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A Great Father

May 11, 2017

He was a good person. He was firm but all dads are. He was my step father but he raised me since I was nine and I am now 21 years old. He was that one person who never let me down. He never got my hopes up because he was always honest with me. He worked til Dawn til dusk to support my mother and all three of her daughters me included. If we needed clothes he would make sure he bought it for us even if it was something we just wanted he would give us the last of his money so we could spend it in treats. Even as we became adults he still was there for us . It affected all of us when he died. I still wish this is all a dream that he will walk in the door and say he was just on a trip. But I know that won't happen and that hurts. I know he can still hear us though and he knows how much we love him and miss him he was an amazing dad and one day I'll be able to tell him that myself.

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