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November 22, 2022
How much you are so missed. You had a passion for travelling. This never set you back, no matter the consequences. Go now and visit the world and keep a close eye on us.

Your friend.  Jose Nunes (father)

Combien tu nous manques tant. Vous aviez la passion des voyages. Cela ne vous a jamais fait reculer, quelles que soient les conséquences. Allez maintenant visiter le monde et gardez un œil sur nous.

Ton ami. José Nunes (père)

Thank you

November 22, 2022
Thank  you for all the good and happy memories. I wish you did not leave us so soon.

From your friend: Jose Nunes

Merci pour tous ces bons et heureux souvenirs. Je souhaite que vous ne nous quittiez pas si tôt.
De votre ami : Jose Nunes

My Changing Destiny

November 21, 2022
This was homework that Andrew work on and got Claude to help him with. Claude and I were very impressed and proud of the work that Andrew did. I am forever grateful for meeting Claude and seeing how he made Andrew shine!

My Changing Destiny
Being told that you won’t graduate by professionals is destructive, hurtful and not always true. My journey has been a difficult one. It all started when I was young, and could not read nor write.  Initially, my parents were told that this would pass, and I was a late bloomer. As you can imagine, it did not pass, and I did not bloom. In fact, I became more frustrated, acted out or didn’t act at all.  Eventually, my parents took control of the situation, and the diagnosis soon followed like a guillotine in the French Revolution!
“No wonder, he’s dyslexic” they now proclaimed. But the story did not end in immediate jubilance.  One neuropsychologist energetically exclaimed that “Andrew will not succeed in the regular system as his case is too severe”. Another added in that familiar, all-knowing tone: “There are options for him, but just not in a regular classroom”. It appeared that I was now labelled, and left floundering in an educational system that prided itself on building a world in which <students come first>. Evaluations were easy, finding help was the obstacle that the school system did not provide. My parents were left with the burden of taking my education forward not only financially, but fighting a system that was not there to help me constructively. I was not alone. In fact, 25% of students shared my language difficulty with me, and they, as well, were unattended to in equal fashion.
I felt that I could not learn. I understood everything, but could not express it on paper, nor read it easily in text form. I felt judged, left aside, but several people around me coached me to success. Learning in a school scared me. My ears and mind were willing, but I lacked the skills necessary to advance.
Help finally came. I learned all my sounds in Reading and was taught how to write. Dyslexia is not curable but it is treatable. Despite the condemning words of my Elementary School Director that I would go no further, I did and I will continue to do so. Granted, this is not an easy struggle, however, dyslexics can learn and prosper. Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Hans Christen Anderson, Agatha Christie, Tom Cruise, Anderson Cooper, Steven Hawkins, Richard Branson and Albert Einstein were all dyslexic and led the world in their respective professions.
My journey is not complete. I must make a greater effort than many to succeed. I am lucky as I  received help, and only 2% of Dyslexics find themselves with assistance. No, I am not dumb nor I am lazy. Things are just a bit more difficult for me. Yes, I can now read and write. Yes, it is not always easy. Yes, the school system failed me. Yes, I can learn and yes, I will achieve. As Steven Spielberg noted: <It is more common than you can imagine. You are not alone. And while you will have this the rest of your life, you dart between the raindrops to get where you want to go and it will not hold you back”.
By Andrew Anania

READY TO BE TAUGHT (by Claude's first client for tutoring)

November 20, 2022
My mind was like a thick fog
For others everything seemed easy
The problem became the subject of many 
dialogues. My reading and writing appeared sleepy.

They said at first, age would fix it.
Then they claimed the case was hopeless.
I became a labeled child.
Somewhat of a misfit.
A tornado ran through me, and I was helpless.

Eventually, treatment came, and I could read.
I began to feel alive and anything I could be.
A regular Einstein perhaps not.
But confident and determined, ready to be taught.

by Andrew Anania

Mon esprit était comme un épais brouillard
Pour d'autres tout semblait facile
Le problème a fait l'objet de nombreux
dialogues. Ma lecture et mon écriture semblaient somnolentes.
Ils ont dit au début que l'âge réglerait le problème.
Ensuite, ils ont affirmé que le cas était sans espoir.
Je suis devenu un enfant étiqueté.
Un peu inadapté.
Une tornade m'a traversé et j'étais impuissant.

Finalement, le traitement est arrivé et j'ai pu lire.
J'ai commencé à me sentir vivant et tout ce que je pouvais être.
Un Einstein ordinaire peut-être pas.
Mais confiant et déterminé, prêt à être enseigné.
par Andrew Anania

From cousin (via Scott) Peggy

November 20, 2022
The first time I saw Claude it was the memorial for Scott' father Bill in a little which church in Maine. Hands down, the most beautiful human being I had ever seen. From then on, I got to know his inner beauty. Perfect match. Unbounded enthusiasm and love for travel and new things. In Toronto when I saw his reaction when a neighbour child was carrying a plate of food lopsidedly out to the deck, he was Mr. Clam where I would have panicked. He just suggested that the child hold the plate a little more straight. It worked magically. From that moment I knew his talents for understanding children were mganificant. He was, with Scott, the perfet dad for Augustin. I learned even from the short times spend around you Claude, that a very special person you were. Claude, I miss and love you! You were brave to the end.

Cuz (through Scott) Peggy in Portland, Or

My dearest Claude

November 19, 2022
     Your last words to me were "much love". I look back at our lives and wonder why it was so hard for us to say what we really wanted to say to each other.  It all seems so silly now.  Losing you is the hardest thing I've been through yet in my life.  I always imagined us growing old together, laughing together, spending more time together. I still wake up and think "I have to call Claude".  You knew me -- you saw me.  I wish we had more time together.
     You used to ask me why I would tell the stories I did about our antics growing up.  What you didn't understand is that these were fond memories, pivotal moments in my life, and all true. You made everything an adventure.  It was always chaos, and never dull.  If we had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a single thing. 
     I love you, I miss you.  There will never be a day that goes by that I don't think about you.  You were my partner-in-crime, irreverent to the end.  We shared a passion for reading.  You tried to teach me to embrace life...the unknown...the things that terrify me most.
     I don't know that I'll ever meet anyone like you.  I won't forget what I've lost. Someday, I hope to smile more about the memories than cry.  
     Now, be at from pain.  I will watch out for your family as I promised I would. I will honour your memory by being true to myself, standing up for what I believe in, and embracing life.  And I will do whatever I can to make sure that your memory is never diminished, knowing that time tends to do just that.
   We will meet again. We have to.  Anything short of this is just too hard to contemplate.
I love you forever.  
    xoxoxo Your sister, Erin

My cousin, Claude

November 19, 2022
I spent several childhood summers with my dear cousin, Claude. Even as an adolescent and teenager, Claude was the accomplished teacher and coach. We (Erin, Joe, myself) spent many a summer day being coached by Claude in the backyard swimming pool on Alexander Blvd in Windsor. He was a great motivator and also an instigator, and he constantly pitted us against each other in friendly competition. He allowed us to push our physical and mental limits in a fun, safe environment. Years later, because of Claude, I even bought a house with a backyard swimming pool!

     Claude was a practical joker. He loved to set up little schemes and stand back and watch them unfold. I remember attending a wedding when he replaced mints at the table with Polident tablets. He laughed and laughed as people popped the “candies” in their mouths and then scrambled to remove them without detection. Thank God Youtube had not yet been invented. Claude would have taken full advantage!

    As an adult, Claude continued to motivate and to inspire not only his students, but all of us who watched from the sidelines. Through sickness and in health, he maintained his positive outlook on life, and unfailingly put others needs ahead of his own. He was always grateful - grateful for his family, for his life, and for anyone and everything that came his way. He never let health issues prevent him from being an adventurer, a great teacher, a loving father, partner, and sibling, and a wonderful friend. 

    Sleep well my dear cousin. You will continue to inspire me. 

With lots of love and admiration,

“What was once enjoyed and deeply loved, we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”      Helen Keller

A mon pere Claude Picard

November 18, 2022
Depuis l'age de deux ans, tu m'as montre comment que la vie peut etre si belle et si amusant quand tu oublie les problemes de tout les jours. J'ai compris ce message quand tu recevais des mauvaises nouvelles.


Since the age of two, you have shown me how life can be so beautiful and so fun when you forget about everyday problems. I understood this message when you received bad news.

To Claude my friend and companion for 38 wonderful years

November 18, 2022
Claude was the closest thing to a Renaissance man I have ever met: his talents ranged from an Ontario swimming champion in High School to an animal rights advocate; from a lawyer to a teacher to vice-principal to a principal to an outstanding tutor who had the ability to connect with each student on their terms. Claude had a razer sharp intellect, read everything and kept up with politics and the latest songs. He always looked for the joy in the activity at hand, and knew that making things fun in the learning experience made learning a joy. Claude not only loved to travel and explore the world but loved languages: in fact I met him learning Italian in Perugia, Italy, back in 1984. He went on to learn Spanish in Spain and later Guatemala and could speak French, English, Spanish and Italian fluently and with passion, and not just for the language, but for the culture, cuisine, art and films each culture produced. Claude also felt the pain in the world and wanted to reach out: he rescued a dog to be put down at the ESPA in Windsor, ON, as a teenager (Thumper!) and later adopted an abandoned boy from Haiti in 2006. Augustin arrived at only 2 years old and soon became the joy of our lives and has made life full and rich with so many experiences we would have otherwise never known. Claude also sponsored two Haitian students and paid for their entire education. When visiting Ecuador recently Claude volunteered to walk abandoned dogs and when the shelter ran out of funds to feed them he stepped in to help. Claude had a deep sense of sympathy for all living things and insight into the world that would keep us talking until late at night. He could connect with some and make them laugh like no one else. He had boundless energy despite physical challenges that held him back; but that did not stop him, not for one moment. He kept plowing forward and embracing life and all he could find in it. He was deeply passionate about Montéal and the Québec culture and history but he also loved all his family in Windsor, ON, and beyond and I always enjoyed getting the tour of his childhood memories there each time we visited which gave me a smile and touched my heart. Augustin and I know we have a wonderful extended family there in Windsor and there is no better feeling in the world. Cousin Lori in particular was fortunate to be able to donate a kidney back in 2009 when he need a transplant: that gift of life gave Claude an additional 13 years, 13 years that he embraced to the fullest and in fact I would say they were the best years of his life: he found is true love in tutoring children with learning difficulties. I will always miss you my friend, forever, until the end of all time. You were a bright light, and that light will always shine ahead of me and show me and Augustin the way forward.


en français
Claude était ce qui se rapprochait le plus d'un homme de la Renaissance que j'aie jamais rencontré : ses talents allaient d'un champion de natation de l'Ontario à l'école secondaire à un défenseur des droits des animaux ; d'un avocat à un enseignant à un directeur adjoint à un directeur à un tuteur exceptionnel qui avait la capacité de se connecter avec chaque élève à leurs conditions. Claude avait un intellect aiguisé, lisait tout et suivait la politique et les dernières chansons. Il a toujours recherché la joie dans l'activité à accomplir et savait que rendre les choses amusantes dans l'expérience d'apprentissage faisait de l'apprentissage une joie. Claude aimait non seulement voyager et explorer le monde, mais aussi les langues : en fait, je l'ai rencontré en train d'apprendre l'italien à Pérouse, en Italie, en 1984. Il a ensuite appris l'espagnol en Espagne et plus tard au Guatemala et pouvait parler français, anglais, espagnol et Italien couramment et avec passion, et pas seulement pour la langue, mais pour la culture, la cuisine, l'art et les films produits par chaque culture. Claude a également ressenti la douleur dans le monde et a voulu tendre la main : il a sauvé un chien à abattre à l'ESPA de Windsor, en Ontario, à l'adolescence (Thumper !) et a ensuite adopté un garçon abandonné d'Haïti en 2006. Augustin est arrivé à seulement 2 ans et est rapidement devenu la joie de nos vies et a rendu la vie pleine et riche avec tant d'expériences que nous n'aurions jamais connues autrement. Claude a également parrainé deux étudiants haïtiens et a payé toute leur scolarité. Lors d'une récente visite en Équateur, Claude s'est porté volontaire pour promener des chiens abandonnés et lorsque le refuge a manqué de fonds pour les nourrir, il est intervenu pour aider. Claude avait un profond sentiment de sympathie pour tous les êtres vivants et une vision du monde qui nous faisait parler jusque tard dans la nuit. Il pouvait se connecter avec certains et les faire rire comme personne d'autre. Il avait une énergie illimitée malgré les défis physiques qui le retenaient; mais cela ne l'a pas arrêté, pas un instant. Il a continué à avancer et à embrasser la vie et tout ce qu'il pouvait y trouver. Il était profondément passionné par Montréal et la culture et l'histoire du Québec, mais il aimait aussi toute sa famille à Windsor, en Ontario, et au-delà et j'ai toujours aimé faire le tour de ses souvenirs d'enfance à chaque fois que nous l'avons visité, ce qui m'a fait sourire et m'a touché. cœur. Augustin et moi savons que nous avons une merveilleuse famille élargie là-bas à Windsor et il n'y a pas de meilleur sentiment au monde. Le cousin Lori en particulier a eu la chance de pouvoir faire don d'un rein en 2009 lorsqu'il a eu besoin d'une greffe : ce don de la vie a donné à Claude 13 années supplémentaires, 13 années qu'il a embrassées au maximum et en fait, je dirais qu'elles furent les meilleures années de sa vie : il a trouvé son véritable amour dans le tutorat d'enfants ayant des difficultés d'apprentissage. Tu me manqueras toujours mon ami, pour toujours, jusqu'à la fin des temps. Tu étais une lumière brillante, et cette lumière brillera toujours devant moi et me montrera, à moi et à Augustin, la voie à suivre.

en español
Claude era lo más parecido a un hombre del Renacimiento que he conocido: sus talentos iban desde un campeón de natación de Ontario en la escuela secundaria hasta un defensor de los derechos de los animales; desde un abogado hasta un maestro, desde un subdirector hasta un director y un destacado tutor que tenía la capacidad de conectarse con cada estudiante en sus términos. Claude tenía un intelecto muy agudo, leía todo y se mantenía al día con la política y las últimas canciones. Siempre buscó la alegría en la actividad que tenía entre manos y sabía que hacer que las cosas fueran divertidas en la experiencia de aprendizaje hacía que aprender fuera una alegría. A Claude no solo le encantaba viajar y explorar el mundo, sino que le encantaban los idiomas; de hecho, lo conocí aprendiendo italiano en Perugia, Italia, allá por 1984. Continuó aprendiendo español en España y luego en Guatemala y podía hablar francés, inglés, español y Italiano con fluidez y pasión, y no solo por el idioma, sino por la cultura, la cocina, el arte y las películas que produjo cada cultura. Claude también sintió el dolor en el mundo y quería ayudar: rescató a un perro para sacrificarlo en ESPA en Windsor, ON, cuando era adolescente (¡Thumper!) y luego adoptó a un niño abandonado de Haití en 2006. Augustin llegó con solo 2 años y pronto se convirtió en la alegría de nuestras vidas y ha hecho que la vida sea plena y rica con tantas experiencias que de otro modo nunca hubiéramos conocido. Claude también patrocinó a dos estudiantes haitianos y pagó toda su educación. Cuando visitó Ecuador recientemente, Claude se ofreció como voluntario para pasear perros abandonados y cuando el refugio se quedó sin fondos para alimentarlos, intervino para ayudar. Claude tenía un profundo sentido de simpatía por todos los seres vivos y una visión del mundo que nos mantenía hablando hasta altas horas de la noche. Podía conectar con algunos y hacerlos reír como nadie. Siempre te extrañaré mi amigo, por siempre, hasta el final de todos los tiempos. Fuiste una luz brillante, y esa luz siempre brillará delante de mí y nos mostrará a mí y a Augustin el camino a seguir.


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