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Share a special moment from Corinne C. "Punky"'s life.

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March 23, 2013
Corinne was an amazing little girl, she was full of life and always happy, there wasn't a day that went by where she wasn't smiling. I love my cousin so much and always will! She is in my memories and always will be until the day I die, there is a plaque in her old school I remember seeing it wen my aunt and I picked her sister up from school it made me so happy to see that, corinne will always be loved by everyone and I know my family would be happy to see that there is a tribute for her!! Thank you everone for leaving a tribute and especially thank you to lea leigh for opening this tribute page for my little cousin!! I miss you and love you so much punky always and forever in my heart!!! xoxoxoxo

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