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September 24, 2023
September 24, 2023
Happy heavenly Birthday Cody. I still love and miss you as much as ever. You're in my thoughts each and every day, I wish you were here so I could give you a BIG hug and kiss for your special day. As long as Haley and I are alive, you will never be forgotten. You were so very special to lots of people and you're still in my heart each and every day. I wish I could have one more conversation with you as I never got to say goodbye and that hurts so much. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU ALL THE TIME. Grandma ❤️❤️
September 24, 2022
September 24, 2022
Happy Heavenly birthday Cody, you are loved and missed more than you would ever have thought possible. You will be in my heart forever. No one could have had a better Grandson. I will love and miss you till I can join you. I love you, Grandma
February 8, 2022
February 8, 2022
Hi Cody, have been thinking of you so much and saw that Haley had written to you & knew that's what I needed to do as well. The missing you never gets easier, I love you so much and you are always in my heart. Have fun in Heaven, but know you are missed something fierce here on earth Love & miss you forever, Grandma ❤

February 7, 2022
February 7, 2022
Hi Bubba I know it's been a little bit since I've talked to you but I think about you everyday and wish I could get just one more of your warm hug Miss you always until we meet again Love Your sister Haley
October 20, 2021
October 20, 2021
My dear Cody, here we are at 5 years of missing you and it never gets any better
I love and miss you so much and everyone else does too. You were so very special
Handsome, kind, loving and funny
You will forever be in my heart. Love & miss you forever, Gtandma❤
September 24, 2021
September 24, 2021
Happy 23rd birthday in Heaven Cody
We still love and miss you every day
The pain of losing you never goes away. You were such an amazing guy and everyone loved you, but no one more than me
Sometimes I sit and wonder if you would still be in the Air Force, if you would be married, if you would have kids, etc
Just wishful thoughts. Again baby, YOU ARE LOVED AND MISSED, I love you, Grandma.
October 27, 2020
October 27, 2020
Dear Cody, I know I am way late, but wanted to wish you a happy belated heavenly birthday. You are still always in my heart. I miss you so very much and love you more. I know you are enjoying heaven and all the folks you know there, so fly high baby. I will always love and miss you. Da Grandma
September 24, 2020
September 24, 2020
Dear Cody, today you would’ve turned 22 years old. Four years has gone by and it seems like it’s been six months in my head. I still think I’m gonna wake up in the dream will be over , But I know it’s not a dream. It doesn’t get any easier the more time passes by. I wanna wish you a happy birthday, I know you’re partying hard and having a blast in heaven, we all miss you down here so much more than you could ever imagine. I love you and miss you so much
Love MOM
October 21, 2019
October 21, 2019
Dear Cody, I know that you got my message on Sunday, but this is important too, so just want you to know that you are loved & missed by so many people. I wish Forever Missed could spell your middle name correctly, but they won't do it with April correcting it. It upsets so many people when they see Neil spelled wrong. I wish that was the only thing to worry about. You are forever in my heart.  If my love could have saved you, you would not have died. I know you're in Heaven and we will be together again one day. When I get there, we will fly all over heaven. In the meanwhile, just know that you are loved and missed so very much. I love you Grandma
December 22, 2018
December 22, 2018
Merry Christmas in heaven baby. Do wish you were here with us or that I could just have one more conversation with you. You were so very special to everyone and you are still so loved by everyone you knew. We all love & miss you and it doesn't get any easier. I will love and miss you till the day I die and then we'll fly high in heaven together. Until then, just know that I LOVE & MISS YOU!!!!! Grandma
October 20, 2018
October 20, 2018
Cody, it's been two years today and it seems like 20. I love & miss you every day. It never gets any easier. I know that you're a beautiful angel and that you're having a blast in Heaven. When I join you, we will fly high all over the place. You did so many wonderful things on this earth and you're loved & missed by more people than you know. Until I see you again, just know. I LOVE & MISS YOU and so do a lot of folks. Fly high baby boy Grandma
September 24, 2018
September 24, 2018
Happy Birthday Cody, thinking of you today. Papa Chuck and Grandma Judy
September 24, 2018
September 24, 2018
Cody Neil Lax, Happy 20th birthday in Heaven baby. We all love & miss you so much. You are in my heart forever. You had it all baby, good looks, a wonderful personality, you were smart and so very sweet. Your smile could make anyone's day, but I guess God wanted you back for a special reason, so fly high in Heaven until I join you again and just know how much you are loved and missed, it doesn't get any easier. I LOVE & MISS YOU BABY. Grandma
July 6, 2018
July 6, 2018
My dear Cody, just to let you know that I'm thinking of you so much this week. We missed you at the 4th of July dinner and Chelsea & Josh did the fireworks afterward. You are loved and missed so very much by everyone who knew you. I wish I could have been there for you so that you would still be with us, but want you to know, you will never be forgotten. I love you as much as I ever did and miss you more. Fly high in Heaven, baby boy until I join you. I LOVE YOU FOREVER!!! Grandma
November 6, 2017
November 6, 2017
This tribute is for Cody Neil Lax. I can't seem to get anyone to change the spelling of his middle name and it bothers me but not as much as losing him. This was one of the sweetest and best kids to ever walk this earth and he is loved and missed more every day. I love you so very much Cody and always will. Grandma
November 3, 2017
November 3, 2017
Cody, you are still in my heart and I miss you more every day. If this is supposed to get easier and I am only supposed to remember the good times, I wish someone would let my heart know that. We visited with you on the date of your death and people had left so many things for you. I am glad you are remembered but I miss you so very much. No one will ever take your place in my heart. I will love & miss you forever. Rest in Heaven, Baby and fly high. I love you!!!! Grandma
September 25, 2017
September 25, 2017
Happy Birthday Cody, I'm a day late but you were in my thoughts and prayers all day yesterday. You will never know how much you are loved and missed. It was a sad day for everyone. I know people say it will be easier, but it hasn't so far. They also say, we will soon only remember the good times, but that hasn't come yet either. You were such an amazing young man, and you had it all talent, good looks, personality, the whole nine yards. I will forever love and miss you. I love you so very much, hope you had a good day in heaven. Grandma
September 24, 2017
September 24, 2017
Happy heavenly birthday I miss you babyboy. Till the day I see you again fly high ❤
June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017
Cody, you had such talent and character that you would have gone far in life. We are all so sad that it was cut short. We'll think of the fun times we had and try not to think of the sad ones. We miss you, Cody.
Papa Chuck and Grandma Judy
June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017
Cody, you will never know how much you are loved & missed by everyone who knew you. You were a special treasure and you were really going places in life. I wish I could have taken your pain and made it my own. You will forever be in my heart and I will love and miss you forever. Give Uncle Leverne my love and know that I LOVE YOU!!!
June 7, 2017
June 7, 2017
I will always cherish the memories I have of you and you will forever be loved not only by me but by the many people whose lives you've touched. Till the day I can see you again I love you Cody
June 7, 2017
June 7, 2017
You may have only been my Step Son, but I Always have &Always will Love You as my own! I Miss You everyday. We talk about you all the time. Your memory will live with us all FOREVER! I Love You!
June 7, 2017
June 7, 2017
I didn't know Cody well but I know he was loved by many, especially his mom, my dear friend, April Molnar. I love you, April, and I know you miss your first baby. His memory lives in all of our hearts and minds. God bless you and your family, April. Love, Jennifer
June 6, 2017
June 6, 2017
I will always love and think of you everyday !! You will always be my first born and my first love , Love MOM

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