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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, CLAUDE PICARD: A CELEBRATION OF HIS LIFE, 63 years old, born on December 13, 1958, and passed away on October 24, 2022. We will remember him forever.
May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023
From Scott's sister Télaleigh Ivanye Skyy Lucretia (also known as Leigh)

For Claude

For my brother-in-law unequaled

In your death, as in your life, you reunite, and unite us yet again

Claude ~~
A complex and accomplished man.
Generous, kind, full of humor. Passionate agony for all that is wrong with our world.
A deep understanding of the kindred spirit we share with animals; our similarities, and the scintillating differences that brought us to consider them superior to humans in so many ways.

Your dedication to what is right.

Your devotion and utter commitment to family

Your commitment to commitment

Your graciousness

Your laughter

Your ability to fall asleep at a moments notice, and wake up refreshed and create with vibrant energy.

But above all that, I valued the way you treasured my brother.

Maybe my favorite story:
On a gorgeous summer day, we were strolling up the Montréal mountain called Mont Royal. You and I were a few steps ahead, Scott, Paul, Kelly, Skylar, and Leona trailed in their own group.

I suddenly realized that I never knew how you and Scott had met!

“Oh, we lived with an Italian family in Perugia. I opened the door for Scott when he arrived a week or so after I had. I was actually dating a woman back in Canada! I could go either way; I suppose it’s the French in me. I fell in love with him at first sight.”

You had my devotion as a beloved brother before that… but that cinched you to my heart forever as the man I could trust with my brother.

Thank you for loving Scott.
Thank you for loving Augustan.

Thank you for everything you continue to be, because I believe that time and mortality may be concepts we as humans don’t come close to understanding.

Love always from your sister-in-law
Leigh Lucretia
March 12, 2023
December 21, 2022
December 21, 2022
Claude was my vice-principal at Laurentian Regional High School. Almost every day, he and I would stop in a hall and talk. He was passionate about students and how to make their free time more engaging. I am so saddened by his passing. He was a great thoughtful man who will live in our hearts forever.
December 18, 2022
December 18, 2022
He was a bright light among his students and inspired so many to reach for their goals and capabilities. He loved life, loved travel and I was honoured, to spend time as a parent guest, on one of his infamous Mexico weeks. Organized, informative and full of fun. Rest in peace dear man. You will be missed.
December 16, 2022
December 16, 2022
I was in M. Picard's Grade 8 class that went to Mexico in 1994. He regularly demonstrated to us that extraordinary outcomes are within our grasp, if only we try. He always expected the best (from the world, from his students) and often got it. He was funny, sincere, deeply analytical and inspiring. Tu vas me manquer, Claude.
December 15, 2022
December 15, 2022
My heartfelt condolences to Claude's family and loved ones.
Claude taught my older daughter for 3 years and my younger daughter for one year at Royal Orchard Public School. He was a phenomenal teacher who respected his students' intellectual abilities and brought out the best in them. Also he never held back from emotionally engaging them. For the year-end trip he took my younger daughter's class to Mexico! What a learning experience that was for them!
My younger daughter loved him, my older one and her whole class worshipped him. I considered him a good friend, who was as involved in my children's lives as I was. The world has lost an exceptional human being.
Rest in Peace my friend.
November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
Claude...What a caring and positive-minded man you were. Our family was so blessed to have crossed paths with you. You become more than just a tutor to my children Andrew and Amanda... you were our friend. We are forever grateful that you gave our son Andrew one of the richest abilities in life of reading and writing. You will be forever missed.

Jennifer and Bruno
November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
Dear Claude,
I can never thank you enough for everything you have done for me. You were more than a tutor you are my mentor. I miss our Wednesdays and I miss all our off-topic conversations. I am forever grateful to have had you in my life. I will make you proud, I will graduate! Forever missed.

Andrew Anania
November 19, 2022
November 19, 2022
Dearest Uncle Claude, I can’t believe that I won’t see you again. I loved how you joked with me. Most people lose that fire as they get older but your sass and whit only grew. I could never keep up with your energy in Italy . In my memories in Italy, you are immortal. I am in denial you are gone. You didn’t just speak 6 languages, you were gifted with an ability to understand people. You are one of only a couple people that understand me. You accomplished so much in your life. A beautiful family, a career where you made such an impact on young people and the next generation. Your loss is a great great loss and you are loved and missed. All of my prayers are with all those Claude loved, especially with my baby cousin Augustan Picard.

Très cher oncle Claude, je ne peux pas croire que je ne te reverrai plus. J'ai adoré la façon dont tu plaisantais avec moi. La plupart des gens perdent ce feu en vieillissant, mais votre culot et votre esprit ne font que grandir. Je ne pourrais jamais suivre ton énergie en Italie. Dans mes souvenirs en Italie, tu es immortel. Je suis dans le déni, tu es parti. Vous ne parliez pas seulement 6 langues, vous étiez doué d'une capacité à comprendre les gens. Tu es l'une des rares personnes à me comprendre. Vous avez accompli tant de choses dans votre vie. Une belle famille, une carrière où tu as eu un tel impact sur les jeunes et la relève. Votre perte est une grande grande perte et vous êtes aimé et manqué. Toutes mes prières vont à tous ceux que Claude aimait, en particulier à mon petit cousin Augustan Picard.
November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022
Obituary placed in the Windsor Star
Cherished partner, father, brother, and nephew passed away the evening of October 24, 2022 surrounded by family. Life partner to Scott Gilchrist for 38 years, and devoted father to Augustin Picard. Beloved son of Dr. Marcel Picard (2013) and Theresa Picard (nee Holland; 2007). Younger brother to Paul Picard (Marnie Stranks), Marc Picard, and older brother to Joseph Picard and Dr. Erin Picard (Daniel Murphy). Chère tante Claudette was by Claude's side throughout his many years of health challenges. He is survived by many nieces, nephews, and cousins. Claude and the entire Picard family owe a debt of gratitude to our cousin Lori Yauk, who generously and selflessly gave him the gift of an additional 10 years of life through organ donation. This will never be forgotten and should be an inspiration to us all.
Un apprenant non conventionnel, Claude a fait face à des défis dans un système d'éducation traditionnel. Il a su les surmonter et a même excellé, décrochant des certificats et des diplômes, notamment en droit, de l'université d'Ottawa, de l'université de Windsor, de l'université de Cambridge et de la Sorbonne en France. Grâce à ses talents linguistiques et à son amour pour les langues, Claude s'exprimait couramment en français, en italien, en espagnol et en anglais.
Claude began his teaching career in the Greater Toronto Area, later moving to Montreal to continue teaching and become an administrator. There he was able to combine his passions for the French language with his desire to make a difference in the lives of students. In his later years, post retirement, he took his passion for teaching struggling learners, and set about getting trained in the Orton-Gillingham method of reading intervention. Claude had in excess of 30 students he was working with tirelessly to change their lives.
Early in childhood, Claude developed a passion for travel. Through travel, he not only embraced languages, he developed an enhanced appreciation for the culture of the many countries he visited.
A memorial gathering to celebrate his life will be held at a later date. Donations in his memory may be made to a charity of your choice.

For more please visit:

Nécrologie placée dans le Windsor Star
Partenaire chéri, père, frère et neveu est décédé le soir du 24 octobre 2022 entouré de sa famille. Partenaire de vie de Scott Gilchrist pendant 38 ans et père dévoué d'Augustin Picard. Fils bien-aimé du Dr Marcel Picard (2013) et de Theresa Picard (née Holland; 2007). Frère cadet de Paul Picard (Marnie Stranks), Marc Picard et frère aîné de Joseph Picard et du Dr Erin Picard (Daniel Murphy). Chère tante Claudette a été aux côtés de Claude tout au long de ses nombreuses années de problèmes de santé. Il laisse dans le deuil plusieurs nièces, neveux et cousins. Claude et toute la famille Picard ont une dette de gratitude envers notre cousine Lori Yauk, qui lui a généreusement et généreusement fait don de 10 années de vie supplémentaires grâce au don d'organes. Cela ne sera jamais oublié et devrait être une source d'inspiration pour nous tous.
Un apprenant non conventionnel, Claude a fait face à des défis dans un système d'éducation traditionnel. Il a su les vaincre et un même excellé, décrochant des certificats et des diplômes, notamment en droit, de l'université d'Ottawa, de l'université de Windsor, de l'université de Cambridge et de la Sorbonne en France. Grâce à ses talents linguistiques et à son amour pour les langues, Claude s'exprimait couramment en français, en italien, en espagnol et en anglais.
Claude a commencé sa carrière d'enseignant dans la région du Grand Toronto, puis a déménagé à Montréal pour continuer à enseigner et devenir administrateur. Là, il a pu combiner ses passions pour la langue française avec son désir de faire une différence dans la vie des étudiants. Dans ses dernières années, après sa retraite, il a pris sa passion pour l'enseignement des apprenants en difficulté et s'est mis à se former à la méthode Orton-Gillingham d'intervention en lecture. Claude avait plus de 30 étudiants avec qui il travaillait sans relâche pour changer leur vie.
Dès l'enfance, Claude a développé une passion pour les voyages. Grâce aux voyages, il a non seulement embrassé les langues, mais il a également développé une appréciation accrue de la culture des nombreux pays qu'il a visités.
Un rassemblement commémoratif pour célébrer sa vie aura lieu à une date ultérieure. Des dons en sa mémoire peuvent être faits à une œuvre de bienfaisance de votre choix.

Pour en savoir plus, veuillez visiter :

November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022
Dear Claude, Hope you are back in shape soon. We miss you very much especially your jokes! ;-) Hopefully you can eat + enjoy these stuffed shells I made for you. I also made these chocolates ...thx to my mom's tupperware gadgets. '-) Take care of yourself because everything will be ok.

Cher Claude, J'espère que tu seras bientôt de retour en forme. Tu nous manques beaucoup surtout tes blagues ! ;-) J'espère que vous pourrez manger + profiter de ces coquilles farcies que j'ai faites pour vous. J'ai aussi fait ces chocolats ... merci aux gadgets tupperware de ma mère. '-) Prenez soin de vous car tout ira bien.

Saluti da tutti, Aurora, Mena, Mattia, Leandro xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo

Saluti da tutti, Aurora, Mena, Mattia, Leandro  xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo
November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022
Dear Claude, I'm sorry that you got pneumonia. So far French has been very hard because we already got 2 tests. Even though school as been hard, I have some good news. October is dyslexia and HDHD awareness month. I joined the student council and we might do something like a bake sale to speed awareness. Thank you for being the best tutor for me and lots of other kids. I can't wait till you come back.   From: Annalia

Cher Claude, je suis désolé que tu aies une pneumonie. Jusqu'à présent, le français a été très difficile car nous avons déjà obtenu 2 tests. Même si l'école a été difficile, j'ai de bonnes nouvelles. Octobre est le mois de la sensibilisation à la dyslexie et au HDHD. J'ai rejoint le conseil étudiant et nous pourrions faire quelque chose comme une vente de pâtisseries pour accélérer la sensibilisation. Merci d'être le meilleur tuteur pour moi et beaucoup d'autres enfants. J'ai hâte que tu reviennes. De : Annalie
November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022
I hope you feel better soon! I miss you and can't wait to see you again!

Claude, we hope the blanket keeps you warm and brings you a little Halloween spirit and cheer! Sending hugs and positivity your way!!! We miss you! Sophie

J'espère que tu iras mieux bientôt! Tu me manques et j'ai hâte de te revoir !

Claude, nous espérons que la couverture vous gardera au chaud et vous apportera un peu d'esprit et de joie d'Halloween ! Envoi de câlins et de positivité à votre façon !!! Tu nous manques! Sophie
November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022
Dear Claude, Ali and I & Georgie and Ben are very happy to know that you are feeling much better. Please know that you are always in our thoughts and wish you a speedy recovery (we brought you a cake from OLIVECAKES!).

Cher Claude, Ali et moi & Georgie et Ben sommes très heureux de savoir que tu te sens beaucoup mieux. Sachez que vous êtes toujours dans nos pensées et vous souhaitons un prompt rétablissement (nous vous avons apporté un gâteau d'OLIVECAKES !).
November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022
Hello Mr. Picard. It's strange not having lessons with you every week. My year of sec. 4 is going great so far. The enriched math is a bit difficult but you know me, I rise when challenges are thrown my way. A much bigger letter will be coming your way very soon. My mom just really wanted to send her letter right now, at this precise moment, and I got a late warning of when she was going to post it. I'm not going to reveal much of the big letter. I will just say that I think someone copied our story about Matt the Alligator. I hope this poked your curiosity! '-) I'm sending good healthy vibes your way. I can't wait to hear more from you. Talk to you soon, Charlotte Laurin

Bonjour M. Picard. C'est étrange de ne pas avoir de cours avec toi chaque semaine. Mon année de sec. 4 va très bien jusqu'à présent. Les maths enrichies sont un peu difficiles mais vous me connaissez, je me relève quand des défis me sont lancés. Une lettre beaucoup plus grande vous parviendra très bientôt. Ma mère voulait vraiment envoyer sa lettre tout de suite, à ce moment précis, et j'ai reçu un avertissement tardif du moment où elle allait la poster. Je ne vais pas révéler grand-chose de la grande lettre. Je dirai juste que je pense que quelqu'un a copié notre histoire sur Matt l'Alligator. J'espère que cela a attisé votre curiosité ! '-) Je vous envoie de bonnes vibrations saines. J'ai hâte d'en savoir plus sur vous. A bientôt, Charlotte Lauri
November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022
Wishing you a speedy recovery and we are all looking forward to seeing you soon. Love, Andrew, Jennifer, Amanda, Bruno and Milo

Je vous souhaite un prompt rétablissement et nous espérons tous vous revoir bientôt. Amour, Andrew, Jennifer, Amanda, Bruno et Milo
November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022
Dear Claude,

We were so sad to hear about your health issues. We are grateful to get updates and we are happy to hear there is progress for you. We all miss you very much and we have prayed for your recovery. Get well soon! Love, Chloe, Brandon and Teni (the Shampoo girl")

Cher Claude,

Nous avons été très tristes d'apprendre vos problèmes de santé. Nous sommes reconnaissants de recevoir des mises à jour et nous sommes heureux d'apprendre qu'il y a des progrès pour vous. Vous nous manquez tous beaucoup et nous avons prié pour votre rétablissement. Se rétablir rapidement! Love, Chloé, Brandon et Teni (la fille du shampooing")
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
A few words we would have said to Claude:
We have so many fine and vivid memories of you gathered over the years in our journeys to Canada, your vacations in California, and during our trips with you to France and Portugal.
We remember your bright spirit, intellect, and sense of humor.
We recall your welcoming hospitality and warmth. You took care of us and so many others.
When we traveled you always made sure there were activities for Augie. We admired your skill as a parent of Augie and know it will benefit him during his entire life.
On the same day in France that you found Dessange for Barbara, you took me to a store where I bought my two favorite European-cut sports coats. So thoughtful of you.
You always had a smile and a twinkle in your eye. You knew just how to make us laugh uncontrollably.
We admire you and your adventurous spirit. We recall being horrified seeing a photo of you in an extremely tiny mini-ultra-light flying contraption high in the sky over some foreign country – oh no!
You cared about animal rights to the extent that you became qualified to litigate on their behalf!
You have had a great and beneficial effect on so many lives! You are loved by so many people.
We will treasure memories of our times together, always hold you in high esteem and we will miss you forever. 
Alan and Barbara Burbank

Quelques mots que nous aurions dit à Claude :
Nous avons tant de beaux et vifs souvenirs de vous recueillis au fil des ans lors de nos voyages au Canada, de vos vacances en Californie et de nos voyages avec vous en France et au Portugal.
Nous nous souvenons de votre esprit brillant, de votre intelligence et de votre sens de l'humour.
Nous nous souvenons de votre hospitalité et de votre chaleur. Vous avez pris soin de nous et de tant d'autres.
Lorsque nous avons voyagé, vous vous êtes toujours assuré qu'il y avait des activités pour Augie. Nous avons admiré votre compétence en tant que parent d'Augie et savons que cela lui sera bénéfique tout au long de sa vie.
Le même jour en France où vous avez trouvé Dessange pour Barbara, vous m'avez emmené dans un magasin où j'ai acheté mes deux manteaux de sport préférés de coupe européenne. Tellement attentionné de votre part.
Tu as toujours eu un sourire et une étincelle dans les yeux. Tu savais juste comment nous faire rire de façon incontrôlable.
Nous vous admirons, vous et votre esprit aventureux. Nous nous souvenons d'avoir été horrifiés en voyant une photo de vous dans un tout petit engin ultra-léger volant très haut dans le ciel au-dessus d'un pays étranger - oh non !
Vous vous souciez des droits des animaux dans la mesure où vous êtes devenu qualifié pour plaider en leur nom !
Vous avez eu un effet formidable et bénéfique sur tant de vies ! Vous êtes aimé par tant de gens.
Nous chérirons les souvenirs de nos moments ensemble, vous tiendrons toujours en haute estime et vous nous manquerez pour toujours.
Alan et Barbara Burbank
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Luis Pestana

Mis condolencias primeramente a
Scott, Augustin y toda su Familia

No puedo expresar el dolor que
siento en mi corazón y mi alma
por la pérdida de nuestro Querido
Claude, una de las personas más
increíble que he conocido y
conoceré en mi vida, era como un
rayito de sol en la mañana con su
gran sonrisa y siempre bromeando,
cuando lo conocí mi vida cambio
para mucho mejor y estoy

inmensamente agradecido por ello,
no hay palabras que describan el
infinito amor que irradiaba su

Diosito debe de estar honrado de
tenerlo en sus filas de ángeles
siempre estaras en nuestros

Luis Pestana

Mes condoléances d'abord à
Scott, Augustin et toute leur famille

Je ne peux pas exprimer la douleur que
Je ressens dans mon coeur et mon âme
pour la perte de notre bien-aimé
Claude, l'un des plus
incroyable que j'ai rencontré et
Je saurai dans ma vie, c'était comme un
rayon de soleil du matin avec son
grand sourire et plaisantant toujours,
quand je l'ai rencontré ma vie a changé
pour beaucoup mieux et je suis

infiniment reconnaissant pour cela,
il n'y a pas de mots pour décrire le
l'amour infini qui irradiait son

Diosito doit être honoré
l'ont dans leurs rangs d'anges
tu seras toujours dans notre

My condolences first to
Scott, Augustin and all their Family

I can't express the pain that
I feel in my heart and my soul
for the loss of our beloved
Claude, one of the most
amazing i have met and
I will meet in my life, he was like a
ray of sunshine in the morning with his
big smile and always joking,
when i met him my life changed
for much better and I am

immensely grateful for it,
there are no words to describe the
infinite love that radiated his
heart of him

Diosito must be honored
have him in their ranks of angels
you will always be in our
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Rosaria and Stephanie

My sincere sympathies to the
family. I am at a loss for words.
Claude was an amazing person whom
we were blessed to have in our
lives. His kind heart and hope
that he instilled in the children
and families will be greatly
missed. In his own way, he made a
difference in each of our lives.
His passion and purpose to help
children excel to the fullest
potential and to believe in
themselves will not go forgotten.

Thank you Claude for being in our
lives and being an amazing human

Rosaria et Stéphanie

Mes sincères sympathies au
famille. Je suis à court de mots.
Claude était une personne incroyable qui
nous avons eu la chance d'avoir dans notre
des vies. Son bon coeur et son espoir
qu'il a inculqué aux enfants
et les familles seront grandement
manqué. A sa manière, il a fait un
différence dans chacune de nos vies.
Sa passion et son objectif d'aider
les enfants excellent au maximum
potentiel et croire en
eux-mêmes ne seront pas oubliés.

Merci Claude d'être dans notre
vie et être un être humain incroyable
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Aisha and Elijah

We are so sad to hear this news
and we offer our condolences to
Claude's family. Elijah always
looked forward to his sessions
with Claude. Claude's dedication
to helping our son seemed more
like a passion than a profession
and we are truly grateful for his
help during the past few years.
Elijah will miss him, and so will

Aïcha et Élie

Nous sommes tellement tristes d'apprendre cette nouvelle
et nous offrons nos condoléances à
La famille de Claude. Elie toujours
attend avec impatience ses séances
avec Claude. Le dévouement de Claude
aider notre fils semblait plus
comme une passion plus qu'un métier
et nous lui sommes vraiment reconnaissants
aide au cours des dernières années.
Il va manquer à Elijah, et il en sera de même
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Angela & Georgie

Our condolences to the family
it’s with a very heavy heart that
I am writing this email . We met
Claude two years ago during the
beginning of Covid. I was
desperate to have somebody help
my Georgie and there he was this
amazing man who understood her
and felt her need to learn. he
saw the sparkle in her eye and
always used to tell me. He wished
he had multiple students just
like her, and made me so happy to
see her excelling every time she
was with him. there’s one thing
that I know in my heart is that
every student he had they will
always have wonderful memories
and always believe in themselves
because he told them they will be
great , my heaven be blessed with
your presences

Angela et Georgie

Nos condoléances à la famille
c'est le coeur très lourd que
J'écris cet e-mail. Nous nous sommes rencontrés
Claude il y a deux ans lors de la
début du covid. j'étais
désespéré d'avoir quelqu'un pour aider
ma Georgie et il était là
homme incroyable qui l'a comprise
et ressentait son besoin d'apprendre. il
vu l'étincelle dans ses yeux et
toujours utilisé pour me dire. Il souhaitait
il avait plusieurs élèves juste
comme elle, et m'a rendu si heureux de
la voir exceller à chaque fois qu'elle
était avec lui. il y a une chose
ce que je sais dans mon coeur est que
chaque élève qu'il a eu, ils le feront
toujours de merveilleux souvenirs
et toujours croire en soi
parce qu'il leur a dit qu'ils seraient
grand, mon ciel soit béni avec
vos présences
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Allie Cherow

We are deeply saddened upon
hearing this news. Claude was an
exceptional human being, kind,
caring and soo bright that this
is a huge loss to all of us. My
son Ben loved his time spent with
Claude and we will never forget
him. He was always positive and a
ray of sunshine. My heart breaks
for his family and friends.

Allie Chérow

Nous sommes profondément attristés
en entendant cette nouvelle. Claude était un
être humain exceptionnel, gentil,
attentionné et tellement brillant que cela
est une énorme perte pour nous tous. Mon
fils Ben a adoré le temps qu'il a passé avec
Claude et nous n'oublierons jamais
lui. Il était toujours positif et un
rayon de soleil. Mon cœur se brise
pour sa famille et ses amis.
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Halivelakis Family

We are shocked and saddened by
this awful news. Our deepest
sympathies to his son, Augustin,
and to all of his family and
friends. Mr. Claude was a
wonderful person and he helped
our daughter so much. This is a
huge loss for the many lives he
touched. May he rest in peace.

Famille Halivelakis

Nous sommes choqués et attristés par
cette terrible nouvelle. Notre plus profond
sympathies à son fils, Augustin,
et à toute sa famille et
copains. M. Claude était un
personne merveilleuse et il a aidé
tellement notre fille. C'est un
énorme perte pour les nombreuses vies qu'il
touché. Qu'il repose en paix
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Strippa & Velosa

We are so very saddened, Claude
was an exceptional person. He was
committed and dedicated to his
clients and their families. Our
daughter got tutoring for the
past 3 years and she succeeded
academically because of Claude's
approach. We are grateful and
blessed for having met Claude, he
will be missed by so many. Our
deepest condolences to his family
our thoughts and prayers are with

trippa et Vélosa

Nous sommes tellement attristés, Claude
était une personne exceptionnelle. Il était
engagé et dévoué à son
clients et leurs familles. Notre
fille a obtenu des cours particuliers pour le
3 dernières années et elle a réussi
académiquement à cause de Claude
approcher. Nous sommes reconnaissants et
béni d'avoir rencontré Claude, il
manquera à tant de personnes. Notre
plus sincères condoléances à sa famille
nos pensées et nos prières accompagnent
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Caroline & Lea

Mes sincères condoléances. Claude
a effectivement eu un impact
marquant dans la vie de nos
enfants. C’était un homme
exceptionnel, sans pareil.

De tout cœur avec sa famille

Caroline la maman de Léa que
Claude a accompagnée pendant les
6 dernières années. Sans lui Lea

n’aurait pas réussi.

Caroline & Lea

My sincere condolences. Claudius
actually had an impact
significant in the lives of our
children. He was a man
exceptional, unparalleled.

Sincerely with his family

Caroline the mother of Léa that
Claude accompanied during the
last 6 years. Without him Lea
would not have succeeded.
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Family Villella

Please cannot express my deep
sadness for the passing of such a
wonderful human being. He was so
passionate about helping my son
and other children. He instilled
such hope and courage in a mother
like me. I will continue to press
ahead with my son because that is
what Claude would have done and
encouraged me to do. Although I
only knew him for a short time,
he has had a huge impact on me
and my son. My deepest
condolences to his family, his
friends and his devoted clients.
His memory will continue to love
on with all of us. I consider
myself privileged to have been
his client.

Famille Villella

S'il vous plaît, je ne peux pas exprimer ma profonde
tristesse pour le décès d'un tel
merveilleux être humain. Il était tellement
passionné d'aider mon fils
et d'autres enfants. Il a inculqué
tant d'espoir et de courage chez une mère
comme moi. je vais continuer à appuyer
de l'avant avec mon fils parce que c'est
ce que Claude aurait fait et
m'a encouragé à faire. Bien que je
ne l'a connu que peu de temps,
il a eu un énorme impact sur moi
et mon fils. Mon plus profond
condoléances à sa famille, ses
amis et ses fidèles clients.
Sa mémoire continuera d'aimer
avec nous tous. Je considère
moi-même privilégié d'avoir été
sa cliente.
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Marcela and Samuel

We are completely heartbroken; he
was an angel in our lives; he
gave our son a chance to move
forward; he gave us hope; he
believed in our son.

Our sincere condolences to
Agustin and to the family; we
will always remember Claude, such
a good, kind and generous person.
We pray for his soul to be
embraced by the merciful love of
the Lord.

Marcela et Samuel

Nous sommes complètement navrés; il
était un ange dans nos vies; il
a donné à notre fils une chance de déménager
vers l'avant; il nous a donné de l'espoir ; il
cru en notre fils.

Nos sincères condoléances à
Agustin et à la famille; nous
se souviendra toujours de Claude, tel
une personne bonne, gentille et généreuse.
Nous prions pour que son âme soit
embrassée par l'amour miséricordieux de
le Seigneur.
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Alaina and Elias

I am so grateful to have known
him for the short time he had on
this earth. He really did an
amazing thing - lifting the
spirits of my son when no one
else could figure out how- and we
will always remember the impact
he had.

Please send my heartfelt
condolences to his son, sister,
and partner. He will be dearly

Alaina et Elias

Je suis tellement reconnaissant d'avoir connu
lui pour le peu de temps qu'il a passé
cette terre. Il a vraiment fait un
chose incroyable - lever le
les esprits de mon fils quand personne
d'autre pourrait comprendre comment- et nous
se souviendra toujours de l'impact
il avait.

S'il vous plaît envoyez mon coeur
condoléances à son fils, sa soeur,
et partenaire. Il sera cher
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Mark & Justin

This is extremely sad news.
He was a great man, amazing
person. We were hoping to bring
him by a gift when he returned to
the office. Very sad for us and
for our son that came to really
like and appreciate Claude.
Please let the family know that
we give our condolences. Also is
there a funeral being held and/or
an obituary on a website for him?
I’d like to put some comments to
show our appreciation to him for
his family to see how amazing he

Marc et Justin

C'est une nouvelle extrêmement triste.
C'était un grand homme, incroyable
la personne. Nous espérions apporter
lui par un cadeau quand il est revenu à
le bureau. Très triste pour nous et
pour notre fils qui est venu vraiment
aime et apprécie Claude.
Veuillez informer la famille que
nous offrons nos condoléances. Est également
là où des funérailles ont lieu et/ou
une nécrologie sur un site Web pour lui?
J'aimerais ajouter quelques commentaires à
lui témoigner notre gratitude pour
sa famille pour voir à quel point il est incroyable
a été.
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Family Nunes


Our condolences to the family.
May God Bless Claude Picard!

Claude was a gift to this world
and we are all fortunate to have
had an opportunity to interact

with him.

Claude Picard will be missed by

all of us.

Kind regards.

Nunes de la famille


Nos condoléances à la famille.
Que Dieu bénisse Claude Picard !

Claude était un cadeau pour ce monde
et nous avons tous la chance d'avoir
eu l'occasion d'interagir

avec lui.

Claude Picard manquera à

nous tous.

Sincères amitiés.
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Derick & Logan

Hello, we are keeping you all,
especially close family in our
prayers. Sorry for your lost.

I knew Claude for about two
years, my son as learning
problems so Claude helped him

He was so generous, I did not see
this kind of generosity towards
me and my son except from my
close family. We also enjoyed our
lessons with him, laughing
together and playing learning

I pray that our Lord Jesus gives
you strength and peace.

Derick et Logan

Bonjour, nous vous gardons tous,
famille particulièrement proche dans notre
prières. Désolé pour ta perte.

Je connaissais Claude depuis environ deux
ans, mon fils comme apprenant
problèmes alors Claude l'a aidé

Il était si généreux, je n'ai pas vu
ce genre de générosité envers
moi et mon fils sauf de mon
la famille proche. Nous avons également apprécié notre
leçons avec lui, rire
ensemble et jouer apprendre

Je prie que notre Seigneur Jésus donne
vous la force et la paix.
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Mirna & Thomas

Nos condoléances à toutes ça
famille. C’était un grand homme
très bien aimé de tous. Il repose
en paix éternelle.

Mira and Thomas
Our condolences to all
family. He was a great man
very well liked by all. He rests
in eternal peace.

November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Georgia & Mia

I’m completely devastated
He was a very special person
My deepest condolences to his family

Géorgie et Mia

je suis complètement dévasté
C'était une personne très spéciale
Mes plus sincères condoléances à sa famille
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Martine & Amara

My deepest condolences my heart
is breaking Claude was so loved
and amazing he was every parents
hope for our children the world
will not be same with out him I'm
lost for words I don't even know
how to bring the news to Amara
was praying for him to come back
as soon he missed him very much
and I'm sure everyone will his
love for helping children with
learning disabilities shined so
bight he had such a smile u can't
forget please let know when the
funeral is I would to go

Martine & Amara

Mes plus sincères condoléances mon coeur
se casse Claude était tellement aimé
et incroyable il était tous les parents
espoir pour nos enfants le monde
ne sera pas pareil sans lui je suis
perdu pour les mots que je ne connais même pas
comment apporter les nouvelles à Amara
priait pour qu'il revienne
dès qu'il lui a beaucoup manqué
et je suis sûr que tout le monde le fera
aime aider les enfants avec
les troubles d'apprentissage ont tellement brillé
bight il avait un tel sourire tu ne peux pas
oublier s'il vous plaît laissez savoir quand le
l'enterrement est-ce que je voudrais aller
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Rest in Peace Claude, dear friend.

November 01, 2022

Repose en paix Claude, cher ami.

01 novembre 2022
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Joe Picard and family. Sending our deepest condolences. Remember and cherish all the good memories you have had together. He is now an angel looking over you. ❤️❤️
Denise and Robert Bondy

Joe Picard et sa famille. Envoi de nos plus sincères condoléances. Souvenez-vous et chérissez tous les bons souvenirs que vous avez eus ensemble. Il est maintenant un ange qui veille sur vous. ❤️❤️
Denise et Robert Bondy
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
Claude — cherished memories. He welcomed my young daughter Rachel into a preschoolers’ enrichment setting at « La Maison Française « @ the University of Windsor. I also took advanced spoken French classes privately from Claude. He was an outstanding motivator with exceptional standards. Il était si sympa ! Gros gros bisous. Marilyn Godard
Marilyn Godard
November 01, 2022

Claude — précieux souvenirs. Il a accueilli ma jeune fille Rachel dans un cadre d'enrichissement pour enfants d'âge préscolaire à « La Maison Française » @ l'Université de Windsor. J'ai également suivi des cours de français parlé avancés en privé avec Claude. Il était un motivateur exceptionnel avec des normes exceptionnelles. Il était si sympa ! Gros gros bisous. Marilyn Godard
Marilyn Godard
01 novembre 2022
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
To the entire Picard family - sending thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time.
Brian and Penny Rivait
November 02, 2022

À toute la famille Picard - envoyer des pensées et des prières pendant cette période la plus difficile.
Brian et Penny Rivait
02 novembre 2022
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
To my long time childhood friend. From kindergarten through high school and into our adult years, you were never far away. Rest peacefully my friend
Lorette Dupuis
November 03, 2022

A mon ami d'enfance de longue date. De la maternelle au lycée et jusqu'à l'âge adulte, vous n'étiez jamais loin. Repose en paix mon ami
Lorette Dupuis
03 novembre 2022
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
I will always remember our shared early life experiences, walks each day to Assumption High school and our occasional random meetings throughout our lives. Rest peacefully my friend. Mes sympathies a toute la famille. Lorette Dupuis
Lorette Dupuis
November 03, 2022

Je me souviendrai toujours de nos premières expériences partagées, des promenades quotidiennes à l'école secondaire Assumption et de nos rencontres occasionnelles au hasard tout au long de notre vie. Repose en paix mon ami. Mes sympathies à toute la famille. Lorette Dupuis
Lorette Dupuis
03 novembre 2022
November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022
I am so sorry for your loss. Always admired Claude for his open heart and insights. He will be missed and remembered. Love and blessings, Carol
Carol Montello
November 07, 2022

Je suis tellement désolé pour votre perte. Toujours admiré Claude pour son cœur ouvert et sa perspicacité. Il nous manquera et nous nous souviendrons de lui. Amour et bénédictions, Carol
Carole Montello
07 novembre 2022

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May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023
From Scott's sister Télaleigh Ivanye Skyy Lucretia (also known as Leigh)

For Claude

For my brother-in-law unequaled

In your death, as in your life, you reunite, and unite us yet again

Claude ~~
A complex and accomplished man.
Generous, kind, full of humor. Passionate agony for all that is wrong with our world.
A deep understanding of the kindred spirit we share with animals; our similarities, and the scintillating differences that brought us to consider them superior to humans in so many ways.

Your dedication to what is right.

Your devotion and utter commitment to family

Your commitment to commitment

Your graciousness

Your laughter

Your ability to fall asleep at a moments notice, and wake up refreshed and create with vibrant energy.

But above all that, I valued the way you treasured my brother.

Maybe my favorite story:
On a gorgeous summer day, we were strolling up the Montréal mountain called Mont Royal. You and I were a few steps ahead, Scott, Paul, Kelly, Skylar, and Leona trailed in their own group.

I suddenly realized that I never knew how you and Scott had met!

“Oh, we lived with an Italian family in Perugia. I opened the door for Scott when he arrived a week or so after I had. I was actually dating a woman back in Canada! I could go either way; I suppose it’s the French in me. I fell in love with him at first sight.”

You had my devotion as a beloved brother before that… but that cinched you to my heart forever as the man I could trust with my brother.

Thank you for loving Scott.
Thank you for loving Augustan.

Thank you for everything you continue to be, because I believe that time and mortality may be concepts we as humans don’t come close to understanding.

Love always from your sister-in-law
Leigh Lucretia
March 12, 2023
December 21, 2022
December 21, 2022
Claude was my vice-principal at Laurentian Regional High School. Almost every day, he and I would stop in a hall and talk. He was passionate about students and how to make their free time more engaging. I am so saddened by his passing. He was a great thoughtful man who will live in our hearts forever.
December 18, 2022
December 18, 2022
He was a bright light among his students and inspired so many to reach for their goals and capabilities. He loved life, loved travel and I was honoured, to spend time as a parent guest, on one of his infamous Mexico weeks. Organized, informative and full of fun. Rest in peace dear man. You will be missed.
Recent stories


November 22, 2022
How much you are so missed. You had a passion for travelling. This never set you back, no matter the consequences. Go now and visit the world and keep a close eye on us.

Your friend.  Jose Nunes (father)

Combien tu nous manques tant. Vous aviez la passion des voyages. Cela ne vous a jamais fait reculer, quelles que soient les conséquences. Allez maintenant visiter le monde et gardez un œil sur nous.

Ton ami. José Nunes (père)

Thank you

November 22, 2022
Thank  you for all the good and happy memories. I wish you did not leave us so soon.

From your friend: Jose Nunes

Merci pour tous ces bons et heureux souvenirs. Je souhaite que vous ne nous quittiez pas si tôt.
De votre ami : Jose Nunes

My Changing Destiny

November 21, 2022
This was homework that Andrew work on and got Claude to help him with. Claude and I were very impressed and proud of the work that Andrew did. I am forever grateful for meeting Claude and seeing how he made Andrew shine!

My Changing Destiny
Being told that you won’t graduate by professionals is destructive, hurtful and not always true. My journey has been a difficult one. It all started when I was young, and could not read nor write.  Initially, my parents were told that this would pass, and I was a late bloomer. As you can imagine, it did not pass, and I did not bloom. In fact, I became more frustrated, acted out or didn’t act at all.  Eventually, my parents took control of the situation, and the diagnosis soon followed like a guillotine in the French Revolution!
“No wonder, he’s dyslexic” they now proclaimed. But the story did not end in immediate jubilance.  One neuropsychologist energetically exclaimed that “Andrew will not succeed in the regular system as his case is too severe”. Another added in that familiar, all-knowing tone: “There are options for him, but just not in a regular classroom”. It appeared that I was now labelled, and left floundering in an educational system that prided itself on building a world in which <students come first>. Evaluations were easy, finding help was the obstacle that the school system did not provide. My parents were left with the burden of taking my education forward not only financially, but fighting a system that was not there to help me constructively. I was not alone. In fact, 25% of students shared my language difficulty with me, and they, as well, were unattended to in equal fashion.
I felt that I could not learn. I understood everything, but could not express it on paper, nor read it easily in text form. I felt judged, left aside, but several people around me coached me to success. Learning in a school scared me. My ears and mind were willing, but I lacked the skills necessary to advance.
Help finally came. I learned all my sounds in Reading and was taught how to write. Dyslexia is not curable but it is treatable. Despite the condemning words of my Elementary School Director that I would go no further, I did and I will continue to do so. Granted, this is not an easy struggle, however, dyslexics can learn and prosper. Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Hans Christen Anderson, Agatha Christie, Tom Cruise, Anderson Cooper, Steven Hawkins, Richard Branson and Albert Einstein were all dyslexic and led the world in their respective professions.
My journey is not complete. I must make a greater effort than many to succeed. I am lucky as I  received help, and only 2% of Dyslexics find themselves with assistance. No, I am not dumb nor I am lazy. Things are just a bit more difficult for me. Yes, I can now read and write. Yes, it is not always easy. Yes, the school system failed me. Yes, I can learn and yes, I will achieve. As Steven Spielberg noted: <It is more common than you can imagine. You are not alone. And while you will have this the rest of your life, you dart between the raindrops to get where you want to go and it will not hold you back”.
By Andrew Anania

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