meet with our creator. You have left the whole family confusion, we are asking questions without answers not knowing what we would have done differently. Agbor, like we call you. I remember when you children were little, going to school together with Babe Rose. I still have those pictures. Just the thought of hearing you have left us gives me palpitations.  But the lord almighty knows why, we can not question him. Although it is very difficult to say it, but baby girl rest in peace. We will miss you, You will always remain in our memories Dr. Clarisse Agbor Enowetie.
January 13, 2023
January 13, 2023
Cla… Only pictures and memories left
Of you. A very painful loss. ADIEU MANOR
January 12, 2023
January 12, 2023
Clarise, you left the world to rest in the bossom of our Maker, no thoughts about this at all. The question here is, was that really the right moment ? We are left with tones and thousands of unanswered questions. Was there anything that could have been done differently to keep you here with us? Believe me, we don't have the authority to question God our Maker, we are severely touched by this demise, your untimely death. Our prayer is to get the 
  most comfort to be able to support this moment. It is sad to remember that you were such a charming, intelligent and highly talented young woman,  the vacuum is very Hugh. May your gentle soul RIP. Forever missed. 
January 10, 2023
January 10, 2023
Only knew of you through the stories your Aunty Bessem told of your achievements - her ‘studying to be a doctor niece’.
Thankful for the joy you brought to all who knew you and praying God’s comfort to your parents and extended family during these tough times!
Rest in peace, Clarisse!
January 10, 2023
January 10, 2023
Rest in peace baby girl... May you find peace in the lord .. So sad you had to leave too soon
Rest well sis
January 10, 2023
January 10, 2023
If I knew you’d be gone this soon… wouldn’t have waited this long to reach out. I’ll never forget what you did for me.
Rest well❤️
January 10, 2023
January 10, 2023
Homie you took us unaware but then His ways are not our ways. To think we will not talk, laugh together or see eye to eye is unbelievable. Sleep easy Klar♥️.
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Gone too soon my angel may you find complete rest at the Lord's bosom and may your usual smile continue to shine.
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Too many memories of you. A sister and a friend, I still can’t believe you’re gone. Rest In Peace Cla
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Clarisse I just realized maybe this was your time to go but it’s so heart breaking. I’m shocked we won’t be clashing at tech and laughing that we always clash here unknowingly. I remember 3 different scenarios we met at tech n we laughed that maybe we are destined for something together… clarisse??? I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what happened to you.
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Go well angel. When God took you back, he said Hallelujah, you’re home!
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
My Cameroonian warrior, I don’t even know where to start. You were beyond amazing. God, I love you so so much. You made me laugh and always looked out for me like a big sister fr. I’ll miss you and I’ll finish strong. Rest well my Angel️
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
I’ll miss you baby girl. Rest in Peace ma cherie️
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
You will always call me mohsi mohsi.... I remember when we were kids, we always fight but the bond kept us going. My ever smiling sister. It's a hard pill to swallow. Your demise has kept all of us in total confusion. You are a rare Gem. I believe the angels are rejoicing with you in that better place. Your memories will forever live in me. Rest in God's bossom my dearest sister
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
I got to know you for five years Clar, and cherish those little memories we shared. I left Saker after form five but even with that gap in time, you still treated me as a friend, chatted with me and laugh with me, because that's who you are. Thank you for the smiles you put on my face.
I also admired your confidence.
Go well dearest, your memory will always be here.
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Your death surprises me enormously because no one has seen a sign. As it is written, no one knows the hour or the day. May God facilitate the rest of your soul. You leave an academic family in tears but all that God does is good. rest in peace.
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Agbor it feels like everything good is missing since you left ..and here on Earth, everything's different there's an emptiness .I hope the angels know what they have cuz I’m jealous of them ..Im sure it's so nice up in Heaven since you arrived…you always laughed and I will ask u “do u ever frown Agbor” ……but I hope ur fears and pain have gone away my bby ❤️
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
It's still really hard to believe. One of the best international students I've ever met. So lively, friendly and really cool. Always making everybody laugh. You will forever be in our hearts. May God grant you a peaceful rest in heaven Cla.
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Dear Cla
Death may have taken you away from us but it can never take away the memories..I believe you are in a better and happy place.. Rest in perfect peace..You will forever be missed❤️️
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Gone to soon , greatly missed already. Rest on little one❤️
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Knowing you right from Omega and writing this now is unbelievable. I pray Heaven opens its gates to you. Rest well in God’s arms
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Cla …i never got to tell you but i love you so much…you meant alot to me the little times you’ll hype me and help me out meant alot
It’s still unbelievable but i know you’re here with me …rest in peace mama God knows best
Forever in our hearts
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Rest in peace baby girl... May you find peace in the lord .. So sad you had to leave too soon
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
My dearest Cla, I miss you every day. Wherever you are i want you to know that i love you so much my friend
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Hey my little Angel, Cla words fail me Bcs everyday I wake up in disbelief, you broke my heart so much Cherie, I would have said u would have fought but I know u gave it your best! Cla may God forgive you n receive you into His heavenly kingdom. N when he decides to send you back, may He make life so easy for you, and may you achieve all your dreams you didn’t achieve in this life! If tears could bring you back I swear I’d cry you a river! It’s sooo unbelievable! God!! what!!! I’ll miss u so much Cherie, watch over us and rest in peace Cla ️
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Rest in perfect peace Angel, heaven could not wait for you.
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Cla, you have left a void in our hearts, but who are we to question God. May your soul rest in perfect peace till we meet again you will be great missed
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Rest well lil sis. Thanks for inspiring your world
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Gone too soon in deed. May God take you to a better place
Fabiola Fotso
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023
Dear Cla, I've known you for roughly 2 years. You always gave me this "Big, protective sis" yet "reserved person" vibe. I really liked your voice and confidence, literally brains and beauty. I still have hope you may comeback but I also know that God knows best. I pray that the Lord almighty guides your soul to his humble abode. We cherish the memories you left us with. Rest in well deserved peace Agbor Clarisse Enœtie.

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