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July 27
July 27
Hello dad well I can't believe its been 10 years already,only seems like yesterday when u was took from us. I miss u everyday and so wish u was here wiv us celebrating everything but I know u are watching down on us. Love u and miss u so so much all over the sky moon and universe. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
August 2, 2023
August 2, 2023
Sorry I’ve not been up to see you, the 26th was such a blur, a lot has happened and we need you more than ever to be our guardian angel! You would be heartbroken to see what’s going on right now! Please look over us all ! Miss you beyond words and I’ll love you forever xxxxxx
August 2, 2023
August 2, 2023
Colin its been 9 long years without you, how I have missed you to, what I'd give to have you hear with us , love you always ❤ xxxx
July 27, 2023
July 27, 2023
Hello dad I can't believe its been 9 years it still seems like yesterday,it still don't feel like ur not here. Wish u was here with us seeing all of our children growing up,and to give us the adults a hug when we're having a crap time with things. Love you so so much and miss you loads and loads.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
December 31, 2022
December 31, 2022
Hello colin, well another year has nearly passed, it's new years eve, going over to Laura's for the evening . Happy heavenly new year colin, I miss you so much, and has been so hard this year with trying to sell the house, I've finally sold it, and am moving into a smaller house as this is to big for just me skye and coco and to much to clean, where as the new house is smaller and will be easier for me to manage, I hope you like it, it will be nice and cosy I shall miss our house with all the memories in it and will be so hard leaving it but I know it's for the best, I'm sending you a huge kiss and hug and I will always love you lots of love ❤ jeanette xxxxxc
October 15, 2022
October 15, 2022
Happy birthday Dad , miss you tons and love you always xxxxxx
October 15, 2022
October 15, 2022
Happy 66th birthday Colin, I miss you so much, I will be coming to see you today and to leave some roses, can't believe it's 8 years already it only seems like yesterday you was taken from us. I ll love you always and forever until we meet again, I'm going to church tomorrow so can you give me a message could really do with it, godbless love you xxxxx❤
July 26, 2022
July 26, 2022
Hello dad sorry I have not been in here for a while I have literally been super busy. But there's never a day that goes by that I don't wish you was still here with us. Cant believe its been 8 years seems just like yesterday that I said goodbye and gave you a kiss and said see you tomorrow for pipers birthday where you and mum was coming round. Then get a phone call gone 3am to be told you were taken from us. Its not fair you should not of been taken from us too early. Wish you was here to experience everything with us. I live u so so much always n forever all over the sky and moon.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
July 26, 2022
July 26, 2022
Colin its been 8 long years since I lost you, doesn't seem possible as it only seems like yesterday, I've missed you every single day, and could do with one of your cuddles as I miss that so much, piper had a lovely birthday today, and she had a party bless her so we all went to that, it was lovely, the girls got me lovely presents today for my birthday also, and it's hard to celebrate it without you by my side, i love you colin with all my heart sleep tight god bless xxxxxxx
October 16, 2021
October 16, 2021
Well Colin another year gone by and you're missed just as much, you would be extremely proud of what Netty has achieved, she will always give it a try and most times gets it done, well you can have an extra double scoop on me, happy birthday and hope your having a knees up with all your friends and family
October 15, 2021
October 15, 2021
Happy birthday Colin, you would of been 65 years old today, I wish I could tell you in person hiw much I loved you and miss you, my lifes so sad without you in it, I put on a brave face to everyone, but deep down it hurts so much its just not fair. I hope your celebrating with everyone up in heaven today, we're all going for a meal tonight for your birthday, to celebrate your day, just sad that you won't be with us all, I love you colin with all my heart, God bless ❤ xxxxxxxxx
July 27, 2021
July 27, 2021
Ello col, sorry I've not written in a while, well its been 7 years now, where has the time gone, and I don't know how I've carried on without you, if it wasn't for the girls and our grandkids i couldn't of carried on, as life has been quite hard sometimes without you here. We have a new granddaughter called octavia she was born just over 3 weeks ago, she is beautiful to another that would of snuggled on your lap and you fall asleep to as you always did. I've been trying to do bits in the garden been very hard work to Dan's been helping me to, now got to build a new pond that's gonna take forever to do but I will get there, try and come through when I go church again as I so much would like a message from you. Well I must go now god bless love you always and forever xxx❤
July 27, 2021
July 27, 2021
Ello dad sorry I haven't wrote in here for a while I have had alot on recently which I'm sure ur watching. I do miss u every day and so does dan,we miss hearing u sing and just your voice in general,you would be proud of dan he is helping mum out loads with bits around the house or the garden bless him,he misses u. Will write again soon ok I won't forget love u always n forever.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
July 27, 2021
July 27, 2021
Ello sad can't believe its been 7 years still feels like yesterday,j miss u so much and so wish u was here to see my 3 children and share occasions with us. I know u are here in spirit but I would rather u was here in person. I hope I'm continuing to make u proud and dan says his hello too n he misses u too. Love u n miss u so so much always n forever all over the sky and moon.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
March 27, 2021
March 27, 2021
Ello colin sorry it's been a while since I wrote to you, I miss you so much colin, what I would give to see you again and have one of your hugs, it's going to be 7 years in July since we lost you, and you left a gaping hole in my heart, its not the same anymore without you by my side, I will love you always colin ,sleep tight god bless xxxxxxx
November 27, 2020
November 27, 2020
Colin theres not a day that goes by that I dont think of you, what I would give for one of your cuddles or even to just hear your voice again. I cant believe its 6 years since you left us sometimes it feels like yesterday and all the pain comes flooding back to that dreadful day, that was the worst day of my life being told you had gone. I'm sorry I wasnt there when you passed, I arrived at the hospital and you had already gone and I wasnt there, i beat myself up all the time because of that I'm sorry, I loved you with all my heart colin and miss you so much. Love you always and forever jeanette xxxxx
October 15, 2020
October 15, 2020
Happy birthday Dad, hope you are happy wherever you are, I’m hoping you are looking over us all, and keeping us all safe! There is so much you are missing out on, but I’m sure you are around, and you are aware! Miss you tons and love you millions xxxxxx
June 11, 2020
June 11, 2020
Ello Dad
I have been thinking about you a lot today, and remembering lots of happy memories! Listening to some of your favourite music, remembering your singing and singing your favourite songs! I think About you every single day, but today more than normal! I have been having dreams with our family in, and I remembered feeling shocked and happy to see you in my dream, but then remembering it isn’t real! I love you with so much , and the pain hurts just as much now as it did then ! Love and miss you always ❤️xxxxxx
June 11, 2020
June 11, 2020
Hello colin, sorry I've not left a message in a while, I so miss you, I'm so in desperate need of a hug right now, I have so many dreams of you and they seem so real then I wake have a cry and realise your not here. I do sense you around the house also which is nice. I've got the house up for sale to hope it's ok, but it's to much to keep it running on my own now,and I am going for our bungalow in which we was gonna do, but it is gonna be so hard as there's lots of memories here I know I'm doing the right thing but it's not easy. Say hello to mum for me and your mum and dad to, I love you with all my heart colin and speak again soon love you always and forever xxxxxxxxxxx
May 10, 2020
May 10, 2020
Hiya dad I miss you so much,I had a dream you was giving me one of your big hugs and I woke up crying because I forgot that you wasn't here with us. I thought I could go round mum's and have a hug but I can't. I really really wish you was here I need one of your hugs now. Love you so so much.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
October 15, 2019
October 15, 2019
Hello dad happy birthday for today hope ur having a nice drink up there with your mum n nan. Miss u everyday and wish u was still here and wish u cud enjoy everything with us. Mum misses you loads but me,Dan, piper, renesmae r keeping mum occupied by going into town with her and having her over for dinner n going bingo we had a nice Chinese tonight with mum n got flowers too to celebrate you today. Love u so much always n forever. Xxxxxxxx
July 28, 2019
July 28, 2019
Well another year gone bye Colin, and you are missed just as much now as when you left, i know you are watching over all your girls, you would be so proud of all of them, especially Netty with all the projects she has achieved.
Rest in piece my friend and as usual 2 scoops for you.
June 10, 2019
June 10, 2019
Hello colin, sorry I've not left a message for you, it's been a very tough time this year, what with losing you and now ive lost mum to, its a year tomorrow since I lost her, so it's double hard now. Losing you was so hard as I am so lost without you, there s been so many times when I think I can't carry on anymore without you, but I know I have to for our girls and our grandchildren also. But I am just so tired all the time, and now I've lost mum to, and feels like my world's falling apart, i so wish you was here to share everything with you, but who do I have. I've also put the house up for sale now to as that's what we was gonna do but didn't get round to it, so now I have, I know it's gonna be so hard and scary on my own, I've had a few tears about it to the thought of it. I have skye and coco they keep me company, skye our husky has been my rock bless her she is so beautiful such a good girl, you would love how she's turned out she's so good with the kids to. I will leave another message next month as Its the anniversary of when I lost you to, I love and miss you always colin, Love you god bless xxxx
October 15, 2018
October 15, 2018
Happy 62nd birthday dad,i hope your having a good drink with everyone up there. I miss you so so much everyday and still cant believe you are not here,i hope i am making you proud by everything im doing. Dan and the kids say hello and they miss you so so much,wish you could bw here with us to celebrate occasions with us. Still feels like it was yesterday that you was taken from us and its not fair you had some many more years left. Love you so so much always and forever all over the stars,moon,universe and back.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
October 14, 2018
October 14, 2018
Today is your 62nd birthday, I so wish you was here so we could celebrate it together. I miss you so much and could do with a cuddle right now. I just can't get my head around the fact that I'm never going to see you again, that hurts like mad, I so need you. I miss your voice your love and tenderness that you gave me. Have a lovely birthday, love and miss you always . God bless Jeanette .love you xxxxxxxxx
July 27, 2018
July 27, 2018
So yesterday it was 4 years since you left us! It feels like it has been a life time since I have seen your face, but then again feels like only yesterday! The pain in my heart is unreal, it hurts just as much today, as it did 4 years ago! I think of you everyday, and how I wish I could have one of you ‘everything will be ok’ hugs ! Miss you millions , love you always xxxxxx
April 4, 2018
April 4, 2018
Ello colin, sorry I've not left a message for a while, I love and miss you so much, been having a tough time lately, one thing after another, some days it's hard to cope with it all. Now.mum's very poorly to, so a lot of the times took up with caring for her, I am just so tired now, I feel very worn out all the time, I juse don't get no time to do anything at the minute. I've been decorating the hallway but even that's on hold again cos of caringfor mum but I will get there eventually. I've been in need of a desperate cuddle but know that's impossible now, but just so wish it could happen, I do miss you so so much. Your brother Leslie came to see me the other day, not seen him since your funeral so was nice to see him, I see Peter and lesley and the kids quite often in which is nice, and there grand parents now to they have a little grandson called caleb whom is lovely. Well I've just gone to bed now as I'm so tired, I love you.always and forever god bless love you xxxxxxx
December 22, 2017
December 22, 2017
Ello colin, it's that time of year again, in which I dread as it's not the same anymore,. Been having a very tough time lately, and now I'm not well, I really need you, I'm always calling you but don't know if you can hear me , normally I can sense you when your near but haven't had that lately. I loved you so much and still do not a day goes by without thinking of you, the girls are coping as best they can, but they miss you terribly, renesmae s just.had her first birthday and it's ollie tomorrow his very excited. I'm always talking about you to them as they loved you lots to, give your mum and huge hug from me and your dad look after each other to. I want to wish you a very heavenly Christmas and love and miss you always, love you lots xxx
December 16, 2017
December 16, 2017
Hello dad hope your doing good up there,i hope u r looking down on me n watching wot im doing n r very proud of me. I had a dream about u which u probably already know about n i just wanted it to be real n u was still here so i can have a daddy hug from you. I love u so so much n so wish u was still here i really do cud do wuv one of ur hugs u always n forever.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
October 15, 2017
October 15, 2017
Very happy birthday daddy hope your having a lovely day up there and playing scoop with i cant explain how much i miss you n how much i wish u was still here with us. I still remember like it was yesyerday n still dont feel real. I love u so so much always n forever.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
October 15, 2017
October 15, 2017
Happy Birthday Daddy . There are no words for the pain and ache in my heart each and every day, I love and miss you , more than anyone could understand xxxxxxx<3
July 28, 2017
July 28, 2017
Ello colin, well it's been three long hard years since your passing, it's not any easier either, I just take a day at a time may it be good or bad. Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a loved one in which was a huge shock , it's been so lonely without you, there s been so many times when I think I can't carry on anymore, but then i think of our girls and the grandchildren and I then know I have to carry on as best I can, I'm not perfect but I am trying as hard as I can to try and hold the family together. I'm hoping to go to sue and Anthony s for a couple of weeks in which I know you would say go, I feel I need the break to as been getting quite down, and am very tired and stressed. I will speakto you again soon, I do speak to you at home and every night I go to bed I hope you can hear me calling your name, I love you with all my heart nun night god bless love you always xxx
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
hello dad, I cant believe its been three years since you left us suddenly and unexpectedly, I remember like it was yesterday and remember every single thing about that day,the phone call,coming down to see you,hugging you,screaming and crying. its not fair that you was taken from us so soon it wasn't your time. I wish you was still here to watch renesmae and piper grow up and to see how they have grown up to be such lovely,caring,clever,funny children. miss you so much it still don't feel real,still feels like I'm going to go home and see you in the dining room or frontroom. I feel lost and feels different when were at home because you are not there but I know you are there in spirit,me and dan are looking after mum for you and making sure she is ok,i hope you are proud of everything ive done and doing. love you so so much always and forever.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
Hears 2 scoops for you Colin, you left a great big hole when you left and you are missed daily.
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
I can't believe it has been 3 years already. The boys still ask about you every time we visit. You will always be missed. Xxxx
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
3years today, I still remember that day like it was yesterday, the phone call , everything, the gut wrenching feeling I had, the feeling I couldn't breathe. It's still as hard today as ever, you have left such a huge hole in my life , they will never be filled. Everything has changed, and I am now staring to realise it will never be the same again! I hope you are looking over us, and watching Ollie grow, you would absolutely adore him, he is so funny, witty and loving. I miss you everyday , and I will love you always xxxxxx❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
Wow can't belive it's 3 years already hope your up there with nanny and grandad having a cuppa love ya
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
Hello dad how u doing?I miss u so so much and wish I cud just av a big hug from u right now,I've ad some hard times and hope that I've done u proud by sticking to my guns like u taught me too. Renesmae is getting big n heavy bless her,lovely big blue eyes just like Piper has,it wud of been so great if u was still here to give her a big hug from her grandad,u wud love her she's so funny the things she does.piper is getting bigger n older n so clever just like u n Dan,u only av to show her or tell her something n she picks it up n can do it,she's like a sponge that absorbs all information little brain box she I know u love me,piper,renesmae anyway n love Dan too,Dan misses u and he hopes he is doing u proud by looking after us three and taking care of us. Time just flies and it seems just like yesterday when I hear a song of urs come on,I remember everything from that day and just really wish I was dreaming and u hadn't gone and u was at home wiv mum n I wud see u tomorrow when I come round. Feels strange without u here,n people think they can be better than u but no one can ever be like u ur the best daddy ever,ur one of a kind there's only one of u nobody can be like u ur unique. Gotta go now but I will message u again soon love n miss u dad everyday loads n loads love u so so much always n forever all over the sky,planets,universe.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
Hello col, so much has happened so far this year , mainly mum not being well and breaking her arm and now needs an op . Thank you for the lovely message that came threw to Peter s lesley, such a lovely message from you, yes it upset me but not in a horrible way though, as I miss you so much, it's not easy living without you, and wish you was still here with me as I've needed you so much with all the stuff that's been going on , I passed on the message to Sophie to, she got so upset to but reassured her bless her . Little renesmae is getting big you would love her, all the grandchildren are growing up so fast it's scary, ellie starts secondary school this September, she s had a hard time bless her, lainey s 5 going on 15 lol, ollie has turned to be a very loving little boy I speak to him about you as I do all of them, they miss you to there lovely grandad bless em. Well got lots to do I like to keep busy otherwise I sit and broad to much love you always and forever jeanethe xxxxxx
January 5, 2017
January 5, 2017
Hello dad hows it going? I miss you so much everyday,im sorry ive not been up to see you loads lately please don't feel I have forgotten about you because I haven't,ive been struggling abit lately so cudnt afford to drive up to you I did want too. the latest news is ive had another baby girl who we called renesmae meadow waddingham, she is beautiful and I know you would of been watching down on us all that day.mum came in too n saw her being born n held her first so it was a special time for mum which was nice. we did say we wanted to have another baby hopefully a boy then we can call him wyatt colin waddngham after you which wud be lovely but were not too sure at the minute because I keep having things wrong with me during the pregnancies. if the pregnancy went plain sailing then yes I wud love to have another one, it was a busy Christmas at mums with everyone there,mum seemed abit better this time but it wasn't till I spoke to mum that she said she wasn't she just hid it very well like what you used to say,its because she misses you very deeply every day,she just needs a hug from you and just to speak to you again. me and dan miss you every day and so wish I could have one of your big hugs and for you to say everything is ok and will be ok. me,dan,piper,renesmae love you and miss you so so much always n forever all over the stars,planets, I LOVE YOU.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
January 4, 2017
January 4, 2017
A lot has happened since I last posted a message, I honoured one of the things you said, you said it's nice to let your female dog have one litter of puppies, so I did colin, Skye had six puppies but sadly the last one born had died, it was very heartbreaking to as I tried everything to help it but couldn't bring it back so now it rests with you, I named him shadow, he was beautiful to, just like the rest of them are, I am keeping one puppy and I've named her angel she s lovely and is Skye s double to. Vicky has had another baby and her name is renesmae she is beautiful and healthy , I went in with vicky when she was born as I didn't see piper born, and was the first person to hold her to, you would be so proud, also to have another granddaughter. Christmas has been and gone and was very hard still, I try to put on a brave face and not to show how sad i really am, as I miss you so so much, Sherry Jeff and the boys came for Christmas for a few days, then Sue and Anthony and Kiki came boxing day for a few days so was very busy and noisey but was nice though. I'm going church Sunday if it's on, it would love to hear from you and make sure your ok, i better try and get asleep as it's 2 clock in the morning again, I love and miss you always xxxxxxx
October 15, 2016
October 15, 2016
Hello dad the bestest dad in the world,I'm here to wish you a very happy 60th birthday hope ur having a great day up there u deserve it dad. I said to Dan that we should be having a party for u tonight or a meal to celebrate ur birthday but instead were not actually seeing u were just placing flowers,balloons,cards down and speaking to u by a photo it's not right,u were taken from us way way too soon and would rather speak to u in person n give u a hug in person too.I wud love to just wake up n think it's all a dream n when we go to mums ur gonna be there but ur not n it's weird and strange I don't like it,it will never be the same. I wake up n remember everything from the night before n dat day vividly n wish I was dreaming but it's actually true n I'm really sad bout it everyday,n just think I've got to be there for mum now then go home n get my comfort from Dan. Me,Dan,piper,Ryan,renessmae love u so so much always n forever all over the sky,moon,stars,universe.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
October 15, 2016
October 15, 2016
Happy birthday colin, hope your having a huge party in heaven for your 60th, with your mum and dad and the rest of the family, huge kisses for you and give your mum a kiss from me, I know you struggled when you lost her especially on your birthday bless you. Skye s only got a week or so left to have her puppies, I hope your happy about , I'm sure you would be, make sure your watching when she has them and help me please I love you with all my heart and miss you loads God bless love you always xxx
October 15, 2016
October 15, 2016
So today daddy is your 60th birthday , we should be throwing you a party, or taking you on a special trip to celebrate, Instead all I can do is take a ballon or some flowers to where you rest. How is that fair? You know some days I feel like I'm coping with it all, but then reality hits me like a truck, and I'm back to square one, my heart breaks all over again, I don't see how one organ can take so much! Just one of your favourite songs or something that reminds me of you , takes me back ! Happy Birthday daddy, I hope your having fun up there. I love and miss you all the world and more xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
August 28, 2016
August 28, 2016
A man done good, looked after my Netty, you deserve an extra scoop Colin, rest in peace, never forgotten
August 26, 2016
August 26, 2016
Ello dad I miss you so much,could do with a nice hug n a chat bout everything, mum misses you so much and me and Dan try to do everything we can to help her,hope ur proud of everything were doing and hope your proud of me of what I've been doing. Still can't believe ur not here still feels like your gonna be at home And I will see you when I go to see mum but your not u and miss u loads n loads.Dan,piper,n the baby love u n miss you too.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
August 26, 2016
August 26, 2016
Ello again colin, I've been very busy at home doing the kitchen , I was told by a medium that you have been watching as I do this huge project , I have to keep busy other wise I think to much , but I am tired , it's times like these I need you just to give me a cuddle even , could really do with a cuddle to right now, I loved you so much , it wasn't your time to go I feel cheated , what about our plans we had I can't do them now, cos there s only half of me the other half is you so don't know what to do for the best .love you with all my heart xxxxxxxx
July 27, 2016
July 27, 2016
Another hard day today,I miss you so much colin, can't believe it's two years already, sometimes it only seems like yesterday, I love and miss you every day, god bless love you always xxxx
July 22, 2016
July 22, 2016
Ello again colin, it's gonna be two years in a couple or so days, sometimes it feel like yesterday, and reliving that horrible day, why was you taken from me, I feel alone and cheated, life's so unfair. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to you, your supposed to be here with me, I'd give anything to have one more day with you or even a few minutes, so I could tell you I love you again, but I know that can't happen, I will speak to you in a couple of days, love you always colin xxxxxxx
July 7, 2016
July 7, 2016
Not looking forward to my birthday, as it will two years since I lost you, there s not a day goes by when I think about you, and that dreadful morning I lost you, my life is nothing without you, don't know how I'm carrying on, just doing lots of things in the house to stop me going insane. Noone understand s exactly how I feel apart from mum and my friend chrissy, as she lost her husband to. I miss you so so much and would love one of your cuddles, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you passed, every day I beat myself up cos of not being there, and I should of been, I find it so upsetting to think you was alone when you died, i find that really hard to deal with, and not saying I love you when you went in the ambulance, I didn't know that would be the last time I saw you alive, I thought it was just another bad infection and you would come home in a couple of days, but that didn't happen, my whole world came crashing down that day when I lost you, love you always and forever
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